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Alonzo and Melissa; Or, The Unfeeling Father: An American Tale

Page 36

by Daniel Jackson and I. Mitchell

Melissa sometimes provoked her to tears; at others her keen resentment. 1811ff more solicitous and impertinent ... 1851 at other Melissa sat up until a late hour, expecting her; she then went to the gate 1811 hour in the night 1851/70 hour of the night 1811ff ... she went to the gate "I had forgotten," said her aunt, "that my rents became due this week." 1851/70 ... that my rents become due this week she heard a noise as of several people trampling in the yard below 1870 she heard a noise of several people ... It was extremely dark, she could discern nothing. All was still and she thought she might have been deceived 1811ff It was extremely dark; she thought she might have been discovered to collect some debts of those to whom she had rented lands 1870 ... rented some lands and in the day time, in walking around the yard and garden 1811ff and in the day, in walking ... She stepped softly to the window, suddenly raised it, and held out the candle. She fancied she saw the glimpse of two or three dark forms pass swiftly along, but so indistinctly that it was impossible to determine whether they were real, or only shadows produced by objects intervening the light of the candle. She listened and gazed 1811/51/70 She stepped softly to the window, suddenly raised it, and held out the candle. She listened and gazed All was still; she shut the window, and in a short time went to bed. 1811ff All was silent ... she heard loud noises in the rooms below 1870 she heard noises in the rooms below a cold chilly sweat ran down her face 1811ff ... run down her face grasped her arm which lay on the outside of the bed clothes 1870 grasped her arm which lay outside of the bed clothes no visible being was in the room except herself. She sat down, pondering these strange events. Was it not possible that she was right 1870 no visible being was in the room except herself; how then could she account for these events? Was ... 1811ff probable Might not this be the effect of a terrified and heated imagination? Or if false keys had been made use of to enter the rooms below, might they not be also used to enter her chamber? But could her room 1870 ... imagination? But could her room She knew she could not sleep 1811ff She knew she could not go to sleep The moon had arisen and cast a pale, imperfect lustre over the landscape. She recollected the opening and shutting of the doors-- perhaps they were still open. 1811ff a pale lustre ... of the door She examined the others; they were in the same situation 1870 ... they were all in the same situation As soon as her scattered senses collected, she concluded that whoever had been in the house were there still 1870 As soon as her scattered senses were collected ... 1811ff ... whatever had been in the house was there still ascended in pyramidal columns to the zenith 1811 pyramidial 1851/70 pyramidical 1851/70 columns the zenith A small spot of ineffable brightness succeeded 1851/70 A spot of ... both sides of it were smoothe [sic] as glass. 1811ff as smooth as glass The events of the past night, therefore, remained inscrutable 1870 The events of the last night ... the gate opened and the house entered by the means of false keys. Her father would as soon do this as to confine her 1811/51 by means of false keys 1870 by false keys 1870 ... as confine her Innumerous stars glittered in the firmament, intermingling their quivering lustre with the pale splendours of the milkyway [sic] 1811ff Innumerable 1811 the milk way 1851/70 the milky way But why should she fear? She knew of no one she had injured. She knew of none she had displeased 1811/51/70 But why should she fear? She knew of none she had displeased the horizon was overclouded, and it had begun to rain. 1811ff ... and it began to rain convinced that she was safe and secure, she concluded to go to bed 1811ff convinced that she was safe and secure, she went to bed leaving, however, two candles burning in the room. As she for two nights had been deprived of her usual rest 1870 leaving, however, candles burning in the room. As she for two nights had been deprived of her rest a broad flash like that of lightning, transiently illuminated her chamber 1811ff a broad flash like lightning, transiently illuminated the chamber the sounds seemed to be in the rooms directly over her head 1870 the sound seemed to be in the room ... filled the house with the electric effluvium. She listened for a repetition of the thunder--but a very different sound soon grated 1870 with electric effluvium ... a very different sound grated the doors below alternately open and shut, flapping furiously 1811ff ... slapping furiously [[The 1804 text uses long "s". The reading "flapping" is the transcriber's best guess, but the condition of the text does not allow certainty.]] she perceived some person crawling on to its foot 1811ff ... on its foot instantaneously she sprang from the bed to the floor--with convulsive grasp, seized the candle 1870 instantly she ... 1811ff with convulsed grasp she was alarmed by a deep, hollow sigh 1870 she heard a deep, hollow sigh Not the least noise had been heard since she last returned 1870 ... since she returned Towards evening Melissa took her usual walk around the enclosure 1870 ... took a walk around the enclosure the light gales bore revigorating coolness 1870 the light gales bore invigorating coolness the flowery verdure of the fields were changing to a russet hue 1870 of the field 1811ff was changed hammering on the hollow trunk of some dry and blasted tree, filled the woods with reverberant echoes 1811ff hammering on some dry and blasted trees 1870 reverberating the images of departed joys 1870 the images of departing joys in this house of gloom rest, in undisturbed silence 1870 in this house of gloom rests ... throughout these now solitary demesnes 1851/70 throughout these solitary demesnes yonder halls and apartments shone with brilliant illumination. Now all is sad, solitary and dreary, the haunt of sprites and spectres of nameless terror. 1811ff in brilliant illumination ... the haunt of spirits All that now remains of the head that formed, the hand that executed 1870 ... the head that formed and the hand that executed the rising shower, which slowly ascended in gloomy pomp 1851/70 the rising shower, which ascended in gloomy pomp The lightning more broader and brighter flashed 1811ff The lightning broader 1851/70 flashes Convolving clouds pouring smoky volumes 1811ff Convolving clouds poured smoky volumes Slantways, the large heavy drops of rain began to descend 1851/70 Slant-wise ... It seemed nothing less than the crush of worlds 1851/70 ... the crash of worlds pass another night in the lonely mansion 1851/70 ... the lone mansion a voice behind her exclaimed, "Gracious heaven! Melissa!" 1870 a voice exclaimed ... "No one except myself, Alonzo," she answered 1811ff "No one except myself," she answered He followed her up to her apartment and seated himself by the fire 1811ff He followed her to her apartment ... separated from society, and no one present to interrupt them 1811ff separated from society, and no one to interrupt them Alonzo and Melissa heard little of it 1851 heard a little 1870 heard but little what course her aunt and she had taken 1811ff what course her aunt had taken where he accidentally found Melissa on a visit, as mentioned before 1811 [FOOTNOTE] See page 26 desiring Alonzo to remain at his house until he returned 1870 desiring Alonzo to remain until he returned they were deeply interested in his favour and the welfare of Melissa 1870 ... in his affairs and in the welfare of Melissa It is possible that Melissa is 1811ff It is not possible but that Melissa is At length a large, tall tree, which stood near him, on the verge of the moat, or rather, in that place, river, was hurled from its foundation 1811ff At length a large tree ... or rather in that place, was hurled from its foundation He scrambled up on the trunk, and made his way on to the wall 1811ff ... made his way on the wall found the door open, which Melissa had left so in her fright 1811ff ... had left in her fright they could not endure the idea of another and an immediate separation 1811ff ... another and immediate separation It would not be safe for Alonzo to stay there 1811ff It would not be safe for Alonzo to stay I would not wish unjustly to censure your father 1811ff I would not censure your father Melissa sighed, wiping a tear which fell from her eye. "Unqualified obedience to my parents," said she, "I have ever considered the first of duties 1870 sighed, wiped ... one of the first duties for reasons which Alo
nzo knew nothing of. But should she leave it in the way she had proposed, she was not sure but she would be immediately remanded back, more strictly guarded, and more severely treated. To continue there 1870 ... knew nothing of. To continue there Melissa was to leave the draw-bridge down 1811ff Melissa was to have the draw-bridge down he passed over, and she slowly withdrew 1870 he passed over and slowly withdrew The fire-fly sunk feebly twinkling amidst the herbage of the fields 1870 amongst the herbage 1870 NO FOOTNOTE and assisted him in obtaining a carriage 1870 to obtain a carriage and another burning on the table 1811ff and another was burning on the table By what means she had thus suddenly disappeared 1870 By what means had she thus suddenly disappeared John's hut was situate about one mile north from the mansion where she had been confined. When he

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