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Her Billionaire Cowboy

Page 5

by Summers, Sophia

  Her parents had moved from Wyoming to Italy years ago. She loved them fiercely but hardly ever got to see them. Her father had worked hard all his life, but it wasn’t until AJ started modeling that they had enough money to live their dream: a villa on the Mediterranean. They did not like to travel, and she was so busy it was hard to find time to visit them.

  She wondered what they would think of Stetson. He looked a little bit like her father, who was a very handsome man in his own right. Her mother was beautiful, and Dad joked that it was all he could do to keep the Italians at bay. They were so in love, even at the sunset of their lives.

  Her week in the country was just what she’d needed to make her final decision. She was definitely moving her headquarters to Wyoming.

  She planned to keep an office in New York, but with everything being online these days, she could probably live in Alaska and still run things smoothly. She’d need to travel to New York a few times a year to meet with the board, but her life would be in Wyoming. She just needed the stock to do well at the opening of the market next month. She’d already planned a meeting with the magazine’s lawyers to set the wheels in motion.


  Stetson was regretting more and more the agreement he had made with Sherrie’s father. The more he tried to downplay their relationship, the more they seemed to be thrown together. The firm had never had more than one party a year, but her father had thrown three so far in the last two months, each time suggesting he take Sherrie. He couldn’t trust Mr. Morgan.

  Stet’s secretary brought in the morning papers. He didn’t feel like getting back into work just yet. He opened the front page of the fashion section and was shocked to see a picture of his country-girl Abby in the paper, hobnobbing with New York’s finest. And he didn’t appreciate the way Rob Courtney had his arm around her waist. The article was about the upcoming charity gala at the Met. They would be auctioning off dresses from some of the world’s most famous designers.

  He knew Rob Courtney from his time at Harvard. He had not been impressed with the man. He’d once told Stet, “Why study your head off? Just get the degree and the credentials.” Then he had bragged that one day he would bag a rich, famous woman and live off of her income. He wasn’t the type of man Abby should be seen with. He called his secretary and asked her to get him a ticket to the gala.

  He hadn’t seen Abby when they’d left the ranch. She had left early in the morning after the barn dance and hadn’t said goodbye. He couldn’t blame her since Sherrie had been hanging all over him. It was pretty clear she was not interested in him while Sherrie was in the picture. And the whole Sherrie problem still hadn’t been solved. He told his secretary to keep his gala ticket quiet.

  Chapter 10

  The doors opened on the night of the gala to huge success. They had sold all the tickets, and limos were lined up, dropping off New York’s most beautiful people. Ruth was standing next to AJ with her tablet, giving AJ the names of the people coming up the steps. AJ knew most of them, but it was important to recognize them properly and thank them for their donations. It was such a great blessing that the Met had asked Style Magazine to host this event. This kind of publicity was just what she needed before going public next month.

  As one of the limo doors opened, she gasped. “Oh no, what’s he doing here?”

  Ruth leaned over. “You mean that gorgeous man who’s looking fantastic in his tux?”

  Stet made his way up the stairs and stopped in front of AJ, taking her hand. “Hello, Abby.”

  AJ leaned into him, she couldn’t help it. “Hi ,Stet, how’s that foot doing? Climb any roofs lately?”

  Stet chuckled and kept holding her hand, sending tingles up her arm. “So, you’re actually AJ Bianchi, the publisher of Style Magazine?”

  “I told you I worked for a magazine.” AJ tried to pull her hand away, but he would not let go.

  Stet leaned closer and smiled, “You look stunningly beautiful.” He brought his lips to her ears. “I’ve missed you.” He stepped back a little to look at her, still holding her hand firmly. “I wouldn’t have guessed you were Italian, except for your passionate personality.” Stet smirked a little, raising one eyebrow.

  AJ’s heart was pounding. “I take after my mother. But I do have a bit of an Italian temper, which you are about to get a dose of if you don’t release my hand. I have guests to welcome.”

  Stet let go reluctantly, then waved at their surroundings. “This is impressive, Abby. Good luck tonight!”

  AJ felt his absence immediately. “Thanks, Stet,” she called after him. So, they were still attracted to each other. That made her happy. She wondered what was going on with Sherrie and if he missed the country at all.

  Ruth opened her tablet and continued giving AJ names. “Well, you have certainly been holding out on me. I could see the sparks flying between you two. What’s the story there?”

  AJ welcomed the next couple and thanked them for their generous offer prior to the event. “It’s complicated. There are problems.”

  Ruth laughed. “When someone looks that good, I think you can get over a few paltry problems.”

  AJ wasn’t just interested in Stet for his looks. She had seen plenty of that in her modeling career. Lots of beautiful people, some here tonight, but that kind of beauty was only skin deep. Inner beauty was far more attractive. And physical beauty would fade, no matter how hard people try to keep it.

  She sighed. Stet had both in spades.


  Inside, Rob Courtney walked up to Stet and shook his hand. “How are you doing, Stetson? I didn’t take you for someone who could drop the cash for this type of event.”

  Stet had kept his wealth quiet at school, but he really hated to be snubbed by a twit like Rob Courtney.

  Rob continued, “I saw you talking to my girl coming in. If you’re trying to work out your retirement plan, she’s already taken. There are plenty of other rich debutants here tonight—AJ is mine.”

  Stet leaned closer to Rob and looked at him with every ounce of control he could muster.

  Rob stepped back from Stet’s towering frame, his eyes darting away.

  “Rob, I am here tonight to support this charity event. As far as Abby goes, it’s up to her who she sees and talks to.”

  Stetson walked away, disgusted that this man had any association with Abby at all. He was a primping, social-climbing parasite.

  Then he laughed. He and Sherrie would be a perfect match—they deserved each other. Maybe he could get Sherrie to turn her attention on Rob.


  AJ was busy going from guest to guest as they were getting ready to start the fashion show and auction. Finally they announced it was time to begin, and everyone took their seats. AJ had hired a professional art auctioneer to handle the show, so she stood in the back of the room with her fingers crossed.

  She looked around to see if Stet was still there. She had not seen him all evening. As she was looking, he came up beside her. “Hey, everything’s looking really good.”

  AJ jumped. “You scared me, Stet—I am nervous enough as it is. But thank you. Some of these designers are prima donnas and require a lot of pampering. But they were all thrilled to be in this show—it should boost their clientele significantly.”

  Stet leaned into her side and spoke quietly. “Is there any way we could get away from here and maybe take a walk in the park later?”

  AJ loved the feeling of security and peace she felt when she was around him. “That’s not a bad idea. We could pretend we were back in the country, if you could stand it.”

  “I can be happy anywhere with you, Abby. Does it have to be the country?”

  AJ sighed. “Yes, though maybe we could find a compromise. I’m making some big decisions next month that will determine my future.”

  “Compromise is good. Like I said, if you’re there, I’m there.”

  She liked the sound of that. She didn’t totally believe him, but it was a start. “But I don’t think I
can meet you after this. There’s an after party, and those go on forever, unfortunately.”

  They stood together at the back of the room as the show continued. Beautiful gowns were auctioned off at amazing prices. The designers were cheered as their models came out to standing ovations. The money heading to the charities was appreciated, but the glamor of the evening would pay rich dividends in status and fame to those who attended.

  There was another standing ovation, and AJ realized it was for her. She looked over to Stet. “By the looks of it, this was a big success.” The auctioneer called AJ up on to the stage as the spotlights searched the crowd. She ran forward to avoid catching Stet in the spotlight and headed down the aisle.

  The crowd cheered, and it was so gratifying to announce the final amount donated from the show.

  Rob came running up as she descended the stage and put his arm around her. The man was annoying. He just wanted to get his picture in the paper with her—with anyone he thought was important.

  “Rob, give me some room. I want to talk with some of the guests before they leave.” AJ took his arm off her shoulder and moved away. She missed Rio Lago. Everything had been so simple there. Now Stetson had her name, and she wondered what he would do with it.

  She walked outside to thank the guests as they were leaving, and she spotted Stet just as he was getting into his limo. Their eyes locked. That same thrill went through her, even though they were over a hundred feet apart. For a second, it was like they were the only ones there. He smiled and waved. She raised her hand to him and sighed as he drove off.

  Chapter 11

  They would announce in the Times that Style Magazine was going to go public in a month. It was perfect timing, and she was excited. The funds she would raise would make her dreams come true. For now, she needed to take a trip out to Codyand find a location to build her Wyoming offices.

  Just as she was relishing these thoughts, Rob walked over and put his arm around her shoulder—again. “Great job tonight. Too bad we can’t take all that money and head to Tahiti!”

  AJ moved away. “First of all, there is no ‘we’ going on here. Second, do you ever think about anything but yourself? Those funds are going to do a lot of people a lot of good.”

  Rob snarled, “Listen, girl, my photography made your magazine what it is. We are joined at the hip. Without me there is no business, and I plan to cash in.”

  Ruth came over to AJ and whispered, “The mayor would like to talk with you upstairs.”

  “Rob, we can finish this conversation later. But know this. Yes, your photographers are amazing, but I am the one who convinced the designers to be here tonight, and it’s my investment that got this magazine started. If there is any ‘cashing in’ to do, it will be me doing it.” She turned to leave. “You have already more than doubled your business because of me.”

  The mayor was a bit tipsy, but he told AJ that he was recommending her for a city award for philanthropy. AJ politely suggested he give it to the magazine instead.

  She decided to skip the rest of the parties and catch a morning flight to Cody. She didn’t want to deal with Rob making a point of attaching himself to her for the rest of the night. And then she would have to make a scene to get away from him. She had talked to everyone she needed to, and she just could not face another minute of socializing.

  “Ruth, let’s get out of here!” They grabbed a cab and headed for the office.


  Stetson stopped by the office on his way home. As he entered the lounge on the top floor, he heard Sherrie in a tirade. “Daddy, that woman at the ranch is AJ Bianchi, the publisher of the most popular fashion magazine in the world! How are you going to keep Stet away from her? She is not just some hick he met at that horrible ranch. She lives in New York!”

  “Style Magazine, you say. I got some insider information they are going to go public. I think we can do some damage there. I told you not to worry. I will handle things.” Jayce Morgan talked like his money could shape the world any way he wanted.

  Stet couldn’t handle talking to the both of them. He went into his office and thought about the things he had heard. Working with this man had taught him all the dirty tricks that hamper stock market fair play. Once he finished his grandfather’s diversification buyout, he was leaving this firm and going out on his own. After hearing Morgan and Sherrie talking, he figured he’d better keep an eye on Abby’s stock as well.

  Sherrie walked into his office. “My, aren’t you looking grand in your tux.”

  Stet sat back in his chair. “Hello, Sherrie. I was at the Met tonight for a benefit.” He would have to play along with these two snakes if he was going to save Abby from whatever Jayce was planning. He knew the attacks Morgan would make were because of Sherrie. So, if he could keep Sherrie happy, perhaps he could slow Morgan down.

  The first thing he was going to have to do was start buying up as much Style stock as he could. He would watch the market carefully, and his position at the firm would allow him to keep an eye on purchases in Morgan’s behalf as well.

  He had to laugh. What would his grandfather think of being a part-owner of Style Magazine? He would use his own fortune to start, but if things became tough he could dip into his grandfather’s funds as well. It all depended on how far Jayce Morgan was willing to go for his daughter.

  “Sherrie, I am heading back up town. Do you need a ride?”

  Sherrie smiled up at Stet. “Just let me tell Daddy.”


  AJ was exhausted when she made it back to her apartment. She’d decided to put off the trip for another day and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

  She dreamed of her grandfather’s ranch. She was up in the wooded canyon on horseback, riding along the lake. And a cougar jumped from the rocks above the trail, landing right in front of her. His eyes were evil, almost human looking. She was trying to head up to her favorite lookout spot at the top of the canyon, but the cougar stood his ground, snarling.

  Everything depended on her getting to the top. She looked around for help, but there was no one and nothing around. Then light shone through the trees, and Stet came riding over from the forested hillside. He grabbed AJ’s reins and pulled her horse around the cougar to safety.

  She woke up in a cold sweat and couldn’t get back to sleep. The dream seemed so real.

  As soon as AJ got to the office the next morning, she asked Ruth to get her tickets to Cody and to be careful not to divulge where she was going to anyone. Now that the auction was over, she had some time to go take a closer look at the ranch she had purchased and look at some property for the new office building. This was the perfect time to go. She would be back next week the get ready for the public offering in a month.

  Chapter 12

  AJ sat in first class, drinking a Coke. Her dream was about to come true. She loved the fresh mountain air that permeated all of Wyoming. And she could not wait to see her grandfather’s home.

  As much as she was attracted to Stet, she didn’t think she could give up all her country dreams and live in New York. What if he moved to the country? Would it even work to be married to a man who hated where he lived? It would be for the best if she just didn’t see him again. She knew the minute she saw him again her racing heart would give her away, and she might do something foolish.

  She rented a truck at the airport and drove to the hotel. She looked over her maps and a survey of her new ranch. She had a family survey of her grandfather’s ranch as well. She was planning to explore and maybe sneak over to see her grandpa’s place. If a big conglomerate had purchased the ranch, there was probably a ranch manager living in her grandpa’s home now.

  The real estate agent had provided her with a four-wheeler to explore areas where her truck could not go. He’d wanted to go with her, but AJ was having none of it. Half of the fun of this trip was being by herself in the back country.

  AJ was up very early the next day and on her way up to the ranch. As she drove onto the pr
operty, she stopped and took down the real estate sign. She closed the gate after her and headed for the house. She was much more interested in the land than the house, so after a quick walk-through she got on the four-wheeler and started riding the fence line around the property. When she got to the fence bordering her grandfather’s land, she stopped to get a good look over into her childhood playground.

  Off in the distance, she saw a saddled horse running across the range without his rider. That couldn’t be good. She took out her binoculars. There was a man lying on the ground not moving.

  She carefully slid between the barbed wire and ran toward him. As she got closer, she could see he was breathing. His hat had fallen off, and his grey hair lay across his forehead. AJ grabbed her water bottle and kneeled down by the man. “Are you okay? It looks like you fell.”

  The man groaned and tried to sit up, and AJ leaned down to help support his head. “Here, why don’t you try to drink some of this water before getting up?”

  The man’s head seemed to be clearing. He looked up at AJ and chuckled. “You sure look like an angel. Am I in heaven?”

  AJ was relieved to see he was coming back to himself. She laughed. “Well, I’m not an angel, but I’m the best you’ve got. Let’s see if we can get you sitting before you try standing.”

  “My name is Jed Rawlins. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?” The man sat up, and AJ put his arm around her shoulders.

  “I am the new owner of the land next door. You can call me AJ.”

  Jed tried to stand up, leaning on AJ for support. He yelped in pain. “Looks like I strained that ankle again, dagnabit!”

  She helped him hobble over to the house. “Let’s see if we can make it to the porch and out of the sun.”

  Her breath caught when she saw her grandfather’s rocking chair still sitting on the porch—just like it had been. She could still see him in it, rocking and telling his cowboy stories. His love of the country had passed right along to her through those stories. A tear formed and ran down her cheek. All those wonderful memories came flooding back.


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