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Project: Adapt - Failure: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 4)

Page 23

by Jade Waltz

  He had thought that once they entered the galaxy’s borders and united with his siblings, he would feel calmer, but he didn’t want to fail once again. They were on their journey home from a rescue mission after Selena had been kidnapped due to his oversight—the mistake that had damaged her whole clan and tipped the scales to make Z the new Sovereign. He had thought placing her into the Cryopod and saving her from the impending battle had been the right choice. If he had known that Xenak’s team had been lurking in the shadows to swoop in and clean up the mess they had created, he would have stayed by her side and chanced both their survival until his siblings could get to them.

  That had been his second mistake. One he didn’t want to repeat.

  The Fates had led them on this path and crossed her path with Zyxel and her new ambassadors. If this was their will, he couldn’t hold on to his anger about Selena’s new relationships.

  They had gifted him Selena and finally brought them together. It was his fear of losing her once again that kept him on edge. He didn’t know what the Fates had in store for them, especially since Selena was the center of attention. Many others were interested in what she was capable of, and now that she was bringing those from outside the galaxy into play, it would only make her a greater person of interest.

  May the Stars bless them all.

  Scanning the latest report, Kaede sighed, knowing he had better leave while he could still convince himself to go.

  While Kaede trusted his Oetsae crew and REI to make sure they were well taken care of for the remainder of the journey, for Selena’s wellbeing, he needed to give her some space to recuperate.

  If he remained in this room any longer, her unique aroma and smooth skin pressed against his would tempt him to wake her and hear her moan his name once again.

  Kaede lifted the comforter to take one last look at his mate and burn the image of her sleeping, peacefully curled on her side, in his bed into his mind to remember this moment in the future.

  Her long silver locks may be shorter, but that didn’t make her any less attractive to him. Her color-changing spots seemed painted by the Stars themselves, delicately adorning her skin with their glow.

  Oh, how he had loved making her squirm as he kissed every mark, making them glow a bright violet, signifying the amount of love she had felt.

  She was his greatest treasure in the universe—only the cubs rivaled her importance, and any children she may have in the future.

  Beneath it all, her fierce passion and loyalty called to him. This female would be the end of him, he knew it, but it was a price he was willing to pay for eternity to be hers.

  “Zirene…” she whispered as she flipped over, gripping the sheets where he had abandoned them. Her strained voice broke the room’s silence.

  Gritting his teeth, he tucked in the blanket around her and backed away. No matter how far she was from her other mates, she would still share a unique connection with the one male who had rescued him and made his time guarding Selena the worst form of torture he had ever experienced.

  How could he compete with the Sovereign of the most powerful territory when he was a mere guard? They were forever connected by the same female—no matter the distance between them.

  The same female who had given his life meaning.

  Shaking his head, he tried to clear the jealous thoughts that lurked in the shadows of his mind. He needed to get out of their room—and fast—before he did something he would regret.

  Grabbing his suit’s disk from the nightstand, he placed it in the center of his chest and activated it. Instantly, his uniform covered him. He headed into the hallway, making his way to the galley.

  “LIU, I need you to work with Euouae and keep me updated on Selena’s vitals,” Kaede ordered. “Work with EYN on formatting a nutritional drink for her to be ready when she wakes. I won’t allow her to be neglected under my watch, especially after everything she’s been through.”

  “Yes, Captain.”


  The galley doors opened, revealing Selena’s whole team of ambassadors surrounding the gathering table. The room fell silent as each halted what they were doing and stared at him worriedly.

  Glancing down, he checked to make sure he was fully clothed this time, knowing he had left his room in a rush. When he didn’t see anything amiss, he shook his head and studied the guests.

  “What’s the matter?”

  As soon as his eyes landed on the lone female, Tori, her eyes widened. Her lavender-eyed emerald mate, Luwyn, wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her body against his. Her Cosmic Soul, Celyze, leaned closer to his mate, glancing at their clan’s leader, Auro, who studied him with pursed lips.

  It was as if they were protecting her from him.

  Growling, he glared at the Ezzaska and pointed to the Swynemi clan. “Why do they fear me?”

  The crimson male tightened his coils and straightened to appear taller as he faced Kaede, blocking the others from his view. Crossing his arms, Zyxel scanned Kaede’s body while avoiding his gaze.

  “You are an alpha,” he explained matter-of-factly. “They are protecting what’s theirs.”

  “The only soul I am interested in is sleeping in my bed at this very moment,” Kaede clipped, fists shaking. “There is no other, and there never will be. They have nothing to fear.”

  “I have warned them about your genetics and potential instincts,” Zyxel explained. “They had the right to know that you may not be able to control yourself and may seek another female to sate your mating lust. Since she was the only other female on the vessel, I decided to let her whole clan know.”

  “I am not a monster,” Kaede growled, stepping closer to the crimson male. Their height difference didn’t scare him after working for Z all this time. The Ezzaska doctor didn’t have the confidence nor the aggressive demeanor of his boss. “If I could deal with my mating heat, then I have enough control to know whom I mate with and when. I didn’t fight this hard to finally get the female of my dreams, the one whom the Stars themselves have given to me, only to throw my newly formed connection with her away for the next female I come across.

  “I understand that you want to protect Tori from threats you might anticipate if I were fully Ezzaska, but I am not. You already addressed this with me, and I told you that my eyes were only on Selena. Now I repeat: No soul could compare to Selena’s brilliance.”

  “You haven’t told us why you are here alone. We haven’t seen Selena since that morning you both appeared with marks on your necks.” His fiery eyes lingered and narrowed at the juncture of Kaede’s neck. “It appears that you are sporting a fresh wound.”

  “Indeed,” Kaede hissed. “And I will sport it proudly.”

  “We wonder where Selena’s been,” the dagger-wielding twin commented as he stepped beside Zyxel with arms crossed. “We worry about her health and wellbeing.”

  “She lives,” Kaede snorted, rolling his eyes at their concern. “She’s well taken care of in the comforts of my room. It’s insulting that you are insinuating I harmed the very female I have traveled across galaxies to rescue from the likes of your brother. She is free to do as she pleases, and currently, she desires to sleep.”

  “Would you allow me to check on her?” Tori asked, her voice meek compared to her usual loud, cheery tone. “I’ve been worried about her, and I miss the chats that we had up until—”

  “Absolutely not,” Kaede snapped. “I will not tolerate any visitors within my private access hall. If she feels social, she can come to the galley. I haven’t bound her to the bed or denied her anything.”

  “How do we know this?” Luwyn spat. “This is your vessel. You are capable of anything against anyone’s will.”

  When he waved his hand, the display on the gathering table came alive, projecting a live feed of Selena in the condition he had left her a few moments ago.

  “Do you see anything amiss?” Kaede challenged the room. “Does she appear abused? Trapped?”

  Silence met him.

  “REI, can you request that Euouae appear before us and confirm the truth in my words?” Kaede asked aloud for all to hear. “Tell him it will only require a few moments of his time.”

  A golden, ethereal, robed male shimmered into view beside him. Smiling, he bowed his head.

  “Your Oetsae stated you requested my assistance regarding my host,” he said, surveying the room. “How may I aid you?”

  “Can you please let the room know that Selena is well and not trapped within my room?” Crossing his arms, Kaede jerked his head toward Zyxel. “It seems the doctor made them believe that I’ve been ravishing Selena all this time and that I’m only here to find my next target. The true reason I am here is to get a quick meal before I head for the bridge.”

  “My host is not trapped,” Euouae confirmed, eyeing the others. “While my host has copulated many times over the past few days, her body is receiving the treatment it needs. I’ve been regulating her vitals and reporting any nutritional needs she may not be meeting. It has been quite an experience—”

  “That’s enough.” Kaede waved off the golden Oetsae. “They don’t need to know the fine details. Only that you’re taking care of your host, and she is free to do whatever she wants.”

  “Correct.” Euouae nodded at the group. “Currently, my host is resting.”

  “Thank you, Euouae. You may leave.”

  “I’m glad to be of service.” Smiling, he bowed his head once more before disappearing.

  “Thank you, REI.”

  He felt a gentle caress from his Oetsae, letting him know that she had heard him. Their bond was strengthening as time passed, and Kaede was glad that they were now able to communicate wordlessly. Accessing his AI system had become a fluid process. The knowledge he sought was often presented to him without a verbal request.

  “As you can see”—he gestured to the vidfeed that was still playing and waved his hand to turn off the display—”and have heard from Euouae, Selena is completely fine.”

  Walking over to the drink dispenser, he grabbed his daily meal beverage and turned to leave. Kaede paused as the galley doors opened and glanced over his shoulder.

  “If Selena hadn’t requested that I allow the six of you to travel with us to her moon, I would’ve spaced you for insulting my character. My genetics don’t define me or my life’s journey. You’re lucky that I’m trying to behave for Selena’s sake and that I’m not in the right mind to make threats in this condition. Neither of you is worth the despair I would cause her by making an example out of you.

  “However, if you try to harm her or her clan, you will answer to me. Remember that.”

  Chapter Forty


  An intense burning coursed through my veins, jerking me awake.

  Breathing heavily, I felt trapped within the comforter as sweat dripped from my body, soaking the sheets beneath me. Glancing to the side, I found the male who had done this to me missing from my bed.

  By constantly injecting me with his Bahzyl, he had triggered the same mating lust within me. My body ached for release. The juncture of my legs remained constantly slick, and the craving to be filled never subsided unless I passed out from exhaustion.

  Growling, I yanked the comforter off and threw the offending fabric onto the floor. The room was too hot to be bundled up in such a heavy blanket.

  “Vowels, where is Kaede?”

  My golden companion appeared beside my bed, frowning as he studied me.

  “He’s on the bridge.”

  “Why in the Stars is he there instead of here?”

  “You’ll have to ask him that.” He crossed his arms. “But you should know that the others are worried about you and have questioned him about your disappearance.”

  “I can’t be around them when I’m in this condition!” I groaned, covering my face with an arm. “How am I supposed to face them in a constant state of arousal? I know that Zyxel, for one, would be able to scent it because he has a similarly sharp sense of smell as Kaede. There is no way I can deal with them in my current condition.”

  “Kaede has calmed their worries, but you should know he showed great restraint.”

  “Oh Stars,” I mumbled, lifting my arm enough to gaze at my companion. “Don’t tell me he threatened them.”

  “He did, but only after they offended him.”

  “Is everyone in one piece?” I groaned, covering my eyes. I wasn’t in the mood to do damage control, especially now. “Just forget it. I don’t want to know.”

  “No one was harmed.”

  “Praise the Stars,” I muttered, uncovering my eyes as I sat up. “I already have to worry about my mates and don’t need to deal with any more injuries.”

  “LIU is fully capable of treating—”

  “I know, I know, I know.”

  Smiling, I studied my companion, taking in his baggy pants and vest, reminiscent of what the commander twins wore. I was glad to see him trying different outfits. I wanted him to feel free to experiment with his appearance, as long as he didn’t mirror anyone I knew.

  “What did they do to anger Kaede?”

  “I don’t understand mating habits, but from what I’ve gathered, it’s best you ask him yourself.” With a slight grin, he offered me his hand. “I can summon you a meal beverage if you want.”

  “Thank you.” When I took his hand, a warm fuzzy feeling coursed through my arm. He pulled me out of bed. “But first, I think I’ll get Kaede and bring him back here.”

  “I could summon him.”

  Shaking my head, I waved him off. “Let me do this. I’ll ensure the male thinks twice before he leaves my side.”

  “Your wish is mine,” he whispered, his voice like a caress along my spine as he disappeared.

  Dressing was pointless when I planned to strip again within minutes. Grabbing a robe, I put it on and tied the cord around my waist as I exited the room and stormed down the hall, heading for the bridge.

  Kaede had taken the reins during our initial time together as mates. I was going to give him a taste of what he loved doing to me by torturing him to no end. He would soon regret leaving me alone in my bed after rendering me so helpless.

  The bridge doors opened, revealing the male I was searching for, sitting with his back facing me.

  “What are you doing here, Selena?” Kaede growled as he audibly inhaled. “Shouldn’t you be resting?”

  “How can I rest when I am in a constant state of arousal because of you?” I mocked as I walked up behind him. Placing my mouth to his ear, I dragged my hands down his chest and felt his muscles tense beneath my touch. “I think you need to be reminded that we are safe. Your siblings are traveling with us, and Oeta and her father are listening in case we call for help. Your vessel is in good hands. Let your Oetsae crew do their job and do yours.”

  “And that is?”

  “Ease the burning in our veins.” I nibbled his earlobe before pressing my hand on his living uniform disk.

  Instantly, the uniform collapsed into itself, revealing a very naked Kaede in all his glory, sitting on his commander’s chair.

  “Selena,” he hissed, gripping my wrist. “What are you doing?”

  “Making sure you won’t ever leave my side until this is over with,” I explained, gripping his uniform disk in my hand as I circled his chair. As soon as his darkened eyes met mine, he released my wrist, letting me toss the disk on the display table. “You won’t need this anymore.”

  “Let’s go back to our room,” he suggested as his heated gaze traveled up and down my body. “We can continue this there.”

  “You’re fine where you are.” Biting my lip, I shook my head as I slowly peeled off my robe and threw it haphazardly onto the floor. “Let me prove it to you.”

  I didn’t know if the aphrodisiac coursing through my veins was affecting me or the fact that this powerful male had listened to me without any resistance, but this sudden switch in positions gave me the boldness to take what
I wanted—and I wanted Kaede.

  He was letting me take the lead.

  Stepping between his spread legs, I slid my hand slowly down his chest. His skin was warmer than I had remembered but silky-soft above all his hard muscles.

  My assassin-turned-guard was highly attractive and all mine underneath his lethal sleekness.

  His neon-green slitted eyes darkened as his nostrils flared. A pair of long, thin fangs gleamed behind his lips as his forked black tongue jetted in and out, tasting the air. Thin scars marked his beige skin, telling the universe his dark history.

  His thick, long black hair shimmered a rich blue in the bridge’s light, the strands curtaining across the chair behind him like a thick cape. A pair of long, curved horns and pointy ears framed his face, begging me to touch them.

  Locking my eyes with his, I slowly gripped his cock with both hands.

  It felt like silk, yet it was rock hard. I could feel small bumps along the length of the shaft as I slid my hands from the base to the tip. I ran a hand over a trickle of his glistening precum, then back down along the shaft. The slippery liquid helped my hand glide faster.

  I grinned when his mouth dropped open in wonder.

  Holding him in my hands sent a rush through me. I felt powerful with a thrill of control as I held the most sensitive part of his body in my hands, knowing who he was outside these walls. That he trusted me not to damage the most vulnerable part of his body spoke volumes.

  I stroked his textured shaft, and it throbbed against my hand. Each delicious bump made me look forward to what would soon come.

  Kneeling between his legs, I worked his thick member at a tempo as Kaede bit back a moan of pleasure.

  Taking it as a sign to push forward, I grabbed the bottom of his shaft and slowly fed his swollen cock into my mouth. I wrapped my lips around his crown. As soon as my lips made contact with his sensitive flesh, Kaede groaned with arousal as his legs jerked.

  Watching him stare at me with heavy-lidded eyes, I dragged my lips across his tip, leaving nothing untouched. Slowly, I took as much of him into my mouth as I could, working my hands steadily against the rest.


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