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Legacy Academy: Year Two: Paranormal Academy Romance

Page 11

by M Guida

  Xavier sniffed. “Yeah, he’s dead, and I swear his soul’s rotting.”

  Professor Soto stood. “That’s because it is.”

  “What are we going to do with the body?” Dante asked.

  “We need to use it.”

  I didn’t like the sound of her voice, and I squeezed Bo’s hand. “Excuse me?”

  “I know how that sounds.” Professor Soto put her long blonde hair into a messy ponytail. “His blood will glow when we get close to the magical gateway.”

  Rhys frowned. “Didn’t you find it last time?”

  “We didn’t have the power to close it, because the spell controlling this magical gateway would drain our power. I believe Ryker has attached a draining spell to this gateway. If we try and close it, we’ll lose our power, and we might not get it back.”

  Rhys frowned. “Are you sure? It could be an illusion spell, making you think you’ll lose your power.”

  “True,” Professor Soto said. “But unfortunately, we don’t have much choice. We’re not even sure of the doorway, because this gateway is filled with dark magic.”

  Dante knelt down and studied the corpse. “You need dead man’s blood, don’t you?”

  “Yes, we do. Anton surmised that after the other creature disappeared and we couldn’t track it.”

  Rhys wrinkled his nose. “How do we close the gateway with blood?”

  “I’ll show you.” Professor Soto headed down the stairs. “First, I need two of you to guard the body.”

  A jolt of something sinister shot through me, kinking my neck and shoulders. “You mean Ryker might try to send someone to get the body?”

  “I suspect so. We need to work fast before it’s too late. Raven, you need to bring the sword.”

  Bo reached past me. “No, I’ll carry it.”

  “No,” Professor Soto said sharply. “It has to be Raven.”

  Bo gritted his teeth. “Why? That could put her in danger.”

  “Out of all of you, she’s the one who senses the evil and danger.”

  “What are you talking about?” Rhys waved his hand in front of his nose. “We’re all choking on this thing’s foul stench.”

  “That’s death you’re all choking on. Evil has a different scent, which Raven has been able to sense, which may be due to being a silver dragon. Actually, she seems to be more perceptive than even us professors.” Something in her tone made me stand taller. What really caught my attention was what I didn’t hear. No appreciation. No admiration. No gratitude.

  But unlike Professor Tuamma, I didn’t sense evil with her, only condemnation.

  I picked up the sword. “Fine.”

  Dante clasped Xavier’s shoulder. “Xavier and I will stay with the body.”

  Xavier rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “Gee, thanks, buddy. Just what I wanted to do.”

  Professor Soto led Bo, Rhys, and I down the stairwell. When we reached the bottom, she turned to me. “Raven, hold the sword in front of you. For this to work, you must clear your mind and let go of any tension. Allow the sword to lead you.”

  I thought of what Lucien had taught me, but this wasn’t like sitting in my room. Every muscle and nerve inside me was tighter than a drum. I inhaled and exhaled, but my lungs locked up.

  “Raven, you need to breathe slower.” Professor Soto touched my shoulder. “You’re hyperventilating.”

  “You can do this, Raven,” Bo said. “I believe in you.”

  Rhys winked. “So do I.”

  Professor Soto released me. “Think of something that calms you, makes you happy.”

  Lucien’s face popped into my mind.

  “Draw on your dragon power.” Bo lightly kissed my cheek, sending warm tingles through me, dousing the knotted tension. I closed my eyes and inhaled and exhaled slowly.

  My silver dragon appeared in my mind. Light glittered off her silver scales and worry flickered in her eyes. She paced back and forth as if she were nervous.

  I need help.

  The dragon sat on her haunches. The evil is watching you. It fears you and a cornered animal is the most dangerous. It’s waiting to attack. You must be careful.

  A shiver of fear slid down my back.

  How can I find it?

  Use your fog to help find the magical gateway. Your fog can sense the evil.

  What if I freeze everyone?

  You won’t. Trust me.

  I opened my eyes. “I know what to do, but I need to shift again.”

  Professor Soto frowned and pointed to the sword. “Dead man’s blood is the only thing that will locate the magical gateway. Your dragon magic is full of goodness, not darkness. Only dark magic will reveal the gateway.”

  I tilted my chin. “That’s not why my dragon said.”

  Bo took the sword from me. “Professor, give her a chance. Doesn’t good triumphant over evil?”

  Professor Soto looked between Bo and I. “This is unprecedented.”

  I refused to look at her as I quickly stripped. Cold air made my nipples bud and cooled my cheeks.

  The Royals and Professor Soto backed up, giving me room to shift into a silver dragon.

  Professor Soto glared. “Now, what are you going to do Raven?”

  I refused to look at her. I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, producing a sparkling silver fog.

  “Don’t you dare freeze us.” Professor Soto shook her finger. “You’ll put everyone in danger.”

  I almost stopped, but I trusted my dragon.

  The white sparkles glowed and changed to blue to pink to orange.

  Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh

  Little streams whizzed out of the fog and whirled around the room as if hunting for something.

  Suddenly, the swirls slipped underneath the door that led to cells.


  “That’s where the first creature disappeared.” Professor Soto held out her hand. “I can feel a tremor of dark magic. We need to proceed cautiously.”

  Rhys edged closer to the door. “God, the stench is really strong.”

  I shifted and dressed faster than Superman.

  Bo clasped my hand. “Please, don’t do anything stupid.”

  I stiffened. “Why would you say that?” I couldn’t hide the anger in my voice.

  He pulled me against his chest. “Because I don’t want you to be lying next to Lucien all cut up. My heart couldn’t take it.”

  I scanned his eyes and could see the desperation and fear behind his pupils. I slipped my fingers around his neck. “I promise I won’t.” Softness replaced the anger in my tone.

  He leaned his forehead against mine. “Good.”

  Rhys rolled his eyes. “Do you two mind? I just want to get out of here and breathe some fresh air.”

  Professor Soto put her palms on the door. “It’s really cold.”

  Rhys glanced at me. “From Raven’s dragon breath?”

  She dropped her arms. “I don’t know.”

  Bo gripped Lucien’s sword. I wasn’t sure if he would be able to wield it since the weapon was loyal to Lucien, but right now, we didn’t have much choice.

  Professor Soto looked at each of us. “Are you ready?”

  Ignoring my wobbling legs and my racing heart, I nodded. “Yes.”

  “Yeah, I’m ready.” Bo gently squeezed my hand, and I smiled. His strength and belief in me gave me courage. He’d always been there when I needed them.

  Rhys cracked his neck. “Let’s do this.”

  Professor Soto slowly opened the door. The swirling sparkles circled a cell door and weaved around faster and faster. Frost formed on the bars, and a sheet of ice formed on the floor. A tall dark figure formed in the ice, but I couldn’t see who it was.

  “Is that Ryker?” Rhys mumbled.

  “I think so,” Professor Soto said. “Or it could be one of his enforcers.”

  Great, Ari or Faas.

  “Bo, touch the ice with the sword.”

  He stepped away from me and jabbed the swor
d into the ice on the floor.


  The sword left a small scratch.

  Cruel laughter rumbled.

  “Damn it,” Professor Soto swore. “Try again.”


  Bo did as she asked, but only left a longer scratch, and the laughter grew louder.

  Professor Soto shoved her hand through her hair. “It isn’t working. I thought the dead man’s blood would work.”

  Nausea churned in my clenched gut. Spit formed at the corners of my mouth. I gritted my teeth, refusing to get sick.

  Bo frowned. “Raven, are you okay?”

  “No,” I whispered. “I feel like I’m going to get sick.”

  The sparkles slowed, and the ice faded.

  Rhys looked at each of us. “I have an idea.”

  Professor Soto dropped her arm. “What? We’re losing our opportunity.”

  Rhys tilted his head. “Give Raven the sword and have her do it.”

  My stomach did a double flip. Me? Was he crazy? Any minute, the ice would be covered with my chocolate eclair.

  Bo glared. “No. It’s too dangerous.”

  “Look, dude. What you did, didn’t do shit.” Rhys tilted his head. “The Professor’s right. Let Raven try. If something happens, we’re here for backup.”

  “Rhys, I don’t know if I can do this.”

  He clasped my arm. “Yeah, you can. Lucien tells me all the time you’ve got a hidden power.”

  I blinked. “He does?”

  “Yeah, he does,” Bo admitted. He clasped my chin. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I bet my life on it.”

  For a moment, glowing red eyes flashed in the middle of the ice and disappeared.

  Fear gripped my lungs. I took a deep breath and hoped whoever was in the ice hadn’t heard Bo.

  I stretched out my palm. “I can do this. I swear.”

  “I’ll be right behind you.” His jaw tightened. “Maybe I should shift.”

  Rhys clapped his shoulder. “Ah, the corridor’s a little small for you.” His voice sounded teasing, but I could see the wariness in his eyes.

  But it wasn’t just in his. It was in all of theirs.

  “You might want to use both hands,” Bo said. “It’s heavy.”

  I slowly took the sword out of Bo’s hand, but it felt light. The sword quivered in my hands and strange sensations surged up my arms so fast I almost dropped it.


  He glanced down at me. “Yeah?”

  “Did you feel anything when you picked up the sword?”

  “No. Why?”

  “Just wondering,” I mumbled.

  My heart pounded louder than thunder. I stepped in front of him and gripped the weapon tighter.

  The red eyes lost some of their arrogance. Did whoever was behind it sense something?

  I plunged the sword into the ice. Fear flashed in the red eyes. Jagged cracks zipped through the frozen puddle, and it shattered.

  A loud hiss hurt my ears.

  “Yaow.” Rhys clasped his ears.

  Pain flickered in Bo’s eyes.

  Professor Soto scowled as if she’d just bit into a lemon.

  The glass-like pieces spun faster and faster, flashing rainbow colors across the ceiling, floors, and walls.


  Like snapping my fingers, they disappeared.

  I jumped. “What happened?”

  Professor Soto put her hand on where the floor. “The door is shut on this magical gateway, but it’s not closed.”

  Rhys rubbed his forehead. “What does that mean?”

  Professor Soto stood and wiped her hand on her robe. “Closed would mean it’s permanent, but for now, the door is shut. I suspect Ryker’s power was drained, and it will take time for him to renew his strength, which gives a small advantage to figure out how to keep him from reopening the doorway.”

  She gestured toward the frosted bars. “Raven?”

  I nodded. The tip of the sword touched the bars, sending magical colors up and down the metal.

  Bo whipped open the door. “Go ahead, Raven.”

  Once again, I jabbed the sword in the magical gateway on the wall. The same thing happened. The gateway exploded and shards of ice spun like wind chimes.

  Pop ping

  The dancing ice vanished, and the energy surging through me slipped away, leaving me with heavy weariness. My legs shook, and I swayed.

  Bo clasped my arm. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” I leaned my head against his broad chest. “I just feel drained.”

  “Very good, Raven.” Anton’s voice made me jump.

  Anton walked over to me and stretched out his hand. “May I see the blade?”

  I handed it to him.

  He examined the sword. “Interesting.”

  “We didn’t hear you come in, Headmaster,” Professor Soto. She gestured toward the wall and the floor. “Both gateways have been shut. The dead man’s blood helped it.”

  “But not closed.” He cocked his eyebrow. “No, I think not. The dead man’s blood had nothing to do with shutting the gateway.”

  Professor Soto crossed her arms and frowned.

  Bo puffed out his chest. “Raven’s dragon power closed it. She’s amazing.”

  “Shut it,” Anton corrected him. “Raven does have extraordinary power, but it wasn’t just hers that blocked the gateway. Another power was involved.”

  Beads of sweat broke out all over me as if I’d just ran a marathon. “What?”

  “I need to research more.” He tilted his head. “Bo, please take her to the infirmary. Lucien’s asking for her. She’s looking a bit ‘used.’ Magic can take a toll on the body.”

  “Sure.” Bo wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and my arms locked around his waist.

  He escorted me out of the dungeon. I was too darn tired to find out what Anton meant. All I wanted to do was to get out of here, see Lucien, and sleep for a week.

  Chapter 17

  In the infirmary, Lucien sat propped on a pillow. The blanket pooled at his narrow hips, and his half naked body was almost enough to zap energy back into my weary body.


  Lucien flashed us a small smile. “Hey.” His voice slurred as if he were drunk.

  The nurse pointed to a bed next to Lucien’s. “Please sit here, Raven.” She tilted her head. “The doctor gave Lucien a sedative, so he’s a little loopy.”

  Bo helped me sit and put his hand on my forehead. “You’re warm, and your skin’s flushed.”

  “I’m just really tired.”

  Dr. Greenwood, clad in green tights and a long vest, walked over to me and stared. He definitely wasn’t like any doctor I’d ever had. An aura of silver glimmered around him. Based on what Lucien told me, Dr. Greenwood must contain special gifts, which was probably why he was a healer. His long white hair was pulled into a loose queue, revealing his pointed ears. He stared at me with his blue eyes that had green and brown flecks.

  He touched my cheeks with the back of his hands, sending blooming tingles through me. “Her magic has been drained. She needs rest and a special healing draught from my woods.”

  Lucien looked between us. “What happened down in the dungeon? Were there any more of those things?”

  Bo shook his head. “No.”

  He quickly brought Lucien up to speed. I was too tired to talk and closed my eyes. I rested my head on Bo’s chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat and the rumble of his voice. The music made my eyelids heavy, and I couldn’t keep them open. I didn’t need Dr. Greenwood’s draught.

  “Another power besides Raven?” Lucien asked. “What does that mean?”

  Bo threw up his hand. “We have no idea. He was talkative, as always.”

  Lucien chuckled. “That’s Anton. What are you going to do?”

  “Strangle him,” Bo grumbled.

  Soft footsteps approached, but I was too tired to care who they belonged to. I inhaled the fragrant scent of lavender and
chicken soup.

  “Raven, drink this.”

  I opened my eyes, and Dr. Greenwood held a steaming goblet. “It will help restore your power.”

  I slowly sat up and clasped the goblet that was surprisingly cool, despite the swirling steam.

  “Is this chicken soup?”

  He laughed. “Hardly. But I know humans always think chicken soup heals them. It will taste like it, but there’s no chicken, just magical herbs.”

  I carefully sipped the liquid and tasted the most delicious chicken broth I had ever tasted. My stomach growled, and I drank the potion in three easy gulps.

  Dr. Greenwood took the goblet and then put his palm on my forehead. “Sleep, Raven.”

  I woke up, stretched my arms over my head, and squirmed in my bed. I swear I had the best sleep I’d ever had. My sleeves fell down my arms, and I realized I was dressed in one of my nightshirts. How’d I get dressed in this?

  Modesty at Legacy wasn’t an option.

  Lucien was still asleep in his bed. His long eyelashes graced his cheeks, and his head was in a bed of his gorgeous hair. The blankets barely covered his torso, and I could see his sexy V. Desire flooded through me, and my flesh turned hot. I was almost tempted to pull down the covers.

  “Good morning, Raven.”

  I tore my gaze away from Lucien to see Anton at the foot of my bed. I’m sure my face turned three shades of purple.

  “Anton,” I squeezed out.

  He took a seat between me and Lucien, blocking my view.

  “I take it you slept well.”

  “Yes, I did.” I pulled the covers tighter around me.

  “Anton? What time is it?” a sleepy voice mumbled.

  Lucien stirred, and I pushed my lustful thoughts out of my head.

  “It’s seven-thirty.”

  “Is there a reason why you’re visiting us at this ungodly hour?” Lucien grumbled.

  Anton frowned. “I don’t know why you’re complaining. You would be starting class shortly.”

  Lucien scooted up to the headboard. “Well, obviously we’re not doing that today.”

  I couldn’t see where the blanket fell with Anton sitting between us.

  Stop it.

  I sat up as well. “Lucien.”

  “I have a perfectly good reason for being here,” Anton argued. “I have spoken with Dr. Greenwood.”


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