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Hot Colorado Nights

Page 3

by Paige Yancey

  Derek’s fists clenched. “So, the FBI has figured out that there might be human trafficking or sex trade potential in these missing women?”

  Lt. Slaughter nodded. “That would be my guess. They don’t always tell me everything.”

  His lips tightening, Derek frowned. “Need to know basis?”

  “You got it.” The LT tapped his pen on the desktop.

  Derek glanced toward Jones and back to the LT. “So, are we off the case then?”

  “So it seems,” said the lieutenant.

  Anger boiled beneath the surface. Derek bit down hard to keep from cursing. “Every minute that passes is wasted time. You know as well as I do that the first twenty-four hours is crucial. The FBI will be looking at the big picture, not concentrating on getting Janie back.”

  Lieutenant Slaughter raised his hands palms up. “I know,”

  “They’re cutting us out.” He slammed his fist into his palm. “That’s bullshit.”

  The LT’s eyes narrowed, but he gave them a sly smile. “No, but I don’t want to hear anything about this case, unless you get a better lead. Something shady’s going on, but we don’t want to get our asses chewed by the governor’s office. If you guys continue down this path, you’re on your own. You have been given the official word.”

  Chapter 3

  By the time Maddie left the shop, dusk had settled over town. Her pulse raced as she locked the door. She searched the faces of every man she passed, wondering if one of them was the bastard who’d taken her sister.

  She had hoped to help Derek with more information but couldn’t think of anything to add to what she’d already shared. On her way home, she listened to music to help soothe her frazzled nerves and think about what to do. Her sister had told her about a guy on campus who had been harassing the girls. She’d said that several female freshmen had mentioned they’d been assaulted or pushed around by him. Maddie had asked her sister why they hadn’t turned him in for sexual harassment. Janie said the guy came from a wealthy family, and the girls were afraid nothing would be done because no one would believe them.

  Maddie and her sister had been trained in hand-to-hand combat by their dad. She’d assumed Janie could handle herself in an assault. Something terrible must have happened for her sister to have been taken.

  Maddie got out of her car and went into the house using her new set of keys. A sense of déjà vu settled over her, and she shivered. She shouldn’t be so unnerved. This time, she was getting home before dark, her house had been inspected by the police, the crime scene investigators had been there, done their job collecting evidence, and the locksmith had changed out all of the locks. No one could get in without the new set of keys unless he broke a window.

  Once inside the house, Maddie went from room to room, checking all of the window and door locks. When she was certain her home was buttoned up tightly, she went about her evening routine of fixing supper and feeding LouLou. The house wasn’t the same without Janie helping with the chores, sitting at the table working on her homework or reading her books for her economics classes. The emptiness in the house and in Maddie’s heart hurt. A feeling of loss overwhelmed Maddie. On the verge of giving in to grief, she was startled by a loud knock on her door. She set down the spatula she was using to flip the chicken in the frying pan, switched off the stove and walked through the house to the front door, her heartbeat speeding with every step.

  She’d drawn the blinds, as afraid to look out as she was for someone to look in. Maddie flipped on the front porch light and peered through the peephole, her pulse racing. She didn’t know what to expect. Would it be someone from the police department coming to tell her they’d found her sister’s body? Or would it be the bad guy delivering his demands?

  Derek’s reassuring face appeared on the other side of the door. “It’s just me, Maddie.”

  Maddie released the breath she’d been holding and unlocked the door.

  Derek stood with a phone to his ear. “Thanks Mary, let Jacob know I’ll see him tomorrow.”

  Maddie could hear a female voice on the other end of the phone and then the word “bye”.

  Derek, ended the call. “Sorry about that.”

  Maddie moved to the side and invited Derek in.

  The detective stepped through the doorway, sliding his phone into his pocket.

  “It’s ok,” she said. “I’m just glad it was you. Have you heard anything?”

  “Not enough,” he said. “We haven’t found your sister, yet.”

  Maddie swallowed the lump forming in her throat. “I’d rather you’d found my sister. But progress is better than nothing.”

  “We’re working the case.” Derek wished he had better news to help erase the shadows beneath Maddie’s eyes.

  He followed Maddie into the kitchen where there was a pot boiling on the stove and a bowl of dog food on the floor that hadn’t been touched.

  LouLou came in from the hallway with her head down. When she spotted Derek, her ears perked up. She padded over to him and put her head under his hand.

  Derek stroked her soft, golden fur.

  The dog began to slowly wag her tail.

  Maddie walked over to the stove, switched on the burner beneath a frying pan and stirred whatever was boiling in the pot. The aroma of chicken and vegetables wafted to him from the stove, and his stomach growled.

  Maddie chuckled. “Hungry?”

  He grimaced. “A little.”

  She smiled. “You’re welcome to stay and eat.”

  “Thanks.” Derek joined her at the stove. “At least, let me help you with that, or do you need me to do something else?”

  “If you can stir the pot for me, I’ll set the table. The spoon is there on the spoon rest.”

  Maddie reached into a cabinet, pulled out two glasses and carried them to the fridge. She pressed one glass against the lever on the front, and ice filled the glass. “So, what have you heard?”

  Derek stirred the contents of the pot, gathering his thoughts. “We visited the university campus, studied their surveillance videos and found images of the man Janie met on campus. We’ve put out a BOLO with his image in hopes we can find him and bring him in for questioning.”

  Maddie’s brow knitted. “BOLO?”

  He gave a hint of a smile. “Sorry. It stands for be on the lookout.”

  “Good. I hope they find the bastard who took her soon.” She set the glasses on the table and hugged her arms around her middle. “I can’t imagine what my sister is going through.” She drew in a deep, shaky breath and crossed the room to open a drawer full of cutlery.

  “We also heard from some kids at the university that girls are going missing. At first, they thought they just weren’t showing up for class. But the parents have been raising concerns. Some of the young women are being warned by their male counterparts to be careful and not go anywhere by themselves.”

  Maddie stopped with her hand on the forks and looked at Derek. Her face was stone quiet, and she had an edge to her like a cat that was spitting mad.

  “If people knew something wasn’t right, why didn’t they put out an official warning or statement to that effect?”

  “I don’t know.” Derek continued, “We put the word out to get more information from local communities. This issue isn’t just with the university or community colleges. Nearby cities and towns, as well, are reporting a high number of young women going missing.”

  Leaving the utensils drawer, Maddie crossed to stand in front of Derek. “So, what does that mean? Why are we just hearing about this? The campuses should be in an uproar.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know for sure, and I hate to speculate.”

  “Speculate.” Maddie squared her shoulders. “I want to know what we’re up against.”

  “We could have serial killer on our hands.”

  Maddie closed her eyes and stood very still for a moment. Then she opened them. “I refuse to believe my sister is dead. What else have you got?”

nbsp; He liked that she was strong and willing to consider other options. “When I was on active duty in the Special Forces, serving overseas, something like this happened. Pretty young women and girls disappeared from their towns and villages. Intel got a lead, and we were sent on a mission to save the girls from a terrorist group that had planned to sell them into the sex trade.”

  Maddie pressed her hand to her chest, and her face blanched of all color. “Janie might be sold into the sex trade?”

  “We don’t like to think it could happen here in the US, but it does. Every day. My partner and I are looking into this. So far, we’re hitting road blocks from organizations higher up than us. The governor’s office even got involved and put a cease and desist on our investigation. They’re turning it over to the FBI.”

  Maddie swayed.

  Derek turned off the stove, grabbed her arm and guided her to a chair at the table. “Sit.”

  She sat down hard and put her head between her knees. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  Derek squatted next to her and touched her shoulder. “Maddie, I’m going to do everything I can to get your sister back. I have a card up my sleeve I haven’t used before, but I think it will work.”

  “Anything. Just help my sister.”

  He straightened. “I have to go outside my station’s protocols, but I wanted to talk to you about it before I did it.”

  “Please…do whatever it takes. My sister means everything to me.” Maddie looked up, her eyes pooling with tears.

  “I will do whatever it takes. I promise.”

  “What can I do to help?” Maddie pushed to her feet. “I’ll do anything.”

  “Nothing, but pray. In the meantime, I need to call an old military friend of mine to see what assistance he can provide.”

  The sound of a muffled ringtone made Derek look around. “Is that your phone?”

  Maddie raced to the counter, dug in a brown leather handbag and pulled out a cellphone. “Hello,” she said, her voice shaking. Her eyes rounded, and she looked at Derek across the floor and pointed at the phone, mouthing the words It’s them.

  Derek signaled with his hand for her to put it on speaker so that he could hear what was being said.

  Maddie fumbled with the phone nearly dropping the device. Then she touched the speaker button.

  A male voice boomed into the room, sounding mechanical, as if it had been changed by a voice modulator. “If you want to see your sister again, be at the warehouse on Rogers Street at 8:00 pm tomorrow night. Come alone. No cops.”

  Maddie’s hand holding the phone shook so badly Derek thought she’d drop it. “How do I know my sister is still alive?”

  The voice boomed again, “You don’t. Be there. We won’t call again.” And the line went dead.

  Maddie dropped her phone into her purse and stood still, staring at Derek as if he wasn’t there at all. Then her knees buckled.

  Because he’d been standing so close to her, Derek was able to grab her before she hit the ground. He pulled her hard against his chest and held her close, afraid to let go in case she fell. “Maddie? Hey, sweetheart, it’s going to be all right,” he said, his voice gentle, his tone as reassuring as he could make it, given the situation. When she didn’t respond, he leaned back and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  Her eyes were closed, and her face was so very pale.

  “Maddie, baby, talk to me.” He brushed his lips across her closed eyelids. “Please, Maddie.” His heart ached for this woman facing her worst nightmare. He’d do anything to make it right.

  Maddie blinked open her eyes and stared up at him. “She’s my sister.”

  “I know. I’m going to find her.”

  Maddie’s bottom lip trembled and a tear slipped from the corner of her eye.

  That tear coupled with the trembling lip was Derek’s undoing. “Oh, Maddie.” He brushed his mouth across hers. “I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. I want to kiss you.”

  Her lips quirked, and she gave a short chuckle. “I think you already have.”

  “Not yet, I haven’t.”

  “No?” She raised her eyebrows. “Then what do you call a kiss?”

  “This.” He claimed her mouth, his lips crashing down on hers.

  When she gasped, he pushed past her teeth to stroke her tongue in long, desperate caresses.

  Derek had wanted to kiss her since he’d seen her the day before. He’d wondered if they still shared the same spark they’d had as teens. When his lips touched hers, it was as if all the years that had separated them since high school fell away. That same connection flared to life. This was the same girl he’d crushed on so hard. The Maddie he never could erase from his memories.

  Maddie’s hands slid up his chest to clasp around his neck. She threaded her fingers into his hair, dragging him closer.

  Derek scooped her up nearer to his body, crushing her chest to his. He felt as if their souls had found each other again and didn’t want to let go. He wasn’t a poetic kind of guy, but that kiss was magic, rocking him to his very core. The softness of her lips and the caress of her warm tongue were like no other kiss he’d had since they’d parted ways so long ago. Electricity crackled around them as if a storm raged.

  When he drew back for a breath, she leaned her forehead against his chest. “Please, don’t let go.”

  “I won’t.” He kissed her temple. “I remember how good it was to hold you close and to make love to you. Even though it was so long ago, I remember. And it’s hard to stop at just a kiss.”

  She looked up at him. “Then don’t stop there. I need you to hold me, to make love to me. To remind me I’m alive and to make me feel safe.”

  His pulse pounded through his veins at the appeal shining in her eyes. “Sweetheart, you’re vulnerable and hurting. To make love to you…” he kissed her forehead, “…would be wrong of me to take advantage of you right now.”

  “To hell with being wrong,” she said anger flashing in her gaze. “I need you. Right. Now. And the way I see it—you want me, and I want you. If that’s wrong. So be it.” She tugged the hem of his shirt out of the waistband of his trousers.

  Derek raised his arms.

  Maddie dragged his shirt over his head and dropped it on the table. She ran her hands over the plains of his chest and across his shoulders. “I don’t remember your muscles being this big.”

  He chuckled. “They weren’t. These are from years of weights and hard work.” He ran his hands over her shoulders and down her sides and hips. “You’ve changed, too.”

  She kissed his neck and traced a path with her tongue to his collarbone. “Packed on some pounds.”

  “In all the right places,” he said, as he bent to nibble her neck. He found the tab on the back of her dress and drew it downward to the small of her back.

  She shrugged out of the sleeves, and the deep purple material pooled around her waist. With a little shimmy, the dress fell to the floor.

  Derek’s heart pumped blood through his body, and it all went south to his groin at the sight of Maddie’s matching purple bra and underwear.

  He went to unclasp the bra as she was unbuttoning his trousers. It became a desperate race to help each other undress.

  Maddie let her dress and bra fall to the floor as she worked Derek’s slacks off his hips. She scored her hands over his abs and down his waist into his boxers. Her hands circled his cock and gently squeezed as she caressed the length of him.

  Derek grunted and tipped back his head, fighting to retain his control.

  Maddie dropped to her knees, dragged down his boxers and took his cock into her mouth.

  The warmth of her mouth around his cock nearly drove him to an immediate climax. He held back by sheer determination.

  Her rosy lips moved up and down him.

  Quickly approaching climax, he pulled free. He reached beneath her arms and drew her up to stand before him. He bent to retrieve a condom from his wallet, and then he kicked off his shoes, trousers and b
oxers and lifted Maddie, wrapping her legs around him. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “Yes.” She tightened her arms around his neck. “Hurry. I’m on fire.”

  Derek carried her into the living room and settled her on the couch. He fumbled with the condom and dropped it.

  Maddie retrieved the packet, ripped it open and smoothed it over him.

  He parted her legs, settled his body between them and gently moved his cock into position. She was so warm, and the wetness between her legs in her auburn curls was like home to him. He eased his hard cock into her opening and paused to let her channel adjust to his girth.

  “Don’t you dare stop now.” With both hands on his buttocks, she pulled him deeper inside her. She wrapped her legs around him and held on with both of her arms. There was strength beneath her curves, and her channel clenched around him as he rocked in and out of her. Derek thrust deep and paused, at the very edge of his control.

  “Why are you stopping?” she asked.

  “Sweetheart, I’m not going to last very long, but I promise to be gentle.”

  Maddie looked like a lioness with her dark golden-brown hair fluffed around her shoulders. She leaned back on the armrest and bucked into him with all her strength. “Derek, you don’t need to be gentle with me. I’m strong, and I want this. Give yourself to me.”

  That was all he needed to hear. He shoved the coffee table aside, lifted her and laid her on the floor. Then he pounded into her with all his fury and strength.

  “Oh, sweet heaven, this feels so good.” Her body tensed, she gasped and leaned forward, biting into his shoulder without breaking the skin.


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