Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection

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Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection Page 4

by Dawn Brower

  Simon nodded as did Monty, and they both approached the inn. Edmund turned his attention back to the woman banging on his carriage windows.

  "Let me out of here this instant!" The color of her cheeks had deepened to a lovely crimson.

  He grinned and opened the door. Stepping into the coach, he tapped the roof and sat down. She bolted, reaching for the door handle, and he pulled her into his lap as the carriage lurched into motion.

  "You can't do this! This is kidnapping. I swear on my husband's grave I will kill you if you don't release me right now!"

  He pinned her flailing arms down as he tightened his grip on her. She fit perfectly across his lap, her hair now bushy and wild from her struggles. Jess wiggled, trying to escape him, but he only increased his hold on her.

  "I warned you before," he whispered in her ear. She stilled, holding her breath. "You disobeyed and now..." He chuckled.

  "Now what?" she whispered.

  "Now you belong to me."

  "Belong to you...I don't understand." She stared at him, her blue eyes bright with unshed tears.

  "You stole something that belongs to me. Until I get it back, I'm holding you as ransom."

  "I stole something? What about you? Those jewels don't belong to you. Those men were searching for you today, weren't they?" She huffed, blowing a strand of hair from her face. "You are the thief, not I." She grumbled under her breath. "I should have told them."

  "And you would have found yourself in a much worse situation than this, trust me."

  "Trust you!" Jess scoffed. "I'd rather jump into the Thames."

  Edmund grasped her chin in his hands and forced her to meet his gaze. Her flustered appearance enhanced her childlike innocence. He beat down the desire rearing its head deep inside him. Damn it all. The last thing he needed was more trouble, and yet he sat with a lapful of soft, sinful, succulent trouble staring at him.

  "Let me get one thing straight. Until those jewels are once again in my possession, you will take their place." He brought her face closer. "When I ask you to do something, I expect immediate compliance. Do you understand?"

  Jess nodded. "What will you do with me?" she whispered.

  "I'm sure I can find a use for you, my pet." He released her chin and pulled her against him. "Just rest. We have a long journey to London."

  She stiffened in his arms when he pressed her head against his chest. As the minutes ticked by, her body relaxed as the carriage swayed. "I've never seen London," Jess murmured as her eyes drifted closed.

  Edmund leaned his head back as she relaxed against him, snuggling into his warmth. He could have easily laid her down on the seat across from him. God knew he needed the reprieve. Her scent captivated him, her soft curves pressed against him. He swore under his breath. What was he going to do with her? He had no use for another servant, let alone having to worry about her running off.

  He stared out the window as the snow covered landscape passed by. His thoughts flitted back and forth between the jewels, the woman in his lap, and the men he trusted to get the job done.

  The hours passed by quickly as he sat absorbed in his thoughts. The bustle of the city had woken Jess. She stared at him and her face flushed when she noticed how he still cradled her in his arms. The noise brought her attention to the window.

  "May I?" she asked gesturing to the window. Her eyes lit up as she watched the commotion outside the carriage. As they wove through the city streets, he saw the emotions pass over her features one by one. Joy, confusion, hurt, anger, curiosity...they blended together seamlessly to showcase the woman inside. Jess turned to him as the carriage rolled to a stop.

  "Where are we?" She motioned to the building outside the window.

  "Home." He stood and opened the door. After he'd stepped from the carriage, he offered his hand to her. The carriage rolled away, and he gestured to the steps leading up to the stone façade home towering above the street.

  Her head tipped back to gaze up at the town house. "This is your home?" She stared at him, her mouth hanging open and her eyes the size of pies.

  Edmund nodded.

  "Who are you?" Jess turned to stare at him.

  He took her by the hand and led her up the stairs to the front door. Without a knock, the door swung open allowing them entrance.

  A butler stepped forward and bowed. "Welcome home, my lord. How may I be of service?"

  "Please draw a bath and have dinner sent to my room. The lady will be joining me."

  "As you wish, my lord." The butler bowed and left them in the entranceway.

  Jess grabbed him by the shirt and spun him to face her. "Who. Are. You?"

  A wolfish smile broke upon his lips. He loved teasing her. Grasping her hands, he removed them from his shirt and held them in his own. "My dear, I'm the Earl of Winterbourne, and you belong to me."

  Chapter 5

  Jess tried to jerk her hands from his, but he held them tight. Earl? Belong to him? Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. She thrust her jaw out and glared at him. "I don't care if you're the bloody king himself. I belong to no one."

  He pulled her close, and she dug her heels into the carpet refusing to get closer. Edmund held her tight in his grasp. Her gaze fell to the buttons of his vest. "Look at me." His command grated against her nerves.

  She looked up. The smirk on his lips plucked a string of irritation deep inside. "You insufferable arse. You've taken me from my home to this." She tried to wave her hand, but he still held both her wrists in his grip. "Do you think I'll allow you to make me your whore?"

  "You took it upon yourself to steal something precious to me. Since you cannot pay me with anything of substance, your body will suffice for the moment." He cocked his head and grinned. Not a friendly casual expression, but a dangerous promise not unlike the look a predator gives its prey before devouring it completely.

  "My body..." She swallowed the fear rising in her throat.

  "You need not fear the inevitable." He leaned close, his lips brushing her ear. "It's not as if you didn't enjoy my kiss."

  Jess gasped and pulled away, trying to put distance between her and the beast clothed in finery. He snatched her by the waist and threw her over his shoulder. Jess squealed in surprise and pounded her fists against his back as he mounted the staircase.

  "Put me down!" Jess screamed.

  When they reached the landing, he pushed open the door and entered the room at the top of the steps. He crossed to the bed and dumped her onto the plush coverlet. Jess' hair tumbled free from its knot. She struggled to get her bearings and finally found the floor. Feet firmly planted next to the bed, she pushed her hair from her eyes and glared around the room, searching for the heartless mongrel. Edmund stood with his back against the door, watching her with equal parts disinterest and amusement.

  "You might as well kill me now." She straightened her skirts and pushed her hair back from her face. "I have no intention of playing a strumpet; not for you or any man."

  Edmund held up a key and placed it in his pocket. "This door shall be locked from the outside." He gestured to the door to his right. "That door leads to the common bath, and then through there is my chamber." He turned his attention back to her and approached her with measured steps.

  Jess backed away absently. Her instincts told her to run, but she knew it to be hopeless. Miles from home, her could she have forgotten about her sister, abandoned and alone with one of his men? The scary one no less. Come to think of it, they all had their intimidating qualities. She slammed into the wall as he stalked toward her.

  The Earl of Winterbourne placed both his hands on the wall beside her effectively caging her in and stared down at her. "You will do as I bid or I shall make you suffer the consequences." His fingertip on her chin made her flinch. "One telegram to my colleague, and your sister may find her fate much worse than you find your own. Am I understood?"

  Jess nodded. "Perfectly." She shivered as he traced his finger along her jaw, then d
ropped his hand.

  He moved away, and she exhaled the breath that had lodged in her chest. When he reached the door leading to the bath, he turned toward her. "Ring the bell if you require anything." He pulled the door closed behind him.

  Standing alone in the spacious chamber, she collapsed against the bedpost, her knees weak and trembling. Jess wanted to rage at him. He had effectively kidnapped, blackmailed, and imprisoned her. Her gaze skimmed over the room.

  The warm velvet curtains, the silks and damasks covering the bed, and the rich dark wood of the furniture belied the truth. This was her prison cell. The rich trimmings of the room only made her uncomfortable.

  Jess had been a farmer's daughter and an innkeeper's wife. She had never even been to London before. Her heart ached at the reminder of her sister with that henchman. What had she called him, the silent one? A shiver wracked her as a soft knock came at the door. The lock clicked open, and a maid poked her head into the room.

  "Miss, I brought you some clothes and other things you may be needing." The young woman entered the room and motioned for a boy to follow, pulling a small trunk behind him. After he'd set down the trunk, he tipped his hat and left the room, shutting the door behind him. The maid opened the trunk and pulled out several gowns, fresh chemises, slippers, and undergarments.

  Jess stared at her as the girl put the clothes in the wardrobe. Would she help her escape? The hope reared its head but immediately hid at the thought of causing her sister any pain with her rash actions. No, I will find another way. She sat on the bed as the maid put the trunk in the corner.

  "There." She turned toward Jess, a perky smile on her lips. "Will you be wanting a bath, miss?"

  Glancing down at her stained gown, she nodded. "That sounds lovely. Thank you."

  "Oh, forgive me, miss. My name is Anna. It's been so long since I've been a lady's maid, not since..." A look of sadness crossed her face, but she pushed it away quickly covering it with a cheerful smile. "Is there anything else I can do for you, miss?"

  "Call me Jess."

  "I cannot—" the maid began but Jess cut her words off.

  "I insist. I am no lady. Until this moment, I had never even been to a city." She softened her gaze at the maid's open-mouthed expression.

  "But the master said—"

  "When we are alone, just treat me as your equal." Jess smiled. "I am in need of a friend. That is my only request of you."

  Anna beamed at her. "As you wish, miss...I mean, Jess." She moved toward the door. "Ring the bell if you require anything."

  "Thank you, Anna."

  The door clicked, and the bolt slid home as Anna locked the door behind her. Jess sighed. She wanted nothing more than to curl under the blankets and sleep. Reaching up, she unbuttoned and removed her simple gown. Even her chemise was a rag compared to the new ones the maid had brought to her.

  Jess sighed, exhausted and overwhelmed. The pain in her chest intensified at the thought of her sister and her life as she knew it becoming nothing but a distant memory. Edmund's face flashed in her mind, his sinful lips and wicked eyes tormenting her as his words tore a hole in her heart. You belong to me.

  Chapter 6

  As soon as the door closed behind him, he leaned against it and glanced at the large tub in the center of the room. The steam curled up from the bath water as the servant turned off the tap.

  "Have Anna take her some fresh clothes." Edmund addressed the young man who nodded then took his leave.

  He raked his hand through his hair before unbuttoning the borrowed clothing. Edmund tossed the vest and shirt onto the floor. He toed out of the shoes, then peeled off the trousers and shorts. When he eased himself into the water, he let the sting of the heat distract him from the thought of her in the next room.

  Her. That woman. He dipped his head beneath the water and resurfaced. Wiping his wet hair away from his face, he leaned back against the tub and relaxed. Well, tried to relax. His cock twitched. He wanted her more, since he knew what her lips tasted like, what her body felt like pressed against his own. But he had more important things to worry about.

  Simon would find the jewels, and Monty would find a lead in Scotland. Without the information he'd hoped to gain in trade for the gems, he was forced to redirect his search. He ground his teeth. Edmund couldn't place the blame on her for the deal falling through, but she did remove the gems from the purse. Perhaps he'd been too hasty in allowing her access to them, but he'd needed a place to hide them, somewhere no one would think to look. He closed his eyes. At this point it mattered very little.

  He heard the maid enter the room next door. The chatter of the two women was muted by the wood. It wouldn't surprise him if she tried to negotiate for the girl to release her. Even if she did escape, it would not take long for him to track her down. With his contacts through Simon and Monty, there was no part of London or the whole continent where she could hide. He frowned. Even with those contacts he couldn't find a scrap of information to lead him to the one thing he desired.

  The door clicked. Edmund opened his eyes to find the timid country mouse watching him from the doorway.

  "I beg your pardon." She stammered, moving to pull the door closed.

  "Come here." Edmund motioned for her, water splashing over the rim of the tub. He remembered where he was and grinned. Poor, timid thing. It wasn't right to tease her, but seeing the blush steal across her cheeks and her defiant, flashing eyes tempted him.

  She pushed open the door and entered the room wearing only her chemise. The angle of light striking her gown left nothing to his imagination. Every curve shone stark against the linen. Her eyes remained downcast as he admired the blush climbing along her neck.

  "Join me." He'd meant it as a question, but it left his lips as a command.

  Her head snapped up, eyes wide. "No." She shook her head, reaching for the door.

  Edmund stood, sloshing water over the sides of the tub. "Stop."

  She froze, her hand hovering on the handle, and refused to turn her head in his direction. The curtain of her hair shielded her face. Her body trembled as he stepped from the bath.

  Wrapping the towel around his waist, he moved closer to where she stood. He halted a breath from her. "Look at me."

  Jess turned her head up to meet his gaze. Her eyes shone bright with defiance and unshed tears. She pressed her lips together in a thin line as if to keep from saying something unwise.

  "Take the bath," he said, turning from her. Edmund walked into his room and closed the door behind him, locking it. He rested against the door and fisted a hand in his hair.

  He had grown used to having people obey him without question, but this woman, she challenged him at every opportunity. Her bearing spoke of a woman far above her rank. Damn her for churning this desire that had lain dormant inside of him for so long.

  Edmund moved to the table where a decanter of his favorite whisky sat. He poured some into a glass and took a drink. It burned the lust raging inside his body. Sitting before the fire, he leaned back and closed his eyes. He had to wait for word from Simon and Monty before moving forward with his plans. Until then, what else could he do? A knock at the door shook him from his thoughts.

  "Come." He called and then took another drink.

  His butler entered the room, a tray in his hands. The man moved toward the small desk near the window and placed the tray upon it. "Your dinner, my lord."

  "Thank you, Bates." Edmund stood, adjusting the towel around his waist.

  "Here is your post as well." Bates handed him the letters and bowed. "My lord." With a nod, he left the room.

  Edmund flipped through the letters. An invitation caught his attention. He moved to the desk and picked up the silver letter opener. Breaking the seal, he opened it and read the contents. A Christmas masquerade to be held the following evening at Forsythe manor.

  Anger clenched in his gut, and he crushed the invitation in his fist. How dare they send an invitation to him after the last ball? He moved to the
fireplace to toss the invitation into the flames when an idea struck him. This provided the perfect opportunity to search the house. Perhaps some clues remained as to what happened that night.

  It wouldn't do to attend alone. Perhaps he could find someone willing to attend the masquerade with him at such short notice. He laid the invitation on the desk. His gaze moved to the door leading to the bath as his lips curved into a smile.

  He crossed the room and realized he still only wore a towel. Quickly putting on a robe, he moved to the bath door. Edmund unlocked the door and hesitated long enough to knock once before pushing it open.

  She stood in the center of the room, water dripping from her hair, her body wrapped in a towel. Jess screeched when she saw him. "Do you have no manners?"

  "Come here." He heard her sigh as he returned to his room.

  "You have done nothing but issue commands since the first moment I met you." She stomped into the room behind him.

  He tossed her his spare robe from the wardrobe, and she pulled it on, letting the towel slip to the floor. Edmund arched his brow as his cock stirred. Pushing aside the image of her naked beneath the silk, he watched her tie the sash and pick up the towel to dry her hair. He'd never seen a woman thus. Fresh from the bath, pink and unadorned by frivolous trappings. Her blue eyes met his.

  "And yet you still haven't learned to obey without question," he retaliated, hoping to see her hackles rise again.

  "You insolent blackguard. Do you have a caring bone in your entire body? Or have you grown so accustomed to everyone obeying your every whim that you issue orders without consideration for anyone but yourself?" She threw the towel at him, and it landed with a thud against his chest.

  "Are you finished with your temper tantrum?" he asked. At her scowl, he pushed forward, motioning toward the desk where the food sat. "Come eat something."


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