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Two Necromancers, a Dwarf Kingdom, and a Sky City

Page 67

by L. G. Estrella

“Out of interest,” Vicky said, moving back to the front of Spot’s mouth to pry some shards of bone from between his front teeth. “What do you call the greatest necromancer in the world?” She tossed the shards of bone into a nearby container. They could feed them to some of the hatchlings of Sam’s kind. They were happy to eat just about anything.

  “That would be the Supreme Necromancer, and there’s only ever one of those at a time.” Timmy chuckled. “The current one is an old codger who has been around since my master’s day. Oh, people have tried to take the title from him, but he’s put all of them in their place – or underground if they’re more persistent. He’s not a bad guy, though. He’s pretty reasonable if you’re willing to be reasonable. He and Katie sometimes exchange letters about necromancer history since they both have an interest in it.”

  “Really? I thought he would be more menacing.”

  “Oh, he can be menacing. He’s just too old to bother most of the time. He and my master detested each other too, which means he can’t be too bad.” Timmy nudged Vicky. “See the gum line? You need to give that a good clean with one of the brushes. The metal tools aren’t much good at it.”

  “I see.” Apart from the metal tools, there was also an assortment of different toothbrushes, which were all tougher than what a human would use.

  “You know, Spot, now that your claws are changing to get better at holding things, maybe you could brush your own teeth.”

  The dragon somehow managed to look comically aghast at the thought despite still having Vicky’s arm in his mouth. But you’re so good at it!

  “I’m not saying you have to do it all the time, but you should learn just in case I’m not around to do it. True, you’ll never be able to clean your teeth as well as someone else can due to the shape of your mouth and your claws, but you can still get pretty good at it. Besides, with the tricks you’re learning from your mother, you might become the first dragon to ever brush their teeth using nothing but fire.”

  That idea, at least, Spot could appreciate.

  “You know,” Vicky murmured. “There might be a better solution.”


  She gave him an impish smile. “Have you ever wondered why people keep their clothes on when they enter the astral plane?”

  Timmy frowned. It was a bit odd now that he thought about that. “You know… that is weird. Astral projections are just that: projections. But entering the astral plane fully involves transforming your whole body into an astral form, and clothes aren’t technically part of your body. Look at werewolves. When they transform, they shred their clothes. I always just assumed it worked like teleportation and affected everything close to you. After all, people don’t usually lose their clothes when they teleport.”

  “You’re right to some extent. Entering the astral plane fully does involve a complete transformation. The reason people keep their clothes is because their magic instinctively transforms and converts everything they consider part of themselves into their astral form. That’s also why people’s astral forms don’t always match their physical appearance. For instance, many mages who have lost limbs will still be whole in the astral plane. However, if you don’t think your clothes are parts of you…”

  “Then you might leave them behind.” Timmy raised one eyebrow. “Although I have to wonder how you know that.”

  “I may or may not have left my clothes behind the first time I entered the astral plane fully instead of just sending an astral projection.” Vicky chuckled. “It wasn’t one of my prouder moments, I assure you.”

  “It must have been an interesting experience,” Timmy replied.

  “Interesting is one way to put it. You can imagine how my aunt – who was supervising me – reacted when I appeared in the astral plane naked. Luckily, I was able to rectify my mistake in a matter of moments. It would have been quite awkward otherwise.” Vicky took her hand out of Spot’s mouth. She was done, and his teeth were now wonderfully clean. “But the point is that after examining the idea in more detail, I began to experiment with how much I could take with me into the astral plane and how much I could leave behind. It seemed like a fun little experiment to run. With sufficient practice, I learned how to take only specific pieces of clothing with me – and how to leave the grime on those clothes behind.”

  “Ah.” Timmy nodded. “I see.”

  Spot must have realised it too. He smiled a toothy, toothy smile. I can leave stuff behind… but take my teeth with me.

  “Exactly.” Vicky patted him on the head. “I believe that with enough practice, you could learn how to enter the astral plane with only your body. If you did, then when you came back, your teeth would be perfectly clean. With more practice, you could use your intangibility the same way, turning your body – and only your body – intangible while leaving behind anything stuck in your teeth, as well as any other grime or dirt you might have accumulated on the rest of your body. You wouldn’t have to worry about brushing your teeth, and it would be a lot quicker too.”

  Good idea. Spot flexed his jaws several times. The immensely powerful muscles coiled and uncoiled as he tested the feel of his newly cleaned teeth. Setting aside the incredible damage his teeth could inflict, the raw force Spot could generate with each bite was insane.

  “Well, you can be pretty lazy for a dragon,” Timmy said. “Which is why you’ll need to practice.” He grinned at Vicky. “And why do I get the feeling you’ve used this trick yourself?”

  “I will neither confirm nor deny anything,” Vicky replied with a grin of her own. “But I will say that when you’re in a rush and a bath would take too long, it does come in handy.”

  Timmy stood up and gestured for Spot to get up as well. However, the dragon had already flopped onto his back and was busy badgering Vicky for a belly rub. The woman obliged, and Spot trilled happily. “Come on, Spot. You can get a belly rub later. It’s time for your lesson with Vicky.” He paused and looked around. “But I do wonder who is out to get me. I don’t think I’ve done anything to annoy my colleagues more than usual, and I’ve already sorted out that mess with the mages from the Library of Elder Wisdom. Well, kind of. I didn’t sort it out so much as they summoned the wrong thing by accident and got eaten, but the point is I don’t think it’s them.” He shrugged. “Oh well. I suppose I’ll find out.”

  “I suppose you will.” Vicky chuckled. “Will you be joining us while Spot is training? Another pair of eyes might be useful.”

  Timmy considered it. They’d already booked some time at the testing range the rats used. If Spot made a mistake with his new powers, it was better it happened outside the castle. The last thing he needed was for Spot to accidentally phase into a wall and then try to blow his way out of it with his fire. Timmy was still fixing the castle. He did not need a panicked dragon to add to the cost of renovation.

  “I guess I can tag along for a while. Besides, Avraniel will be there too. I’d say the two of you cancel each other out, and I’d rather be the deciding vote than let one of the demolition rats do it. I already know what they’d vote for.”

  Spot wagged his tail and smiled. Explosions are fun.

  “Yes, Spot, they are, but they can also be dangerous.” Vicky scratched the dragon’s belly. “Which is why we try to avoid causing them indoors.”

  Timmy shook his head in fond exasperation. “Although we don’t always succeed.”

  About the Author

  I am a writer with an avid interest in psychology, physics, history, and economics. Writing has long been a passion of mine, and I hope to someday make a career of it. Apart from writing, I have worked in education as a lecturer in one of the aforementioned subjects.

  I believe that writing is a wonderful thing and that good writing and the techniques required to develop it should be shared with as many people as possible. In that regard, I’m always open to hearing from anyone who was read my work. If you want to contact me (perhaps to praise or perhaps to put your proverbial stake and pitchfork to work), then by
all means send me an email, or drop by my blog where I discuss issues related to books, writing, and my own work.

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  If you send an email or leave a comment, I’ll do my best to get back to you.

  More From L. G. Estrella

  If you’re interested in reading more of my stories, you can find them on Amazon.

  There are also previews for each of my stories at my blog:

  You can also read on to find out more about my stories.

  The Hungry Dragon Cookie Company

  The Unconventional Heroes Series Side Stories Part One

  The Hungry Dragon Cookie Company – it sounds crazy, but it might just be Timmy’s ticket to financial security and a fully renovated castle.

  To earn a pardon and avoid prison or execution, Timmy, Grand Necromancer and Lord of Black Tower Castle, has been completing missions for the Council with the help of an elite team of truly heroic individuals.

  There’s Katie, his apprentice. She’s brilliant, cunning, and maniacally devious. She’s also ten years old, extremely adorable, and loves billowy robes and the colour pink.

  There’s Avraniel, the pyromaniac elf who is responsible for more property damage than anyone in Everton’s history (including dragons, natural disasters, and demon gods).

  There’s Gerald, the hyperventilating bureaucrat who is at the top of every monster’s menu.

  There’s Old Man, a retired legendary swordsman whose hobbies include bonsai trees, fishing, and the occasional duel to the death.

  There’s Amanda, ancient vampire and sophisticate who knows all about the Council’s founding because she was there when it happened.

  And then there’s Spot. He’s cute, cuddly, and friendly. He loves tug-of-war and fetch. He’s also a fire-breathing dragon who can devour an entire cow in about thirty seconds.

  The Hungry Dragon Cookie Company is a collection of fourteen short stories that take place before, during, and after the first three parts of The Unconventional Heroes Series. Each story hopes to answer important questions like:

  How does a company involving cookies and dragons even work?

  How did a trans-dimensional, protoplasmic horror and a Grand Necromancer become friends, and how did that horror develop an addiction to cake?

  How does an ancient vampire acquire the comely, young virgins she needs to maintain proper vampiric health without looking like a total weirdo?

  Answers to all of these questions and more will be revealed. With unconventional heroes like Timmy and the gang around, life is never boring.

  Divine Assistance

  The Divine Assistance Series Part One

  When the Supreme Mother and Supreme Father separated Creation from the Void, they also created the gods, beings of incalculable power who wielded cosmic energies far beyond the petty comprehension of mere mortals. The gods were supposed to preside over Creation with unmatched wisdom and knowledge.

  Well, that was the idea.

  But what is Death – a god of terrible majesty and splendour – supposed to do when his daughter asks for a pony? Is he really supposed to just go out and get a mortal one? Like that’s going to work. It’ll keel over and die in a couple of decades. No, his daughter deserves something better, a pony truly worthy of her divine heritage, which means he’s going to have to get a little bit creative.

  And then there’s Bureaucracy. The Supreme Mother and Supreme Father might have given rise to Creation, but Bureaucracy is the one who has to keep everything running smoothly. But that’s easier said than done when there are hundreds of gods and countless mortals to consider – none of whom understand the importance of filing paperwork in triplicate. Luckily, not even gods can escape the awesome power of divine paperwork.

  And let’s not forget gods like Mayhem, Mischief, and Rabble. Their names speak for themselves. When the three of them take a holiday in the mortal world at the same time, trouble is right around the corner.

  Divine Assistance is a collection of fourteen short stories about the gods and their attempts to manage Creation. There are souls to claim, mortals to woo, and even the occasional city to smite. After all, what’s life without a little divine assistance?

  Divine Interference

  The Divine Assistance Series Part Two

  For aeons, the Supreme Mother and Supreme Father have led the gods in protecting Creation from the abominations of the Void. They have brought order and light to the mortal world, passing on their boundless wisdom and knowledge.

  Or not.

  What is a would-be hero to do when the god of aspiring heroes turns up to help with a less than stellar success rate? Easy. Start praying for another god since the last hero he tried to help ended up as dragon food.

  Who does Death – a god of unmatched power and might – go to when he needs to build a prison for the scum of the afterlife? How about Torment? He’s smart, creative, and his name kind of says it all.

  And then there’s Zephyra. Being a young, up-and-coming goddess isn’t easy when all the good jobs have already been taken. Being the goddess of raccoons might sound great, except the raccoon she’s stuck with is a kleptomaniac with a penchant for trouble. It’s a good thing that she’s not the only young god hoping to get some more experience. Young Death is looking for a part-time job too.

  And let’s not forget Fate. There’s no way Fate could possibly lose at poker, right? Most of the time, that would be true. But her opponents in this game are Luck, Misfortune, and… Mischief. There’s no way this doesn’t end in disaster.

  Divine Interference is a collection of fourteen short stories about the gods and their attempts to keep Creation running smoothly. There are dragons to negotiate with, cities that have to be destroyed artistically, and kingdoms in need of saving from vicious fish people. There’s nothing like a bit of divine interference to make life interesting.

  Attempted Vampirism

  The Attempted Vampirism Series Part One

  It’s not easy being a vampire – just ask Jonathan.

  As the 32nd Lord of Bloodhaven, Jonathan is a vampire noble. Alas, he’s a noble in name only. Forget gold, diamonds, and bountiful estates. All he has to his name are one cosy – some would say dilapidated – castle and a reputation as a fine scholar specialising in ancient lore. Of course, given the horrible ends both his father and grandfather met in pursuit of fame and fortune, it’s probably for the best that he enjoys the quiet life.

  Sadly, his quiet life is about to meet a horrible end of its own.

  Think tax collectors are bad? How about… vampire tax collectors?

  After a run in with the Blood Alliance Department of Taxation leaves Jonathan with nothing except a dressing gown and a pair of bunny slippers, he has no choice but to leave his quiet life behind. He needs a lot of money, and he needs it now. But at least he can rely on his faithful servants for help, right? Wrong. The only servant he’s got left is his old but faithful butler, Miles.

  To get his castle and his stuff back, Jonathan and Miles have to take some risks, but the gods aren’t going to make it easy for them. After all, these are the same gods who took at least three tries to get the world mostly right, and they have some wonderful surprises up their sleeve.

  If Jonathan can survive werewolves, bandits, and eldritch monstrosities, he might just stand a chance. Sure, he’s more familiar with a book than a sword, but he’ll make it work. Somehow. Maybe. Probably not.

  It’s not easy being a vampire, but Jonathan is going to give it his best shot.

  Monster Whisperer

  The Monster Whisperer Series Episode One

  In a world where monsters like dragons, hydras, and basilisks are real, being a monster researcher isn’t easy – just ask Patrick Richards.

  Ever since he saw Vulcan – the largest and mightiest dragon in North America – Patrick has dreamed of being a monster researcher. But despite the popularity of m
onsters all over the world, funding in the extremely hazardous field of monster research is far from stellar since the most enthusiastic researchers are often the ones who have to retire – or get buried – the earliest. Monsters don’t muck around, and even a single mistake can be fatal.

  So when the owner of one of the world’s most powerful media companies comes to Patrick with an offer, it’s not something he can afford to turn down. Sure, he’s not the first researcher they’ve asked – and isn’t that worrying – but he might just be the first researcher to pull it off. Monsters are big business, and what could be more popular than a television show that gets right up close and personal to some of the world’s most popular monsters?

  With a small team by his side, Patrick is in for the challenge of his life. Can he pull this off and film the pilot episode the world has been waiting for, or will he end up as yet another monster researcher statistic? It’ll be tough, but if he can do it, he might just earn the title of monster whisperer.


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