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Project: Adapt - Failure: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 4)

Page 10

by Jade Waltz

  Kaede had always been fiercely loyal to Zirene and the Aldawi Empire. There must have been a good reason why he felt it was necessary to cut all ties with Zirene and his sisters.

  I could tell Zirene’s judgments were harsher and more irrational than usual. He was taking his frustration out on Kaede when all the blame lay with Xenak.

  “What do you mean, you defeated your father and took the throne?” I searched his darkened, unreadable eyes. “Don’t tell me…”

  “Yes, Selena. I am now the Aldawi Sovereign. I need you back here before it’s too late.” He sighed, blinking slowly as his tail stilled. “Vikvez discovered that the reason your absence is affecting me now, when I’ve survived it for the last seven and a half years, is that we weren’t officially mated as Shadow and Nova before. Our souls may have shared a void but our bodies never became one. He is hoping that meeting you every night in the dreamscape will keep me from spiraling, but Selena, I don’t know how long I can hold on.”

  The words were on the tip of my tongue, and yet, I was afraid to ask the one question I needed to know the answer to. Breathing deeply, I steeled myself for the inevitable, grabbing his tail for what little comfort it could give.

  “How are my other mates?” I bit my lip. “Are they…”

  The moment Zirene’s expression softened, I knew I wouldn’t like what he had to say.

  “Xylo and Odelm are stable and the princes are doing their best to keep Destima’s Circuli mental web under control, but I won’t lie to you, Selena—not again. Your nestmates, my brethren, aren’t doing well. They need their nestqueen, I need my Nova, your moon needs its leader, and most of all, our children need their mother.”

  “Are they dying?” I covered my mouth as a sob broke free. “Please, answer me, are my nestmates dying? I can barely feel and hardly see our connections across this distance. Zirene, I’m afraid to reach out to them because of how brittle they seem!”

  His strong arms wrapped around me again, engulfing me in his strength. His comforting smell and reassuring warmth radiated into me. Rubbing my face against the long, dark fur of his mane, I snuggled closer, wishing that I were truly home—closer to those I missed and loved.

  “Selena,” he whispered, placing his hand on the back of my head to press it against his chest. “We are doing everything in our power to keep them alive. I have brought the best doctors in the Aldawi Empire to Destima to save them. Oeta is leading the medical team, and both of Xylo’s renowned healer fathers have relocated earlier than planned to help oversee their recovery. They are in good hands, though they need you desperately.”

  “I know. I know,” I choked. “I need you, too. All of you.”

  “Until you return, I shall cleanse my empire—our empire—from all the vile filth that dares defy the crown and prepare for your return. All the enemies responsible for your disappearance have been slain—all but one, and he’s with you.

  “Before I was able to present my complaint about the Quaww breaking the peace treaty with their border attacks to the Assembly, they self-destructed and ignited in a civil war.” He chuckled throatily, shaking my body along with his. “It seems our greatest enemies cannot agree on how their territory should be run. My sources say that the merchant partially responsible for your kidnapping was executed by the order of one of the Windlords. I am staying out of that and watching from afar, though I’m interested to witness how much damage they will inflict from within.”

  “Do you still plan to declare war on them now that they are divided and weak?” I asked soberly. “Zirene, I can’t return to the beginnings of a war, especially with our neighbors. When will I get the chance to stop fearing for my life and those I love and care about? I understand the need to defend what’s yours, but how am I supposed to feel safe in my territory, my moon, or even my villa during a war?”

  “I won’t start a war, but I will protect what’s mine,” he replied, finger-combing my silver hair. “It’s not just our lives on the line, but the safety and livelihood of our citizens. I want to make sure we have an empire left when our cubs grow up and are ready to lead.”

  “How are they?” My heart clenched with the fear that something might have happened to them. “Please, give me good news… I miss them and have thought about them all day.”

  “They are well, Selena,” Zirene breathed. “Learning as much as they can at their aunt’s villa on Liskta. You have nothing to worry about. My sister has been doting on them while I’ve been dealing with the grind of taking over my sire’s throne. I check on them multiple times daily, and every time, they ask for updates on you and the rest of our clan. They are excelling in their studies and enjoying themselves as they play with other cubs their age. It is best that they stay on Liskta while I work to secure our empire. However, no matter what, Selena, they miss you and haven’t forgotten about you. All they ever say is how badly they want their mother back.”

  “Kaede estimated he will be here in less than three days,” I muttered, pulling away to meet his gaze. “Somehow, he was able to find me. Once he arrives, I know he won’t leave until he has me on his ship.”

  “How do you know where he is?” Zirene tilted his head. “Has he secretly contacted you?”

  “A clan on this asteroid base was gracious enough to take me in,” I explained. “One of the clan’s males can communicate over long distances and found Kaede nearby by using my references. He gave Kaede our coordinates and directions on how to enter the base’s hangar. Now it’s only a matter of time. All I have to do is stay away from my cyan stalker.”

  “Will you see his brother?” He pursed his lips, and I could tell by the rumbling undertone of his voice that he was trying to hold himself together. “You don’t owe that worthless male anything. Not after the way he treated you.”

  “The people here see his unconscious brother as some war hero. He was willing to sacrifice himself to make sure his people could escape a raid. I would feel guilty if I didn’t try something, but I won’t purposely delay leaving once Kaede arrives to help him. My loved ones’ lives are on the line, and I refuse to make them suffer for the sake of a stranger, regardless of his history.”

  Sighing, I studied the male I had known the longest, wishing I had never left Destima that fateful day. Too many things had happened, and permanent bonds had been forged. I had never fathomed I could become the host of a symbiont, and while I needed some time to grow accustomed to that, I could already see the benefits he provided.

  I just didn’t know how to tell my family. There was so much to say, so much to do, that I didn’t know where to begin.

  “I’ve missed how you touch me,” Zirene purred, combing back my hair. “You don’t know how much I’d yearned for you. Only the ringing in my head confirmed that you were still alive.”

  “I can’t believe I was unconscious for over a month,” I muttered, eyeing my hands. Unbidden, they had found his mane, his hair twisted around my fingers. “The worst part of all will be the ride home. I know it will be a long journey.”

  “It doesn’t have to feel so long, Selena.” Zirene placed a paw over my hand, instantly recapturing my attention. “Spend your time in our dreamscape with me. Let me soothe your fears and try to make up for the time that has been stolen from us. I can give you daily updates on what’s happening on my front. You can design buildings and discuss your plans for the future with me since I wasn’t always available to listen to you before. I can help you take your mind off your troubles if you will let me.”

  “That sounds nice, Zirene,” I muttered, watching him caress my hand with his thumb. My eyes closed as a shiver passed through me from the gentle touch. “I only just now woke up, but I feel the pressure of the universe around me. Why can’t I be left in peace? When will it be enough?”

  “I don’t have the answers, Selena. Only the Fates and the Stars do. But know this: I will travel any distance, fight any battle, conquer any territory, and slay any poor soul who decides it would be a good idea to stand between us
, in order to return you to my side as my Nova, my Beacon, my love,” he swore. “If what you said about Kaede is true, we shall be reunited in person once again—and soon. I love you, Selena. Your children and your nestmates love you, too. Stay strong for us and we shall get through this together.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  She was alive.

  Somehow, his insane plan had worked.

  Now, he needed to correct his mistakes.

  Kaede had never thought he could converse telepathically with Selena, nor had he expected anyone to reach out to him on the Abyss. How they had been able to contact him was a mystery to him. He had traveled a great distance beyond Oeta and her father’s range and no one else knew his mental signature. To top it all off, the Oetsae on the Abyss hadn’t picked up the mental activity on their charts. If any readable signal had come through, it had been too sudden for them to catch, but Kaede was convinced that they already knew the people who had reached him weren’t a threat.

  Sighing as he leaned back in his commander’s chair, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. The asteroid’s coordinates had been entered into the system and his crew was already working on flying there.

  Now, he just needed to plan and decide how to approach the base. Part of him wanted to grant Selena’s wishes and spare the innocent, since only their commander was calling the shots. Still, they were guilty by association. None had tried to stop their commander from wasting resources on his vile mission. All it took was a united front to take down corrupt leadership—or a challenger of equal strength and intelligence.

  Why had Xenak been left unchecked?

  How was Selena connected to his brother?

  “How dare that ishing frax do this to her!” he snarled, slamming his fist on the armrest. “What kind of male kidnaps a female and takes her across galaxies? It makes absolutely no sense!”

  REI’s teal, eternal, hooded form shimmered into place beside him.

  “Some things are better left unexplored. The Fates willed this path and the Stars have led us down it. What truly makes no sense is why you completely ignored the male who led her to you. You were so infatuated with speaking to Selena that you didn’t properly question Celyze. Cosmic Soul? StarPyre? These aren’t titles we know.”

  “That won’t matter once we’re done.” Kaede rolled his head to face the direction of his Oetsae, who stared at him with arms crossed. “I’m planning on blowing up the base once Selena is safely on this ship. I don’t trust Xenak not to follow us, and I don’t want to lead him to Destima—”

  “You forget that they somehow already know everything,” REI muttered. “I was able to pick up through the connection Celyze led Xenak to Selena’s mind. He helped expand Xenak’s reach by strengthening his mental thread to reach and invade her shields. Celyze regrets his actions but never imagined that his commander would sink so low as to pay someone to kidnap her. He is trying to fix the damage by taking her in until she finds a way home.”

  “And now, I am her way.”

  “What will you do once we are alone with her?”

  “There are so many things I want to tell her, and I’ve been waiting for the perfect time. The last thing I want to be is a burden, a regret—someone she avoids. I know I’ve held her at arm’s length all this time, but I had good reason to do so.

  “She needed to settle into her life after she escaped the Yaarkins’ ship then defended herself in front of the Assembly. I firmly believe I had to act solely as her guard and remain in the background for her best interest. She didn’t need another male to throw himself at her when she was still grappling with the connections she had formed. I didn’t want to overwhelm her. In the end, I hurt the very female I’ve wanted since I first laid eyes on her.”

  “And you think now is the best time to confess, when she is separated from her other mates?” He heard the judgment in her voice and rolled his eyes. “Why do you think this is a good idea?”

  “It’s not because her mates aren’t here—quite the opposite. She’s been all alone, and she needs a distraction from her fear and grief.” Kaede sighed, clenching and releasing his fists. “I just hope that she will forgive me for failing her. I need to explain my decision to implant the Oetsae and hope she will listen.”

  “She’s always listened to you before. She will again.”

  “Oh, I know. I didn’t miss how she called out to me.” A smile broke over Kaede’s lips. Things were finally looking up. All he needed to do was rescue Selena and take her home, where she belonged. “Once we are on our way and within the safety of our galaxy, I will speak to her and beg for forgiveness for what I’ve done.”

  REI nodded and faded away. He could still feel her presence inside him, always watching and waiting for something new to examine.

  Kaede glanced at the star map, following his ship’s trajectory.

  “Wait for me, Selena,” he breathed, circling the base’s maker on the star map with the tip of his finger. “May the Stars keep you safe as they lead me to you. Just know, I’m coming, and I will make sure you never leave my sight again.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Kicking my feet as they dangled from the ledge’s edge, I stared at the people playing in the pond below in wonder. Giggles and cheers erupted from those watching along the sidelines as two scaled aliens wrestled in the water. Their bodies were sleek and dark, making me wonder if they lived in deep waters.

  After being abducted, tortured, and abused, somehow, they had been able to find joy as they tried to rebuild and survive the recent raid.

  The Swynemi floating around the lifedome fascinated me. Surprisingly, I found no other sapphire-colored Swynemi among the sea of emerald, though there were a few onyx, pearl, and a handful of amethyst-colored aliens.

  Cosmic Souls had to be rare or sequestered away in this species. If Celyze was powerful enough to scry my memories and reach for Kaede, and Xenak could invade the dreamdome and shove my mind into a construct from an immense distance, then I shuddered to think what others were capable of.

  I wasn’t willing to stay and find out. The sooner I could get away from here, the better.

  “You are safe with me, Selena,” Vowels’ voice felt like a warm blanket wrapped around me to protect me from the world. “I won’t let anyone hurt you. Not anymore.”

  “Hey, Vowels.”

  “Yes, Selena?”

  “What do you think about Xenak’s brother? Is this a trap? Do you think he is capable of evil, like Xenak?”

  “I’m unsure, but if I am capable of blocking Xenak, then I should be able to do the same to his brother. What worries me is that he’s been unconscious for so long. The longer someone is unresponsive, the harder it can be to wake them. There must be a reason why he doesn’t want to wake.”

  “What if something is preventing him from waking up?”

  “If you want, I can investigate. It should be easy once you’re in the same room.”

  “As long as I don’t lose you and we both survive, I’m fine with you trying.”

  “Understood…” He paused, leaving our connection open. “Tori approaches.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Why are you here?” the blonde human asked, sitting shoulder to shoulder beside me and kicking her legs with mine. “I was worried when you disappeared after breakfast.”

  “I came out here to think and watch the base,” I replied, jerking my head toward the crowd playing in the pond. “Everyone seems carefree around here.”

  “It wasn’t always like this. The base has finally settled down after relocating and now, we’re beginning to look for ways to replenish our resources. If we don’t make any connections to trustworthy outside sources, we will have to revert to pirating the pirates.” She shrugged. “It’s dirty work, but someone has to correct the wrongs in the universe. Might as well steal what we need while we’re at it.”

  “Pirating the pirates… So, you are corsairs?” I smirked, thinking about
the Fab Five and their missions. There was a reason why they were respected by the CEG and mercenaries like Q, who would help when needed. “How many ships are in your fleet?”

  “An embarrassing five.” She frowned. “Sadly, my clan hasn’t been able to acquire a ship to pilot. They’ve been working as crew members for others in the fleet.”

  “How was Auro planning to offer me a ride off this asteroid if he doesn’t own a ship?”

  “By borrowing one,” Tori muttered, crossing her ankles. “One of the pilots owes Auro a favor for repairs. We won’t be sent on any missions anytime soon, so we might as well use his ship for a good cause.” She grabbed my arm, locking her gaze with mine. “Do you really believe that you can get us off this base? That your Kaede will allow you to bring us along?”

  “I am going to try my hardest to convince him. Personally, I don’t see why not, but he’s overprotective of me.” I tilted my head, unable to read her expression. “Why do you ask?”

  “My mates…” She sighed, her shoulders slumping as she frowned. “Well, to be honest, it involves all the Swynemi. They thrive by absorbing energy from a star’s rays. Living in this rock provides no easy access to the energy they need, and they have little freedom to fly. While this base is perfect for a temporary stop, it’s no place for the Swynemi to reside permanently. Besides, we have aquatic species here who need to soak in water for long periods and can’t soak as long as they like here. It gets difficult to think positively when the universe keeps throwing obstacles in our way.”

  “That’s how I feel,” I breathed, my last memories with my loved ones on Destima resurfacing. “I had a terrible life until I was rescued and given the opportunity to thrive. Just when I thought I could calm down and spend time with my clan, I was kidnapped. When will it be enough?”

  “When the Stars decide it is.” She jerked her head toward the far wall. Following her gaze, I saw a familiar crimson naga slithering across the lifedome’s grassy field. “It seems Zyxel is here to collect you.”


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