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Alexander: Prince (Members From Money Book 14)

Page 23

by Katie Dowe

  "You think I'm a stupid little boy who doesn't know what real love is." Jonny said accusingly.

  "You clearly don't since I don't love you." Maya shot back. "I didn't think much beyond you're a cocky little boy. Now go away before I call the cops."

  She was going to call them anyway but she was too shaken to reach for her cell phone. She wanted to get inside before he did something that could harm her or the baby.

  Jonny lunged at her. Maya screamed as he grabbed her, the scream cutting off abruptly when he kissed her. He shoved his tongue into her mouth and Maya gagged. She pushed at his shoulders but he was too strong. Then he let her go abruptly and Maya staggered back, almost losing her footing.

  "I'm not giving up on you, Maya." Jonny whispered.

  Then he walked away. Maya could feel the world tilting and staggered into the coffee shop, sagging onto a nearby chair. Her heart was still pounding.

  When Jenny arrived a few moments later Maya was still staring into space.

  Chapter 10

  Alexei got back to his apartment eagerly. He was desperate to see Maya again. After putting her through a lot of grief in the past six weeks he was beginning to realize that he was being incredibly stupid about the whole thing.

  He knew she would never cheat on him. Katya was the cheater not Maya. And the barrage of messages coming from Widecombe was clearly putting a lot of stress on Maya. Alexei didn't want anything to happen to their son. He was just making it worse by assuming that Maya was doing something she shouldn't and it was unfair to her.

  When he was at the office, Alexei decided he was going to make it up to her. He was going to order in Chinese, their favorite meal, and then they were going to watch some horror movies before Alexei took her to the bedroom and made love to her for the rest of the night. Pretty much what had happened the first time they had sex. He was going to treat her like a princess and hope that she would forgive him.

  There was a brown envelope on the mat when he let himself in. Alexei frowned at it, picking it up and turning it over in his hands. Mail was always left with the doorman. Only those who lived in the building could get up to his apartment. So who was leaving this under his door?

  Putting his briefcase on the counter island in the kitchen, Alexei opened the envelope and shook out its contacts. Pictures scattered across the countertop and Alexei found himself staring at photographs of Maya and Widecombe. Together. They were talking outside Maya's favorite coffee place. It took a moment for Alexei to recognize Widecombe with the hair color and his build looking more muscular but the reflection in the window said it was Jonny Widecombe.

  Now he looked like Alexei. Alexei didn't know whether to be amused at his nerve or sick that he was trying to model himself on Alexei.

  There were several of Widecombe kissing Maya. Her hands were on his shoulders and it looked like she was kissing him back.

  Alexei sagged onto a stool, staring at the photographs. So she had been cheating on him. With Widecombe. How long had this being going on for? Had she been with Widecombe the whole time they were together?

  Then another thought shot into his head that made him feel sick to the stomach. Was their unborn baby not his at all? Was it Widecombe's?

  Alexei felt as though nothing was real anymore.

  Alexei was still staring at the pictures when the door opened and closed. Moments later Maya appeared at his side.

  "Alexei? What's wrong, love?"

  She reached out to touch him. Alexei flinched and Maya drew back sharply.


  Alexei snatched up the photos and stood, turning to face Maya. Her face was pale and she looked like she had been crying. But these didn't process in Alexei's mind as he brandished the pictures at her.

  "This." He snarled. "This is what's wrong." He slapped them back down on the counter. "How long have you been seeing him?"


  Maya looked confused. But Alexei wasn't going to be fooled this time.

  "How long have you been seeing Widecombe?"

  "I haven't." Then Maya saw the pictures. Her face went white and she snatched it up. "Oh, God, he really did this to me?"

  "Did what?"

  "Jonny cornered me on the street today and started confessing his undying love to me. Then he kissed me and said it's not over. Now I know what he was up doing."

  She slapped the photos on the counter before swiping them off. They fluttered to the ground and Maya paced across the kitchen, slapping her hand hard into the refrigerator with a snarl.

  Alexei watched her closely. This reaction seemed genuine but he didn't know anymore. Maya could be genuine or a very good actor; he didn't know what to think.

  "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

  "I tried calling you but you were in meetings all day." Maya turned back to him. "I told Ivan and he said he'd pass the message on."

  "I haven't seen Ivan all day."

  Maya groaned and kicked at a picture near her foot.

  "You know these aren't real, Alexei."

  "Doesn't look like they're fake to me."

  "Have you ever been caught off-guard when someone kisses you? I bet not." Then the realization dawned on Maya and her face went even paler. "You don't believe me, do you? You honestly believe these."

  "What am I supposed to believe, Maya? That the woman I'm getting married to is having an affair with someone she claims is her stalker? That you've been lying to me for months." He glanced at her belly. "Is the baby even mine?"

  He knew he had pushed it when Maya came towards him and slapped him.

  "How dare you?" She hissed. "Of course the baby's yours. I wouldn't lie to you about something like that. I would never cheat on your either." She stepped back, tears in her eyes. "Obviously you believe a stupid little picture instead of the person who really matters to you."

  She pushed past him and down the hall. Moments later a door slammed. Alexei leaned against the counter and put his face in his hands.

  What had he done?


  Alexei didn't come to bed that night. Maya had a feeling he wouldn't after the accusations he had thrown at her. He didn't come in at all. Maya heard him use the bathroom and move about in the lounge but that was it.

  At some point Maya cried herself to sleep, buried under the duvet and trying to shut out the world. This wasn't fair. She was trying to deal with a stalker and the bastard was succeeding in driving her and the man she loved apart.

  When she woke, the apartment was empty. Alexei had gone. The pictures were gone as well and Maya found the remains of them in the fireplace. Evidently Alexei had burnt them.

  That was something.

  But where was he? Maya needed to talk to him. She wasn't going to hang around and find out where their relationship was heading. If they couldn't reach a compromise and deal with their problems, Maya would have to walk away. It wasn't fair on baby Nikolai and she wasn't dealing with the stress anymore.

  But if she did that, Jonny would win.

  Maya was determined not to let that happen.

  She showered and dressed before making her way to the gallery. Ivan was talking to Lucy at her desk when Maya entered. He took one look at her face and his smile faded away. He hurried over to her.

  "What's wrong, Maya?"

  "Is Alexei around?"

  "He's in his office." Ivan paused. "He's not in a good mood."

  "I know." Maya closed her eyes. She was the cause of it. "Jonny sent him pictures of him kissing me."

  "What? What happened there?"

  Maya opened her eyes and bit her lip. She would not cry, not in front of Ivan.

  "Jonny cornered me and kissed me out of the blue. I pushed him away but the damage was done. He must've had someone nearby taking photographs." She drew in a heavy breath. "I called the police but he disappeared pretty quickly."

  "He's been eluding me for weeks." Ivan rubbed the back of his neck. "I haven't been able to track him down."

  "He's probably liv
ing with his aunt in Jersey City." Maya paused. "I spoke to Caz on the way over and she says he's signed up to the agency Alexei started up."

  "What?" Ivan stared. "Is he crazy?"

  "He's daring, I'll give him that much."

  Signing up with the modeling agency belonging to his stalking victim's fiancé was daring. Jonny obviously had a death wish.

  Ivan's jaw tightened.

  "I'll speak to Piotr and let him know. That boy needs to be blacklisted."

  Maya agreed. She hugged herself and whimpered. She felt like she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

  "I wish he would just leave me alone."

  "He will." Ivan reached out and pulled her towards him. He hugged her, stroking her hair. "He'll get it into his head soon."

  Maya hadn't been held like this for a long time. Alexei had been withdrawing comfort when she needed it and she needed someone to hold on to right now. Ivan wasn't Alexei but he was a friend and he was offering her what she needed.

  She hugged him back, closing her eyes as she rested her head against his chest. Right now all she wanted to do was hug Alexei. She really missed him.

  Where had the independent woman who could rely on herself gone? Maya wanted her back.

  "You really needed that much comfort that you'd resort to my best friend?"

  Maya pulled away. Alexei was standing in the doorway of his office. He had a look of pure thunder on his face.


  Ivan frowned at him.

  "Alexei, we're not having an affair. Relax. Maya's just upset."

  "So you decided to play the knight in shining armor." Alexei sneered. "What would have happened if I hadn't come out?"

  Then Maya realized what Alexei might have thought. He had come out and seen his fiancé holding on to his best friend and thought the worst.

  Something inside her snapped. It was either that or she went into complete hysterics. She pushed away from Ivan and stalked towards Alexei, who scowled at her as she approached.

  "In your office. Now." She ordered.

  Alexei raised an eyebrow.

  "You're telling me what to do in my own building?"

  "Unless you want me to scream blue murder at you in full view of your employees, yes." Maya pointed into his office. "Now."


  Alexei couldn't help but admire Maya's fire as she pushed past him into his office. He bit back a smile as he closed the door. He was still angry at her and, clearly, she was furious at him.

  Maya swung around on him.

  "What the hell, Alexei? You're seriously accusing me of cheating on you with Ivan now? He's dating Caz! Why would we do that to both of you?"

  Alexei shrugged.

  "I don't know. Maybe because it's a thrill."

  "It's disgusting, that's what it is." Maya folded her arms. "I don't what's got into you. Ever since that phone call you've changed. You keep accusing me of the most bizarre things. You ask me constantly where I've been, you have to know what I'm doing all the time and now you're accusing me of cheating with any man who stands within six feet of me." Her expression was pained. "Why don't you trust me?"

  "I have my reasons." Alexei said coolly. He walked past her and sat at his desk. He wasn't going to stand up for her. Not in his own office.

  "But you can't tell me what they are." Maya shook her head. Her body was shaking. "You're out of order and I find it disgusting. I would never cheat on you. Can't you trust me on that?"

  Alexei wanted to. He really did. But after everything that had been happening coupled with his past reinforcing it in his mind, it was difficult to let that go and give Maya the benefit of the doubt.

  He hesitated too long. Maya's eyes widened.

  "You don't." She whispered. "You don't trust me."

  "I am your future husband, Maya." Alexei didn't know where he was going with this but it avoided answering her question. "I am entitled to know who you're talking to."

  "Not to the point you're obsessed with knowing my every move." Maya snapped.

  She turned away and ran her hands through her hair. She had been growing it out so it was down to her shoulders. It looked good on her. Alexei liked her with longer hair.

  "I can't go on like this."

  Alexei almost missed what she said as he focused on her hair. Then he heard the heavy gravity in her voice. He sat up.

  "What are you saying?"

  Maya turned back to him. Her expression was resigned, close to tearful. She looked like she was going to break down but she kept it together. Her voice was shaky.

  "You're accusing me of the most awful things. I've never cheated on anyone and I don't intend to. You're doing exactly what Ash did to me years ago. I just didn't realize you two were so alike until just now."

  Alexei bristled. He didn't like being compared to her ex-boyfriend.

  "I've never hurt you." He growled.

  "Not physically." Maya started tugging at the ring on her finger. "But I'm not going to do this anymore."

  "What are you doing?"

  Alexei stood and started to come around the desk but Maya already have the ring off. She shoved the ring at him, forcing Alexei to grab it before it fell.

  "Jonny was intent on splitting us up. He succeeded. We're over, Alexei. I'm not having you treat me like this."

  Then Alexei realized the gravity of what was happening. His insecurities had got to him. And he was about the lose Maya. His heart started to sink.

  He had severely screwed up.

  "Maya, don't do this."

  "No." Maya held up a hand and back away. "I won't stop you having contact with our son but I won't let you near me. I'm not getting married to a man who doesn't trust me." She reached the door and opened it. It was then the tears started to escape. "Now leave me alone."

  "Maya, please..."

  But Maya had already gone, slamming the door behind her. Alexei stared at the closed door, unable to comprehend what had happened. Then he stared at the ring in his hand.

  She hadn't been the one who had betrayed him. He had betrayed her. And he was only just realizing what an idiot he had been.


  Jenny sat beside Maya and put a blanket over her lap.

  "Here you go, honey. This should keep you warm."

  "Thanks." Maya sniffed and burrowed deeper into the dressing gown Jenny had given her. She sniffed and wiped her nose on her collar. "That was so awful. I can't believe it happened."

  "Jonny certainly knew which buttons to press." Jenny said grimly.

  After leaving Alexei's office Maya had been too upset to go home. So she had walked to Jenny's apartment and found her and Rodrigo just coming back. It was freezing cold and Maya was shivering. Her coat wasn't keeping her or her baby warm. Jenny had taken one look at Maya and had hustled her inside, making Rodrigo turn the heat up and putting more layers on Maya.

  She told them everything. Both Rodrigo and Jenny were shocked at Jonny's newer attempt to break her and Alexei up with Jenny directing anger towards Alexei. She kept threatening to go around to him and make him realize what he had lost but Maya stopped him. It wouldn't do anyone any good.

  Unable to go back, Maya had stayed the night, sleeping in her old room. It had a nice sense of familiarity, even though she kept waking up with nightmares thinking Jonny was in her room and attacking her. But sleep hadn't helped and Maya felt even more miserable.

  Rodrigo's cell phone rang. He left the room to answer it and Jenny put her arms around Maya, hugging her close.

  "Things will be fine, Maya. Alexei will come around. We'll make sure he will."

  "Thanks for the offer, Jenny, but I don't think he's going to come around anytime soon." Maya sighed sadly and swiped another tear away. "I lost the man I loved because of a damn stalker. Story of my life."

  Jenny had no answer to that.

  Rodrigo came back into the room. He sat on the coffee table.

  "That was Caz. Ivan's just called her. They found Jonny."

eally?" Maya sat up. "Where."

  "Atlantic City. He was in a runway show. When Piotr found out what he was doing to Maya he notified Jonny that his services were terminated permanently. Then he notified Atlantic City Police and they arrested him for aggravated stalking."

  Maya felt the tension leave her body in a rush. She sagged against Jenny, who gave a whoop of delight and kissed Rodrigo before hugging Maya. Maya held out a hand to Rodrigo with a smile.

  "Thanks, Rodrigo. I didn't know I had so many people looking out for me."

  "You know this business, Maya." Rodrigo squeezed her hand. "We all stick together."

  "Jonny can't hurt you anymore." Jenny grinned. "Things will be fine, Maya. They will be."

  Then Maya remembered the text message she had received when she checked her phone that morning. She had been so miserable that the news she was given had slumped her down as low as it could get. She slumped against Jenny, her smile fading.

  "No, they won't. Ivan left me a message when I woke up. Alexei's gone."

  "Gone?" Jenny frowned. "What do you mean gone?"

  "He went back to Russia. Ivan tried to stop him but Alexei said there was nothing here for him anymore."

  "But there wasn't anything for him in Russia, either." Jenny looked confused. "Why would he just leave like that so close to his son's birth?"

  "Because of me."

  Maya knew the reason why and buried her face in her hands. She was the reason Alexei had gone back to Russia. And there was no chance of Alexei coming back any time soon; Ivan had also said Alexei was refusing to answer his calls and had sent one text saying not to contact him. Evidently he was still angry.

  That made Maya's stomach tighten. Then the tightening got worse and pain shot through her body, spreading through her back. Maya felt something go between her legs and wetness soaked the cushion underneath her. She cried out and clutched at her stomach.

  "Maya?" Jenny sat up. "What's wrong?"

  The tightening slowly faded, allowing Maya to catch her breath.

  "I think my water just broke." She reached down and placed a hand on the wet cushion. She went cold when she saw the blood on her fingers. "And I'm bleeding."


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