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Wolfish: Mateborne

Page 14

by G. K. DeRosa

  As supreme beta, I wasn’t permitted a vote. I only attended as a spectator, a supreme alpha in training, but still I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. “Sierra deserves a seat at this table. She’s an alpha as much as the rest of you.”

  “Aristaeus, silence.” My father’s command slammed into me, and my wolf growled. He fought against his demands, snapping and writhing, headbutting against my ribcage.

  “No,” I snarled.

  All five males spun in my direction, a mixture of curiosity and awe flitting across their inquisitive gazes. I’d never challenged my father in public. Clenching my fists, I held his stare as his power pummeled into me.

  Submit, he shouted through the pack link. His power pressed on me, forcing my head down, but I held strong and refused to let him win this time.

  I jumped to my feet, my eyes fixed to his and a gasp rolled through the alphas. “Sierra is my fated mate, and you’ll give her the respect she deserves.”

  Lucien raised a finger, a snide smirk on his lips. “Technically, she’s not your mate yet. As I understand, you have yet to complete the bond.”

  “And yet, the young man is already visibly stronger,” said Verros. “Make it official, Aristaeus, so we may end your father’s tyranny.”

  The Celestial Pack alpha chuckled. “My, my, I am glad I attended today’s meeting. It seems Araton and Zuriel haven’t exaggerated stories from the trials.” He turned to me with a beaming smile. “Tell us, Aristaeus, what are you waiting for? From what I understand, there are many other males ready to take your place if you do not claim the girl.”

  “She’s not Dragos,” Tyrien shouted and slammed his fist on the table.

  “No one said she had to be,” added Verros. “If your son takes her as his mate and they procreate, the girl will have a pack. It’s only a matter of time, and you’re all fools if you think otherwise. Better to get her on our good side now. Viceroy tells me she’s a force to be reckoned with, and she hasn’t even come to her full powers. Once mated…” He ticked his head at me and shot me a conspiratorial grin. “The pair will be unstoppable.”

  “No one asked for your opinion, Demon,” Father barked. “We’ve held the vote, and the answer is clear. Sierra will not sit on the high alpha council.”

  “For now.” I dropped back into my seat, the hair on the back of my neck bristling. Father slid me a glare, his anger shooting through our pack link. I couldn’t give two shits. The power he held over me vanished the day I discovered the truth about the curse.

  I barely listened as the others droned on about the mundane issues of pack life. My thoughts were on Sierra and finding her grandmother. I’d spoken to Vander, and he was contacting an old friend who I hoped would agree to help us track down the wily old witch.

  When the meeting ended, I strode toward the exit, anxious to get back to Sierra. Who knew what Braxton would try with my mate in my absence? My fangs lengthened at the thought. It took every ounce of my restraint to keep my wolf from eviscerating that bastard.

  “Aristaeus.” Lucien darted in front of me, halting my retreat. “I was hoping we could speak in private.” I eyed the Royal alpha as a circle of crimson eclipsed the bottomless black of his irises. “I assure you, it’s in both of our best interests.”

  Doubtful. “Fine,” I huffed. Motioning him through the double doors, I led him across the dim corridors to a small alcove off the main hall. “What is it?”

  “I know we haven’t spoken since the dreadful incident.” He lowered his voice, a slight tremble in his cadence. “I wanted to take this time to assure you I had nothing to do with the fate of Montana Wildstone, and I hold no ill will toward you or your fated.”

  That was unexpected. “Thank you for clarifying.”

  “In fact, I tend to agree with Verros that Sierra should hold a seat on the council.” His dark eyes sparkled, lighting up the crimson circle.

  “Do you, now? Then why didn’t you speak up?”

  “Even if I had, it was two to four and we would’ve lost. There’s no point in showing all my cards to Tyrien.”

  “And yet, you’d show them to me?”

  “After that display, yes.” He cocked a brow, and a smile played on his thin lips. “Verros is right, you’re growing stronger by the day. I have no doubt that once you are mated, there will be a disruption in the hierarchy. I only want to be on the winning side.”

  What was this Royal up to?

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Lucien, but I have no intent to overthrow my father’s rule.” Yet.

  “I see.” The gleam in his eyes shuttered, along with the smile. “Just know that I am a worthy ally, Aristaeus. Your father trusts me, and the other alphas respect me. You’d do well to remember that.”

  “I will.” I gave him a tight smile, and he spun on his heel toward the exit tunnel. Before he got far, I called out, “Any word on Aras? Still unconscious?” The Royal pet warlock was the only survivor from the day Sierra’s mother was killed. I still hoped one day he’d awaken so we could question him and finally discover the truth about Montana’s kidnapping.

  “Yes, I’m afraid so,” he answered over his shoulder before disappearing down the hall.

  To be honest, I was surprised the man was still alive. He was the only thing standing between me and the truth. I would’ve thought by now either my father or Lucien would’ve finished off the job. And yet somehow, he was still alive. But barely. Maybe no one considered him a threat anymore. I mulled over the thought as I walked to my den. I hadn’t slept in my room in days, and I needed a shower and a change of clothes. Then I had to return to Sierra’s to await news from Vander to continue our search.

  I slid Sierra’s key into the lock and turned the knob, my wolf astir inside me at the thought of seeing her. The closer we got the harder it was to control him. The other night when we’d slept in her grandmother’s farmhouse, I’d had to stop when things had gotten too heated, despite every bone in my body screaming at me to mate with her and claim her as mine once and for all.

  Sierra wasn’t happy and neither was I. I’d spent my entire life fearing this curse, and I was letting it control my life. I couldn’t do it any longer.

  I strode into the dark apartment, the glow of the television providing the only light. The large screen’s luminescence highlighted two forms curled up on the couch. All the air squeezed from my lungs at the sight. Sierra’s dark hair was splayed across Braxton’s shoulder, a peaceful smile etched onto her lips.

  Some human movie played in the background.

  My claws sprung out, and I curled my fingers into tight fists to quell the oncoming rage. An equally happy smile was fixed on Braxton’s face as his arm hung loose over her shoulder. My wolf clawed its way to the surface, fur growing across my arms. It took all I had to keep him at bay. If I let him out, the guy was dead.

  Instead, I forcefully cleared my throat, and Sierra’s eyes popped open. She jumped up when her gaze landed on me. “Hey, you’re back…” Her rough voice awoke a different need from my wolf. “What time is it?” She rushed over and curled her arms around my waist and buried her nose in my chest. Despite my anger, my arms closed around her, pinning her small body against mine.

  She’s mine. I shot through the pack link.

  Braxton fidgeted, rubbing his eyes and stretched. “Guess we fell asleep.”

  “Guess so,” I snapped.

  Sierra’s hand cupped my cheek, drawing my eyes to hers. “Hey, look at me.” I’m sorry, we fell asleep. It was nothing really. Her voice soothed the turmoil within.

  I know, I responded. I knew she loved me, I knew she wanted me, but still, I couldn’t deny the hurt at finding them like that. It was my fault. I’d been the one to fight the bond for so long, and I still wondered if keeping her from mating with Braxton was the right thing to do. My human side wondered anyway; my wolf couldn’t give a shit. He wasn’t as altruistic as I was. He was a beast in the end and his needs were basic.

  “How’d the meeting go?” she as

  “Interesting. I’ll tell you about it later. It seems you have more allies on the high council than we’d thought.”

  “That sounds promising.” She gave me a smile, the curve of her lips so tempting. If Braxton wasn’t in the room, I’d have thrown her on the table and kissed her until she cried out my name. My name, not his. “And Vander’s friend?”

  “He’s working on it. I’m hoping to have an answer by tomorrow.”

  “So now we wait?”

  “Now we wait.”

  She stood on her tiptoes and whispered in my ear. “What will we do to pass the time?” A mischievous grin arched her brow as she led me into the bedroom. “See you tomorrow, Braxton,” she called out over her shoulder.

  From the corner of my eye, I caught his lips twisting into a scowl. Serves the mate-stealing bastard right.

  As soon as the door closed behind us, I tugged onto Sierra’s hand and spun her into my chest. Pressing my mouth to hers, I captured her lips. Her teeth parted, and my tongue slipped through. We’d only been apart for a few hours, but I’d missed her painfully. It was odd now. My wolf’s feelings bled through to mine so often that it was hard to determine the difference anymore. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say I was falling in love with her.

  But it couldn’t be… could it?

  “I love you,” she whispered against my mouth, breaking free long enough only to mutter the words.

  Nothing made me crazier than when she said it. Those three simple words undid me. I walked her back to the bed, my arousal pressing into her lower half. I lay her down and hovered over her, my body flush against hers.

  Mate. Mate. Mate. My wolf urged me on, the familiar chant taking on deafening levels. It was the reason I didn’t put us in situations like these often. Eventually, I’d slip up. Giving into the temptation of her body was a risky game. Any day now, my wolf would overpower me and claim his mate. Maybe I secretly hoped it would happen.

  Sierra’s hands framed my face, her soft touch a balm to my weary soul. I was so tired of fighting. So tired. But gods, I wanted more for my mate, more than love from only my beast. “Stop,” she murmured. “Stop beating yourself up about everything. It’s okay to want me, it’s okay to be jealous of Braxton. You don’t always have to be so upstanding. Not with me. You’re not the high and mighty supreme beta Aristaeus Silverstalker. To me you’re just my Hunter.”

  Her words brought tears to my eyes. I blinked them back because alpha heirs did not cry. Most certainly not. Instead, my fingers closed around her shirt and tore the flimsy fabric to shreds.

  She squealed as the cold air bit her exposed flesh, but I didn’t plan on her being cold for long. Slipping her jeans off next, I trailed my tongue down her torso. She arched up as I moved to her panty line. My fangs lengthened, and I tore into the lacy waistband.

  “Hunter,” she panted as she lay bare before me.

  Mate. Mate. Mate. My wolf surged to the surface as my erection throbbed with need.

  Her deft fingers made quick work of my jeans as I tugged my shirt over my head. Covering her naked form with mine, I moved between her legs.

  “Please, Hunter, let’s complete the bond. You know how much I want this, and I know how you feel about me, despite the curse.” Her voice came in ragged spurts as I pressed at the apex of her thighs.

  “Soon,” I murmured before I took her nipple in my mouth. She moaned as my tongue lavished her breast, and I dragged a finger down her stomach, across her hip before dipping it inside her. Oh gods, she was so soft, so beautiful. She was made for me. “I promise this is the last time I deny you. If we can’t find your grandmother with Vander’s friend’s help, you win. I want to make you mine either way. I only hoped for the best for you.”

  Cupping my cheeks, she forced my eyes to hers. “You are the best for me. With or without the curse. Don’t you understand, you stubborn man?”

  I chuckled. “I hope you’ll always feel that way.”

  Her lips crashed into mine, and her fingers clenched my ass. She urged me on, and I buried myself inside her, unable to contain my feverish need a moment longer. I thrust long and deep, savoring every second as she rocked beneath me, her hips meeting mine. Deeper, deeper, until I couldn’t tell where I ended and she began.

  Gods, I adored her. If this wasn’t love, I wasn’t sure I could handle the real thing. My heart might explode with joy.

  We moved in perfect rhythm, our bodies united as one. Every time I took her that night, the more my wolf pushed. But I didn’t care. In fact, I hoped for the day I lost control, and he claimed her as ours.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  * * *

  I couldn’t help the silly grin I’d been wearing since I woke up in Hunter’s arms. The night had been incredible and yet, frustrating all the same. I thought for sure he’d give in to completing the bond after the first two times we had sex, but he held out, as stubborn as ever. Not that I hadn’t enjoyed it, but my she-wolf was beyond strung tight. She was restless to claim her mate. I almost felt bad for her as she pawed at my insides, anxious to be freed and frolic with her wolfy love.

  I huffed out a breath as I took off the towel and threw on some clothes. Hunter had only left an hour ago, and already the relentless pull to be near him had kicked up. I hated that we couldn’t live together already, that he always had to return to Silverstalker Lair to check in with Tyrien. Once we were mates, that would change, and once I was alpha, that hateful man would be out of our lives forever.

  “About time you came out of your little lover’s den.” Cass glanced up from her cup of coffee, a grin playing on her lips as I emerged from my bedroom.

  Braxton sat beside her at the kitchen counter, a little less amused.

  I did feel bad for our all night sex-capades especially with Braxton’s enhanced hearing. Despite our best efforts to keep it down, I was sure he’d heard plenty. Heat tinged my cheeks as I crept to the coffeemaker with my head down. I hated hurting him, but he had to understand that we were never going to happen. Hunter was my mate, and it was only a matter of time before we sealed the deal.

  Or at least that was what I kept telling myself.

  “So what’s the plan for today?” Cass asked as I settled into the barstool beside her with my mug in hand.

  “Just waiting for Vander’s friend to get back to us.”

  Her brow arched. “Who is this friend exactly?”

  I had to bite my tongue to keep the giggle from escaping. “Oh, Luna, I never thought I’d see the day. You’re totally into Vander, and you’re actually jealous!”

  “Am not.”

  Braxton leapt up, his chair screeching against the floor. “I don’t need to hear this. I’ll be outside.”

  “Outside where?” I asked. He was still supposed to be staying on the downlow, especially after what Hunter told me about the council meeting.

  “I’ll stay out in the tunnel, okay? I just need some air.” He stomped toward the door, and I didn’t have it in me to argue. Not after last night.

  Cass rolled her eyes when the door slammed shut. “He’s got it bad for you, girl.”

  “Please don’t make it worse. And anyway, it’s just the idea of me that he likes. He doesn’t even know me, not really. He thinks he has to follow his parents’ wishes, which I totally admire, but that pact was made years ago, and after knowing what my dad went through to be with my mom, I’m sure he would want me to follow my heart.”

  My best friend dropped her mug and pulled me into a hug. “I’m so proud of you, Sierra. That was a really tough decision you had to make, and I think you’re right. Your dad wouldn’t have wanted you to grow Mystic Pack at the expense of your own happiness.”

  “Thanks,” I murmured into her shoulder. “I still feel guilty though.”

  “Don’t. Vander’s looking into the other Mystic betas’ families and who knows? Maybe he’ll find some other hidden wolves out there for Braxton to mate with.”

  “I hope s
o.” Cass released me, and I took another sip of coffee. “Don’t even think you’re getting out of the Vander talk so quickly by the way. I know you’re trying to change the topic.”

  She laughed. “Dammit, and I thought I’d been doing so well. Do you know anything about this female friend?”

  “Nope. Weirdly enough Hunter’s been very hush-hush about the whole thing.” I paused. “Okay, well maybe it’s not that weird considering all the secrets he’s kept from me over the years. Vander hasn’t mentioned it?”

  She shook her head. “Just said it was an old friend from his days at Darkblood Prison.”

  That sounded ominous. The big warden and the nasty little pixie from the trials came to mind. “Has to be a warlock for the type of help we need,” I added. “It’s the only way to latch onto Grams’s signature and move fast enough to catch her.”

  “So you think she’s traveling with someone?”

  “I don’t think she would, but witches can’t open portals so I’m not sure what other answer there could be.”

  “That is strange.” Her light brows scrunched together as she considered.

  “You think this friend could have something to do with Vander’s dark past?”

  Cass’s head dipped slowly, her lips twisting. “I think that’s exactly what—or who it is.”

  I squeezed her hand and gave my bestie a reassuring smile. “Whoever it is, she’s in his past and that’s all that matters. Vander’s crazy about you, and I’m not the only one who’s noticed. Hunter says he’s never seen him like this before.”

  “Yeah, whatever.” She waved me off and buried her nose in her coffee.

  I knew my friend well enough to know that would be the end of the conversation. She’d never been one to get all lovey-dovey over a guy, hell, she’d never dated one for more than a few weeks. I stood and walked toward the door, anxious to let Braxton back in. “I’m going to check on our reluctant roomie, be right back.”

  The dark tunnel was quiet as I headed toward the entrance at the hill. I hoped to find him sitting in the shade of the ivy that hung over the entryway. But the spot was empty. Peering down the hill, I searched the quad for a bobbing blonde head, but none belonged to Braxton. Where the hell did he go?


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