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King of Nice

Page 7

by R H Tucker

  So while Jade chats with Skye, Derrik pulls at my arm, forcing us to slow down as we walk toward the plane. “Dude, what is up with you two?”

  “What?” I give him a confused blink.

  “Are you two hooking up, or is this, like, something more?” Coming to a stop, he gazes at the staircase attached to the plane and waves. Looking over, I see Jade wave back, and then Skye smiles.

  Wouldn’t it be awesome if this was something more?

  No, this is a deal. Plain and simple. She’s the one who brought it up, and it’s what she wants. Plus, it’ll help me out, too.

  “Naw, it’s just, like, whatever.” I try to sound as nonchalant as I can.

  “Really?” He quirks an eyebrow. “Because Jade told Maddox that you two were straight-up making out on the red carpet. Your photos are gonna be posted all over the place if they aren’t already.”

  That’s all part of the plan, so I try to act casual as I can. “It’s all good, bro. I mean, I know it won’t be anything like Danica and you, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

  He holds my gaze for a minute, I’m sure deciding if I’m telling the truth. I have no reason to lie to him, and he knows that, but he’s also aware that this entire thing is completely new for me. Plus, there’s a slight tinge of guilt.

  When he started the whole thing with Danica, he came to all of us. He told us what was happening, and he wanted to know what we thought. It was all a publicity stunt to try and cross-promote our band with her fanbase, but he put all his cards on the table with us. He said if we disagreed or even thought it was stupid that he wouldn’t do it. We all agreed, not so much for the crossover appeal, but we figured it couldn’t hurt. Yet here I am, with this fake relationship, hiding it all from him and the others.

  After a second longer, Derrik cracks a smile. “My brother, the King of Nice, hooking up with a badass bass player.”

  Laughing, I push his shoulder and head toward the plane. Maddox wiggles his eyebrows, I roll my eyes at him, and Jade giggles. Getting onto the plane, I take a seat next to Skye. She smiles up at me, and I take her hand when I sit down, uninitiated, and it actually feels normal and not like an act. It kind of surprises me.

  The Bucket Squad, a movie premiere, Cirque du Soleil, and attending Juliette Jone’s show that’s received rave reviews. Not only that, but we also showed up to a guest deejay spot Maddox was doing that brought in half a dozen celebrities in town for the second weekend of the music festival. Skye and I have been spending a lot of time together.

  She was impressed that not only is Maddox a drummer, but he can deejay, too. When I told her he also played the guitar and dabbled with the trumpet, it blew her mind. I would’ve almost been jealous at how impressed she was by Maddox had she not danced with me all night to Maddox’s music, and we made out under the strobe lights.

  The Electrocutes don’t have a late spot on the lineup for Rocket and Moon, but since it’s their day to perform, we didn’t really set up anything to do. Things have been going pretty good this week, so I decided to stop by and surprise her.

  I hang out backstage while they perform, listening to them. I’ve never heard them live, but they play really well together. Roxy plays her drums almost as aggressively as Maddox does. And Leah’s voice is impressive. She screams out her lyrics, hitting the hard tones she’s going for, but she can shift to a low, smooth melody during other parts. All of that said, my eyes never leave Skye.

  She holds the bass low, hitting the strings like second nature. It’s funny, as much as we’ve been hanging, we haven’t dove into anything personal or specific. I don’t even know how long she’s been playing music. Her head bobs back and forth, playing her guitar, entirely in sync with her bandmates. But more than that, she’s focused on the rhythm. She bites her lip, not in a nervous way, and not even in concentration. She’s lost.

  Lost in the song, lost in playing, and lost in the fans cheering for them. It’s the same way I get on stage. She has her hair pulled back in a braid, and she’s wearing small, black jean shorts, and a forest green tank top. Even though I notice all of that, watching her completely wrapped up in her music is … beautiful.

  The crowd cheers for them as they leave the stage. Leah sees me first and runs over to me. “EJ!” She gives me a hug. It’s nice that even though her band knows the truth about us, they both have been super supportive.

  “Hey,” Skye says, staring at me, confused. “Did we make plans? Oh my God, EJ, I’m sorry, I must’ve forgotten.”

  “Oh, no. No.” I wave my hands. “I, uh … just thought I’d surprise you.”

  “EJ!” Roxy yells at me, wraps her hands around my neck, and kisses my cheek. “You’re adorable!”

  I shake my head with a smiling cringe. “You keep saying that, and you know adorable and cuteness are my sworn enemies.”

  She laughs and runs off, leaving Skye and me. “She’s right, though,” Skye tells me, setting her guitar down. Turning to me, she wraps her arms around my neck, and I instinctively wrap mine around her waist. “It’s completely adorable, EJ. But in all the right ways.”

  I surprise myself by giving her a quick kiss. “I thought we could do something tonight.”

  “Yeah, sure. What’d you have in mind?”

  “Well, what about riding the High Roller?” I suggest.

  She frowns. “Oh. We went down there earlier before the show to grab some food, and people were turning away. They said they closed it early for a special event or something.”

  “Yeah, I know.” I grin. “I reserved it.”

  Her mouth drops. “You what?”

  Throughout the entire time watching her, and even giving her a kiss without even thinking about it, I haven’t been nervous. I wasn’t even worried when I set this entire thing up, thinking it’d be a nice thing I could do. But her expression switches something on inside.

  I drop my hands from her waist and take a step back. Scratching the back of my head, I scan the backstage area, nervously biting my lip. “Yeah … um, you know what? It’s cool. We don’t have to do anything. It’s probably not something a bad boy would do anyway. We can just—”

  She grabs my hands, stopping me. “You’re right. It’s not.” Leaning closer, she softly kisses me on the corner of my lips. “But it is something a girl could fall madly in love with, so there’s that.”

  “Yeah?” I try to sound relieved, but nothing is lacing the word except hesitancy.

  “Yeah,” she confirms. “Don’t be afraid to be bold, EJ. It’s not about being a bad boy or anything like that. Remember, confidence.” She gives me another quick kiss and then walks by me. “Let's go.”

  The High Roller is one of the biggest Ferris wheels in the world that’s smack-dab in the middle of the Las Vegas Strip. It’s also surrounded by little shops, a couple of eateries, and a dessert shop, so on the way, we grab a couple of milkshakes and then make our way toward the ride.

  It’s not like a regular wheel. The seats aren’t seats at all, but similar to luxury boxes, with enough space to sit comfortably and take in the Vegas view. We were fine on our way here and even ordering our shakes, but now that the ride is moving, a nervous quietness floats around us.

  “So …” I sip on my strawberry milkshake, unsure what I even want to say.

  “So.” She offers a small smile, taking a drink of her chocolate drink. When another minute of silence floats by, she bumps her shoulder into mine. “Why’d you do this?”

  “You don’t like it?”

  “No, I do. It’s just not something anyone can really take notice of.” She must see me gazing at the floor, pinching my lips to the side. “Not that it’s not something incredible. It is, EJ. It just … doesn’t really fall in line with our plan.”

  “True,” I agree.

  She takes another sip of her drink, and I remember why I did do this. I think our plan is following the steps we’ve directed so far, and I’m really starting to enjoy it. I know what the end goal of all of this is, but it�
��s been nice being around her. Doing things with her. However, I also realize I don’t know that much about her.

  “Honestly, I’ve loved doing this stuff so far, Skye,” I answer. “But I wouldn’t mind getting to know you a little better, too.”

  “Oh, yeah?” She grins, leaning into me.

  “Yeah. Like … well, for starters, how long have you been playing for?”

  A genuine smile crosses her face. It’s different than the other ones I’ve seen. Her eyes soften, and she bites the inside of her cheek. “Since fourth grade.”

  I raise my hand. “Third grade.”

  “I saw Metallica in a music video, and I was hooked.”

  “Metallica?” I ask, shocked.

  “Yeah, why?”

  I shake my head at myself, almost embarrassed to admit this to her. “I saw the Rockin’ Power Lizards and begged for a guitar.”

  Her mouth drops before she lets out a loud laugh, leaning into me. “No! No, you can’t be serious! That old cartoon with the lizard band? You cannot be serious.”

  “Hey, Larry was amazing! Although, okay, Lenny was the cooler one with the bass.”

  “Of course! Bass players are always cooler!”

  “And then there was Lonny, who Derrik thought was the best since he was the lead singer.”

  “Oh my God!” she shouts, jabbing her finger into my side. “You’re a total nerd for the Rockin’ Power Lizards!”

  “They were amazing!”

  “I can’t believe it.” She takes another drink of her shake. “Okay, I have a question.”


  “EJ. What is that?”

  I narrow my eyes. “What is what?”

  “Your name. What’s EJ?”

  I’m a little shocked she doesn’t know, but I exaggerate the expression, dropping my jaw, staring at her. “Wow. Skye Robbins. See, I know your name. I can’t believe you’ve been making out with me for a week … wait, no, more than a week. We’ve gone out time after time, and you don’t even know my name. I feel so used.”

  “Shut up!” She pushes me, laughing. “Sorry, I’ve just always known you as EJ. I mean, is that it? It doesn’t stand for anything?”

  She waits for my answer, and I know it’s a simple question, but it feels nice that she wants to know. “Eric James.”

  “So mature,” she says with a straight face, before breaking into giggles.

  “My mom wanted Eric. My dad wanted James. They couldn’t come to an agreement, so they went with both, and to make both of them happy, they called me EJ.”

  “Oh, that’s sweet.”

  “Not really,” I reply. “He didn’t care enough to stick around very long.”


  My mouth snaps shut, unsure why I let that much info out. But when I glance back at her, she waits patiently, and the ease of talking to her continues. I like that she’s getting to know me. “He left when I was just under a year old. My mom met Derrik’s dad and were married by the time I turned two. He adopted me when I was four. It’s why Derrik and I never call each other step-whatever. He’s my brother.”

  She takes my hand, intertwining her fingers with mine. “EJ, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s okay. I’m not. Jason’s a great dad. And it all worked out.” I grin, running my thumb over the top of her hand. “I’m a rock star.”

  It brings a new smile out of her. “Did you always want to be a rock star?”

  “Yes.” I nod, taking a new drink. “But, I did want to be a veterinarian for a few years.”


  “Yeah. Rockin’ Power Lizards, remember?” Her giggles force another smirk out of me, and I bump her shoulder with mine. “You?”

  “Not until high school. Before that, I wanted to be an astronaut. Before that, the president, and before that, a princess.”

  “You shoot for the moon, don’t you?”

  “I guess I do.”

  She giggles, and the cab gets a little brighter as we float high above the city, and the stars, moon, and lights shimmer around us. Her dark umber eyes look lighter in the glowing windows, with a piece of her hair hanging down. Reaching over, I brush it behind her ear, and I don’t feel nervous or timid or even reluctant. Just like those moments when the world fades away, she’s all there is.

  Leaning closer, she brings her hand to my face, setting down her shake. Putting mine off to the side, my fingers run along her jaw, holding her closer. Our lips still haven’t touched, but I feel like I do when they have. I know this is unnecessary, but I don’t care that there’s no one here to take notice. Actually, I’m glad there isn’t. All I want is her closer. Our lips finally connect, and it doesn’t matter if this is for show or practice or something she feels like she needs to do. I just know her lips fit perfectly against mine, and I want more.

  “You taste like strawberry milkshake,” she whispers.

  “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I ask, keeping my eyes on her, brushing away another strand of hair from her face.

  “Very good.”

  Our mouths connect again. I taste her lips and tongue, then her hands through my hair. Nothing about this seems forced or a show. It feels right. Not like something I’m trying to do to figure out how to compare to Maddox or Derrik, or shake any stupid hang-up I have over my lame nickname. It’s something I want to keep feeling. And I realize I may like this girl more than I should.



  Checking the mirror one last time, I make sure my eyeliner and lipstick looks good. Adjusting my bra, I brush off any lint from the front of my shirt. It’s brand new. I went back to that nostalgia store and got a Rockin’ Power Lizards shirt.

  I smile at my reflection. I think EJ will get a kick out of it. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I reach over for my black leather jacket that’s on my bed.

  “Where are you going?” Leah asks, walking by my door. “And what are you wearing?”

  I laugh, looking down at my shirt. “You don’t remember that rocking lizard cartoon?”

  She stares at me like I’m crazy. “Yeah, I remember it. That still doesn’t explain why you’re wearing it.”

  “It was EJ’s favorite, and—”

  “Ooooh,” she cuts me off, smirking. “EJ.” It’s said with a teasing tone, and she leans against the doorway. “You got in awfully late last night.”

  “It wasn’t that late.”

  Roxy butts in, popping her head in on the other side of the door. “You didn’t come back until midnight. All of that time aloooone?” She giggles.

  “Shut up, you guys.” I wave them off, slipping my jacket on. “We just hung out. The High Roller, then walked around Paris and the Bellagio. We talked.” They both narrow their eyes, neither believing me. “Okay, and we made out some more.”

  “What’s going on with you two?” Roxy asks.

  “What? Nothing. This is all part of the plan, remember?”

  They exchange glances, then look back at me. “Yeah, but you guys have done stuff that doesn’t get any coverage. Like the High Roller, what is that?”

  “It was nice. And things are getting out there, especially after the movie premiere we went to. Look.” Pulling out my phone, I open three different gossip news apps. “Everyone’s reporting on us. It’s working.” They still stare at me, unconvinced. “What?”

  “Skye, do you like him?”

  “Of course, I like him. He’s a nice guy.”

  “No, do you like like him?” Leah puts a hand on her hip.

  “Like like? What is this, fifth grade?”

  “You tell me! You’re the one who bought a shirt with his favorite childhood cartoon on it.”

  “It’s just a shirt.” I walk between them, over toward the door. “I’m going out.”

  “It’s almost one in the morning,” Roxy calls out, and they both hurry behind me.

  “They just finished their set. It’s Vegas, we’ll find something to do. Besides, I think we should wor
k on him a little bit.”

  “Hey.” Roxy grabs my arm as I reach our door. “Be careful.”

  “We’ll be fine. He can bring security if I want, but I’m sure we’ll be okay.”

  Shaking her head, she frowns in concern. Her eyes meet mine, and they soften a touch. “No, not that.”

  I scoff, blowing her off. “I’m fine. This was the plan, remember? Everything is going exactly how it’s supposed to.”

  Leaving the room, I head to the elevator to go up to the penthouse. As the doors close, their words remain rolling around inside. I know they’ve teased me about EJ, all in good fun, but after last night, they were really laying it on thick.

  But I know what this is. This is the plan, so people stop looking at me like I’m a heartbreaker. Last night was great, though. It feels nice holding his hand, walking around like we’re a real couple. I have to admit I’ve actually forgotten a couple times that we’re not. The more I’m around him, the more it feels natural. And then the kissing?

  I haven’t brought up EJ’s past because I’m almost positive he doesn’t really have one. You don’t get called the King of Nice by having an extensive dating history. But the way he kisses me? Feeling his hands around me, I don’t know why it seems like he knows exactly what he’s doing. Or why it’s getting harder to pull away from him when we’re that close. Even now, since he surprised me yesterday, I thought I’d surprise him, and we’d find something to do tonight, but with a little edge to him. Something that shows he can let loose where people can see. Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to being around him. I’m hoping he’s still as comfortable as he has been in the past with holding me. Kissing me.

  “Miss?” A massive security guard, dressed in a black suit, with a dark gray shirt and tie, holds his hand up in front of me. A small, curly wire wraps around his ear. “Can I help you?”

  “Oh, I’m just going to visit EJ Tyler.”

  “Sorry, ma’am, I can’t let you through. This is the penthouse level.”

  “I know. Sorry, I’m in one of the bands for the festival.”

  “That’s fine, ma’am, but you still can’t come through.”


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