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Dark Song

Page 23

by Christine Feehan

  When she slid her teeth from his skin and licked at the wound, she kissed the twin holes before she began to kiss and lick her way down his chest and over the hard muscles of his abdomen. Ferro caught at her thick braid, wrapping the length around his fist, widening his stance to give himself a strong platform when she was already threatening his self-control. Just knowing his woman had enough trust in him to take what she wanted was sexy to him, let alone seeing or feeling her do it.

  She was naturally sensual with great instincts. She kissed her way to his groin, but instead of going straight for his cock, she dropped slowly and very gracefully to her knees and slid her hands up his inner thighs, ratcheting up his anticipation until he couldn’t think straight. Her hands moved over his skin possessively, stroking caresses up toward his groin, her mouth following the path her hands blazed. She placed tiny, barely there kisses up his inner thigh to his heavy sac, her silky hair sliding along his left leg, teasing the nerve endings almost as savagely as her mouth and fingers were.

  Nothing he had ever seen, read about or imagined had prepared him for the pure sensuality of that moment. He thought passion would be uppermost as his body reacted, the flames licking up his legs and dancing along his thighs, but as he looked down at his woman—the complete concentration, that loving expression—passion combined with overwhelming love for her shook him. The two emotions were so strong and couldn’t be separated.

  Ferro knew he would have this time etched in his memories for all eternity. This one moment looking down at her. Those long lashes, the softness of love and ache of tenderness she didn’t try to hide from him. This was all for him. That was her secret. She had a growing awareness of sexual hunger, but what she was giving him had nothing to do with her. He was merged in her mind and he felt her joy at giving him pleasure. To her this was a gift, and in giving, she felt pleasure as well.

  Elisabeta could bring him to his knees every time. She kissed and licked her way up his thighs to his heavy sac and then so gently breathed warm air over him before rolling and jiggling in between kissing, licking and sucking with exquisite tenderness. His breath hissed out of him and his hands tightened in her hair. He wanted desperately to pull her head over his cock but he knew the anticipation led to a mind-blowing orgasm. More, she needed to explore and know she had equal rights in their sexual world together. She needed this confidence in herself as his woman. He wasn’t going to take the power from her, no matter if he thought the top of his head might blow off from sheer pleasure.

  Her tongue moved up his shaft in a long, slow lick that sent heat rushing through his veins. She did that several times, getting him very wet until he thought he would have to command her to take him into her mouth. There was no choice. He might die if she didn’t. Then her mouth settled over the crown, her lips stretching wide, the sight of her like that making his heart beat wildly. He wanted her eyes on his, looking into his as she took his cock deeper.

  Immediately, her lashes lifted and Ferro found himself looking into the dark well of tenderness as her hot mouth drew him in. Her tongue curled around him, dancing and teasing, stroking the vee under the crown, flicking there, and all the while she practically purred, creating a vibration that raced up his cock.

  Everything about that moment came together in a mad combination. The sight of her, the sensations pouring into him, her hot mouth surrounding him, the fireball burning out of control until his hips were thrusting almost helplessly into that impossible wet heat. That tight suction that threatened to carry him somewhere he’d never been. Stars burst behind his eyes. His entire being was focused on his cock. On the sensation her mouth and hands created. That vibration shaking his balls and running up his shaft.

  No matter what he needed, the slightest little thought in his mind—tighter—deeper—don’t stop—swallow—keep swallowing—she did it. She gave that to him. His cock erupted with a fury, jet after jet of relentless hot seed pouring into her. He couldn’t release her, couldn’t leave that exquisite perfect haven she offered him so selflessly.

  When his body calmed and relaxed, sated beyond imagining, slipping out of her mouth, she sank back on her heels, looking up at him with that same look of pure tenderness. “Thank you, Ferro. I really wanted to be able to give you that pleasure. I needed to.”

  He framed her face with both hands, his heart beating out of control. That was his lifemate. His Elisabeta. That was the treasure he had. “You gave me a gift priceless beyond words, sívamet.”

  He could read in her mind that, although her body ached for his, she really didn’t want to pursue sexual satisfaction for herself. He held his hand out to her and when she took it, he pulled her to her feet, in close to his body.

  “Are you afraid of me, Elisabeta? Of the intimacy between a man and a woman?”

  She didn’t look at him but pushed her face into his chest. He could hear her heart accelerate. Her arms crept around his waist and she leaned her weight into him as if seeking solace.

  “There is no wrong answer, minan piŋe sarnanak. We are having a necessary discussion. Simply that. You have become braver every day. We are getting to know one another. Still exploring. We can enjoy the journey along the way. There is no hurry.” His hand came up to massage her scalp and ease the tension from the nape of her neck. “I do not want to take information from my lifemate. I prefer that she freely gives it to me.”

  Purposely, he didn’t couch his words in a command. When others were close and she was afraid, he would do that for her, but now, when they were alone, he wanted her to be able to get to a place where she wasn’t afraid of talking to him. He wanted her to have confidence in giving him her opinion. Voicing her fears. Even simply teasing him. He needed those things from her, but more, he knew she needed to give them to him in order to begin a healing process.

  It wasn’t until they were all the way past the first grove of trees and the darker shades of the forest surrounded them that he felt that first intake of breath that told him she was going to answer him.

  “I thought so much about what we did together. Your mouth on me. I loved it so much, Ferro.”

  Her voice shook. Her body trembled. He felt her nipples grow hard and scented her arousal at just the mere remembrance. She’d been aroused when she was attending to his body, yet she definitely didn’t want him to give back to her. He continued massaging her scalp and neck, staying silent, letting her work out what she wanted to say even though his own body responded to hers. He didn’t try to hide his reaction from her. He refused to. He wanted only truth between them, even if that truth might frighten her.

  “I want more. I do. But I want to go slow and know I can handle what we do. It was so frightening and exhilarating at the same time. I did not have any control at all. I could have done something wrong. I did not know what I was supposed to do, and I do not want to make a mistake. I thought I might study books, or perhaps take the information out of your mind?” The very last was a question delivered very timidly.

  He should have known she was worried about not pleasing him in some way. He bent his head and dropped a kiss on top of her thick silky hair. “Sex isn’t about control, sívamet. When I have my mouth between your legs, I want you to let yourself fly. To just feel. You do not have to think, only feel the sensations I am giving to you.”

  She tilted her head to look up at him, a small frown on her face. “You had control. When you were in my mouth, I felt you holding back.”

  He nodded, proud of her for daring to say what she had observed. “That is true, but only because I could hurt you. I could damage your throat if I go too deep. I could frighten you. You are new to these things and I want to be cautious until you know what to expect, what you like and do not like. I want you to enjoy everything you do to me when you are doing it, not fear it. As we grow used to one another, I will hold back less and less. It was difficult. Your mouth, the way you are, the things you do to me, make it difficult to keep
control, but I want always to make certain that you are safe.”

  “I love to give you pleasure, Ferro.”

  He tightened his arm around her. “I know you do, Elisabeta. I love to give you pleasure as well. We are lifemates, so bringing pleasure to one another is a mutual need. I want to be the one to teach you these things, not have you learn from a book or an instruction manual. It gives me enormous pleasure to have you follow my instructions.”

  Just the thought made his cock hard, the blood running hot and pulsing with desire. He let her feel that response where his erection lay so tight against her body. All the while he continued to massage her scalp and nape, keeping that soothing pressure with his fingers, wanting her to realize he was proud of her for having the courage to discuss her fears and needs with him. He always wanted truth from her, just as he was willing to give it to her.

  “We have many risings to learn these things together, Elisabeta, and I am looking forward to every one of them. Just as you learned today that anticipation can make the end result so much better, if we do not rush, if we wait until you are fully ready, then when we do come together, the wait will have been worth it.”

  “I never want to disappoint you.” She pressed her face back to his chest, first kissing him with her soft lips and then touching the tip of her tongue to his skin, tasting him.

  Just the small sensation nearly drove him mad all over again. He wanted to bury his mouth between her legs, but she was still concerned—turning what he’d said over and over in her mind. He could scent her arousal as she did this, so he needed a distraction. He took a step toward the interior of the forest, her hand in his, signaling they were going to work on other things.

  “It would be impossible for you to disappoint me, piŋe sarnanak, most assuredly when it comes to matters of sex. When we return home after practicing flight, we can revisit this conversation. I have not had my fill of your delicious taste, but that is for later. I will let you think on that. Anticipation, after all, is good for you.”

  She squirmed. “I think you said that on purpose.”

  “Most assuredly I did. You made me wait.”

  She gave him a small, enigmatic smile that sent a heat wave rippling down his spine. Ferro brought her hand to his chest, right over his beating heart, as they walked deeper into the forest. He didn’t want her to think about how uncomfortable shoes felt on her feet, or how awkward walking might be. And he desperately needed a respite from all thoughts sexual.

  “You are truly magic, sívamet. You have wrapped me around your little finger. I assure you, that is very difficult to do. Before you, I made everyone I came into contact with uneasy. Now, I think they regard me as a cub instead of a wolf.”

  She flashed him a smile, a genuine one that lit her eyes. He felt the amusement in his mind as well. “I do not think that is quite true. Even I do not think of you that way. You can be quite intimidating when you choose.”

  He brought her hand up to his mouth, keeping his strides slower and even, an exact match for hers. Kissing her knuckles, he returned her hand to his chest. “Perhaps, but that is just to make certain you know I am in charge.”

  Elisabeta laughed. Aloud. The sound was melodious. Beautiful. He half expected to see birds flocking around them. She had a way of touching him inside with her lyrical notes. Stroking nerve endings so gently. He didn’t know how she did it, but she was always so in tune with him. He would have to be careful if he ever was hunting the vampire. He would become a danger to her if he was injured in any way.

  “I believe you will never have to worry that I will forget you are in charge, Ferro,” she assured him, her tone soft and loving.

  His heart turned over. She didn’t seem to mind in the least his dominant personality. “Piŋe sarnanak, do you have any ideas at all about how the others are getting this infection? The children? The older couple? Young Josef? And our ancients? I have thought of this endlessly and turned every possibility over and over in my mind. There does not seem to be a connection between them. Sandu has never been near the older couple. I asked him. Liv was infected but not Valentin, her lifemate, and he stays close when he can stand it.”

  Elisabeta, as was her way, didn’t answer immediately. They were close to the coolness of the deeper trees. Already, Ferro could hear the welcome of the creatures as they approached. He had managed to distract her from the unfamiliar weight of shoes on her feet and the awkwardness of walking. She hadn’t stumbled once. Now, instead of panicking when asked for her opinion, she was giving it thought, trying to fit pieces together as he had done.

  “There is a connection, Ferro,” she said, a small hesitation in her voice. “We just have not seen it yet. We will. We have to. I found it interesting that Danny and Amelia had extremely heavy burns in comparison to everyone else. I expected that the little ones would not have much, and they did not. Tariq had more than Sandu. Josef more than both of them. If we figure out the why of that, we will figure out how they are being infected.”

  His woman had been working on the puzzle as well, and she was quick and intelligent. Gary, he knew, was looking into the memories of each of those who had the burns, but none had been touched by a vampire. None had encountered a creature of any kind, psychic or otherwise, who might have infected them.

  “I do not like that you are the only one who can resolve the situation. It forces you to be called every time there is a problem. If it is one with one of the ancients, the potential for danger is enormous. It is dangerous enough even with the children. I know Charlotte and Tariq are fearful for Genevieve. They cannot protect her from them during the day. They will check the children to ensure they are free of this infection before they retire, in the hopes that if they are re-exposed, the burns will be far less and she will not be so much at risk.”

  “I presume she was checked as well.”

  “She was. There was not even the slightest scoring on her.”

  “Genevieve is very brave.”

  He stopped walking once they were on the edge of a small clearing. It was very small, surrounded by trees and bushes. A narrow stream ran off to their left, moving over rocks, winding through the trees, making its way through the groves of trees toward the lake. He kept her in the trees, conscious of her battle with open space.

  “No one is around, piŋe sarnanak. It is just the two of us. We are going to practice shifting. For me, you will always be my little songbird. Your voice is magical. You have music in every note. I hear you when I sing to you each rising. When I call to you to come to me, I know you. That part of me, the only part that is not hard and battle-worn, feels the melody in you. I thought teaching you first to fly would give you a sense of freedom you have never known and that a bird would come the easiest. You have lived life in a cage, as some birds have done. I want to open that door for you. I also thought perhaps seeing through the eyes of a bird rather than the human eye, you would not have the same trouble looking at the world around you.”

  Once again he wrapped his arm around her waist and locked her to him while his other hand moved to the back of her head to soothingly run his palm down her braid. “There are no expectations, Elisabeta. If you find you cannot do this, we will try another rising.” He poured truth into his tone so she would hear he meant it.

  She leaned into him and daringly ran her palm from his belly to his chest. There was a hint of possession in her touch he doubted she knew was there. Already the threads between lifemates were adding to the building confidence she had in him.

  “I want to do this, Ferro, so much. I thought about it all the time when I was in that cage. I knew I had been taught, but when I tried to remember, I felt such pain. My head would explode and sometimes there would be blood everywhere and I would wake up in the cage with the vampire over me and I could see he was worried and angry with me. I wanted to disappear. Fly away. Fade away. But it never happened.”

  “Gary and I have t
aken down the barrier that he constructed to stop you from accessing your memories without pain, sívamet, but Sergey erased most of your memories, and what he couldn’t, he scarred over and distorted so you would not know truth from lie or be without fear. That was why you were so afraid of meeting your birth brother.”

  “He really took everything from me.”

  Her sorrow made him want to weep. Again, there were no tears on her face, but deep inside she wept for her lost relationship with her brother, especially after knowing he had spent centuries looking for her.

  “The vampire tried to take everything from you, Elisabeta, but his success is up to you. You can establish a relationship with Traian and his lifemate if you choose. Traian is not only willing, but he wants it. He will follow your lead. The vampire did not steal my soul from you in all the centuries he had you. Your trust in me is growing faster than even I thought possible. He cannot take our bond from us. You are intelligent and an asset to not only me but our people as well, and he cannot take that. I could go on and on, but we do not want to lose one more moment of the night to him, do we?”

  Elisabeta tilted her head up to him and his heart stuttered for just a moment at what he saw there. She looked at him with reverence, with a kind of worship he didn’t deserve. “No, minan hän sívamak, we do not. Please teach me to shift into a bird and learn to fly.”

  She’d called him her beloved. She had not done so before. Strong heart, yes, because he was her warrior, but this was different. So very different. It was the way she said it in their language. That tenderness in her voice. She couldn’t hide the way she felt about him or the love creeping into her heart for him. For the first time he had real hope that she might love him as he was and they would really find their way together so in the end, when she became strong and confident, she would choose him, choose to stay with him.

  “Just like when you open the earth above your head or you are dressing yourself, you must pay attention to detail. I will have an image in my head. I want you to take that image and study it from every angle. Put it in your head and make certain you see it all. You are good with details, Elisabeta, meticulous about them, but anyone, when they are eager to try something, can get overexcited. Take your time. Eventually, even shifting will become automatic to you, but this is the foundation and it must be solid.”


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