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Alexander: Prince (Members From Money Book 14)

Page 15

by Katie Dowe

  Maya's eyes flared. She looked beautiful when she was angry.

  "I don't know about paintings but I do know a good one when I see one."

  "So do I." Alexei shot back. He stepped up close to her, breathing in her subtle perfume. Dior, he was sure. She had good taste. "I work in the art world and have for years. Don't presume I don't know what's good and what's not."

  Maya growled.

  "I won't presume anything except you don't know a good thing when you see one."

  For a moment Katya's face sprang up in Alexei's mind. Alexei bit back a growl of his own. Now was not the time to get worked up over his ex because someone had said he didn't know a good thing. She was just a reminder of what a good thing was not.

  He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

  "This is getting stupid. Let's slow down. If it helps, why don't you take it? You like it that much. Why don't you have it?"

  Maya's eyes widened in surprise.

  "What? But I can't afford it."

  "I thought photography paid a lot."

  "Not that much that I can buy a painting like that."

  Alexei shrugged.

  "Then you can have it for free."

  It was no skin off his nose. But Maya was shaking her head vigorously, looking terrified at the thought.

  "No. I can't do that. But you can't throw it out like trash. You can't."

  Alexei wasn't sure what to say to that. She was so adamant that it shouldn't be taken away but refused to take it. Anyone would jump at the chance to take a painting like that for free.

  "I'm not throwing it out. I told you. But it does need to go."

  Maya looked stumped. Alexei could see her mind working. Before she got a chance to say anything more, her cell phone rang. Alexei watched as she pulled it out of her windbreaker and turned away to answer the call.

  "What is it, Jenny?" She listened and Alexei saw her shoulders sag. "Okay, I'm coming back. Give me two."

  She hung up and turned back to Alexei.

  "I've got to go."

  Did she look relieved that she was leaving? Alexei hoped not. He managed a smile.

  "Are you coming back to argue your point again? I'll put a note in my diary if you like."

  Maya's cheeks reddened and she looked away, hurrying past him and out into the street. Alexei stood at the doorway and watched her run across the street and into the park.

  That had been interesting, to say the least. He wondered if she would be back.

  "Who was that?"

  Ivan had appeared beside him. Alexei wondered how long he had been there. But he kept looking at Maya's retreating back, wishing he could go after her. But that was not him.

  He smiled.

  "Wanna finding out for me?"


  Caroline Stanton was a beautiful woman. Even Maya couldn't stop staring at her. She was tall with porcelain skin, brilliant red hair kept in an immaculate chignon at the base of her neck, and her green eyes seemed to pop out from her face. She wore a navy blue suit with a skirt that brushed her knees, showing off her long legs.

  As a model she had been incredible. As an agent, she was even better. Maya had worked with her on her last modeling job six years before and they were firm friends. Most of the models she worked with came from Caroline's agency. Her clients were happy for Maya to source her own models if they didn't have anyone in mind and Caroline had a good idea of who would work well with what campaign.

  But now her pretty face was marred with a concerned frown as she sat opposite Maya in her office, the sun shining in from the window behind her and making her hair appear to glow.

  "I'm a little surprised, Maya." She admitted. "I know Jonny's asked people out on set before but I didn't know he would be like this. Nobody's mentioned it before."

  "They probably thought it was a reaction to being rejected." Maya suggested. "He's twenty and he's still maturing." She made a face. "But what happened unnerved me and I'm not impressed or happy with it."

  "I don't blame you." Caroline sighed. She picked up her pen and made a note at the pad at her elbow. "I'll speak to him about his behavior. If it keeps going like this I'll consider stronger action. My models are supposed to have better conduct of themselves."

  Caroline was a lot like Maya when it came to how people should and shouldn't be when working for her. No drugs, no over-indulging in booze, no flirtations. Especially when they were on a job. They represented her agency and if they didn't respect those rules they didn't respect Caroline and would be chucked out. Maya wished she was strong like Caroline; beside her, Maya felt like a mouse when it came to authority.

  "You're not doing anything wrong, Caz." She assured her friend. "This boy is just getting too big for his own good. As it is, I'm not going to use him anymore. I'm more than happy to use the other models you have - they're all fantastic - but not Jonny."

  "Understandable." Caroline tapped at her laptop. "Looking at his schedule, the only time you're going to be crossing paths in the next few months will be in Barbados next week. Do you want me to switch him for someone else?"

  "Please." Maya didn't like making a model lose a contract and the Barbados campaign would be a big pay check. But she didn't want to spend time in her favorite place with a man who was making it hard for her. "Is Rodrigo available? He's really good and the chemistry he has with Sasha will be what we need on the shoot."

  "I think so." Caroline did a few more clicks and Maya knew she was going through the multiple spreadsheets she kept for the models. It was the only way, she had told Maya, to keep track of what her models were doing and not getting things overlapped or double-booked. "This says he is. I'll call him and see what he says."


  Leaving Caroline's office a few moments later Maya felt better. Going in to tell her one of her models had been hitting on her and acting threatening had left a nasty taste in her mouth but it was only fair on everyone. Nobody wanted to feel threatened or uncomfortable on set and Maya was essentially in charge of the set. She was the photographer so she was the boss. She didn't need this.

  Jenny was waiting for her at their apartment. They were going to settle down for a night of watching horror films and scoffing on pizza and ice cream. It had been a long day and Maya was looking forward to it.

  As she walked down the sidewalk, Maya found herself thinking about Alexei, the man from the gallery. When she had first laid eyes on him she had been speechless. Six-one if she had to guess, model slim with broad shoulders and slim hips, he wore the light gray suit like a model. His light brown hair was cut short, just shy of falling over his forehead, and his brown eyes seemed to have all his emotions swirling in them. He was rugged but Maya liked rugged; it gave a man's face character.

  And she had found herself resisting the urge to shiver as his accent went down her back. It was a lovely accent and from the look in his eyes, he seemed to know what effect it was having on her.

  Why did the new owner of that gallery have to be gorgeous? It had sent Maya out of sorts for the rest of the day. Even Howie had mentioned it but Maya didn't want to tell him how just one meeting with a Russian owner had knocked her off-balance. That was embarrassing, even to a man like Howie who was known for embarrassing encounters with men.

  Maya was jolted out of her thoughts when her cell phone rang. The number was one she didn't recognize but that wasn't unusual; most clients got her number off her website and called her right off the bat so Maya was used to getting unknown numbers.

  So she answered it without thinking.

  "Hello, Maya Featherstone speaking."

  "Hello, Maya."

  Maya stopped. Someone bumped into her and swore at her but Maya didn't notice. She recognized the accented voice.

  "Mr Petrov? How did you get this number?"

  "I have friends in high places." He sounded amused. "Plus my friend found your number on your website."

  Maya rolled her eyes. Ask a stupid question. She realized she was
creating a bottleneck in the crowd and moved into the mouth of a nearby alley.

  "What do you want, Mr Petrov?"

  "Alexei, please. I just called to apologize. My behavior towards you was not good and I was not raised to treat women like that."

  Maya was surprised. Men did apologize, she knew that, but not men like him; billionaires. Maya had done a quick internet search and every single link had the word plastered across it. They often thought they hadn't done anything wrong.

  Either Alexei Petrov was genuinely swallowing his pride or he wanted something from her.

  "You're not going to give me that painting for free again, are you? Because I won't accept it."

  "I thought you liked it."

  "It would make me feel bad if I had an expensive painting like that in my apartment that I didn't pay for."

  Alexei sighed. When had he suddenly become Alexei? Maya knew she was in trouble. The instant attraction to this man seemed to be working overtime.

  "Okay. But I still want to apologize for my attitude towards you. Would you consider having dinner with me?"

  For a moment Maya didn't know how to react. Had he just asked her out? She was a photographer. Men like Alexei Petrov didn't ask her out.

  She resisted the urge to laugh at the ludicrous idea.

  "Sorry, I don't dine with strangers."

  "What about clients you're meeting for the first time? Don't you dine with them?"

  "The first time I meet them is in a conference room, never in a restaurant."

  She could hear Alexei contemplating this. She knew she was sounding like she was turning it down but secretly Maya wanted to push it, to see what he would do. Men like Alexei were those who went out of their way to get what they wanted. If he wanted Maya he would have to work for it. Maya wasn't one to be swayed by big dollar signs and a charming persona. The latter helped but the former was not something she looked at when it came to a man.

  He may be able to look after her for life but if he was ugly and treated her like crap then it was nothing.

  "Well, how about this? I'm relatively new to the city and I haven't been able to get out and have a look around. Would you be my guide?"

  That Maya hadn't been expecting. She considered saying yes immediately but wanted to tease him.

  "How do you know I'm not working?"

  "I don't." Alexei sounded very sure of himself. "I just thought I'd ask you."

  Maya laughed. The thought of going out for the day with this man was tempting.

  "You might find it boring."

  "Trust me, printsessa, you could never make anything boring."

  Did he just call her a princess? Maya's knowledge of Russian was limited but she knew a few words. One of her Russian clients had called her 'princess' and a few other terms of endearment. He had been one of the sweetest men Maya had ever worked for. Maya felt a warm glow in her stomach.

  "How about tomorrow? I'm not due to work until three so I've got the morning off. I have to be at location by one in Westchester."

  "We can do that." Did she hear relief in his voice? "Shall I pick you up at eight?"

  The thought of Alexei picking her up at Maya's apartment didn't sit well with her. The apartment she shared with Jenny was nice but it wasn't what she wanted to show this man. And having him know her address before she knew more about him didn't sit well with her. After dating Ash she was a lot more cautious when it came to men.

  "I'll meet you at Central Park at eight. We'll go from there."

  "Excellent." His voice deepened. "See you tomorrow, Maya."

  Maya found herself staring at her cell phone long after the call had ended. What had just happened? And what had she just get herself in to?

  Chapter 3

  "So he said you could have it for free?"

  Jenny was sitting on the bed. She had already changed into her pyjamas by the time Maya had finally returned home, her makeup scrubbed from her face and her favorite blanket around her shoulders. Maya showered and dressed in her flannel pyjamas, telling Jenny about what had happened at the gallery. Since her encounter with Alexei both of them had been working hard, parting company after the shoot to work on different projects. This was the first time they had seen each other since that morning.

  Maya was exhausted but there was a spark of exhilaration. It wasn't every day she got asked out by men like Alexei Petrov and it did feel good. To think a woman like her could make a man like him want to get out with her was a confidence boost, to say the least.

  And she knew Jenny would be just as hyped as she was. It had been a while since she had been on a date and she needed something after that incident with Jonny.

  "Yes, I did."

  "And you turned his offer down? Are you mad?"

  "I must be." Maya towel-dried her hair, dropping the towel on the bed before picking up her hair brush. "But I couldn't take a painting that costs thousands. It would feel weird having it in here knowing I didn't pay for anything."

  "That would be the best freebie ever."

  "I know. But I couldn't bring myself to do it."

  Jenny shook her head.

  "You're strange."

  Maya knew that. Now she was wishing she had taken Alexei up on his offer. She sat on the bed, her brush in her hands.

  "I said I'd be his guide tomorrow."

  "Whose guide?"

  "Alexei's guide. He asked me to show him around New York as he's new here and hasn't had time to look at the sights."

  Jenny stared at her, her eyes wide.

  "You said you'd show him around?"


  Jenny whistled.

  "Wow, you're in there. Is he good-looking?"

  Maya couldn't help but laugh. That was all Jenny seemed to care about right now when men were involved in the conversation. She reached for her tablet on her bedside cabinet and took it off sleep. It opened up to the gallery website, which had been revamped since Alexei had taken over.

  "His picture is on the updated website for the gallery."

  She had done her research. Alexei was a big name in the art world and he owned two modeling agencies. Maya recognized the American one; she had shot a few campaigns for them when they first started out. They were now really popular and Caroline was often in contention with them to get the best models.

  Maya passed the tablet over to Jenny. Jenny stared at the picture of Alexei leaning against a glass window, dressed in a suit and giving the camera a big smile. She sighed and fell onto her back on the bed.

  "Oh, my." She fanned herself with the tablet. "I think I'm going to faint."

  Maya laughed.

  "Honestly, Jenny."

  "Seriously. He's Russian and gorgeous. What more could you want?" She sighed dramatically. "I adore a man with an accent."

  "He's charming, certainly." Maya took her tablet back and placed it back on her cabinet. "And I'm just being a guide. It's not a date."

  Jenny snorted.

  "Yeah, keep telling yourself that."

  She sat up and slid off the bed. Maya followed her through the apartment to the lounge, where their spare duvet was set up on the couch. Jenny jumped onto the couch and burrowed under the duvet while Maya searched for the remote.

  "By the way, did you see Caz?"

  "I did." Maya sat and turned the DVD player on, switching the TV on. "She's agreed to take Jonny off the Barbados shoot and replace him with Rodrigo. She texted me earlier to say Rodrigo had agreed to do it."

  "That's great." Jenny stretched her legs out as Maya sat back, putting her feet on Maya's lap. "I like Rodrigo. He's such a sweetie."

  Maya agreed with that. Rodrigo was lovely and one of the best male models she had worked with. She enjoyed working with him and he would be a breath of fresh air after Jonny.

  "He certainly is." She grinned slyly at Jenny. "A gorgeous man with an accent."

  She knew Jenny had a big crush on Rodrigo and had to hide so she wouldn't laugh in their faces whenever Jenny encountered the Hispan
ic model. Even now Jenny's face was going bright red.


  Maya laughed and patted her feet.

  "Look, no more talk on guys and accents. Let's just have our pizza and a night of scary movies."

  That sounded like a good idea. But even as the movie started, Maya wondered if she would be able to stop thinking about Alexei Petrov and his gorgeous accent.


  Alexei was wondering if he had bitten off more than he could chew asking Maya to take him around New York to see the sights. Manhattan was big and it was busy. Maya had met him outside Central Park and suggested they walk around Central Park and Times Square before going on to other parts of the city.

  Like a fool Alexei had agreed. He thought he was fit and healthy but that was nothing compared to Maya. She had been walking for three hours and didn't seem to show any sign of stopping. Alexei wondered if being on her feet all day was a factor for it. He spent most of his working day sitting down and it was starting to show.

  Maya was very enthusiastic about it all. She showed him all the important buildings that she knew of, giving him details of its history before they moved on. Alexei was surprised at her knowledge; she was clearly not a local but she spoke with much love for the place she called home. He loved hearing her talk. It was one thing he could never get bored of.

  And he had been right thinking Maya had a good figure. Dressed in jeans with a black jacket and black t-shirt, finishing off the outfit with black boots, a black handbag and a black leather cap that matched her jacket, Maya looked great. Her figure was trim and she certainly kept herself in shape. Her legs were nice and shapely and she had nicely rounded breasts, breasts that Alexei tried not to stare at.

  His thoughts were drifting towards the erotic, wondering what Maya would look like naked with her legs wrapped around his waist as he feasted on her breasts. But that was proving dangerous as his jeans, while not tight, were getting more uncomfortable. He hoped it wasn't obvious he was walking around half-aroused. If Maya had noticed she didn't mention it.

  They reached the courthouse and Maya turned to him. Her cheeks were red from the brisk wind but her eyes were sparkling.

  "How are you feeling?"


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