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Logan's Promise

Page 10

by Nancy Howard

  As Gavin sits listening to Logan, he realizes he is listening to someone who has made her living as a bounty hunter just like he has done. He has never known her like he is seeing and hearing her now. She is thinking about the future. A future that he knows will include him. He listens to a Logan who wants to bring joy into someone's life, something he has never heard her talk about before. Now, she believes that the journey to a better life may lie right in front of her. Here at Sanderson's Hill Ranch. As he listens, he hears her sound hopeful and he has known her for a longtime.

  “You know Gavin, I had to quit. I didn't want to get killed doing it, you know. It was scaring hell out me. Then I made the decision to chase after Hogg by myself, which was stupid and would have been suicide for me.

  “I got that way for me, too, when I was chasin' Hogg by myself. I kept askin’ myself what the hell I was doing out there, I just wanted to find you, Logan. I wanted nothing else but that. And I worried that you might be trying to go after them alone, too. Which as I found out your were.”

  “I'm glad you found me when you did. I didn't want to go after them alone.” she says. “But you and I both know it's time we thought about settling down. You know.”


  “Yes, Gavin—together.”

  LOGAN AND GAVIN GET back at about five that afternoon. She leaves Warrior and Gavin down by the corral, and walks back to the ranch house. Once there, she goes goes into the office where John is, and tells him that their has been no sign of any cattle rustlers again today.

  “I wonder where they are?”

  John said, “I think that word may have gotten out, that I've hired you and Gavin and that in itself is probably working as a deterrent. Whoever is paying those men to steal my cows knows that you and Gavin are out there on that mesa on a daily basis.”


  “It could be, Missy.”

  “You need me for anything else, cause I'm really tired. It's been a long day and I want to rest before dinner.”

  “No, not right at the moment. But I do have an important announcement that I'm going to make at dinner tonight, that you won't want to miss. I want Jay and Gavin to hear it also so I want all three of you at dinner this evening.”

  “Want me to go down and tell them?”

  “No, I'll send Jose' down to do that.”

  Logan shakes her head, and wonders what is on his mind but doesn't question him further. She gets up out of the chair and goes off and up to her room. John watches her walk up the stairs, and at one time it only reminded him of Jennifer. But now he sees only Logan.

  GAVIN AND JAY ARE FINISHED eating, both start to get up to leave, and John tells them to set back down, that he has something important that he wants all three of them to hear. The two men look at him, wondering. Logan knows about the announcement, but she too is in the dark as to what John is going to say.

  “I want the three of you to know that things are about to change here and in a big way. Catherine and I have discussed this, and I'm not gonna beat around the bush here. I want to get straight to the point. Logan, your duties here at the ranch are going to change as of right now. That is if you want to do what I'm about to say to you.”

  As he says this, he has Logan's attention. She's looking at him and is all ears, and he didn't call her Missy, which he usually does. So she knows this is important to him.

  “This morning, for the second time in the past week, you have come into the office and helped me solve a problem I was struggling with. You did so again this morning. Now I know you have twelve years of schooling, and it is apparent that you are very good at arithmetic. I hate doing office work, and I hate arithmetic even more. I always have. But I've had to do it and the office work, because I along with Catherine own this ranch. There was no one else around to help and I had no one to teach me. So I did the best I could, and learned ranching by the seat of my pants.

  “Now, it's no secret that we're getting on in years, and that this office work is wearing on me. I want to get outside and work the ranch, while I'm still able, too. I also, for sometime have been wanting to find somebody to learn what it is I do.

  “As all of you probably suspect, I had planned on teaching Jenny to run Sanderson's Hill, but she's not here anymore. And even when she was alive, she didn't show all that much interest in ranchin' anyway. To tell you the truth, I'd just about given up hope of finding someone to turn over running this place, too. That is until you showed up, Logan. So this evening as of right now. I'm extending the offer to you, to learn how to run Sanderson's Hill. I'll teach you everything you need to know, and can learn. That is, like I said if it's something you want to do.”

  Logan sets there for a second and is quiet and stunned at what he said. As she tries to absorb all this. She just heard him say, he wants her to learn the ranching business and run Sanderson's Hill. The Sandersons think so much of her already, that they want her to run their huge spread.

  “So I heard you right. You want me to learn the ranching business.”

  “Yes, if you want, too. I'll teach you.”

  Logan sets there for another few seconds and looks at Gavin, who is grinning from ear to ear upon hearing John announce this. Shaking his head yes.

  Logan smiles and then says without hesitation, “sure, sure, why not? Yes, I would love, too.”

  “I want you to know, this is not going to be easy, Missy. I want you to learn how to run this place, just like I do. And take complete control of the place as soon as you feel comfortable doing so. You sure you're up to doin' that?”

  “I wouldn't have said yes, if I didn't think I was.”

  “Somehow, I knew that's what you'd say. Good, it's settled then. You start first thing tomorrow morning.”

  Then John turns his attention to Jay who is setting there seething down inside, at hearing this news.

  “In the morning Jay, you can make arrangements for someone else to help, Gavin.”

  “Yes sir,” Jay replies sharply. Trying not to show his vent up feelings of anger. He will now for sure take the job of foreman at Henry's ranch. He doesn't like Logan at all, he never has. He sees all too well how the Sanderson's are so taken by her, treating her like a daughter. It makes him sick to his stomach to see them do it. To Jay, Logan is nothing. She's a bounty hunter. A drifter. Who is little more than a criminal herself. He wasn't in favor of the hiring of her and Gavin in the first place. But he had nothing to say about the decision to hire them, John made that decision and he has had to tolerate them since then. But no more.

  Logan sets there and looks at Canter, who cannot look her in the eye. She watches him squirm in his chair. She's always known he doesn't like her at all. She knew it the first day they showed up in Folsom. It was his stare at her and Gavin that day. A stare of disapproval, that told her he didn't even want them in town let alone at Sanderson's Hill. She watches as she looks across the table at him—seeing him fight off the urge to explode at John's announcement. She thinks he must be doing everything at this point that he can, to keep his dinner down.

  He has kept quiet, because he knows that he's been offered Henry's job. As for Gavin, Jay tolerates him. But says nothing about his dislike for Logan to him, because he knows she is Gavin's girlfriend. But now he hears that he may be working for Logan, something he knows he will not do under any circumstances. He is hearing that she is going to be his boss. No. For Jay this is the last straw. His mind is now made up. Henry told him to wait three weeks, and those weeks are up.

  Catherine in the meantime is setting next to Logan and puts her hand on Logan's, giving it a squeeze of approval, and smiling at her at the same time. Gavin kisses her on the cheek and congratulates her.

  THE NEXT MORNING CANTER mounts up and heads over to the Baker Ranch to seal the deal and take the job as ranch foreman. On his way he is still full of anger at John's announcement at dinner the evening before. It has left a very bad taste in his mouth.

  He tells Henry about John's decision, and he
responds just as Jay has, with disbelief. Disbelief that he would let a young female bounty hunter run his huge ranch. But Henry tells Jay he is not surprised to hear all of this, that he wonders about the decisions made at Sanderson's Hill all the time. He says all this to Jay to stroke badly bruised ego.

  With the deal done at the Running 'B,' Canter returns to Sanderson's Hill later that morning to tell John of his decision. And to get his gear, and pay before leaving. He first dismounts in front of the ranch house, and goes in. As he enters the office he sees John and Logan setting behind the desk, working.

  They look up as he enters. “Jay,” John says. “What can I do for you?”

  “I'm here to tell you, that I'm quittin', John.” He says, getting straight to the point and looking directly at Logan.

  “Oh? And why?”

  “Because, I'm goin’ to work for, Henry—that's why.”

  “Set down. Let's talk.”

  Jay sets down on the edge of one of the big chairs, indicating to them that he's not planning on staying, and says, “well John there’s really nothing to talk about. I’m quitting.”

  “What brought this on?”

  Jay looks at Logan with a glare, that John notices.

  “I take it, this has something to do with, Logan?”

  “It does. I been unhappy here for a longtime, John. I've wanted more authority in running the ranch, and you know it. You've never given it to me. I been here for three years, and last night I hear that you're gonna make her the boss of the entire operation. I nearly puked up my dinner. This is the thanks I get, for all the work I've done here, and now you want me to work for a bounty hunter. A female bounty hunter—it’s a slap in the face, John. No sir. Henry offered me the job and I took it. It's more money, and more responsibility. And I'll be with Brittany.” Then he looks squarely at Logan and says, “I ain't working for you. No way. I don't like you, Logan. You or your boyfriend, Sloan. I never have.”

  Logan says nothing and remains quiet. She just sits and listens to Jay. She's known all along that he doesn't like her, and has no use for her. Just as she surmised at the dinner table the evening before.

  John is quiet for a second, and looks at Canter, “well Jay, I'm sorry you feel this way.” Then he reaches back into the cabinet behind his desk, and pulls out his checkbook. He writes a check and hands it to Canter.

  “Here, here's what I owe you. Now go get your gear and clear out, and don't come back.”

  Canter takes the check and gets up and leaves.

  Logan and John return to what they were doing before Canter walked in.


  Six Months Later

  Logan enters the house at about three in the afternoon, after having been out on the range all day. She is very tired, but goes into the office to work anyway. It's what she does now. She's the boss, and is in complete control of all that is going on on the ranch. John only helps her if she needs him. Gavin is now the foreman, and John gets to spend his time doing what he likes to do. Being out on the range with all of the other cowboys. Doing what he likes to call—real ranching.

  When Logan isn't working, she enjoys doing her daughter role for the Sandersons. Something that seems to come natural for her, and has become more than just a role. She accompanies them everywhere. She goes to Folsom with them, and to all of the functions that they attend. Logan loves doing it, relishing the notoriety that she gains with the townspeople. But what is more important for Logan is what she does for John, and for Catherine. Logan knows that by doing all of this she has helped ease their pain of losing Jennifer, and for Logan that is reason enough.

  Logan hears Catherine call out, “John is that you?”

  “No, it's me.”

  “Oh! Well that's even better. Are you real busy, sweetie?”

  “No, not really, just came in to do some paperwork, that can really wait.”

  “Do you have a few minutes?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Good, follow me.” Catherine says, coming into the room still talking to Logan and walking by. “I have a surprise for you.”

  Logan throws her hat back off of her head, and follows Catherine up the stairs. Then down the hall to the room that's across from hers, where the door has always been closed. Logan figured out long ago that it was Jennifer's room.

  Catherine opens the door slowly to the room, that looks like the things in it have not been touched or disturbed for years. There's dust everywhere, and the room has a musty smell to it. The curtains have always been drawn closed and it's very dark in the room in spite of it being the middle of the afternoon. And Catherine goes over and opens them saying they’ve needed to be opened for a very long time. Logan still wonders what she wants to show her that's so important, and is a surprise.

  Catherine walks across the room, and opens the door to a very large closet. She turns around and motions for Logan to come over to where she is.

  “This is the surprise, Logan. These are all of Jenny's clothes. They've just been hanging here since we lost her, over four years ago. John and I have been discussing this, and we want you to have them—all of them. You are about the same size as she was, so most of this should fit you. And you can have all of the underlings that are in her vanity, too. I'll have Zelda and Lena wash them and the stuff in the drawers and these dresses, then they can put everything in your room. We thought it would be a good idea to give them to you, since you've been accompanying us everywhere she would have. And your dress, the one that you bought, is all you have. Right?”

  “Yeah, it is.” Logan says, looking into what was the girl’s closet, in awe. She'd never seen so many dresses, and wondered why she needed this many clothes. Logan was quiet before speaking, softly, “I don't know what to say.”

  Catherine smiles, “Well it's about time we did this for you, since you will be staying here. You are part of the family, Logan. You know that don't you?”

  “I do,” she says. Looking at Catherine, smiling. “It's just that, I've never had anything like this before. Ever.”

  “I, we, both figured that you've ever had many nice clothes before, or the chance to own them. And it’s past the time we did this for you,” Catherine says. Then she walks over and sets down on the edge, of what was her daughter's bed, and stares blankly at the closet, with an empty look on her face. Logan thought to herself, that it was the same look she had seen on John's face when they rode out to the mesa the day after she got here. As he talked about Jenny, he had that same blank stare on his face. Then she goes over and sets down on the bed next to Catherine, and puts her arm around her and hugs her gently.

  “I appreciate this so much. They're beautiful, and I want them for sure. But are you both sure, you really want me to have Jennifer's clothes? All of them?”

  “Yes, yes, we do, Logan. They're just hanging there not doing anyone any good. And we can't bring ourselves to just give them away to anyone, either—other than to you. It would be like losing our Jenny all over again. But in giving them to you, we'll see you in them, because you're here with us. And a part of her will still be here with us, when you wear them. If that makes sense?”

  Logan shakes her head, yes, and looks at Catherine, managing a slight smile. As Logan gently wipes a tear away from Catherine's cheek.

  The two women embrace each other in a hug.

  I hope we haven't overstepped our bounds with you, Logan. By bringing you into all of this like we have, and you running the ranch and all.”

  “No, you haven't. I’ve loved every minute that I’ve been here,” Logan says. Her arm still around Catherine's shoulders.

  “So it settled then. I have one more question,” she says, regaining her composure.

  “Would you like for me to cut your hair before the party tomorrow?”

  “Would I? Yes, I'd love for you to do that very much. I have a ton of split ends.” Logan responds.

  “Good. When you're ready come down to the bathroom.”

  “I'll be there shortly.”

  Logan and Catherine are connecting as they have been since Logan arrived here. They are after all, the only two women who are out here on this frontier, with the exception of Lena and Zelda. Living on this sprawling cattle ranch.

  She feels a special connection to Catherine, It's a mother/daughter connection that both of them needed badly and continues to grow everyday. For Catherine because she lost Jenny, and Logan because she never had a mother after she was seven. She knows that Catherine has been keenly aware of that since she arrived here. This is what makes Logan and Catherine's relationship so special. It is one that was needed and ready to happen, for both of them. The Sandersons wanted her here, and Logan wanted to stay.

  Logan realizes that it was probably Catherine's idea to let her have Jenny's clothes, and that she only had to convince John to let her do it. After all this is girl stuff.

  LOGAN REMEMBERS THAT Catherine offered to cut her hair, so she gets up off her bed, and goes out of her room and down the stairs to find her. She knows that tomorrow they're going to have a big party here at the ranch, and she is glad that she offered to cut her hair. Logan usually cuts it herself when it get to where she thinks it's too long. She usually just pulls it around in front of her and begins to shear off her tresses with her knife. Oh, it took care of the split ends all right, but it also left her hair cut, ugly, and uneven.

  For Logan having Catherine cut her hair is something that she wants her to do, but she wants this to happen for another reason. She has kept her story about her father's abuse of her bottled up inside of her, for far to long. She has wanted to tell Catherine about it, but it just didn't seem to be the right time for her to say something to her. Catherine is someone Logan trusts completely. She has become her mother figure and she wants to confide in her. She wants to tell her what Cal Kincaid did to her growing up. Logan figures that this is the time. She's not told Catherine about this because she didn't want to burden her with it. She knows that she and John are still grieving Jennifer, even though she's here now. She has relieved some of that burden on them, and she needs to get the pain and hurt out.


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