Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection

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Seven Rogues for Christmas: A Historical Romance Holiday Collection Page 5

by Dawn Brower

With a huff, Jess approached the table, her eyes narrowed on him. He could not fault her for her apprehension. She reached out and plucked a sandwich off the tray. He did the same and took a bite.

  "I realize you don't trust me, and to be quite honest, I don't trust you either." He finished the sandwich and washed it down with the whisky.

  "At least you're observant." She took a bite and quickly devoured the entire sandwich. Reaching for another, she glanced at him. "May I?"

  Edmund waved his hand for her to do as she wished. He watched in fascination as she consumed half the tray. She poured a bit of wine for herself and took a healthy swallow. The look of utter bliss spreading across her face made him instantly hard.

  He cleared his throat. "If you've had your fill, I have a proposition for you."

  Jess cradled the wine in her hands and watched him warily. "What kind of proposition?"

  His lips twisted at the direction of her thoughts. "Nothing that vulgar I assure you." He stepped closer and fingered the sleeve of the silk dressing gown she wore. "But you could work your debt off much more quickly if you used the assets God gave you."

  She gasped as their eyes locked. "What is the proposition?"

  "I need you to accompany me to a social event." Edmund watched her expression of concern melt into one of curiosity.

  "What sort of event?" she asked then took a sip of the wine.

  "A masquerade ball."

  Her eyes went wide. "You wish for me to accompany you to a masquerade ball?"

  Edmund nodded. "Tomorrow evening."

  "And where shall I find a costume at such late notice?" She shelved her hand on her hip and stared at him.

  He set his glass down and allowed his gaze to travel over her, head to foot then back again. "I believe I have the perfect costume already in my possession, so there is no concern on that account." Edmund slipped his hand around her waist and pulled her against him. "But you'll have to play the role as if your very life depended on it."

  Her hands pressed against his chest, pushing him away. "What role? And why would it matter if I failed to play the role to your satisfaction?"

  "Because your life does depend on it, my pet." He grasped her chin in his hand and forced her to look up. "Until I say otherwise, you are my mistress."

  "Your mistress!" she shouted, trying to wrench herself from his grasp. "No one will believe I am a kept woman, and furthermore, what will happen when I pay off my debt and return to my life on the North Road?" Disbelief tainted her words, and her hands grasped the robe he wore.

  "When the time comes, I shall deal with that particular issue, until then..." He shrugged his shoulders.

  "Why lie and tell them I'm your mistress?" She stared at him. "You are a lord, a member of parliament. Why would you take your mistress to a social event?"

  "I do not care what they think of me. It would take more than scandal to remove me from my position." He placed his hand on the nape of her neck, the damp strands of hair sticking to his fingers. "With you playing my mistress, I shall avoid the swooning debutants who would gladly crawl over shattered glass to take a place by my side."

  "Any woman willing to waste her time or her breath on you makes me question her sanity." Jess smirked at him.

  "You have every right to detest me, and frankly, I care little about your injured opinion of me." He tightened his grip on her neck and waist, pulling their bodies closer, silk clad skin against silk clad skin. "Play the part well, and I may grant your freedom much sooner. But play me false, and I swear to God I shall make you regret it."

  "I did not agree to be your pawn." She frowned at him.

  "You had your chance to right this, and you forfeited that opportunity. So whether you like it or not, my dear, I shall take payment where I find value." Edmund watched her lip tremble, and a pang of emotion pulled somewhere deep in his chest. He buried it with a cocky smirk.

  "I hate you." Jess glared at him.

  "I don't expect you to do anything other than play your part when we're in public." He released her and turned back to the desk to refill his glass with whisky. "Go to sleep."

  He heard the soft footsteps and the slam of the adjoining door. Turning to scan his empty room, he downed the liquor in one swallow. What the hell was he thinking having the harpy play his mistress for the whole of London society to see?

  Edmund glanced at the door and groaned. As long as she kept her mouth shut, the evening would go smoothly. He ran his hand through his hair a few times before forgoing the whisky and collapsing on the bed to stare at the ceiling until dawn.

  Chapter 7

  "You have such lovely hair, miss." Anna pulled the brush though Jess' hair a few more times.

  "Thank you, Anna." Jess sighed as she watched the maid work to carefully craft a gorgeous coiffure. She'd barely slept at all, and when she did wake the sun was already high above London. Her encounter with her captor the evening before did nothing to soothe her nerves. Lord Winterbourne held his rank and title over her. He'd requested she play the part of his mistress. What kind of man was he? His eyes spoke of distain and disinterest, but she'd felt his attraction to her in his kiss. He could have taken her had he wanted, but he'd refrained.

  Twisting her hands in her robe, she glanced at Anna in the reflection. "Can I ask you a question?"

  "Of course, my lady." Anna beamed at her.

  "How long have you worked for Lord Winterbourne?"

  Anna pinned the braid to her head and smiled. "I have worked for his lordship for two years."

  "What kind of man is he?" Jess watched the maid's reaction finding only sincerity in her expression.

  "He is a fair but strict master." She twisted a few more strands and pinned them into place.

  "Do you know the truth of my being here?" Jess asked.

  "I do." Anna met her gaze in the mirror. "I know not what you did to cross him, my lady, but it would be wise for you to cooperate with his wishes...for your sake."

  Jess shrugged. "I am my own woman. He has kidnapped me and holds me against my will. I find it difficult to acquiesce to his demands when I know not what type of man I am to obey."

  "He is a good man, my lady." Anna curled the wisps of hair around her face and the locks laying across her left shoulder. "He will not see you come to harm. There, what do you think?" She stepped back and allowed Jess to inspect her hair.

  "Lovely. Thank you, Anna." Never had she worn such an elaborate style. Pearls wove elegantly through the intricate coif. She looked nothing like herself, especially after the small amount of powder, rouge, and kohl Anna had applied.

  "Come, let us put the gown on." The maid pulled on the appropriate undergarments and a small bustle.

  Eyeing the satin gown on the bed, Jess felt the distinct tightening in her stomach as the fear settled. He wanted her to act the part of a lady...of his mistress, and yet she had no idea how either of those two types of women would behave in such a situation. Weren't they at odds with each other? Surely a lady would not play the part of a mistress, lest she be ostracized from society. You're a widow, she reminded herself. Yes, but I've never tasted passion. How could she play the part of a woman in love if she'd never been captivated by a passionate love?

  Anna lifted the gown for Jess to step into. The maid pulled it up, allowing it to settle on her hips. "Fits as though it was made for you, my lady," Anna said as she pulled the bodice tight across Jess' chest.

  As Anna reached to tighten the laces of the corset, Jess flinched. "Not too tight, Anna. I've never worn such a contraption before. I would hate to disgrace Lord Winterbourne if I fainted."

  The laces loosened enough for her to breathe again. Inhaling deeply, she allowed Anna to finish lacing and straightening her gown. The satin moved like the ripples of water across a calm lake. She stared at herself in the mirror. The deep sapphire of the gown enhanced her pale skin and brightened her eyes, turning them a bewitching shade of blue. She pressed her hand to her throat.

  "Here are your gloves." Ann
a handed her a pair of elbow length gloves and moved behind her. "My lord requested you wear this as well," Anna said, draping a soft piece of black velvet around her neck. A single sapphire shimmered against the hollow of her throat. The maid fastened the choker and stepped back to admire the final product. "You're a heavenly vision. Lady Katherine would be moved to tears of joy to see you in her gown."

  "Who?" Jess' head snapped around to face the maid, her own reflection forgotten. "Who is Lady Katherine?"

  Anna pressed her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide. "Please forget I said that. I misspoke. The master will be most displeased if he..." She choked back a sob and waved her hand. "I believe you're ready for the ball, my lady." Anna backed toward the door.

  Jess pressed her lips together. Her heart ached at the thought of wearing another woman's gown. Had it belonged to his wife? Was he married? Widowed? A landslide of questions trapped her. Perhaps she should ask him herself. If he desired her help, then the least he could do is tell her the truth of his circumstances.

  The door stood open. With a sigh, Jess walked toward it and stood on the landing at the top of the stairs. Glancing down, she saw Lord Winterbourne leaning against the bannister. He straightened when he saw her. Jess took a deep breath and descended the stairs slowly, her gloved hands gliding over the polished wooden railing.

  A simple, black suit complimented his height and broad shoulders. The waistcoat and cravat echoed the sapphire of her gown. Every inch of him portrayed the image of a confident gentleman. A mischievous glint in his frostbitten grey eyes belied the cold that lingered in his heart. His gaze narrowed as she came closer, and he raked a hand through his thick, dark hair. The muscle in his jaw twitched as he frowned but did not speak. He didn't have to. It was obvious he disliked what he saw.

  "Do I disappoint you, my lord?" she asked as she stopped on the final step, bringing them eye level with each other.

  He reached out and brushed his fingertips across the base of her neck, just below the velvet choker. The contact sent a shiver of need and loathing coursing through her veins. Dropping his hand, he reached into his pocket and withdrew a simple silver mask with small sapphires decorating it. "Wear this." He placed it in her hand and turned as the butler approached with his greatcoat.

  Before she could reply, Anna offered her a long black cloak lined with white fur. Turning to thank Anna, she found the maid already retreating. Strange.

  "Come along." Edmund's voice snapped her from her thoughts.

  She turned back to him. He stood in the doorway tugging his gloves on, a cane tucked under his arm. Jess pulled the hood up and snuggled deeper into the cloak as she stepped out into the cold December night. A carriage awaited them at the base of the steps, the glossy black reflecting the lamplight and frost.

  He held his hand out for her to enter the coach. Even through the fabric of the gloves, the brush of their fingertips made her cheeks warm. Why did his touch ignite such a reaction inside of her? She wanted nothing from him except her freedom. Jess sat in the coach, and he sat across from her, his knees brushing against her own. She moved away from him, leaning against the far side of the coach.

  Edmund tapped the roof of the coach, and it lurched into motion. After a few moments of no sound but the coach and the street noise outside, he cleared his throat. "You will remain by my side unless otherwise directed. Say nothing of our arrangement. Play the part I've asked of you, that is all."

  Jess turned to face him, his eyes bored into hers. "As you wish, Lord Winterbourne," she replied with disdain.

  "Edmund." His voice was so low she'd nearly missed it.

  "I beg your pardon?"

  "My name is Edmund. You may address me as such from this point forward." He grinned at her. "If you are to play the convincing role of my mistress, I expect you would use my given name." He leaned closer.

  She flinched out of reflex, but whether it was from fear of him or the desire his touch enflamed, she couldn't tell. Jess looked away.

  He sighed and caught her chin in his hand, forcing her to meet his gaze. "No one will believe you are my lover if you do not act the part." He caressed her jaw. "Come now, let me see the longing in your gaze."

  Jess glared at him for a moment then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She thought of the one thing she wanted most in the world. When she opened her eyes, he grinned at her.

  "Much better. Although I must admit curiosity as to what you are thinking of that would put such a look on your face." His eyes darkened. "Anyone seeing that look would believe you were mine." He leaned close, his breath brushing across her lips. "Perhaps I should make you mine in every way leaving no doubt."

  A sweet smile stole across her lips. "You may think I belong to you, and you may take what you want from my body." She narrowed her gaze at him. "But there is one part of me you will never possess."

  He chuckled, the sound hollow and devoid of humor. "I've no use for sentiment." Edmund sat back and looked out the window. "You are aware of the consequences should this evening fail?"

  Jess crossed her arms. "My sister."

  Edmund nodded. "I expect you to be on your best behavior. Should you be uncertain of what to do, remain silent."

  With an unladylike snort, Jess turned her attention to the streets outside. They continued on for a while in silence until the carriage rolled to a stop. Edmund descended first and offered his hand to help her from the coach.

  "Your mask." He plucked the mask from her hand and tied it on for her. Slipping a black domino into place, he then offered his arm to her without a word.

  She laid her hand on his arm and together they ascended the stairs to the brightly lit mansion. A butler met them at the door and took their outer garments. Jess shivered at the brush of the cool air across her skin.

  He laid her hand on his arm and escorted her down the hall and into the ballroom. She stole a glance at him. His profile remained sharp, lips unsmiling as his eyes glinted like ice against the dark mask. Handsome as the devil and twice as wicked. She licked her lips and forced her attention back to the entry way they were approaching. As they passed under the archway, Jess gasped.

  The ballroom glittered with evergreen garlands and bright red bows. Tinsel and frosted ornaments hung from the ceiling reflecting the light from the gas lamps. A row of tables lined one wall where servants poured drinks and offered hors d'oeuvres. Elegant ladies and handsome gentleman milled about, but the sight on the main floor made her stop.

  Her breath caught as she watched the couples whirling in circles as they danced to the orchestra. A deep part of her heart twisted and ached at the sight. Jess had always wanted to dance, but she'd never had the opportunity to do so before. As she soaked in the sight of the couples and swayed with the music, a tightening on her arm brought her back to the moment and the man standing beside her.

  "Come with me." His brusque tone snapped her from the pleasant daydream.

  Forcing a smile, she followed him as he led her around the dance floor. He nodded at a few people who greeted him, keeping a firm hand over hers. The music slowed as the song came to an end. Jess admired the lovely gowns and festive decorations. The sheer opulence overwhelmed her. She felt as though she were Alice lost in wonderland a fantastical tale from the book her father had given her on her wedding day. A pinch would surely wake her from such a magnificent dream. His grip tightened again, twisting her skin through the glove. She glared at Edmund. It couldn't be a dream, although the man escorting her was truly mad.

  Before she could speak, Edmund led her to the center of the dance floor as the faint strains of a waltz began. His hand settled on her waist, while the other rested palm to palm with hers. "Follow my lead."

  Jess nodded and allowed him to lead her. The gentle pressure on her waist guided her in the motion of the dance. She fell into the rhythm, quickly following every subtle hint his body lent hers. His effortless grace translated into her movements. He may be a pompous arse, but he waltzes like a dream. As they moved togethe
r on the floor, Jess hardly noticed the crowd around them, watching with curious eyes and gaping jaws. Glancing up at her partner, she blushed as she meet his cool gaze.

  He watched her, his eyes searching hers, the barest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Caught up in the joy of the dance, she beamed at him. A flicker of amusement crossed his face, and a smile stole his lips for a moment. He spun her as the music rushed around them. Breathless and overjoyed, she held him tight as they waltzed. When the music came to an end, he released her and bowed.

  Fanning herself with her hand, she bowed to him. He took her hand and led her from the dance floor. Her heart raced and she knew her face was stained pink from the exertion. How she wished she had a fan. The crush of people had been forgotten while she danced, but as they moved through the room, her heart pounded and Jess found it difficult to catch her breath. She pressed her hand to her chest and closed her eyes.

  Edmund led her until they reached a small archway opening onto a balcony. She sighed from the pure bliss as the chill of the December night bit into her overheated skin. He froze beside her and dropped her hand from his arm. The balcony stood empty except for the two of them. She turned toward him, and his gaze riveted on her throat.

  Her hand flew to her neck, lightly tracing the choker. "Why are you looking at me that way?"

  He shook his head and took a step toward the door. "Remain here. I shall return in a moment." With those words, Edmund disappeared back into the ballroom.

  Jess rested her hand against the stone column. The night sky shone dimly through the fog of the city. She sighed. The landscape outside her inn held a much more beautiful view. She longed for her simple home, her simple life. The most frustrating part of it had to be him. He had moments where he seemed to read her like a book, taking initiative to insure her comfort. But his harsh, cold words and possessive demeanor grated against her nerves. She closed her eyes and tilted her face toward the heavens. The sound of a man's voice broke her solitude and her heart ceased its powerful rhythm at the implication of his words.


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