Book Read Free

Cuffing Season

Page 1

by Danielle Allen




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  The One Series



  Also by Danielle Allen

  Copyright © 2018 by Danielle Allen

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, pirating, or by an information storage and retrieval system - except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or website – without permission in writing from the publisher/author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Editor/Proofreader: Nerdy Girl Editing

  Cover Design: Q Design

  Cover Photo Credit: Shutterstock

  Cuffing Season

  I wasn’t looking for a man.

  I was looking for a mentor.

  When renowned photographer Luca Romano returned home to teach a Photo Storytelling workshop, Hamilton University was buzzing. But a campus wide email warned us not to approach Luca if we weren’t selected to participate—and I wasn’t selected.

  I wasn’t looking to break the rules.

  I was looking to break into the industry.

  I knew getting photographed by Luca Romano would catapult my career. I hoped he’d call, but I had no expectations. I wanted to converse with him, pick his brain, expand my portfolio. That’s all.

  Listen… I wasn’t looking to be his muse.

  But I wasn’t going to tell him no.


  To intersectional feminists, male and female.

  Cuffing Season is the standalone spin-off to Sweatpants Season.


  I laughed loudly.

  I was never able to get through that story without laughing.

  Surrounded by one woman and three men, I stopped walking. “…so that’s when I realized I was in the wrong class the whole time!”

  They laughed causing me to laugh even harder.

  “You are hilarious, Serena!” Kate giggled.

  “Hilarious and beautiful,” Corey complimented between chuckles. His eyes roamed from the tight curls of my hair over my black and white polka dot shirt and down my bright blue pants. “Did you make those?”

  “Yes!” I chirped brightly, pride widening my eyes and my smile. Striking a pose, I giggled. “I sure did! They are part of the Simply Serena Collection.”

  “Your collection is going to be a hit. If they can make everyone’s ass look as good as yours does, you’re going to have a hit on your hands,” Kate mused with a nod, her green eyes giving me a critical onceover. “And it’s going to look good on camera, too.”

  I looked down at the wide-legged pants and my favorite black spiked heels. I grinned as I glanced back up at her. “I think so, too.”

  “No fair! If I would’ve said that, I would’ve gotten slapped!” Corey laughed, making the two other men chuckle as well.

  “Absolutely.” I winked. “So, don’t try it.”

  “But I’m a photographer, too!” Corey argued.

  “Bye, guys!” Kate laughed as she headed back to the building.

  “But would you slap Jerome Bellamy or Luca Romano or Davis Hampton?” Corey’s friend chimed in.

  “I don’t know about Davis, but Jerome and Luca are Serena’s dream photographers,” Corey stated with a laugh. “She said in class that she’d let them do anything.”

  “What I said was that they could do anything…in terms of photography. Their skill level is that great.” I giggled as I shook my head. “You’re always trying to turn something sexual. That’s one of your problems.”

  He imitated an Italian accent. “Would it be better if I talked like this?”

  I looked at him, horrified. “No. Not at all.”

  “Well, let me take you out to dinner so we can discuss other ways I could improve myself.” Corey made a move to put his arm around me.

  I blocked his arm and ducked out of the way. “Who taught you how to flirt?” I swatted at his arm playfully. “Stop this!”

  “Let me give you boys some advice… ”

  They instantly started laughing as they waited for me to continue.

  “Excuse me,” a stunning woman interrupted, walking toward me.

  She was moving with a purpose, but I had no idea who she was. Her smile was friendly, and her eyes had a hopeful spark in them.

  “To be continued. Goodnight, fellas.” With a wave over my shoulder, I flashed my pearly white smile her way.

  “I don’t know if you’re familiar with Luca Romano, but—”

  My eyebrows flew up. Luca Romano!

  “I’m familiar with the fact that I prayed to the gods that I’d get into his class and wasn’t selected,” I interjected with a laugh. “I’m guessing you were one of the lucky ones?”

  She grinned proudly. “Yes. But if it’s any consolation, my sister wanted this more than anything and she loves his work.”

  “So, she feels my pain?”

  “I imagine she does.” She laughed along with me. “Speaking of his class, our first assignment is to photograph someone beautiful”—she handed me a photography release and consent form— “and I saw your awesome style and thought you’d be the perfect person for this quick assignment.”

  “Well, thank you. I love it when women compliment other women...” I took the paper out of her hand, and I read over it quickly as she spoke.

  It was the standard photographer’s release form. I’d just filled one out that morning, and nothing seemed too different except for the fact that my photo wouldn’t be used outside of that one assignment.

  “But I have a question…” I looked up and noticed a sexy man in a hoodie standing a few yards away.

  “What’s that?” She leaned forward, pulling my attention away from the sexy lurker. Pointing to the bold print on the form, she said, “Just so you know, your photo won’t be used for anything outside of this assignment.”

  “Yeah, I read that part, and I’m willing to do it,” I replied, scribbling my sprawling signature along the bottom of the form. “But I was going to ask for something in return.”

  “What’s that?” Her words were slow, apprehensive.

  “Would you give Luca Romano my card?” I pulled a card out of my back pocket. “I’m a stylist, model, and photographer.”

  “Oh, yeah.” She nodded, relieved. Taking my card, she glanced at the name before putting it in her bag with the signed consent form. “I can do that., Serena.”

  Oh my god, it worked! I found a loophole in the system! The administration said we couldn’t approach Luca. They didn’t say anything about having someone else approach him on our behalf.

  I could barely contain my excitement. “And what’s your name?”

  “I’m Akila.”

  After we shook hands, she positioned her camera to her face and snapped a bunch of shots. For the two-minute photoshoot, I effortlessly slipped i
nto model mode. I immediately struck pose after pose, accentuating my angles, and making sure I caught the natural light.

  “Got it,” she said as she looked at the screen of the last shot I’d taken. “You made this easy.”

  “Thanks! And I appreciate you giving Luca Romano my card. A campus wide email went out asking us to respect his space, but a secondary email went out to the School of the Arts basically asking us not to embarrass Hamilton University by throwing ourselves and our portfolios at him.”

  She giggled. “I get it. So, what I’m going to do is rave about my model and give him your card casually once he raves about the pictures here.”

  I squealed. “Perfect!”

  “Okay, I have to head back to class, but thank you, Serena.”

  “No, thank you!”

  She turned, and I watched as the lurker looked at her.

  Hmm. They must be together.

  His face and body shifted as she grew closer to him. He said something to her as he fell into step with her. They looked completely at ease with one another, yet at the same time, the flirty way they interacted made it seem like they were at the beginning stages of their relationship. The space between them, the stolen glances, the adoration that clearly existed painted a vivid picture in my mind until they disappeared into the building. In that moment, I yearned for whatever it was they had.

  “No,” I whispered, shaking off the thought and forcing my legs to make it across campus to the parking lot.

  I needed to stay focused on my work. I had a fashion show to prepare for. I had a fashion line to perfect and finalize. I had head shots to send out. I had goals to accomplish. I had dreams to chase.

  I didn’t have the time for a man in my life.

  Chapter One

  “Hello?” I answered my cell phone as I eyed myself in the mirror.

  “May I speak with Ms. Serena Brooks?” the deep, accented voice rumbled on the other end.

  I paused as I took a second glance at the way my olive-green jumpsuit complimented my mocha complexion and fit my form perfectly. “This is she…” I pulled the phone from my ear to eye the unknown number. “May I ask who’s speaking?”

  “Luca Romano.”

  “Listen… I don’t have time for games or bullshit, Corey,” I sighed. “Pretending to be Luca Romano is lame.” I sucked my teeth. “With your fake ass accent.”

  Hanging up the phone, I slipped into the expensive shoes I was gifted after an internship with New York Fashion Week the year before. I felt slightly overdressed for an exhibit at Rich Gallery, but it was hosted by Luca Romano.

  Speaking of which…

  I rolled my eyes as Corey called from the same number he called from before.


  “This isn’t Corey. This is Luca Romano.”


  My mouth opened and then closed.

  That girl—Anika or Arika or something—had said she’d give him my card but that was over a month ago.

  This can’t be real. This isn’t real.

  “Prove it.”

  He laughed, deep and rough. “I don’t have to prove shit.”

  I smiled. Something about the way he said it confirmed it in my gut before my brain knew it to be true.

  “Okay,” I conceded, my tone softening. “But quick question… what’s the name of the starlet that catapulted your career?”

  “Jordan Brewers.”

  “Anyone worth their salt knows that answer!”

  “So why did you ask it?”

  “Because I needed to know if I was dealing with an amateur or a professional.”

  “I don’t have time for your games, Ms. Brooks.” He sounded amused. “I have an event.”

  “Okay, last question. If you’re Luca Romano, how did you get my number?”

  “A student of mine photographed you for an assignment.”

  My brain confirmed that it was Luca and my stomach dropped. It was him. I didn’t tell anyone about giving my card to that woman to give to Luca because I didn’t want to get in trouble with the Dean of Students. I was in my final year of my master’s program. I couldn’t afford to be suspended or expelled.

  “Hello?” The questioning in his tone alerted me that I had been silent for far too long.

  “I’m sorry, hi. I’m still here.” I paused, getting myself together. “I’m—wow—stunned. I didn’t expect to hear from you.”

  “Well, the reason I’m calling is because I’ve been asked to shoot something, and your face popped in my head.”

  “What?” I gasped, bringing my hand to my chest. My heart was racing.

  “I’ve looked over the photos my student took of you and I can’t get your face out of my head. I think you’re perfect for this project.”

  “Yes,” I replied automatically. “I’ll do it.”

  He let out a chuckle. “I haven’t told you what it is yet.”

  “You’re Luca-fucking-Romano. If you think I’m perfect for the project, I’m in.”

  “Nice.” He let out an amused grunt. “I need to meet my students for their exhibit, but thank you. I’ll be in touch.”

  I opened my mouth to say goodbye, but he had already disconnected the call.

  “Oh my god,” I breathed. I looked around my empty bedroom before screaming, “Oh! My! God!”

  I didn’t know what to do or who I could even call. Even though they’d be excited for me, my parents had no idea who Luca was and wouldn’t get the significance. My best friend was on a romantic getaway with her husband. And all my other friends were artists who also received the email warning us against approaching Luca.

  Trying to contain my excitement, I gave myself another onceover in the mirror before I yelled to the ceiling. “Oh! My! God!”

  The sound of my upstairs neighbor banging on her floor caused me to roll my eyes, but at the same time, I snapped my lips shut.

  But I don’t say anything when you have a full fucking parade at six o’clock every morning, I grumbled under my breath before my lips turned upward again. Fuck it. I’m about to see Luca Romano, and he just called me.

  Doing a little jig, swinging my hips, I grabbed my keys and headed to Rich Gallery. Nothing was going to get me down.

  “Hello?” I answered the phone as I sped down the highway.

  “Serena Brooks!” My best friend screamed as soon as I answered.

  “Vanessa Franklin!” I yelled back with a giggle.

  “Why didn’t you call me to tell me about your night with Marcus?”

  “Because you’re on the final days of your anniversary trip! I wanted you and Derrick to enjoy your time together.”

  “You and I both know Derrick knows that this is a package deal. He married me, and he got the both of us. I was waiting for you to let me know about the date last night. Even he asked on the way back from dinner how things were going.”

  I laughed. “He asked what?”

  “He asked how your date with Marcus went.”

  “Sheesh,” I groaned good-naturedly. “He takes his big brother duties way too seriously.”

  “I think he just wants to get you married off because he’s tired of his friends asking if you’re single.”

  “I told him that he could hook me up with Trent!”

  Vanessa chuckled. “Exactly! I told him that if he isn’t trying to hook you up with Trent, don’t bother.”

  “Right?” I eased my car off the highway and onto the street where Rich Gallery was located. “His boys have been trying since you two got together. Trent is the only one who hasn’t tried. And believe me, if he did try, I’d give it to him.”

  She howled with laughter. “You are so ridiculous!”

  I grinned. “This is true.”

  “Now tell me about Marcus. After seven months of begging for a chance to take you out, you finally said yes. Please tell me he pulled out all the stops.”

  I circled the block looking for a place to park. “We had dinner at this cool restaurant that had a
great band. I thought that was it, but he followed it up with drinks and dancing at a lounge. His roommate works there so Marcus was able to reserve a special section and everything. And then…we spent the night together.”

  Vanessa started squealing. “Oh my god! Tell me everything!”

  Grinning, I scanned the street for an available space. “After dancing, we went back to his place to listen to music—”

  “You know how you are when it comes to listening to good music!”

  I laughed, nodding. “Yeah, and his playlist was on point.”

  “Does that mean what I think it means?”

  “Absolutely.” I grinned. “It was a good night.”

  Vanessa cackled wildly. “You slept with him!”

  “I sure did.” I laughed as I eased into a parking spot three blocks away. “And it was so good.”

  “Finally! You needed some dick. You were stressing out about your fashion show even though we both know it’s going to be a hit! So, I’m glad Marcus got in there and calmed your ass down.”

  I could barely breathe because I was laughing so hard. “You are ridiculous!”

  “You spent the last couple of months backed up—”

  “I was finishing the spring collection!” I interrupted, amusement in my words.

  “You were stressing out over the spring collection,” she corrected me.

  “The fashion show is two weeks away.”

  “And you had everything finalized two months ago.”

  “I wanted to be sold out before school started.”


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