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Legacy Academy: Year Two: Paranormal Academy Romance

Page 18

by M Guida

  Mina clasped my arm. “Raven, what’s wrong?”

  “That trail over there on the north wall?”

  “Yeah, what about it?”

  “That trail leads up to the summit of Mt. Elbert.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been studying Mt. Elbert all day.”

  People were crowded around the bar, and Rhys was pouring High Tempest. Soon this would be a drunken frat party.

  “I swear,” Mina said. “Rhys must swim in High Tempest.”

  “Yeah.” I moved my hands back and forth. “None for me tonight.”

  “No, kidding. You want to be on your toes.”

  “Hey, gorgeous.”

  I whirled around to see Bo.

  “You ready for tonight?”

  “Yeah. I guess so.”

  He clasped my chin. “Be careful. Do whatever Lucien tells you to do. Promise me.”

  “You care?”

  “You know I do.” He kissed me hard, making my toes curl. He looked up and smiled. “Showtime.”

  Heath was parting a sea of dancing students and headed toward Bo, who was already at the bar.

  Someone kissed me on the neck, and I spun around. “Lucien.”

  “Did you expect Bo?”

  I crossed my arms. “You just have to push the envelope. Don’t you?”

  “Every time.” He grabbed my hand. “Come on, let’s get something to eat.” He tilted his head. “Mina, come with us.”

  We all headed to the long table. Tonight, it was hamburgers, hot dogs, and bratwursts. There were all kinds of French fries. Bowls of fruit salad, watermelon slices, and veggie dips were right after the fries. Bowls of potato chips and tortilla chips were next to guacamole and French dips.

  I loaded my plate with bratwurst and loaded it with sauerkraut and fried peppers. I couldn’t resist the curly fries and got a big slice of watermelon.

  We found a table, and Lucien went and got us drinks. He came back with a High Tempest for Mina and water for him and me.

  He sat down and attacked his double cheeseburger.

  “Get away from me. I’ll drink as much as I want.” Bo’s angry voice was like a trumpet.

  He shoved Heath who tried to lead him away from the bar unsuccessfully.

  I put down my bratwurst. “Wow. I’ve never seen him like that.”

  Lucien grinned. “He’s putting on a good show.”

  Dante and Xavier put down their empty glasses and pushed Heath away from Bo.

  I chomped down on the rest of my bratwurst, knowing what was coming.

  “You’re an asshole, Heath,” Bo snarled. “Get away from me. I’ll drink as much as I want.”

  “You’ve had enough.”

  “No, I haven’t.” Bo clocked him and knocked Heath flat onto the ground.

  I dropped down my fist. “Yeah, baby.”

  Heath jumped up, snarling, and went after Bo. But Xavier and Dante backed him up and a brawl broke out. Fists started flying at the bar. Students were screaming and glass broke.

  All the professors, including Anton, headed toward the bar.

  “Are you almost done?” Lucien asked. “That’s our cue.”

  “I’m ready.” I plopped one more French fry into my mouth, wishing I could finish, but we wouldn’t have time.

  Mina clasped my hand. “Be careful. Remember what I told you.”

  I nodded. “I will. I promise.”

  Lucien led me out of the wild party. “What was that all about?”

  I told him about Mina’s premonition.

  “We’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

  Within minutes, we ran out of the auditorium and crept out behind the building. I quickly stripped while Lucien stood guard. I shifted into a dragon. Lucien picked up my clothes, and we lunged into the sky.

  We flew toward Mt Elbert which was a hundred miles away. But for us, we’d get there in about an hour. Only the stars were out tonight. We flew in and out of the clouds. We kept looking behind us to see if we were being followed. Not just by anyone from Legacy, but Dark Demons.

  So far, so good. But then again, appearances can be deceiving.

  As we grew closer toward Mt Elbert’s summit, fear nestled in the pit of my stomach. Clouds covered the summit, reminding me of Mina’s premonition.

  Chapter 26

  We landed on the summit, and we couldn’t see two feet in front of our faces. Something was wrong. All I could think about was Mina’s premonition. I quickly shifted back into human form.

  Evil was thick in the fog and rolled over my cold skin, making me shiver. Every hair on my arms stood straight up.

  “Get dressed.” Lucien handed me my jeans and T-shirt. “Can you feel it? They’re here. Damn, I should have brought my sword. I hadn’t anticipated this.”

  I clasped his hand. “We’ll do this together.”

  “The fog’s too thick to see anything.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Lucien, there’s something moving in the fog.”

  “I can see them, too.”

  Heavy and soft footsteps stomped around us. We’d walked into a trap.

  “This is what I saw in the magic orb, and I think this is what Mina saw in her dream.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “It wasn’t Professor Tuamma or Mina’s father in the fog. It was us. We’re the ones being hunted.”

  “Shit. That’s not good. Maybe we should have brought the team.”

  “Too late now. Lucien, I need to shift again.”

  “What?” He tightened his grip on my hand. “No. Stand behind me.”

  This time I grabbed his shoulders. “You don’t have your sword. You know they’re dark demons. Faas and Ari are here. I can feel them. Do you believe in me?”

  “I’m not helpless, Raven. I’m Lucien.”

  I clapped his cheeks and kissed him hard, drawing on his taste. “I know. We do this as a team.”

  Lucien released me. “Don’t wander off.”

  “I won’t.”

  Once again, I took off my clothes and shifted. I might not be able to cloak myself, but I could do something else.

  Dragon, I need help.

  She flashed into my mind. They’re here. The fog is not from nature. It’s dark magic.

  I know.

  What do you want to do?

  Drain their power. I can do this, right?

  Absolutely. Just inhale. It’s about time you embraced what you are.


  “Raven,” a foul voice said. “So, nice for you to come. I told you I would see you soon.”

  Red eyes stared at me through the fog.

  “Stay back, Ari,” Lucien growled.

  “My, my… two for the price of one,” Ari said. He closed in on us, and I could see the outline of him.

  “Try and take me,” Lucien demanded.

  “Oh, we will,” another voice drawled. Fire balls formed in the fog.

  Faas was on the other side of us.

  Not waiting for a chance for them to attack, I inhaled deeply. The fog whipped down my throat. It tasted slimy and bitter, but I refused to stop. I flapped my wings, sending wind rippling through the fog.

  “What are you doing?” Ari demanded. I could hear the fear in his voice.

  The dense mist dissipated, revealing the shadow demons.

  “Ah, good. There you are.” Lucien turned his palms toward the demons.

  “No, stop.” Faas threw a fireball at Lucien, but I smashed it with my tail, sending a fiery flame flying into the sky.

  Smoke rose from their bodies, and they caught on fire, screeching.

  Ari fell onto the ground, his blond hair covering his face. “What’s happening to me?”

  “She’s draining you,” Lucien said. “I’d get your ass out of here if you want to survive.”

  Faas flipped out his wings. “We’ve got to tell Ryker.” He flew into the air, abandoning Ari.

  No brotherhood there.

  Ari got up and limp
ed down the mountain.

  I stopped inhaling and coughed. My throat burned, and my gut felt like an angry bubbling volcano. I hoped I didn’t just kill myself. I shifted back.

  My gut recoiled.

  Lucien hugged me. “Raven, are you okay?”

  “No. I’m going… I’m going to be sick.”

  The most vile bile rose up my throat and spewed on to the rocks. I couldn’t stop, and I thought I’d die. Tears slid down my cheeks.

  Lucien didn’t leave my side and rubbed my back.

  I finally stopped heaving. “I… never want to… do that again.”

  “Here, get dressed.” His voice choked.

  I turned and gasped. Tears glistened on Lucien’s dark eyelashes. I’d never seen him cry. Never.

  He turned away from me, and I didn’t say anything.

  I quietly got dressed.

  “I’m sorry,” I muttered.

  He wrapped his arms around me. “Raven, I’m not disgusted. I was terrified I was going to lose you. Let’s just do this and get back to the Academy. I’m afraid they’ll be back.”


  We sat on a large boulder and looked up at the stars, but I didn’t see anything different than I had at the Academy.

  “Do you see anything?”

  In a loud, shaky voice, I said, “Archangel Chamuel, please show us. Moon, sun, and stars. Find the constellations.”

  This time, something happened. Some stars shone brighter and shapes took place.

  “Raven…” Lucien pointed. “I see what they are. A dragon, a wolf, and a Fae all glittered above us.”

  I gripped his hand. “Lucien, look at the moon. Is that what I think it is?”

  “Yes, vampire fangs.”

  And as if by magic, the sun flashed in the sky and a pair of gold wings took shape in the middle of the orange ball. Then it vanished, along with the fangs outlined in the moon and the constellations.

  A jolt went through me as if my mind had been opened, and I grabbed his hand. “Lucien, I know the answer to the riddle.”


  “The moon represents the vampires, the sun golden demons, and the constellations are the dragons, Fae, and wolves.”

  “And your point is?”

  “The riddle is Moon, Sun, and Stars, Find the Constellations, Blending together, wielding divine power.”

  “It’s the Defenders, isn’t it? The Archangel Chamuel was predicting us.”

  “I think it’s more than that. We have to get to Anton.”

  “Okay. Yeah.” He pointed. “I think there’s something coming.”

  Everything inside me was too weak. “Lucien, I can’t shift.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got you.” He lifted me into his arms and flicked out his wings.

  He soared like the wind. I clung to his neck and watched the black mass chasing us. I couldn’t stop trembling.

  I could make out dark forms. Ari wasn’t there, but there was someone in the lead that chilled my heart, and I couldn’t breathe.

  With his handsome face and long blond hair, I knew who was here. Ryker himself was chasing us.

  “Lucien,” I whispered. “Ryker’s here.” It hurt to talk, and my skin tightened over my bones. I didn’t know what was happening.

  “Don’t look at him.”

  A great light bloomed in front of us, growing brighter and brighter. It floated over us, which seemed to make Lucien fly faster and push Ryker and the darkness behind us.

  Legacy’s towers beckoned to us. Red and black dragons soared toward us, exhaling fire at the darkness. The biggest vampire bat flew past us, and I smiled–Anton.

  Howls broke out in the forest, and Xavier had rallied the wolves––anything on the ground would be ripped to bits.

  Lucien landed in the courtyard, still holding me close.

  Mina ran toward us. “Are you guys okay? Raven, why didn’t you shift? Oh, God. Your face…”

  “She’s sick. I have to get her to Dr. Greenwood.”

  Lucien raced toward the infirmary, holding me close. He burst into the infirmary.

  Dr. Greenwood rushed over to us. “What happened?” His face paled. “Put her on the bed.”

  “Is she going to be okay?” Mina was crying.

  “I don’t know. Get Anton.” He put his hand on my forehead, and I was out.

  Chapter 27

  I woke and almost laughed. I was back in Anton’s quarters again. This was becoming a bad habit.

  Lucien was asleep in one chair next to me and Bo in the other. The rest of the Royals and the girls were camped out on the floor.

  The door opened, and Anton walked into the chamber.

  “Hello, Raven. I felt you wake up.”

  Lucien stirred in his chair. “Raven, you’re okay.”

  Anton smiled. “Yes, of course, she is. White magic is stronger than dark.”

  Bo lifted his head off the chair. “Raven?”

  I sat up on the bed. “What happened to me?”

  “You were turning into a horrible skeleton,” Mina blurted. She shoved her hair out of her eyes.

  “I was?”

  “You absorbed the evil, and that can have adverse effects.”

  I thought of the movie Ghost Rider and didn’t want to walk around like a flaming skeleton for the rest of my life. “Am I going to be okay?”

  Anton sat on the bed and took my hand. “Yes. Silver dragons can withstand dark magic, but it always takes a toll on the body. You needed time to heal, especially after your first time.”

  “She’s not utilizing that power again,” Lucien said. “It almost killed her.”

  Bo shook his head. “She needs time to develop it. I believe in her.”

  Lucien glared. “You weren’t there… You didn’t…” His voice trailed off as if he couldn’t talk.

  “Okay, guys,” I said. “I just woke up. I don’t want another fight on my hands.”

  “Lucien filled me in what you saw.” Anton studied me. “You know the rest, don’t you?”


  Xavier yawned and sat up on the floor. “What are you talking about? Lucien said the riddle meant the Defenders.”

  “It’s much more than that,” I said. “Blending together. Means blood, doesn’t it?”

  Rhys got up and stretched. “What does that mean?”

  Anton smiled. “I believe it means combining all the powers into one wields divine power.”

  Dante got off the floor and sat on the couch. “What does that mean?”

  Lucien looked at Anton. “It means the mixing of races, doesn’t it?”


  Bo frowned. “But that’s forbidden.”

  “Apparently not to the Archangel Chamuel.”

  “I don’t know if I should ask this…” Xavier said, “but is Raven still expelled?”

  “Yes, she didn’t pass the trial.”

  My shoulders slumped, and I wanted to cry. I so didn’t want to leave here.

  Lucien studied me. “Can she try one more time? Just with you? I have an idea. Just give us one more day.”

  Anton got up. “Tomorrow at ten.” He exited the room.

  Bo gestured toward me. “Lucien, are you crazy? She’s not strong enough to try again.”

  “Yeah, she is. She just needs to eat.”

  Rhys raised his hand. “I’m food patrol. I’ll bring her back enough food to pack some meat on her bones.”

  He left.

  Bo crossed his arms. “What’s your idea?”

  “You’ve been asking your dragon to help you with the fire, right?”

  “That’s what she’s supposed to do,” Bo interrupted.

  Lucien ignored him.

  I sighed. “Yeah. So?”

  Excitement flared in his eyes. “Tomorrow, I don’t want you to ask your dragon.”

  “What? I’ll fail.”

  “No, tomorrow pretend like you’re a golden demon. I think that’s why Anton has had me teaching you.”

sp; Everyone’s jaw dropped.

  Bo looked between Lucien and me. “I knew he was teaching you.”

  “Are you mad?”

  “No.” He looked at Lucien. “Do you think it will work?”

  Lucien grinned. “Yeah, I do.”

  The next day, I was back at the auditorium. The three pyres were out there like always, and I was filled with dread.

  Anton said I only had to do pass two of the trials––the cloaking and the three heats of fire. As far as he was concerned, I passed the other two.

  He wasn’t the only one there. Professor Soto and Heath were there. I don’t why he brought the most arrogant asshole on the planet, but knowing Anton, he had his reasons.

  I got to have all the Defenders present. Even Vivian, Eden, and Demi were there.

  Lucien stood next to me. “Now, do what I told you. Don’t ask for your dragon this time. Shift, but call upon a golden demon.”

  Panic pumped through me, and beads of sweat broke out. “I don’t know if this is going to work.”

  He ran his hands up and down my arms. “Has what you’ve been doing worked?”


  “Then trust me.”

  I stared into his eyes and then at the Defenders. I braced my shoulders.

  “I trust you. All of you.”


  Anton motioned with his hand. “Raven, whenever you’re ready.”

  “This is ridiculous,” Heath spat. “She failed once before. She’ll fail this time. She’s not a dragon.”

  “Shut up!” Bo shouted.

  Lucien kissed me. “Don’t let him get to you.”


  I watched him return to the bench. He sat next to Bo, and I had a feeling that was on purpose. I stripped down, praying this wasn’t a lost cause and my ass wouldn’t be dumped off school grounds.

  “Raven, please cloak for us,” Anton said.

  I shifted again and forced myself not to call upon my dragon, which was hard, because I could feel her wanting to be at my side.

  Instead, I said, Golden demon if you’re there, anywhere, please help me.

  Nothing happened. I closed my eyes.

  Golden demon, I need to cloak.

  Slowly tingles glided over my scales like a glove.

  Loud gasps and claps made me open my eyes.


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