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Page 26

by E. M. Leya

  "Easy," I whispered.

  "Better because you could steal the money Mother left me?" Mark growled at him.

  "It was a mistake. That money was meant for the family, not for you." His father shook his head. "It was that stupid attorney's fault that it was set up wrong."

  Mark rolled his eyes. "I personally think she knew that you'd try to kill her in time and set it up to make sure I was taken care of. It wasn't as if you'd have used any of it to take care of me."

  "You were a child. You had no needs." The hate in his father's eyes was impossible to miss.

  "You know you can't touch it, so why did you even bother coming down here?" Mark asked.

  "I wanted to see for myself that it was really you. You know how your mother's parents lie. Oh, and I wanted to see if it was true you were now a whore to a famous rock star. What's he paying you to sleep with him?"

  My fist hit him before I even thought about it, sending him flying into the side of the car before he slumped to the ground. "You will not talk to my…" I bit back the word mate quickly. "Fiancé, that way. He's a better man than you'll ever be. Take my advice and stay the hell away from the two of us, because if I see you again, you won't like what happens."

  "Are you threatening me?" He glared, despite still sitting on the ground.

  "I sure the fuck am," I growled, sure that he could see flashes of my wolf in my eyes. I didn't care. I wanted the man scared of me. It wasn't like anyone would believe a word he said if he started telling people that something flashed in my eyes.

  "I'll have you arrested." He slowly pushed up from the ground, his lip bleeding and a bruise already starting to form on his cheek.

  "Try me." I took a step forward. "It would be a pleasure to give you exactly what you deserve."

  Mark's hand gripped my arm. "Tav, let it go."

  I glanced at my mate, calming instantly. "For now, but if this asshole ever shows up in our lives again, I swear I will take him somewhere he will never be found."

  "Fair enough." Mark shrugged. "I don't give a fuck what happens to him, but you can't do this here. People are watching and taking pictures."

  I glanced around, and sure enough, people were filming. I wasn't sure if it was because of the fight or because they recognized me. The last thing I wanted was to bring attention to Mark's issues. I didn't give a damn about me, but I would protect him at all costs. "George, we're ready to leave."

  "Of course." He quickly opened the door for us.

  I made sure Mark got into the car, then looked at George. "Go get in the driver's seat. I don't trust this asshole."

  "But…" He shook his head.

  "I know it's your job, but this once, just do it. We need to get out of here quickly before the crowd grows." I nodded at him. "Please."

  He sighed and rushed around the car to get in.

  I stared Mark's father down. "I meant every word. Don't let us see you again. Run back to your pathetic life and forget you even had a son. That shouldn't be too hard, should it? After all, you seemed to forget all about him when he was growing up." I slipped into the back of the car and slammed the door.

  George pulled out on the road immediately, cutting off another car, but not stopping or easing off the gas until we were far down the road.

  "Are you okay?" I asked Mark, taking his face between my hands, and turning him so I could see into his eyes.

  His wolf was there, but not close to coming out. I brushed a kiss over his lips softly.

  "I can't believe he had the nerve to show up." Mark's voice was shaky.

  "He's stupid if he ever does again," I told him.

  "I'm sorry that I couldn't keep him away," George said from up front.

  I realized the screen between the front and backseat was still down. "It's not your fault, George. You couldn't have known he'd show. Hopefully, he got the message."

  "You hit him." Mark grinned.

  I laughed. "I did. It felt good. I wanted to do much more to him."

  "Me too." Mark took a deep breath. "Will that cause you problems?"

  "He might try to file assault charges, but I doubt he will. Enough people recorded that, and it will be online in minutes if it's not already. People will see that he was the issue. He'll have a lot of explaining to do now. I'm guessing his co-workers and friends will question him about everything. It won't look good if the cameras caught the way he spoke to you." I rested my hand on Mark's thigh. "Don't worry. Nothing is going to come of this."

  "I hope not. I didn't want you dragged into the middle of this." Mark still looked worried.

  "We'll get home and relax. We can still go out if you want, but I want to make sure things are settled first. I need to let Will know to expect the incident online, though he'll probably know before I call him." I gave a light shrug. "He's used to this stuff from us."

  Mark bit his bottom lip.

  I tapped it with my finger. "If you're going to bite something…" I let the look in my eyes finish the sentence.

  Mark laughed. "Okay, I'll try and let it go, but call Will now and warn him. I don't want problems for the band."

  I reached for my phone. "Any attention for the band is good attention. Well, as long as it's not drinking or drugs. This will just make our fans more curious about the man I'm going to marry. They'll stand behind you because you are now part of us. The band backs each other up, and so do our fans."

  I quickly called Will and relayed what had happened, but he'd already seen a video of the argument. He didn't seem worried and laughed about what a fool Mark's father was to bring such hatred out in the open. I hoped he was right. I'd love to see this backfire on him, but the truth was, I might never know. I wasn't going to pay attention to what the asshole did from here on out as long as he stayed away from my mate.

  "Everything okay?" Mark asked as I hung up.

  "Yep, he said there are several videos of it online already, and not one of them puts your father in a good light. We'll be fine." I glanced up front to George. "If he shows up to bother you or the Shells, I want you to get hold of me."

  George nodded. "Of course."

  With that taken care of, I tried to push the event from my mind. It wasn't something Mark needed to hold on to. It was best to get him refocused, and that meant either spending time with his family, sharing stories and photographs or taking him out for a run. With the media attention, the fight would stir, I wasn't as confident going out to some public lands and shifting as I had been. We'd need to be extra careful now since anyone could be following us to get a story.

  Silence fell over us as we drove the last bit to the Shell's house. We'd have to explain to them what happened in case it came back to them somehow, after all, we were in a car registered to them. It wouldn't take much to run the plate and follow the lead. That also meant we'd have to watch out for my fans trying to get near the place. While the driveway was gated, I had yet to ever see the gate closed. Maybe it was time to leave. We only had two more days before we had to meet the tour bus in Los Angeles. Mark and I had a lot to talk about.

  Once the car was parked, we all climbed out silently. There wasn't much more to say about things. What was done was done, and hopefully, Mark's father wouldn't show his face around us again. He'd lost his chance to steal the money or manipulate things the way he'd planned.

  "Will you two be needing a ride anywhere tonight?" George asked.

  "No, we may go out again, but if we do, I'll borrow a car and drive myself." I smiled. "We might go for a scenic drive or something. We aren't sure what the afternoon will bring."

  "Call if I can be of service." He gave a nod.

  "We will. Thank you for everything today." Mark shook his hand before we turned to go inside.

  Once there, we had to stop and explain what had happened to Mark's grandparents. They didn't seem shocked.

  "I just don't want to see this coming back on you." John looked at me. "Like you, I doubt there will be any charges, but you never know. You let us know if you need our a
ssistance in any way."

  "We will, but I'm sure he won't want this story to get out to the media any more than it already is. If he wishes to push things, Mark will tell his story to the press and let the world know exactly what kind of man his father is."

  Mark tensed and I could tell he didn't want to go that route. Hopefully, it wouldn't happen.

  "We're going to go upstairs and unwind for a bit. If you two would excuse us for a while." I smiled politely.

  "Of course. We'll see you for dinner?"

  "Wouldn't miss it." I'd grown to love Susan's cooking.

  I followed Mark up to our room and fell onto the bed.

  Mark collapsed beside me.

  "Are you okay? Your knuckles sore?"

  I looked at my hand. My knuckles were a bit swollen, but it didn't hurt. I'd only hit the guy once. It was hardly a fight. I'd been in bigger brawls with my twin over what we were going to have for dinner. "It's fine. I don't even notice it."

  "You fought for me," Mark said softly.

  "Of course, I did. No one gets to talk to you like that." I rolled to face him. "I'll always protect and put you first."

  "Thanks." He reached up and caressed his fingers over my beard. "I've never had anyone care about me until you."

  "I'm sure your mother loved you." My heart ached for the life Mark had growing up.

  "But I don't remember anything about her." Mark shrugged. "I like that you were the first. The most important. When I was told I had to choose either death or to become a wolf, I almost chose death. I mean, at that point, what did my life have to value? I was alone. I had no one. But I was too scared of dying to choose that. I'm glad, because as scary as it was to let Justice bite me, making that choice brought me to you, and I've never cared about anyone the way I do you."

  It was as close as an I love you as I'd heard from him. I pulled him into my arms and kissed him. "You are more than I could've ever asked for."

  With his head on my shoulder, we stayed quiet. It wasn't long until Mark was asleep against my shoulder. I smiled, watching him sleep, wondering what our future held together. I looked forward to finding out. Every day with him was an adventure. I was patient and sure that in time, he'd come around. We'd figure this out together, one way or another.



  I was a nervous wreck and questioning if I really belonged on tour with Tavish. The thought of being away from him cut like a knife, but there was so much going on, so many people around, and I felt like I was in the way all the time.

  We'd left Colorado and flew back to Los Angeles easy enough. We'd gone straight to the tour bus, putting our stuff in the back bedroom that Tavish had talked the other guys into allowing us to have. He'd said they usually shared the room, each taking it for a week while the others slept in the bunks, but being we were the only mated couple on the bus, we should have it. I didn't argue. I liked having the room, and being able to sleep beside Tavish every night would make this easier.

  We'd headed straight for Vegas, where they had their first show. I'd been excited to see everything, but there really wasn't time for much sightseeing. We pulled into the venue's huge back lot, parked the bus, and the rest of the time was spent preparing for the tour. Between interviews and sound checks, Tavish was pulled one way, then another. I followed along, keeping quiet as I watched and tried to understand everything that was going on.

  "I need to grab a quick shower before the show." Tavish kissed me softly as he stared out over the stage, making a final check that everything was how he wanted it.

  The opening band would start in just an hour, and then twenty minutes after they finished, Destiny would take the stage.

  "That's okay. I can keep myself entertained looking around." I brushed a hand down his cheek.

  "I'll be in the dressing room until show time if you want me, but feel free to watch the show from the sidelines. Tempest Rights is a great band. You might like them. Either way, I'll see you for a minute before I go on." Tavish kissed me softly before pulling back and holding my chin in his hand. "I'm glad you're here with me."

  I smiled. "Go shower."

  "Have fun." He watched me for a minute as he backed away before turning and heading down the hallway toward the locker room.

  I sighed, wishing the night was over. As much as I liked watching Tavish on stage, I was more comfortable when we were alone. The size of the arena, the number of people around us, and the mix of smells made it hard for my wolf. He was curious, wanting to check everyone and everything out. I wasn't at risk of losing control, but it was like he was always in my mind, never settled until Tavish and I got back to the bus where we could be alone.

  I leaned against a large equipment box, watching as the arena started to fill with people. I fingered the pass around my neck, thinking how different my life was now than it had been a few months ago. I'd never seen a concert. Never dreamed that I'd be standing backstage at one as the boyfriend to a lead singer. I never dreamed I'd be a wolf, finally able to take control of my life and make something of myself.

  Meeting and talking to my grandparents had given me a lot to think about. Not only had I learned about my mother and her family, I now realized I had others who wanted to be part of my life and help me get through the hard times. I doubted I'd ever call on them to help since I had Tavish and the pack, but I liked knowing that I could if I needed to. I loved that they were willing to give me back at least a bit of the past that my father had taken from me.

  Restless with so many people starting to come inside, I moved away from the stage, going farther back into the backstage area. I'd already taken advantage of the catering, enjoying the roast beef dinner the band got before the show. I'd even walked around upstairs, watching people set up the t-shirt booths and other things. I was bored.

  Figuring the band would be in the dressing room, I made my way there, knowing I couldn't distract Tavish this close to a show, but at least I'd be able to sit back and watch as each band member went through their customary preshow habits.

  I found it interesting how each member prepared for a show. Mitch would sit quietly in the corner of the dressing room as if meditating, Jackson would down two shots of whiskey, Theo almost always had a woman in his arms, and Tavish would sit and play his guitar, letting everything around him fade away as he got lost in the music. I loved watching them. I wondered how long it took them to form their habits, and why each one did the things they did.

  Quietly, I pushed the dressing room door open, freezing as soon as I stepped into the room. Standing near the back of the large room, right before you would go into the showers, Tavish stood in nothing but a towel around his hips. My gaze traveled over his body, but then it landed on the man standing beside him.

  My wolf tensed as I inhaled the scent of arousal. Not from Tavish, but from the strange man who was touching my mate's arm. He was a wolf. I could tell that from his scent, but he wasn't one that was familiar to me.

  "Leave." Tavish glared at the man.

  "We have time for some fun."

  "I'm mated." Tavish shoved him back.

  "You don't smell mated." The man reached out and tried to tug the towel from Tavish's hips.

  I growled loudly, unable to stop myself. I wanted to tear this man's throat out. My wolf was on the edge of releasing as I stepped farther into the room.

  "You better get the fuck out of here." Tavish glared at the other man.

  "He won't do anything." The man looked high as he again reached for Tavish.

  I growled again, feeling myself tremble a second before I realized I was partially shifting.

  "He's my mate. He will kill you." Tavish turned, coming to me. "Easy, Mark. I'm here with you."

  He reached for me, but I turned from him, focusing on the other man. I wanted to make sure he never touched my mate again. The jealousy I felt was overwhelming. I'd never imagined anything like it. Tavish was mine and anyone who tried to take him from me deserved to die.

p; I licked my mouth, realizing my fangs were out. I didn't care. All I could think about was making him hurt.

  "Mark, focus on me." Tavish tugged me to him, gripping my arms so tightly that for a moment I was shocked by the pain. Tavish glanced at the other man. "You better get the fuck out of here before I can't stop him from killing you."

  Somehow, I knew I could kill him. I felt his power and knew I was stronger. It would take nothing for me to take him down and end his life. I growled again, trying to tug away from Tavish.

  "No, Mark, I need you with me." Tavish touched my cheek as he continued to hold one arm in his strong hand.

  Tavish's plea was enough to distract me. My mate needed me. I looked him over, vaguely aware of the other man running out of the room. My wolf wanted to give chase, but first I had to make sure my mate was okay.

  "Take a deep breath, love. Calm yourself."

  I shook my head. "He was touching you."

  "He didn't know."

  "He needs to know. How do I make them all know you belong to me?" I trembled with tension and anger.

  "The ceremony. It will mark my scent with yours and let everyone know I'm taken. They'll smell you on me and me on you."

  "Let's do it now." I swallowed hard, unable to fully make my fangs slide back into my gums.

  "I have to be on stage—"

  "You can't go on stage until we do this. I won't be able to let you go." I took a deep breath. "I've never felt this way. It's like I want to kill anyone who gets near you."

  "Fuck." Tavish stared at me. "It's not supposed to happen this way. We have twenty minutes. I can't do this in twenty minutes."

  "Tell me how. We can do it." I was scared of myself. I'd never felt more out of control. If Tavish walked out that door, I'd go after him. Seeing another wolf touch him had sent me over the edge. It wasn't just the touch. Jackson, Will, and others touched him, but there had been the scent of arousal, of desire. Tavish was mine and I needed the world to know that right now.

  "Mark, I wanted it to be special."

  "Then lock me somewhere I can't escape because if you go out that door while that other wolf is out there, I won't be able to fight back a shift. My wolf is ready to kill anyone who looks at you. There are nearly thirty thousand people out there tonight. We have to do this now."


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