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Suspicious Circumstances

Page 16

by Rita Herron

  “She’s coding,” Peyton whispered.

  A sob wrenched from her gut, and her legs buckled. Liam wrapped his arms around her and caught her, then held her to him as she watched the staff work to save her mother.

  The next half hour passed in a blur. Fear, panic and a surreal feeling overcame her, but Liam continued to hold her and soothe her with soft words. Finally, the doctor emerged from the room, his expression grim.

  “She’s alive, but she lapsed into a coma,” he said, his voice filled with compassion.

  “Will she recover?” Peyton asked, although she knew the answer. He didn’t know. Only time would tell. It could be hours, days, weeks, months...

  He cleared his throat. “We’ll run a test to check her brain activity if you want.”

  “Let’s give her tonight,” she murmured. “If she hasn’t responded by morning, you can run the tests.”


  One of the nurses remained, and Peyton stepped inside and rushed to her mother. Liam gave the deputy a break while Peyton held her mother’s hand.

  Hours later when she could hardly keep her eyes open, he rubbed her back.

  “This may go on for days, Peyton. You have to rest sometime,” he said softly. “Let me drive you home.”

  She nodded, although rest was the last thing on her mind. If the person who’d threatened her had hurt her mother, she had to find the bastard.

  Val had left something important for her in that rose garden. She needed to find out what it was.

  Chapter Twenty

  Worry for Peyton nagged at Liam. She lapsed into silence as he drove her back to Golden Gardens.

  Although she stared out the window, he sensed she wasn’t really looking at anything. That her mind was filled with fear.

  The quarter moon fought through the storm clouds above, barely managing to break through. He searched for stars, but they were shrouded by the clouds and darkness. A car raced up on his tail, and he checked the rearview mirror, his instincts on alert.

  He rounded a curve and veered onto a side road. The car followed. Dammit. “Hang on.”

  She sat up straighter and glanced over her shoulder. “We’re being followed.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe.” He pressed the accelerator and sped down the curvy road, then made another turn. The car turned right behind him, then suddenly raced around him. He braced himself for impact if the car tried to run him off the road, but tires squealed, and the car sped on. Liam tried to read the license plate, but there wasn’t one. The car was black, a sedan, nondescript. A hundred just like them everywhere you looked.

  Peyton released a shaky breath. “He went on.”

  “Because he realized I made him,” Liam said.

  Fear shadowed her face. “I don’t understand why this is all happening.”

  Liam reached across the console and rubbed her shoulder. “I know. But we’re going to get to the truth. I promise.”

  She gave a small nod, although she didn’t look convinced. She looked exhausted and weary and so damn vulnerable that his heart gave a pang.

  He maneuvered the next turn, wound down the long drive to the security gate for Golden Gardens, then drove to Peyton’s apartment. Her breathing sounded choppy as she climbed from the vehicle and walked to her door. Liam followed close behind, scanning the property.

  He urged Peyton to wait in the foyer while he searched her apartment. It didn’t take him long to do a walk-through. “Everything looks fine,” he said as he returned to the living room. She stood looking at a photograph of her and her mother taken among the spring tulips in the garden. Peyton looked at peace there, and beautiful with the sunshine slanting across her heart-shaped face.

  Unlike now. A tear trickled down the side of her cheek, and her body shook with emotions. Liam couldn’t resist. He crossed the room to her and drew her into his arms. She leaned into him and buried her head against his chest. Her pain bled through to him, and he stroked her back and murmured soft, soothing words as she purged her emotions.

  Finally, her breathing steadied, and she looked up at him. “I’m sorry.”

  He gently feathered a strand of her hair from her cheek. “It’s okay. You’re going through a rough time.”

  “I don’t usually fall apart,” she said quietly.

  He tilted her chin up with his thumb and gave her a small smile. “It’s understandable. I know you’re worried sick about your mother.”

  “I am.” She swallowed hard. “She has to be all right.”

  He wished he could promise her that she would survive. But he wasn’t a doctor, and her health had apparently been fragile before the gas leak sent her to the ER.

  She blinked away more tears. “You’re pretty understanding for an FBI agent.”

  He chuckled. “Thanks. I think.”

  Her gaze met his, and heat flared between them. She laid her hand against his cheek. “I meant it. You’re strong and tough, but you’ve been amazingly understanding to me, Liam.”

  “You’re a compassionate woman, Peyton. One who helps other people. It’s time someone took care of you for a change.”

  “I can’t imagine what that would be like,” she said softly.

  Liam lowered his head and kissed her hair, then pulled her into his arms and held her. He couldn’t make false promises, but he would show her what it was like to be taken care of, at least for a little while.

  * * *

  PEYTON CLOSED HER EYES, savoring the comfort of Liam’s strong, protective arms. His tender kiss in her hair stirred a deep longing to be touched and loved in a way she hadn’t in a long time. Maybe forever.

  When was the last time she’d been with a man? Allowed one into her heart? Her bed?

  Maybe college. But Val’s addiction had gotten in the way then. The guy she’d been dating hadn’t wanted to be linked to a girl with family problems.

  So, she’d shut herself off from men. Figured they’d all feel the same way.

  Then the incident at the hospital with Gloria Inman happened. She’d tried to be strong afterward. Had suppressed the pain from her sister’s addiction, and from watching her mother deteriorate.

  She looked into Liam’s eyes, expecting censure. Instead understanding and concern darkened his eyes. Other emotions glittered there, as well. Ones she didn’t know how to put a name on. Tomorrow they’d continue the case, hopefully find the truth.

  Tonight, she wanted him to hold her and to pretend that everything was all right.

  She traced her finger along his square jaw, and he clenched it, heat flaring across his face.


  In the morning, she might regret what she was about to do, but need and desire emboldened her, and she stood on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his. For the briefest of seconds, he hesitated, and she thought he wasn’t going to kiss her.

  She moved her lips gently against his, and he sighed and cupped her face between his hands. His lips bonded with hers, gliding across her mouth in a sensual foray, making her breath quicken. Need thundered through her, and she traced her tongue along his lips, pleading for more.

  He slid one hand to her waist and pulled her into the vee of his thighs as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. Her body tingled with desire, and she threaded her fingers into his thick hair. He groaned, and she moved her body against him. Her nipples stiffened to turgid peaks, liquid heat pooling in her belly.

  His lips teased hers, his tongue trailed a line down her throat and she threw her head back, feeling wild and needy and ready to abandon caution. Together they kissed and teased each other until the titillating sensations built inside her, and she raked her hands down the corded muscles of his back.

  His sex hardened, pressing into her heat, stirring her passion to a frenzy. She hadn’t been naked with a man in over five years. Had forgotten what it felt like to b
e held and kissed and touched so sensually.

  She didn’t want the feeling to end. She wanted him in her bed loving her all night.

  Her hands dropped to his chest and she slowly began unbuttoning his shirt. He groaned her name, then trailed kisses along her neck, dipping lower to tease her breasts through her blouse. She sighed her pleasure, then freed the top half of his shirt and ran her hands inside to feel his bare skin. A soft sprinkling of dark hair covered his broad chest, and his hips shifted, his sex stroking her heat.

  She pushed at his shirt, anxious to feel his body against hers and pressed a kiss to his muscled chest. His skin tasted salty and manly, making her crave more of him.

  But when she reached for his belt, he placed his hand over hers. “Peyton, stop.”

  Hurt stole her breath, and she dropped her hands. “I’m sorry. I...shouldn’t have been so bold.” For heaven’s sake, he’d simply been comforting her, and she’d read too much into it because she was lonely and needy.

  No, it wasn’t just that. She had been attracted to the sexy man ever since she’d met him. And she admired him.

  She might even be falling for him.

  But he didn’t want her, so she stepped away.

  * * *

  IT TOOK EVERY OUNCE of restraint Liam had not to throw Peyton onto the couch and tear her clothes off. She was a vixen in disguise.

  He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had him panting and desperate for a hot night between the sheets with her. But Peyton made him want that and more.

  The very reason he had to end this madness.

  Her cheeks reddened as she started toward the bedroom, but he caught her arm and forced her to look at him. His breathing was erratic, his heart hammering, his body pulsing with desire.

  “Peyton, let me set the record straight. I’m the one who should apologize. I’m supposed to protect you, not jump your bones.”

  A frown crinkled her forehead. “You didn’t jump my bones. I started this. But it’s obvious you don’t want me.”

  He took her hand and pressed it over his throbbing sex. “Make no mistake. I want you all right. I think you’re a brave, smart, amazing woman. But I can’t take advantage of you.” He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. “You’re beautiful and desirable, but you’re hurting and frightened, and I don’t want you to hate me in the morning.”

  Emotions glittered in Peyton’s eyes. “I understand.”

  Then she turned and fled into her room and shut the door. Liam walked to the sliding glass doors and looked out at the inky sky. The wind rustled leaves and trees, the sound oddly calming and eerie at the same time.

  The mountains beyond rose with sharp ridges and dangers, the dense woods a perfect place for a predator to hide. Was someone out there watching Peyton? Waiting for her to be alone so he could strike?

  In the bedroom, he heard footsteps, then saw a light flicker off and imagined Peyton crawling into bed alone.

  His body throbbed with need. His heart ached to put a smile on her face. His arms begged to hold her all night.

  But his mind whispered that if he did, he’d be crossing the line. His own rules echoed in his head. Never get involved with a suspect or a witness. Keep your professional and personal life separate.

  Guard your heart.

  Loving someone and losing them hurt too damn much. And if he allowed his emotions to lead him, he might fail on the job.

  Peyton needed him to be on his A game until she was safe.

  His phone buzzed. Jacob.

  Grateful for the intrusion to get his libido under control, he pressed Connect and stepped outside on the patio for fresh air. “Jacob?”

  “Yeah. We searched Inman’s house and guess what we found.”


  “A stash full. Mostly oxy and hydrocodone.”

  “The husband said she wasn’t taking any.”

  “Either he’s lying, or the poor idiot really was oblivious to the fact that his wife had an addiction.”

  “Some people hide it well,” Liam said.

  “They do. I’ll show the pills to him in the morning and gauge his reaction.”

  “Were they black market or prescribed?”

  “A little of both. There are three different prescribers listed on the scripts, so I’ll look into that angle. If we’re dealing with a pill mill, we need to shut it down.”

  The ever-growing problem of opioid addiction. Shut one pill mill or dealer down and another one cropped up the next day. Could it be linked to Gloria’s death? And the threats against Peyton?

  The discrepancy between the drug log and Peyton’s statement might indicate it was.

  Liam relayed his conversation with Dr. Butler and the fact that he’d lawyered up, then filled him in on Mrs. Weiss’s condition.

  “Sorry to hear she’s not doing well,” Jacob said. “Oh, gotta go. Cora was having some back pain earlier, so I want to be close in case she goes into labor.”

  “Text us if she does, man. You know we all want to be there.”

  Jacob muttered he would, then hung up. Liam’s heart clenched. He was happy for his brothers. But dammit, now he was starting to want a family of his own. Peyton’s face taunted him.

  Don’t go there. At least, not yet.

  He’d finish the case and see how she felt. He wanted her to want him, not to be beholden.

  A noise sounded from inside, and he stepped back into the house, alert. The front door was locked. Everything in place.

  But the noise had come from the bedroom. A crash? Voice?

  He pulled his gun and ran down the hall toward the bedroom.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Val was calling her name. Screaming for help.

  Peyton stood at the edge of the woods, scanning the area for her sister. Sometimes Val liked to play games. Hide and seek. Where was she now?

  A noise toward the west sounded, and Peyton stumbled in the bushes toward it. Her foot caught on a vine, and she fell in a tangle of weeds and briars. The prickly points stabbed her skin. The scent of a dead animal wafted toward her, and she pushed to her hands and knees. It was so dark she couldn’t see two feet in front of her. So cold that her skin was chilled, and her breath puffed out in a white cloud in front of her face.

  Eyes peered at her from the darkness. Followed her as she pivoted.


  “Help me!” Val cried.

  To the left, up the hill, over Copperhead Ridge where all the snakes liked to hibernate. Were they asleep now or waiting to bite?

  Mama’s voice—“Take care of Val. Keep her safe.”

  But she hadn’t. Val had gotten lost.

  Peyton jogged up the hill, calves clenching. A stitch splintered her side, and she massaged it with her hand. Had to keep going. Bring Val back before Mama realized she was gone.

  Limbs and twigs clawed at her. She tripped over a tree stump and scraped her hand as she reached out for something to hold on to. A branch slapped her in the face.

  She shoved it away, kicked at the weeds. Her sneakers snapped twigs as she trampled them.

  The stench of something dead hit her. She pressed a hand over her mouth and nose and forged on. Seconds later, Val’s scream pierced the air. Peyton increased her pace, ignoring the sting of branches as they caught her in the face. Around the corner, past the pines.

  She tripped again and hit the ground. Her hands slid into something sticky. Blood.

  She screamed and lifted her fingers. Oh, God, not Val.

  No...a dead deer. She struggled to her feet, maneuvered around the animal and hurried toward the ridge.

  “Help me, Peyton. Help me!”

  She reached the ridge and screeched to a halt, searching left and all around the woods. Trees swayed in the wind. Flies buzzed. Then she spotted her sister’s hands,
clawing at the ground at the edge of the ridge. She’d fallen over.

  Chest seizing with terror, she raced to the ridge, dropped to her knees and reached for her sister. But she was too late. Val’s hands slipped, and she lost her hold. Rocks crumbled. Dust rose from the earth. Val screamed as her body flew downward toward the ravine.

  Peyton cried out Val’s name, sobbing at the sight of her sister plunging below to her death.


  Two hands grabbed her and yanked her up. Saved her from falling over the ridge herself.

  “Peyton, wake up, it’s Liam.”

  Liam? Not Val?

  She blinked, confused and disoriented. Then she looked up into Liam’s serious dark eyes.

  “Nightmare,” he said softly.

  She choked back a sob and curled against him.

  When her sister had first run away, she’d had nightmares almost every night. The guilt had nearly destroyed her. She was the big sister. Supposed to take care of Val.

  Keep her safe, Mama said.

  But she’d failed.

  And when she’d come begging for help, she’d turned away from her.

  If Val was in danger, she couldn’t ignore her again.

  * * *

  LIAM STROKED PEYTON’S ARMS in a soothing gesture. “You were yelling the name Val,” he said. “Val was your sister, right?”

  Her body tensed, and she blinked as if confused. “Yes, but she’s gone.”

  Grief tinged her voice.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  Liam had the strange sense she was holding something back again.

  He tilted her head up, so she looked into his eyes. “If you change your mind, I’m here, Peyton. I just want to help.”

  Her gaze locked with his, emotions blending with the same feminine need he’d seen earlier that night.

  “Then make love to me,” she whispered. “Help me forget about what’s going on. At least for a while.”

  Liam made a low pained sound in his throat. “Peyton, we talked about this. I don’t want you to hate me tomorrow or have regrets.”


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