The Four Horsemen : A Servite Academy For Troubled Teens Novel
Page 10
“You’re late!” he exclaims as he steps in our direction. “Not sure how things were at your previous institution, but here at Servite Academy and specifically in this class, that is unacceptable.”
Before I try and explain myself Ace pushes through me again, almost knocking me over.
“Sorry, Macallan, it’s my fault we’re late. You see, Little Red here was lost, you know her first day and all in a big new school. It can seem daunting, and well, good student that I am, I had to show her that Servite Academy hospitality and show her the way,” he says, winking at me. God he’s good, knowing exactly what to say, the charm just radiating off of him.
“Of course, Mr. Servite, I understand. You did well, please if you’d now find your seat. Miss Steele, I’m sure you can manage to find your own seat, next to Mr. Servite of course.” And there it is. Just like every other male here, breathtaking exterior, rotten interior.
I walk over to the empty desk beside Ace, dropping down onto the plush chair. I open my bag, setting my MacBook on my desk hoping to be able to figure this thing out on my own, so I won’t have to ask for help. I mean I have used a computer before at the small computer lab at the Grayson’s house and the library back in Pleasant Hills High, but this is something entirely different. It’s innovative, and full of programs I’ve never seen before. I’ll have to get Stella to give me a crash course on this unfamiliar technology.
“So, as you all know my name is Professor Macallan and this is English Literature 400, but most importantly your homeroom class. This year is essential to shaping the rest of your future,” he says, interrupting my train of thought.
I decide to just open a blank document and begin typing away as Macallan talks.
“This class will be a bit unorthodox in comparison to your previous English Lit classes. We will focus on the Romanticism literary movement of the late 1700s to mid-1800s. This period of literature focused on emotions and symbolism, among other topics. Our main focus for the first part of the course will be Lyrical Ballads by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth. The lyrical ballads are believed to commence the Romantic movement in English Literature. We will also spend much time analyzing well, Edgar Allen Poe and the symbolism in his work.”
The next few classes go by rather quickly, each professor only going over their syllabuses and expectations for the courses. After English Lit with Professor Macallan, I had US History with Professor Hastings, Honors Biology with Professor Grant, and Algebra 2 with Professor Mortimer. Each one as condescending as Macallan. The stares continued but at least nobody has bothered to talk to me. And as no surprise, Ace and I had the same classes thus far. Coincidence? My subconscious snickers. I don’t believe in those.
Although Ace has managed to sit next to me for every class so far, at least he’s kept his comments to himself. But now as the next bell rings informing us that it’s lunch time, I’m afraid he’s going to approach me. Instead he quickly exits the classroom before everyone else and disappears into the crowd. Finally, I can breathe without having him so close to me. Apparently, every professor is on board with the idea of sitting me right next to him. Again, coincidence?
I follow a crowd of my classmates to the main courtyard in the middle of campus where Stella mentioned the dining hall and other school restaurants were located. I’m relieved I can finally meet up with everyone, since I haven’t had any of them in my classes so far. I head toward the center of the courtyard into the large dining hall. As I make my way over, I immediately see Stella, Drake, and Jade waiting by the door. They look over and see me approaching, Stella waving me over enthusiastically.
“Scarlett, finally,” she says, pulling me into a hug.
“I headed straight over,” I say, confused at her surprise.
“Yeah, it’s just we haven’t had you in any classes yet. Luckily, Jade and I have you for the last two classes. I think Kai might be in there too.” She turns around and I see Kai, Jax and Ruby already in line for food.
“Let’s go get some food,” says Jade, pulling me with her, Stella and Drake following right behind us.
The dining hall looks like a five-star buffet with about six different types of food: Italian, Asian, Greek, Mexican, a Sushi bar and American food. At the end, there is a whole drink station and next to it a dessert bar. The amount of food in this place is insane.
We catch up to the rest of the guys and I begin to grab a few things from the Italian food section. Jade and I grew up on nothing but frozen foods and processed meats, and rarely even had an appetite, so honestly anything here is a gourmet meal compared to that. But the pasta above all, looks absolutely delicious. After everyone’s gotten their lunch, which apparently, we don’t have to pay for, we walk outside to the quad and find a table as far away from the section Stella said is reserved for the Horsemen and their queens. Drake of course sits right next to me with Jade on my left and Stella beside her. Kai, Jax and Ruby sit across from us in that order. We eat rather quietly, since it looks like none of us woke up in time to come down for breakfast. Between bites we briefly talk about how our classes have been so far and I find out, apparently, all professors are just as patronizing as Macallan was this morning. I can sense Drake is a bit tense, so I place my hand on his thigh squeezing slightly. He turns to me and I tilt my head up slightly, asking him what’s wrong.
“I still can’t wrap my head around why that sick fucker Servite thinks he can keep harassing you like that. And Ace, that little bitch thinks he can have what’s,” he stops himself as I raise my eyebrows. Mine. He was going to say what’s his. Not a chance, Dragon.
“Think carefully about what you’re going to say next, Dragon,” I reply, taking another bite of my pasta.
“There’s just something about him, Scar. You need to be careful around him. I don’t like the way he looks at you.”
“Like I said before, he’s harmless. Just a cocky a-hole with a giant ego. We walked in here not giving a shit about their hierarchy and his ego took a blow. Once he sees we are indifferent to him and his friends he’ll leave us alone, leave me alone.”
“I’m not so sure, Scar. He wants you… I can tell when he looks at you.” He sighs, obviously frustrated.
“My eyes are on you, Dragon Man. He can look at me all he wants but you’re the one I’m looking at.” I say and his demeanor relaxes. He smirks and that smile makes me lean into him, our lips almost touching right when we are interrupted by a group of dimwitted blondes.
“Aww how sweet is this, Win, the whore and her thug getting nice and cozy in our house,” says Carrington as she stands behind us.
“Fuck off, Carrington,” I say, turning to her.
The four of them stand behind us, arms crossed pushing up the fake cleavage popping out of their barely buttoned shirts. Of course, their uniforms are the same as ours just somehow with shorter skirts and shirts tied around their midsections baring their perfectly, flat stomachs.
“Not until I show you who’s the queen around here. That stunt you pulled the other night, will never happen again,” says Carrington, her hands resting on her hips.
“Care to wager?” Jade asks laughingly.
“Well of course Ace came to my rescue. He’ll never allow you to disrespect me like that again. You see, we’re practically betrothed to each other, have been since we were born,” she adds, shifting her attention back to me.
“Is that what that was? Because to me he seemed to enjoy it quite a bit,” I say, standing up to face her.
Immediately Jade stands up beside me and Ruby hops over the table to stand with me as well. It amazes me how quick these girls react to back me up. Jade’s my sister but even Ruby, who can barely tolerate me, has my back against these pretentious mean girls.
“You need to keep your filthy, little, whorish self away from the Horsemen, away from Ace. Haven’t you heard, bitch, he’s the king of Servite and I’m his queen.”
The three of us laugh in unison clearly further pi
ssing the bitch off.
“You think she’s joking,” says the petite blonde Stella mentioned was Kinsley Carlyle. “The Horsemen are the kings around here. They rule the halls of Servite Academy. You should do your best to remember that.”
“The fact that they call themselves the ‘Horsemen’ makes them pretty pathetic to me,” I say mockingly, dropping air quotes around the Horsemen.”
“Don’t get me wrong, your little thugs are pretty hot themselves, but they lack what Ace, and the guys have,” adds Carrington clearly checking out the guys.
“Oh yeah and what’s that?” Drake asks, standing up beside me.
“Class, power, wealth, status,” she adds, getting closer to Drake with each step. “The list goes on.” She places her hand on Drake’s chest and I’ve just about had it playing nice.
I step between them causing Carrington to stumble back slightly. Of course, they’re all wearing ridiculous five-inch heels. Who wears heels in high school? I step toward her just as she does to Drake and see a sudden glimpse of fear run through her wide blue eyes.
“Yeah, well, they may be your kings, but Drake, Kai, and Jax are ours. So back off,” I say, but not a second later as if sent down by the big man himself to save his little bitch from getting her ass beat, the Four Horsemen arrive. Ace of course walks a few steps in front, but his three boys looking equally as powerful, are right on his tail. Again, the crowd that’s formed disperses to make way for their kings.
“Fuck, she’s been here not two full days. I hope you’re not going to make this a habit. You know I’m no knight in shining armor to keep coming to your rescue, Carrie,” says Ace, walking up between us.
“It’s just… look at her, Ace. I can’t help it if I feel the need to protect our image from being tainted by this filth. Someone needs to take out the trash,” she whines in a pathetic damsel voice.
And I’m just about ready to pounce on her, when Drake wraps his arm around my waist holding me back. I immediately notice the cowardly way she hides behind Ace instead of stepping up to me and fighting back.
“One day, Barbie, he won’t make it in time to save you, and you’ll be mine to take out,” I growl.
“Now, now, Little Red, no need for useless threats. Wouldn’t want someone to call campus security on you. We all know my dear uncle would be ready and willing to take you in were something to happen,” he says smirking, and my glare turns to him.
“I already warned you to keep that son of a bitch away from her. He puts his hands on her again and she won’t be the only one taken in by security,” Drake yells, stepping between Ace and me.
“You threatening my family, Dragon Boy?” Ace sneers, stepping up to Drake.
“Did I not make it clear I was or is your head so far up your uncle’s ass you couldn’t hear me?” shouts Drake, meeting his every move.
“You’ve got some nerve, Dragon Boy. But you’ll get what’s coming. You all will.” Ace steps back slightly, shifting his attention to me.
“Just get your skank away from us. You call yourself kings around here, but your bitch keeps stepping out of line. Maybe it’s her that needs to be reminded of her place.”
Ace’s face hardens and he’s fuming at my words. How dare I question the legitimacy of his reign. A king is only as strong as his most loyal servants. And somehow, I keep challenging him in front of them without even wanting to.
Ace Servite manages to bring out the worst in me. I’m more of a keep out of the limelight kind of girl. I stay out of everyone’s business and that ensures they keep out of mine. But for some reason, ever since I stepped foot in this place, I keep putting the attention on me. He eyes me curiously, the anger in his eyes slowly fading away. He seems to always be on edge, yet somehow manages to stay in control. It’s baffling, and not something I’m used to. You see us poor kids from the slums, we have loads of issues. We’re used to losing our temper, losing control. It’s why we constantly crave it. But Ace, he has this dominating magnetism. It only makes me want to find out what’s underneath that cloak of self-control.
“My place is beside Ace, looking down on dirty whores like you,” sneers Carrington still hiding behind Ace.
I laugh at the panic I see in her eyes. Her talk is tough, but her actions reveal the coward she really is.
“Oh, sweetie, didn’t anybody tell you, there’s no room for a queen at a king’s side. She stands behind him, beneath him, at his feet ready and willing to come, only when he deems her necessary.” I step around Drake, moving to meet her head on.
“And let me guess, you stand beneath your dragon king?” she sneers, and I laugh harder at her remark as I step into her, ignoring Ace, who’s scowling beside her.
“Haven’t you heard… a real queen doesn’t need a king to become queen.” It’s my turn to look at Ace now as I move toward him. My eyes meet his and I immediately regret getting so close to him, but I can’t lose focus now. I must prove that I am not to be toyed with. “But a king, well he needs a queen to be crowned king.”
Ace’s eyes darken, an almost unnoticeable twitch of his lip giving away his small smirk. His body stiffens as I feel Drake’s body behind me. Ace’s glare meets Drake’s and I see a pang of what I can only assume is jealousy glaze over his eyes. His knuckles fist at his sides as he watches us, Drake’s hands moving to grip my waist, in a clear show of power. But just as quickly, the jealousy fades, and a wide grin takes over his scowl. He finds us amusing. Well I’m not here for your entertainment, Horseman.
I turn away from him and push Drake back signaling it is time for us to leave. He turns and glares at Ace, as he drapes his arm around my neck, grinning before turning back around. Jade, Stella, and Kai are quick to follow, but Jax stays back taunting the girls a bit more.
However, Ruby is quick to pull him away and they both follow us from the courtyard. Ruby and I haven’t always been the best of friends; sometimes I don’t even know if she’d even consider me a friend. But somehow, we’re family. We have the Graysons and the boys in common, and we’d both do anything to protect them. So even though we can hardly stand each other at times, I know she would rather stand by my side, than with those snobby bitches.
Thankfully, for my last two classes, study hall and gym class with Professor Montgomery, I have Jade, Stella, and Kai to keep me company. Although Ace is in these classes as well, he doesn’t move to sit beside me, or look my way. I must have hit a nerve insulting the legitimacy of his title, and the queen at his side. The final bell rings and we all head back to our respective houses making plans to meet up at the dining hall for dinner around six. Curfew during the week is 10 p.m., but the dining hall stays open till nine. We don’t have much homework today, but the day’s events have exhausted me.
Back at the quarter Stella convinces us to let her set up our new phones but we realize they’ve already been activated. She puts our numbers in each other’s contacts adding hers in as well. According to Jade, the guys also got complementary phones, so I’ll have to ask them for their numbers tonight at dinner. I immediately take my uniform off after arriving at the quarter as I feel like it was suffocating me with this heat, so I lay in my room in a pair of black shorts and a black hoodie I stole from Drake the first time we hooked up.
I pull out my phone and start going through some of the apps on it. I’ve never had a phone before and it isn’t really necessary now, but at least it’s something to keep me entertained. After a few hours of lying in bed doing nothing, I decide to get up and grab a snack from Stella’s snack bar in the kitchen.
“You coming down with us, Scar?” asks Jade as they head to the door.
“No, you guys go. I think I’m gonna just stay in, not really in the mood for another run-in with the Horsemen or worse, their queens.” I grab a bag of chips and a soda can out of the refrigerator and head back to my room, falling back on my bed and pulling the pillow beside me. I hear a ding come from the phone on m
y nightstand and I reach over to answer it, noticing I’ve received a message from an unknown number.
9147776453 – So you hiding out now? Since when does Scarlett Steele back down.
I smile, realizing it’s Drake and send a quick text back adding his number to my contacts under Dragon Man.
Me – It’s not hiding out it’s called self-preservation.
Dragon Man – Come down for me Scar. I need to see you.
Me – Not tonight lover boy. It was a shitty day.
Dragon Man – Let me make you feel better.
Me – A hot shower and a good night’s sleep is what I need.
Dragon Man – Now I need a cold one thinking about you in the shower.
Me – Haha! See ya tomorrow Dragon Man.
Exiting out of our chat I realize I have another unread message.
9146662114 – You better be careful Little RED no one stirs up this much trouble and lives to tell the tale.
An instant chill runs through my body as I re-read the message. Little Red. I know exactly who it is, but how did he manage to get my number? I laugh to myself. Well, how fucking else? His perverted uncle is harassing me, his father literally kidnapped me and brought me here, and well… he has managed to get under my skin. Not good. I decide to ignore the message, no need to lead him on and allow him to think his fake threats scare me. I place my phone on the nightstand and go back to eating my chips. Suddenly my phone starts ringing and without looking and foolishly assuming it’s Drake, I grab the phone and answer it.
“What’s up, Dragon Man?” I say, munching away on a chip.
“Not smart mistaking me for that little bitch, or ignoring my messages, Red.” I nearly choke on the chip I was just eating.
“What do you want, Ace?” I mutter anxiously.
“I want to know why you’re ignoring me. I know you’re home. I know you saw the message.” Sitting up abruptly, I turn to the window in my bedroom. Could he possibly be looking in? I run over to the window and close the curtain.