Brand: Filthy Modern Vikings: The Jorgensen Legacy

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Brand: Filthy Modern Vikings: The Jorgensen Legacy Page 3

by Moore, M. K.

  Deciding to get up and figure out where my man went, I brush my teeth and throw on his button up. When I near the living room, I hear voices. It is more than just Brand. I recognize only one of the voices. When I turn the corner, I see two men sitting across from him and his brother Tori.

  The two men dressed in camos look like brothers. They are sexy in the pretty boy, Italian dangerous sort of way. It’s the venomous faces they have that alert me something is up. I am about to detour to the kitchen when one of the guys looks up and whistles.

  “Well hello, beautiful.” My cheeks blush on their own. I raise my hand to wave, but Brand intercepts.

  “Don’t fucking whistle at her. You wanna die in my living room right now, you fucking dumbass?” I know I should turn and leave the room, but something about the growl in his voice and the way it gets deeper the madder he is, halts me. It could be because my pussy is having a pep rally in my underwear, throbbing and tingling like a fucking football stadium when the Friday night lights go up.

  “Jaymes. If you don’t put some fucking clothes on baby, I am going to lose my damn mind. Take your ass in the back and get decent.” What I wouldn’t give to see him lose his mind. Right now. I mean right this second. The stickiness on my thighs is evidence of my need to see him go bestial. Perhaps, that is why I don’t move.

  “The Fuck. EVERYONE. GET. THE. FUCK. OUT!!!” Something about the roar of his edict, sends me into action. I move to turn when he stops me.

  “Don’t run now little beast. You wanted to wake him up, right? Come here.” I walk to him so needy and hot. My knees like jelly barely able to contain the desire coursing through me.

  “Such a naughty little one, aren’t you? You liked provoking me, didn't you baby? You wanted this reaction. It’s not like I didn’t alter your insides last night and early this morning. Always so greedy. But this time you fucked up. No one is to ever see you like this. Are they baby?” No sound leaves me. I simply shake with anticipation and longing as I shake my head.

  His face touches my neck where his tongue starts to lick to the tip of my ear. The warmth of his mouth bites my ear lobe as he whispers, “Bend over the table baby. You know you got this coming.”

  Like the wanton hussy I am, I do as he says. I lean over the table. My hard nipples rub against the edge, adding to the ache between my legs. The feel of his hands traveling the length of my legs up to the edge of my panties is sensual. I whimper knowing that whatever he is going to do to me is going to be delicious and exactly what I need.

  “I can smell your greedy little snatch as it drips all that sugar down your thighs. You want me to lick it up baby?”

  Oh hell. I am in so much trouble. How does a girl maintain any level of mystery when his words can unravel me? He twists my panties until they tear off. His fingers are tracing their way down from the small of my back to hot button between my ass cheeks.

  “Mmmmm…I can’t wait to sink my cock inside your ass. But right now, you got another thing coming.”

  Smack. Smack. Smack. He reigns hell down my ass. Over and over.

  “You knew better, didn’t you? You wanted me to heat this luscious ass up. Isn’t that right?”

  I pant. Harder and harder. My nipples are trying to stab the table as my belly quivers and my body convulses. It feels as if I am having a seizure. I can’t stop the reaction my body is giving to the fire coursing through me. His hand being the source of even an inkling of pain on my body is too much for me.

  “Answer me little beast. Is this what you wanted?”

  Smack. Smack. Smack.

  “Fuck. Look at how red your ass is. So hot when I touch it. When I pinch it….”

  Ssssss…I hiss. My already sore bottom smarts at the pinch. Acknowledging the pain coursing through me. But the pain gives way to intense pleasure. His fingers graze through the cream covering the inside of my thighs.

  “It is fucking sexy baby, how you crave me as much as I do you. Do you know what it does to me that you can take anything I give you? I told you. Taken from my rib, Jaymes. It gives me so many dirty ideas of things I want to do you. And you would let me, wouldn’t you little beast?”

  “Brand,” is the only thing I can say. Barely above a whisper. But laced with undeniable want and a throb that is becoming unbearable.

  “You are beautiful when you beg. But this time, you went too far. The other part of your punishment is not to cum. You will suffer all day knowing you did this to yourself.” When he walks away, I can’t believe it. Did that asshole just leave me wanting like this?

  “And, don’t even think about touching my pussy. You do and I will spank this juicy pussy raw. Don’t test me again little beast. Now, get your sulking ass in here. We got a new mission.”

  I am mad enough that I could bite his dick off. The need to touch myself is overwhelming right now. But I know he will do what he said, and it would be awful to walk around with a swollen pussy all day. I decide not to test it. For now.

  He is lucky I want in on this. But don’t think for one second, I am not going to pay his ass back. Somehow.



  She gets off the desk in a huff and follows behind me.

  “If it weren’t for this mission Brand, I swear to all that is good and holy, I would have a lot to say about what just happened in there.”

  “Well, thank God for missions then,” I say. I prepared her a go bag when she said she said wanted to come along on a mission, I just didn’t think she’d be using it this soon. She talks under her breath as she gets some clothes out and walks into the bathroom. I follow behind her, but the door shuts firmly in my face. So, she’s pissed.

  I get dressed and wait for her down in the living room. When she comes down a few minutes later freshly showered, I can see that she’s been crying. Aftercare is never been anything I had to deal with. And aftercare on yourself is mighty different. I fucked up and I know I’ve fucked up, but unfortunately, I don’t have the time or the know how to fix it right out.

  “Where are we going?” She asks, picking her bag up.

  “Mexico. It’s a clean-up mission. Closing out the rescue from where Om was injured.”

  “Oh yea, that was bad.”

  “They didn’t have enough bodies on the ground to get them all to safety. We watched the location. They moved once they realized the three we went in for were no longer there.”

  “Okay. I’ll be ready,” she says.

  “I have no doubt of that,” I reply honestly.

  We leave to head for the private airstrip. Once in the air she reads a book that she brought with her, while I go over the plan with the guys. I vow to make it up to her later. Somehow, someway she’ll know she’s the most important thing in my life. We just gotta make it out of this mission alive.

  * * *

  Seven Hours Later

  Somewhere in Mexico

  We dropped Jaymes off at the safe house she and I will be occupying in Chihuahua City. The traffickers moved from Juarez to a villa outside of Delicias, which is about eighty-seven clicks from the safe house. We move quickly, the normal drive time between the two places is normally an hour plus, but we get there in forty minutes. One of the many benefits of knowing an active Federale.

  Francisco Javier García is currently driving the getaway vehicle. He is a Comisario Jefe in the División de Inteligencia. Being a commissioner has its perks too. He is discrete and has helped Berserker Security more times than I can count. He’s smart and effective, so it’s only natural that he’s on our payroll.

  “Jefe, how much longer,” Troy asks Francisco from the third-row seat of the family minivan we borrowed for the job. I use the term borrowed loosely.

  “Three minutes out. Get ready,” he says. I check my personal piece, a Kimber Ultra Crimson Carry II. I cleaned her yesterday. Kimberly has been with me for two years. Holstering her, I move to my combat rifle. It’s a Heckler & Koch HK417 Recce. It’s a recon rifle that I’ve used it since I was in the service.
br />   When we pull to a stop in the middle of nowhere, I realize we have a bit of hiking through a verifiable jungle to get where we are going. From the view of the scumbags, it’s the perfect place for their dark deeds.

  The second we step out of the car, I start sweating. The arid heat of dusk is still lingering. We move through the jungle in stealth formation. I bring up the rear. As we near the small house, the lights are on. I follow the silent directions this mission’s Alpha leader, The Colonel, is giving.

  We enter the house through the front and back doors. From the front hallway, I take out two of the sentry’s standing near the door that goes down into the basement. From the heat index, we can tell the women are being held down there. As I prepare to storm it with the others, I hear a child crying in one of the main level rooms. I signal that I am going to check it out and step away from the pack.

  Following the cries, I enter the bedroom with a door closed. Inside are three dead bodies and a toddler. The little girl is filthy. There is a man asleep on the bed in the corner, handcuffed to the toddler. I unlock the handcuffs and comfort the girl. When she is calm, I set her back down and away from the carnage. I kick the sleeping man who wakes with a start.

  “What the fuck?” He shouts. His Russian accent is thick.

  “What the fuck is right. What is this?” I ask pointing my gun at him.

  “My fucking job.”

  “Your job is to be handcuffed to a crying child?” I ask incredulous.

  “My job is whatever they tell me. Who the fuck are you?”

  “Your worst nightmare. You are the only person left alive right now. You will tell me what I what to know and I might spare you.” I jerk him up into a sitting position.

  “Fuck you,” he spits at me.

  “Wrong answer, you piece of shit,” I say as I punch him. Not hard enough to knock him out, just enough to get his attention. The little girl starts crying again and that too keeps me from working him over harder.

  “The man owed a lot of money for services rendered. He didn’t pay. We kept the girl as collateral, but still he didn’t pay. I killed them myself when they thought they could take her back.”

  “This is her entire family?” I ask. This girl is bringing out a papa bear instinct I wasn’t sure I possessed, but it’s coming out in spades at the moment.

  “Mother, father, and grandfather. She has no other family to speak of.”

  “What were you going to do with her?”

  “Turn her over to DIF,” he lies. I don’t even know him, but he’s lying.

  “Right. What is her name?”

  “Mariela Agudo.”

  “All targets out and all assets accounted for,” The Colonel says as my com goes off in my ear. “What is your twenty, Brand?”

  “I’m in bedroom two with a target and an asset. I need some help with the asset.”

  “On my way,” Troy says. Once Troy has Mariela, I turn back to the man.

  “We’re gonna have some fun now. What’s your name?”

  “Why does it matter?”

  “I like to know the name of the man that I’m about to kill,” I say smiling.

  “I have more information you might find helpful,” he says.

  “I have no doubt you’ll tell me what I want to know.”

  “How you can you be so sure?”

  “I have my ways,” I respond cryptically.

  “Sure, you do.” I pull out a knife and jam it into his thigh.

  “My name is Vlad Volstav,” he says immediately.

  “Very good, Vlad. That is a good start. Where is Mariela from?”


  “Good boy, Vlad,” I say patronizingly.

  The next few minutes are a fucking blur as I torture him. He spews information about a trafficker named Sergio Aleksi, that we didn’t know before. A cut here, a slash there, a burn or two on his chest. This what I do. This is my element. This is where I thrive. His pitiful screams of pain and pleas for me to stop do nothing but make me go at him harder. His blood rains down on me and yet, I feel nothing but happiness.

  Every blade stick and every bullet, right down to the one I put between his eyes, gives me something. Something that can’t be put into words. The... elation I feel as his eyes lose their light is much like an orgasm. I like it maybe a little too much, but I do. By the time the shitbag, Vlad, is dead, I am feeling amped up. I am covered in blood, but the high adrenaline rush is coursing through my veins as we make it back to Chihuahua City.

  The girls we rescued are safe in their own safe houses until we can arrange for them go where they like. For some reason I take Mariela with me. I have a feeling that Jaymes will be able to get through to her. I’ve tried both English and Spanish, but she is afraid right now.

  “Who’s this?” Jaymes asks as soon as we walk in.


  “She was in that house?” She asks looking up at me.

  “She was.”

  “Hi, Mariela. I’m Jaymes. Do you talk yet?” When she doesn’t answer, she surprises me by repeating it in Spanish. Mariela’s eyes light up.

  “I don’t talk good yet,” she says.

  “How old are you?”

  She doesn’t speak, but instead holds up four fingers.

  “Ok, pretty girl. How about a nice bath?”

  “Okay,” she says nodding. She holds her too skinny arms out to Jaymes, who looks surprising content to have her in her arms.

  After the bath, Mariela falls asleep quickly. Jaymes carries her to an empty bed, closing the door behind her. She comes back to stand in front of me.

  “You’re filthy too,” she says.

  “You have no idea.”

  “Let me help you,” she says lifting my shirt at the hem, pulling it over my head and tossing it away.

  “What about earlier?”

  “Don’t worry about it. I was a little too sensitive.” That’s all I need to hear right now. I can and will deal with it better at home. I kiss her brutally. Biting her bottom lip, she moans. I taste her blood and that makes me even harder. My cock is gonna do some damage tonight.

  “This is going to be rough and fast.”

  “Do your worst,” she says unbuckling my belt and sliding my pants down my thighs. I turn her around and rip her yoga pants open. She’s not wearing any panties and her dripping pussy is ready for me. Her ass is still tinged pink with little bruises forming. I drop to my knees and kiss the globes of her ass. They still feel a bit warm.

  “Hold your ankles,” I demand. As she does what I ask, I slam my cock into her pussy. I brutally fuck in and out of her. I shove two fingers into her mouth. “Suck,” I demand. She does so, and I rip them from her mouth and slowly work them into her asshole. It’s tight, but she’ll never be able to take my cock there if we don’t work it.

  “Harder, please. I can take it.”

  “I know you can, baby. I’m just getting started.” I slap her ass, hard. I know that has to sting, but instead of crying out in pain, she comes with her cunt gripping my dick and her ass tightening on my fingers.

  “Good girl, Jaymes. Good girl.” I feel her shiver and I would do anything to get her body to respond to me like that again. It’s a powerful feeling.

  “More. I need more,” she pants. Her breath is coming in short bursts. I pull my fingers from her ass. Since my pants aren’t all the way down yet, I reach down and grab my push dagger from its sheath. It’s got a short-pointed blade. My palm wraps around the handle for optimum precision. I look down at it, but I realize I don’t need it. I don’t want to use it on her. I toss it down on the ground and walk closer to the bed.

  “Do you trust me?” I ask.

  “With my life,” she responds quietly.

  “I want to own you. Will you let me?”

  “You already do,” she says. Her voice has ratcheted up a notch in her excitement. I kiss her sweet swollen lips again.

  “I want to own your breath while I fuck you,” I say. I should feel ter
rible about this, but I don’t. Maybe I have no soul. Maybe I need this. Maybe she does. Whatever the reason, this is happening. Pulling out of her, she walks over to the couch and lays down, her legs spread wide.

  “Is this where you want me?”

  “Yes,” I say kicking my pants and boots the off as I walk.

  Looking down at her, I am in awe of her strength and beauty. Her scars are sexual in a way they shouldn’t be. I am amazed that she is already all fucking mine too.

  Joining with her, I slide my thick cock back into her slowly. I still want her bred. I grab her thighs, squeezing them as I do. I don't want to hurt her. I want to pleasure her. Her little moan spurs me on and grip the top or her left tit. Leaning down, I pull her nipple into my mouth. I fuck my cock into her slowly at first. Then faster and faster. The pulse point in her neck is my focus point. I test the waters by wrapping my hands around her delicate throat. I squeeze gently at first, then she moans from deep within her. It vibrates under my hands. Her legs wrap around my waist and I fuck into her harder than I ever have before.

  It’s savage, brutal, and quite literally breathtaking. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. She is my better half in so many fucking ways, I’ve lost count. She screams my name as we orgasm at the same time. I release my hands and she takes in a deep breath.

  “Holy fuck, Brand. That was amazing,” she says her voice deep and raspy.

  “You’re amazing, baby. Thank you for trusting me.” She grins.

  “Brand, don’t you get it? I’ll always trust you, always love you. Our darkness speaks to each other. I can feel it when you walk into a room. I know you do to. Trust isn’t the word I’d use. There isn’t one. It goes so far beyond that.”

  Over and over, I will ask myself the same fucking question until the end of time. How’d I get so fucking lucky? We lie on the couch, my weight pressing into her for a while. I should get off of her and let her clean, up but she seems content running her fingers through my hair.

  “I want to adopt Mariela,” she says after a while. I thought she was asleep, but I guess she was just deep in thought.


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