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Legacy Academy: Year Two: Paranormal Academy Romance

Page 3

by M Guida

  Bo lost his grin, and I stiffened. Why hadn’t Anton said she was here? But then again, he was the man of secrets.

  Professor Tuamma stood behind Anton. Her long red hair cascaded down around her, and she had on a long cream dress with capped sleeves and a heart-shape neck. She almost looked like she’d just gotten back from a Jane Austen party.

  “I don’t take this lightly. I don’t take pleasure in sending Raven to the Hollows, but my intention is to protect the students and the school. If she doesn’t learn to control her powers, she will pose a threat.”

  “She’s not a threat,” Lucien said. “And why are you so sure she is?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Your father may be king, Mr. Costa, but you are not.”

  Lucien crossed his arms, and I had a sneaky feeling war had just been declared.

  All because of me.

  I didn’t want to get Lucien to get into trouble, and I wasn’t sure his father would let him stick out his neck for me.

  I had to master my dragon powers, and I had one year to do it.

  “The big problem is my flame needs to be hot, not cold?”

  “Yes. Among other things, which you will learn in class. The rules are quite clear for this year Raven.”

  Bo squeezed my hand. “Which are?”

  Professor Tuamma pulled off one of her lacy gloves. “You’ll find out in class. If you excuse me.”

  She left just as quickly as she arrived.

  “You could have told us she was here,” Bo said, narrowing his eyes at Anton.

  “Why? Do you think I keep secrets from my staff?”

  “Yes,” Lucien blurted.

  Anton cocked an eyebrow but didn’t get into a pissing contest with Lucien.

  I rubbed my forehead. “Besides Dragon Magick, what are my other classes?”

  “You will have Advanced Potions, Demonology, and Defense and Battle Techniques with Royals, and of course, train with Bo. Instead of History, you will have Magic Intuition.”

  I frowned. “Magic Intuition?”

  “This is a very important class for you, Raven. You’ll learn how to detect magic, even hidden ones, and understand this magic.”

  “You mean like with the cursed tree?”

  “Precisely. You all have a big day tomorrow, so I suggest you get some dinner and sleep.”

  We all left Anton’s quarters and brushed past the Baron, who had been blocking the door with a permanent scowl on his thin face. Xavier, Rhys, and Dante had fanned out around him and had obviously been arguing with him.

  “If you’ll excuse me,” the Baron said. “My babysitting is over.”


  Xavier’s howl made him walk faster across the courtyard.

  “Sometimes he’s such a jerk off,” Rhys mumbled. He looked as handsome as he did last year with the stars flickering in his bright blue eyes and his heart-stopping smile. His T-shirt pulled across his muscular chest. The wind blew his long white hair across his chiseled face. He definitely could persuade any girl to take off her panties.

  Dante leaned against Anton’s door. “So, what gives?” He’d grown at least two inches, and he had his dark hair up into a man bun, which only brought out the red flicks in his eyes. He must be getting hungry for blood, and I forced myself not to rub my neck.

  Lucien caught Rhys, Xavier, and Dante up to speed on what down with Anton and Professor Tuamma.

  Xavier whistled. “Raven, I’m not sure why, but Tuamma definitely has it out for you.”

  “I don’t know why.”

  “Probably because you’re different,” Lucien said. “Some people are narrowed-minded, and she’s got it bad.”

  “That’s just great,” I said. “I have to pass her stupid class and the dragon trials, or I’ll end up in the Hollows. God, I thought that was so last year.”

  Bo rubbed my shoulder. “Apparently not. But remember, we’re a team.”

  “Yeah,” Dante said. “We’re the Defenders, remember?”

  Some of the tightness in my gut faded. “Yeah, I do.”

  “Whatever happens,” Lucien said. “We do this together.”

  Their loyalty gave me hope, but would it be enough? I couldn’t shake the feeling Lucien had fumbled in believing in me. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was walking on thin ice.

  Chapter 4

  We headed toward the cafeteria, and I frowned.

  “Look, the storms outside the walls have stopped.”

  “Good,” Lucien said. “Ryker went home with his tail in between his legs.”

  I wanted to believe what he said, but the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I don’t think Ryker gave up that easily. He might have gone back home, but that didn’t mean he left Legacy unguarded.

  My stomach growled. I hadn’t eaten lunch, and the only thing I had for breakfast was a bagel and cream cheese.

  Bo grinned. “Hungry?”

  “Yeah, I guess I am. With all the excitement, I hadn’t eaten anything since early this morning.”

  Vivian, Demi, and Eden sat on the stairs, laughing, but that all stopped when they saw us. Bo was on one side of me and Lucien on the other. Talk about double trouble.

  Vivian and Demi shot darts at me. Eden stood up so fast that the crown of flowers that she always wore on top of her white head slipped to the side. She quickly straightened the rose crown and pouted.

  She flicked her white hair behind her shoulder and narrowed her shimmering blue eyes. “What were you doing with her?”

  Rhys grabbed her. “Will you stop?”

  Before she could say anything, he kissed her.

  I didn’t know what he saw in her except that she was beautiful with her curly white hair and her shimmering blue eyes.

  But that didn’t make her a nice person. She was just as desperate to sink her claws into Rhys as the other two were. Being queen was not on my agenda. I only wanted to escape the Hollows and rescue my mom.

  “Bo, where have you been?” Vivian asked sweetly.


  She frowned. “Why? Was Raven in trouble again?”

  I clenched my fists but kept my mouth shut. Dinner was on my mind, not sparring with the Stygian witches.

  Behind them, I spotted my friends, Mina, Margo, Poppy, and even Katona. Mina waved, and I slid past the pouters.

  “Excuse me.” I didn’t wait to see what Bo and Lucien did. I had enough drama for one day.

  Katona flashed me a big smile. The light flickered off her fangs. She was a stunning vampire with her layered black hair and sapphire blue eyes. She was Dante’s girl, but the way she always looked at him, she was really in love with him. He could be the janitor of the school, and she’d still fall all over him.

  “Hey, woman.” She gave me a bear hug. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too.”

  She tilted her dark head. “The gruesome three giving you a hard time?”

  “Always, but I don’t care about them. Let’s get something to eat, and I’ll fill you in on what happened with Anton.”

  The smell of barbecue, French fries, and fresh baked rolls made my stomach jump up and down in anticipation. By the time we sat down, I had a plate full of ribs, French fries, coleslaw, and a big biscuit. For dessert, I nabbed a slice of cherry pie.

  We didn’t sit at the Royal table tonight. I needed girl talk.

  “Guess what?” Mina sat next to me. “I signed us up to go to the Outlet stores tomorrow afternoon.”

  “I can’t go.” I ripped apart my ribs.

  She frowned. “Why?”

  I told them everything that happened at Anton’s.

  “That sucks,” she said. “We were all going to go out to lunch at Pappy’s.”

  Pappy’s was a local Irish Pub that was located at the outlets and everyone hangs out. Last year, we didn’t have time to go there and then the Dark Demons came so no one got to go.

  “I’m sorry, Raven.” Poppy stirred her straw in her pop. “Stupid dark demo
ns sure know how to ruin a girl’s good time.”

  “Too bad technology doesn’t work here,” Katona said. “We could have Zoomed you.”

  “That’s okay. I’ll be fine.”

  “We’ll do some shopping for you,” Margo said. “We’ll surprise you.”

  Mina leaned close. “Yeah, something that will make Lucien and Bo get into another fight.”

  “Mina… Don’t even.”

  Poppy spit out her pop, and Katona choked on a French fry.

  Margo laughed. “Such an evil mind you’ve got, Mina. I love the new you.”

  “Not if you’re going to get me into trouble,” I grumbled.

  “Face it, Raven. You could walk out there dressed in a T-shirt and sweats, and those two would still be fighting over you.”

  “Well, Lucien’s got to stop,” I said. “Remember the golden rule. We’re only supposed to mate with our own kind.”

  Poppy patted her mouth with a napkin. “I don’t think Lucien got the message.” She lowered her head. “By the way, he’s coming over here. And he doesn’t look happy.”

  Lucien came up behind me. “Raven, are you avoiding us again?”

  I shook my head. “No, why?”

  “Because you’re eating here.”

  “I wanted girl time.”

  “Tomorrow, you’ll eat with us.”

  I cocked my eyebrow. “Really?”

  He sighed and shook his head. “Please.”

  I smiled. “Fine. Tomorrow.”

  He turned and left.

  Katona grinned. “I never thought I’d see the day that Lucien would practically beg for someone to sit at the Royal table.”

  “Unfortunately, Demi looks like she could spit nails,” Poppy said.

  “I don’t know why he wants me to sit at the table so badly,” I said. “It’s not like we can ever be together.”

  “Yeah, but he’s Lucien.” Margo spilled on her straw. “Rules aren’t exactly his thing.”

  I thought about the kiss he’d given me last year at the Autumn Festive Ball last year. Both Bo and Lucien had kissed me on the same night, and both had made me cream my pants.

  But there was something about Lucien’s that almost made me want to take my panties off.


  Breaking the rules wouldn’t tarnish Lucien’s reputation, because he was a Royal. Me, on the other hand? I’d end up on the fast track to the Hollows.

  Lying in bed, I finally fell asleep. I couldn’t stop thinking about the Hollows. When I drifted off, I didn’t end up there.

  I walked through a forest in my pajamas. My bare feet crunched on leaves and twigs. No moonlight shone through the pines or bare aspens. I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my face. Low lights flickered through the dead branches, and I hurried toward them.

  Through the trees, a three-story house––or more like a castle––loomed in front of me. I swear it was built into a mountain. A mountain lip hung over the house, and turrets touched the top of mountain roof. Snow covered steeply pitched green roofs. Front facing gables with delicate lacy wooden trim made it look eerie. The only light came from the pointed arches over rows of small windows on the first floor. The wind blew, and evil drifted over me, stealing my breath.

  And then I saw it. The twisted tree.

  It was in front of one of the windows. My heart stopped. Mom peered through a window, and a hand slipped around her mouth, pulling her away.

  “Mom!” I ran toward her, but something grabbed the hem of my pajama bottoms and someone held my arms. I screamed…

  I woke up in a cold sweat, and my heart threatened to explode. I had no idea if that was where my mom was behind held. I grabbed the magical orb that I kept hidden underneath my mattress and peered through it, trying to figure out if that place had been real.

  I scooted to my headboard. The magical orb revealed the twisted tree, but not nothing else. I stuffed it back under my mattress.

  Mina snored softly, sleeping peacefully in the other bed.

  I quietly headed over to our window. Only starlight and darkness greeted me. All I could think of was Mom. Why wouldn’t the orb show me anything else?

  Chapter 5

  After I went back to bed, I tossed and turned all night. Between my dream and the first day of school, I couldn’t sleep. My mind was a jumbled mess. Last year’s first day had been a nightmare, and I couldn’t help but think this time would be a repeat.


  The alarm rang right when I was about to drift off.

  Mina yawned and sat up. “Ready for our first day?”

  I laid my arm across my forehead. “I guess so.”

  “Why so glum?”

  I dropped my arm. I thought about telling her about my dream, but I kept silent. “Because last year, my first day had been a nightmare.”

  “Oh, don’t be such a worry dragon. This is a new year. Think positive.”

  “Easy for you to say,” I muttered.

  “Sounds like someone needs her coffee.”

  I yawned. “I think you’re right.”

  In less than an hour, Mina and I were dressed and had our books in our backpack. We headed out the door toward the cafeteria. I could barely keep my eyes open.

  “Raven, you better get a double shot of espresso, because you look like you could fall asleep in class. Which wouldn’t be good on your first day.”

  “Especially since I have Professor Tuamma’s first period.”

  “Well, so do I. I’ll throw a bucket of cold water on you if I catch you dozing.”

  Remembering the professor’s cool stare, I grumbled, “Somehow I don’t think that will be a problem.”

  In the cafeteria, the smell of bacon, sausage, eggs, and the delicious scent of coffee brought me to life. I loaded my tray with two thick pork sausages, scrambled eggs, cantaloupe, and a hot brewing cup of coffee loaded with cream.

  I headed for the Royal table when Vivian blocked my way.

  She put her hands on her hips. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  I glared. “Get out of my way, Vivian.”

  “I told you, you weren’t allowed to sit here.”

  “Says who?” a strong male voice said behind Vivian.

  Vivian’s face paled. I bit back a smirk.

  She gave me a death glare before she turned around. “Lucien, I didn’t see you there.”

  “No, I don’t imagine you did.” He gestured with his arm. “Go ahead and have a seat, Raven. Vivian, I take it you have someplace to go?”

  “What?” She frowned. “Humph.”

  “Thank you.” I slipped past Vivian and took her seat. If she wasn’t such a bitch, I would feel sorry for her.

  She stormed off, but I doubt I would get away unscathed.

  Lucien shook his head. “She’ll just never learn, will she?”

  “How can she? She’s in love with Bo.”

  “I know. I’ll be right back.”

  I took a sip of coffee.

  Mina sat next to me, blushing. “Lucien told me to sit here,” she said shyly. She was still under a dark shadow from the rumors about her dad being a traitor. People like Vivian had long memories.

  “Mina, you don’t have to worry. Lucien’s on your side.”

  “I still don’t understand why.”

  “Maybe it’s because he knows your dad is innocent.”

  “How could he?”

  I shrugged. “I have no idea, but he’s Lucien. He’s as mysterious as Anton.”

  Bo sat to me with a full tray of eggs, bacon, hash browns, and coffee. “Good morning, beautiful. You’re looking good too, Mina.”

  He looked as handsome as ever with his thick red hair, tight shirt and pants.

  “Morning, Bo.” Mina beamed at him using her new name.

  He popped a piece of bacon into his mouth. “Ready for the first day of school?”

  I dipped my fork into my eggs. “I guess so.”

  He frowned. “You don’t sound too excited.”<
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  “After our little meeting yesterday with Anton and Professor Tuamma, how can I be?”

  “Hey, don’t worry. I’ve got faith in you.” He winked. “You’ll blow the sourpuss away.”

  I swallowed my buttery eggs. “I don’t know. She wasn’t impressed last time.”

  “Well, she will be this time.”

  Lucien came back and sat across from us. Demi took a seat next to him. He didn’t tell her to leave, so maybe they were still technically together, except when Rhys, Xavier, and Dante joined our table, he barely said a word to her.

  Or to me, for that matter.

  After breakfast, Bo, Mina, and I headed for Professor Tuamma’s class that was in the dragon auditorium. We were all assigned seats based on our colors of our dragons when we shifted. Mina sat with the green dragons who sat at the top of the bleachers. Blue dragons were next to the orange. Reds were in the first row. I was silver, and like Tigger, I was the only one, but unlike him, it wasn’t necessarily a good thing.

  Bo sat and patted a seat next to him. “Come on, Raven, you’ll sit with the reds again.” He whispered in my ear, “Do you still have the dragon stone?”

  I nodded. “Always.”

  His father had also given me the green stone for saving Bo’s life. A dragon was engraved on it, and unfortunately, I couldn’t change in size without it. Somehow the stone blended into my dragon and magically I could change. It was the only way I passed the trials last year.

  Professor Tuamma walked into the auditorium wearing a black robe and her hair down. She reminded me of a beautiful witch out to get me. Our eyes locked. My breakfast was like an anchor in my gut, and I regretted eating so much.

  “Good morning, second years.” She lifted her arms, and her sleeves fell down to her elbows. “Last year, you learned how to control our different fires.” She looked at me. “At least some of us did.”

  Someone giggled, and I didn’t need to know who that was.

  But I refused to hang my head. Ignoring the heavy lump in my gut, I tilted my chin.

  She turned away first. “You also had to diminish and increase in size. You also had to learn to master two specific weapons. We will be adding to these abilities, and you will need to master each of them at your trials. If you didn’t pass all your abilities last year, you must do this year. No exceptions.”


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