Meant to Love

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Meant to Love Page 9

by Lucy Darling

  “I said get out. Get your ass off of this fucking elevator, Brownie, or whatever the fuck your name is. If I see you again, I’ll get a restraining order.”

  I still don’t open my eyes. I can only imagine the look on her face. If Colden didn’t have a hold on me I’d be booking after how cold and hard his words were. Lucky only purrs in my arm, not a care in the world. Definitely not scared of Colden.

  “I hope you two are happy together. My father will be hearing about this. Let’s see how successful your business is after I tell him.” My eyes open, feeling Colden shift, turning toward her with the angriest look I’ve ever seen someone wear.

  “You don’t want to go there, little girl. I have enough dirt on your family to end your father’s career.”

  Brownie’s jaw drops open and I swear she stomps her foot like a child. She must know it’s true. “Get out of the elevator so I can leave. You two deserve each other.”

  Colden doesn’t even turn to look her way. Neither one of us moves.

  “Take the stairs,” Colden says, turning to press the button for the elevator doors to close. Now we stand in silence in an empty elevator. The only sounds are of Lucky purring as my hand continues to stroke her tiny little head. Not sure I’m ready to hear whatever it is he has to tell me next.



  I stand there for a moment. Her tears are shredding my insides. Fucking hell. I thought my little sister Rochelle’s tears could sting me, but my Penny’s are like a knife to my gut, making it hard to breathe. But I do. I let her sweet lavender smell that’s filled the small space of the elevator calm everything I am feeling right now. I’d been in a panic when I went to find her and she was gone.

  “I should go,” she finally says, tilting that chin up in defiance. Tears don’t leak from her eyes anymore but her cheeks are still wet from her previous ones. I’d smile at that defiant look she’s giving me if her words didn’t almost take me to my knees. She isn’t going anywhere. Thank God I found her before she left the building. I would have located her one way or another. I would have ripped this city apart until I did. This only makes things easier. Now that I’ve had her, there is no turning back for me. She is my everything. I wasn’t living life until she walked into it.

  “You’re not going anywhere.” I shift, blocking the buttons to the elevator. “Remember. I don’t give you space anymore. I learned that lesson the hard way. All those days, I stayed away from you to give you room but I’ll never do that again. We aren't leaving this elevator until you tell me why the woman that I spent all night making love to is trying to give me the slip.” I step into her. She takes a step back, slipping into the corner. I place both of my hands on the wall, caging her between them. No, my Penny doesn't like her space. It’s all been an act since she got here. She is afraid of getting hurt. I know she needs this job too. Her pushing me away has all been in fear of me hurting her. I never wanted that but somehow she’s gotten hurt along the way and I’m not leaving this spot until I know how to fix it.

  “Making love.” The soft sweetness of her tone is my undoing. The rest of the anger I had lingering from what my sister had told me, to that women showing up saying shit about my woman, to not being able to find Penny melts away. I don’t want any of my anger near my sweet girl.

  “Yes, Penny.” I rest my forehead onto hers. “Making love. That’s what this is. To me it is at least. You might not love me yet but give me time and I swear you’ll love me. I won’t stop until you do.”

  “But—” She licks her lips, stalling. Something is holding her back from giving me all of her. From letting me love her completely.

  “I don’t care about your mother and whatever crap that chick was saying. Trust me. I know about shitty parents and they have shit to do with who we are.”

  She laughs. Fuck it feels good to hear that sound. I kiss her cheeks, wanting the wetness there to be gone. “You can never remember her name.”

  “Don’t need to know her name.” I keep on kissing her cheeks. I want to trail my kisses down but Lucky is purring up a fit between us and I have to keep it somewhat PG for the little cock blocker.

  She finally gives in a touch, tilting her head back more to look up at me. “I heard you on the phone.” I stare down at her, my eyes go to her mouth. I have no idea what she’s talking about. I should focus but damn her lips part and she licks them again. “Colden.” She smacks my chest.


  “I know that look.” She chastises me because it’s the look that says I want inside of you. “The phone call. I heard what you said.” My eyes flick back to hers. Thoughts of my sister kill all of the dirty thoughts I was just having.

  “Rochelle? Yes, she is coming here. That bastard broke her heart.” I grit my teeth. I should fly out there and murder him. I trusted him. He was my best friend until he’d gone and fucked with my sister. I knew it was going to happen between them but I thought he was gone for her. I’ve known Leo most of my life. He’s been like a brother to me and now he’s gone and hurt my sister. I have a feeling my dad might be in on this shit too.

  “Wait. Rochelle?” I can see Penny search her mind. I think she asked me about her once when she saw a picture of her in my office. I didn't talk much about Rochelle because I felt like an asshole for not being a better brother. I am trying but I could be doing more. I am going to do more. Her phone call reminded me that she still needs me to help her navigate this thing we call life.

  “My sister,” I remind her. Though I think she’s putting that together herself. I’m doing the same as I think about what I’d said on the phone. What my girl could have overheard that sent her running.

  “Oh God.” She closes her eyes tightly for a second. Her free hand that’s not holding Lucky comes up to grip my shirt as she drops her forehead to my chest. “Your sister,” she whispers, I think more to herself. “Wait. Is she okay?” A panicked look takes over her face.

  “She will be. She’s going to come stay with us.” Penny’s mouth forms a cute O shape. I know it’s not because she doesn't want my sister here. She’s worried what my sister will think of her. “At least I think she is. If Leo lets her on the plane.” Her eyebrows furrow together.

  “Isn't he the owner of Ridgeway?”

  “And my best friend.” Or was my best friend. I let out a long sigh. For all I know, I could be about to lose my job because I am either going to punch Leo in the fucking face or welcome him to my family. I’m not sure which.

  “Well, umm—" She shifts around nervously.

  “Say it.” I know there is something she wants to tell me.

  “With everything on your plate I just—”

  “You’re not leaving.” I cut her off. She smiles up at me, shaking her head no.

  “No, I was just going to say that it was making love for me too. So don’t be worrying about all that making me fall in love with you stuff.” She bites her lip as her cheeks turn pink.

  “’Cause you’re already there?” I push. She gives a small shrug before giving a small nod. I lift her and Lucky into my arms, pushing the button to open the elevator and carry them off and back into our home. I kick the door closed behind me before putting her back down onto her feet. I turn to flip the lock. It’s terrible that I think about putting a lock on this side but fuck she scared the shit out of me. I think that I’m about to get an I love you from that sweet mouth of hers. Maybe that will help temper these crazy urges that I’m having of locking her away so that I never have to fear her leaving me.

  When I turn back around she’s standing there watching me. I don’t know where Lucky went off to but I’m thankful because I’m on her before she even knows what’s happening. I lift her into my arms and take her over to the sofa, dropping down with her in my lap straddling me.

  “You’ve changed my life.” I give her the truth. “Every fucking day is the same shit. I work and work and work. It’s all I know and do. Thing is I didn't know how miserable I was until I got a taste o
f what life could be.”

  “I feel that too,” she admits. “I was”—she plays with one of the buttons on my shirt—“am scared.”

  “You have nothing to fear, Penny. If it’s your mom and whatever mess she’s in, I’ll fix it. Get the best lawyer in town. If it’s a roof over your head and security, I’ll give you every dime I have.”

  “I don’t want your money.” She gives me what I think is supposed to be a scolding look but it’s adorable as all hell.

  “You could marry me. What’s mine is yours.” I can see it in her eyes. She wants to say yes. “I love you, Penny. Marry me. Give me life and let me make sure you never worry again.”

  Her eyes start to water. “I love you too, so much.” She lets out a small hiccup. “It’s scary.”

  “Not going anywhere. In fact, I'm trying to think of ways to keep you locked in here with me,” I tease her, even if it’s not a joke.



  The last few days have been a whirlwind. Colden and I now share his place as a couple. Lucky is getting bigger and settling in. There isn’t a moment that I don’t feel loved. I look down to see the beautiful ring that Colden slipped on to my finger when we said our vows. Some may think it was quick but neither one of us wanted to waste any more time. Once I’d said I’d marry him there was no stopping Colden from doing it as quickly as he possibly could.

  I pull myself from our bed, checking on Lucky before I go in search of my husband. Something has to be up if he wasn't in bed with me. I have a feeling I know what that is. His sister. After Leo Ridgeway called Colden in a panic over Rochelle it was obvious to me at least that the man is madly in love with her. Colden is still on the fence about it all. I told him to let things shake out.

  I guarantee that he’s in his office trying to get ahold of her. She hasn't been returning his calls. I get it. I couldn't tell you where my phone is right now if my life depended on it. I have a feeling his sister might be in the same position. I walk until I get to his office and peek in before I say anything. I’m not sure if he’s on a call or not, so I don’t barge in until I check. Colden sits with his head between his hands looking frustrated.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask as I enter. He looks up as I round his desk and sit myself in his lap. His hand reaches up to caress my hair and he kisses me softly.

  “Good morning,” he says, trying to hide the frustration I saw moments ago. I lift my hand to his face and run my fingertips along his jaw.

  “What's wrong?” I repeat.

  “I still can’t get in touch with my sister.”

  “She’s a big girl.” I smirk. “Isn't she about my age?”

  “I’ve been a shitty brother.” He shakes his head.

  “No, you’ve always done what you thought was best.” He told me all about his father bleeding the family trust dry. That he’s been working to rebuild it and has. I don’t think he realizes how much all this has affected him too. He’d locked the rest of the world out, having one goal in mind, but forgetting there is more to life. His eyes are open to that now.

  “We should go there.”

  “Okay.” I start to stand but he pulls me back down into his lap.

  “Okay?” he says.

  “Well, yeah. I’m your personal assistant. I feel as though I should come on such a trip,” I tease, knowing I’m poking him.

  “You’re my wife,” he growls, taking a nip at my neck that makes me giggle.

  “I want to meet my sister.” The idea is actually exciting and scary. I have a family now. A real one. One that is likely growing already with the way Colden and I have been going at it. No talk of protection has been brought up.

  “I had someone check our place and they said her stuff is gone. I have a feeling Leo moved it all to his place.” He shakes his head.

  “Like you moved all of my stuff into your room. Hmm.” I pretend to be thinking. “You and this Leo guy sound a lot alike.”

  “Then he’s madly in love with my sister?” He gives me one of his smiles that always melts my insides.

  “Yeah, I’m thinking that.” I snuggle into him. “He’s your best friend and she’s your sister. You all grew up together?” I confirm.


  “And you didn't see this coming?” I question. She is about my age. It sounds to me like this Leo has been counting down the days until he could have Colden’s sister from the sounds of it.

  “I don’t know. He always looked out for her.” I watch him try and put more pieces together. “He never dated.” More pieces click into place for him. “She’s so young though.”

  I lift my hand, showing off my wedding ring. “About my age,” I remind him again. Glass houses and all.

  He stands with me in his arms. “If he’s like me, he’s come to his senses and is rushing my sister down the aisle.”

  I laugh. “I doubt they are getting married.” I let him carry me into the bedroom. He tosses me onto the bed before pulling out his phone and typing away. I know he’s telling someone to get him a plane.

  “How long do these planes take to get?” I ask as I pull my shirt off. I know we need to pack and should probably shower. I also know that I need to take the edge off my husband right now and this will do it. His eyes drop to my breasts and I smile as I lick my lips.

  He’s on me, tossing his phone away, not bothering to answer. We’ll get to the plane when we get to the plane. I know his sister is fine. She’s likely finding a happily ever after of her own. Those two sound like they are meant to be. Colden and I were meant to love.



  “Colden.” My wife hisses my name in my ear only for me to hear. She is sitting in my lap at one of the round tables at this charity event. I don’t care if it’s proper or not. I donated enough money that no one is going to say shit to my wife. I only showed up because my wife likes to dance and get dressed up from time to time. Having three kids under five at the moment, I can’t blame her. She is normally in yoga pants and a shirt. I’m not going to complain about that either. I want to write a check to whomever invented those. Except when she tries to leave the house in them.

  “Hmm?” I play coy as if I don’t know what the problem is. I don’t know why it is a problem. A man is allowed to touch his wife. Especially when her body is humming with need for it. Well, it is now that I have my hand slipped under her dress with my fingers toying with her panties. “Something wrong, my lovely wife?” I turn my head so my mouth can brush hers. I know people are staring. You’d think by now everyone would be used to my PDA with my wife. I guess I’d lived up to my Cold name for too long. It is hard for many to see me any other way. I do often hold the title still in the boardroom. I’d be a liar if I didn't admit that at work I can still be a ruthless bastard, but I am protecting my family legacy.

  One day our children will grow up and take over this company. It is Leo’s and my responsibility to make sure this company is still there for them if they want it. If they don't that will be fine too. Thank fuck there are two of us because it gives us more time to be at home with our families. We’ve promoted someone to run the New York branch, but we keep a home there too, in case we ever need to pop over. You just have to make sure you hire the right people and we made sure we did. Then we only have to keep tabs on them, to make sure everything is running smoothly.

  “You know what’s wrong.” I watch her cheeks warm. No matter how many ways I’ve had my wife she still blushes so sweetly. That shit goes straight to my dick every time. I pull her more into me, dragging her ass across my hard on. I want to get out of here but I’m not sure I can stand up right now. She lets out a small gasp that has a few people turning to look her way.

  I give one these fuckers a look that has them jerking their heads back around. I kiss her shoulder. She shakes her head at me. A bitter game I play with myself. I want to slide my finger into her pussy and strum her clit with my thumb but she might let out another one of those sounds that are for my ear
s only.

  “You've had dinner, danced, gotten all dressed up,” I say. More than dressed up. She’s lucky we made it out the door to come here. Rochelle has the kids tonight and my wife is all mine. “I think there is only one more thing my wife needs.” She wiggles her ass on my lap and that’s my undoing. “You like moving your ass on my cock, angel. Don’t worry, you’ll be riding me all night,” I whisper into her ear.

  I promptly stand, setting my angel on her feet and not giving a fuck who sees the evidence of how much my wife turns me on. We hurriedly walk out the front doors of the event venue to our waiting limo. Both of us are eager to get our hands on one another. All of these years and nothing’s changed. We still can’t get enough of one another. Our driver opens the door and I motion for Penny to slide in. She climbs in and before the door even shuts, I’m on her.

  I take her mouth as if I’ve been starved for her. I kiss her deeply, reminding her that she’s mine. My fingers untie the fabric that’s wrapped around her neck, holding the top of her dress up. It falls, exposing her rosy nipples to me. I lick my lips before I suck one into my mouth. She lets out a moan as I lick and suck her gorgeous tits. They’ve gotten bigger with each pregnancy. It makes me want to put another baby in her. I slip my fingers inside her panties, feeling how wet her sweet cunt is for me. I begin stroking her clit and give her what she’s been asking for all night.

  “Is this what you wanted all night, angel? For me to touch your little pussy?”

  She moans as I slip my fingers inside of her. “I need more,” she begs, trying to work herself on my fingers. I slip my fingers from her warmth. Her groan of protest has me smiling.

  “You’re not coming on my fingers, baby. Take your panties off and climb on my lap. The only place you’re coming is on my cock.” I unbutton my pants and pull my cock out. Before I can say another word, she tosses her panties on the floor and straddles me. She doesn’t wait; she drops her hot cunt down onto me, squeezing me with her tightness. She lets out a moan as she seats herself fully on me. I give her a second to adjust before I grab her ass and pump up into her.


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