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Wolfish: Mateborne

Page 22

by G. K. DeRosa

  My own wings unfurled, and the surprise in Tyrien’s eyes filled me with more happiness than I’d ever felt around my father. Since the mating, they’d nearly doubled in size, dwarfing his.

  Lucien’s expression was all wide eyes and slack jaw. Let him take that new revelation to the rest of the alpha council.

  My father’s aggressive stance waned, and he slid back into his seat. His wings retreated as if in embarrassment. The supreme alpha no more. “I need you there to represent the wolves, to represent all the shifters of Marlwoods. You are my heir after all.”

  “Am I?” I slanted a glance in Lucien’s direction. “I thought you’d threatened to disinherit me if I took Sierra as my mate.”

  He waved a nonchalant hand. “Those were words said in the heat of the moment. I didn’t believe she was right for you. Perhaps I was mistaken.”

  “So you approve of her now?”

  He nodded, his jaw clenched so tight I was certain his yellowing teeth would shatter.

  “If this is true, then let me attend to my private matter. Send Lucien with Grayson to represent us.”

  “Is this about the curse?”

  I threw another pointed stare in Lucien’s direction, but my father continued, nonetheless.

  “I’ve already told you it’s pointless. When will you finally concede?”

  “Never,” I barked and slammed my fist against the table.

  “Then deal with it on your own time. First thing tomorrow, I expect to see you here to portal over to Nocturnis.”

  I grumbled curses under my breath, but I couldn’t help but think that this could end up being a blessing in disguise. I’d wanted to spend more time with the Royal vampire queen and now I would. “Is that it?”

  “No, one more thing.” He motioned toward Lucien who had been watching the exchange with mild interest. “My friend tells me there is a new wolf in town. He was seen on a few occasions with your mate. Why hasn’t he been officially initiated into the pack?”

  A horde of buzzards battered my insides, but I kept my expression a sea of calm. “I’ve been a bit busy, father. It’ll get done when I have the time.”

  “Make sure you make the time, Aristaeus.”

  “Of course.” I slid a glare at Lucien. What did he know? Had Ransom blabbed to his father or was he the one who sent those rogue wolves? “See you tomorrow.” I spun on my heel to rush back to Sierra’s. It wasn’t safe for Braxton here anymore.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  * * *

  “I’m going to kill that little blood-sucking snake and impale his head on a post outside the lair for all to see.” Hunter’s gaze was murderous as he stalked into my den.

  I was used to the anger that often rushed the bond after a visit with Tyrien, but this was way more than normal. My insides were tied in knots by the time he arrived. “Who?” I squealed as the door slammed behind him.

  Even Braxton tensed, sitting upright on the couch. He’d practically become one with the old sofa. He ate, watched TV, played video games and slept there. I could feel his misery leeching through the pack link, and I felt horrible. But right now, his emotional state was the last thing I could worry about.

  “Ransom,” Hunter growled as he paced the length of the small kitchen.

  “What did he do now?”

  “He must have told his father about Braxton.” He ticked his head at my one and only pack mate and shot him a narrowed glare. “This is all your fault, by the way. If you hadn’t run off that day, none of this would’ve happened.”

  “I can’t stay cooped up in this damned apartment for the rest of my life,” he snarled and leapt up.

  Hunter’s eyes widened, the gold eclipsing the emerald of his irises as his alpha wolf took over. “You’ll do whatever the realms I say you will.” Power boomed from his voice, a jagged edge lacing his tone, and Braxton staggered back.

  I moved between them, my alpha female surging to the surface. “Actually, he’ll do whatever I tell him.” I eyed my mate, throwing my own power in his direction. He wasn’t the only one with alpha blood running through his veins.

  “Your eyes…” Hunter’s brows slammed together as his gaze locked on mine.

  “What about them?”

  Braxton circled around to face me. “They’re glowing.”

  “Just like your wolf,” Hunter added. “Like that one time…”

  “They are?” I darted to the bathroom to check the mirror. I stared at my reflection with my jaw slightly unhinged. My irises were still violet, but an incandescent glow lit them up like fourth of July fireworks. It had only happened once before, but never with this intensity. “Whoa, what do you think that’s about?” I asked Hunter as he appeared beside me.

  “I don’t know. More of your Mystic powers kicking in?” He watched me through the mirror, the gold of his eyes intensifying with mine. “Do you feel different?”

  I shook my head. “No. I mean, I did try to throw some of my alpha persuasion powers at you when you were being a dick to Braxton back there.”

  His lip twitched. “You know I’m just trying to protect you—and him.”

  “I know.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my ear to his chest. His wolf whined deep and low. “I know, buddy,” I murmured into his shirt.

  “So what are we going to do about Braxton? My father and Lucien at least suspect, if not know, about him. The Royal alpha has always been at Tyrien’s ear whispering about more Mystics. It won’t be long until Father forces me to perform the pack test, and unlike the magic that kept your bloodline a secret, Terra’s only masks the external traits.”

  I closed the bathroom door and whispered a quick silencing spell so Braxton couldn’t eavesdrop. “I don’t want to send him away. As irritating and troublesome as he can be, I can’t deny the connection between us. Since he’s arrived, I’ve felt like another missing piece of me has been completed.”

  The corners of Hunter’s lips curved down, his eyes darkening.

  “It’s nowhere near what I feel for you, but it’s something, nonetheless. You’ve always said that a wolf needs a pack and Braxton’s mine.”

  He loosed a breath, his shoulders heaving with the effort. “I know. I understand, I do. I just don’t know what to do.”

  “How about you let me have a say?” Braxton poked his head in the doorway.

  I wagged my finger at him and the silencing bubble burst. “You need to stop snooping.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t have to if you two weren’t so secretive.”

  Shooing him out of the cramped bathroom, the three of us walked back to the living room. “Braxton’s right, Hunter. He deserves a say in his future. I was so pissed at my parents for keeping all of this a secret, and now we’re doing the same to him.”

  “I guess,” he muttered. “So what would you do?”

  “Tell everyone the truth. You said yourself you think Tyrien, Lucien and his son know, plus there was that other demon wolf and his female friends. Word’s going to get out if it hasn’t already.”

  I exchanged a glance with Hunter. He’s right. I shot through the bond.

  “And if Sierra has a pack, she’ll finally be allowed to sit on the high council, right? Wouldn’t that give her more power too?”

  He really has been listening in on everything, hasn’t he? Hunter nudged me in the side.

  Guess we need to work on our inside voices.

  “Everything you say is true,” said Hunter. “I just want you to be prepared for what may come once your secret is out. Being a Mystic has painted a target on Sierra’s back and now you’ll be branded too. Are you ready for that?”

  Braxton nodded. “My parents hid me for a reason, but I’m sure it wasn’t to remain hidden forever. It’s our duty to bring the Mystics back.” His gaze raked over me, and tingles pricked my skin. “I’m not sure how we’ll do that anymore, but we have to try.”

  I should probably tell him what Vander found. I broadcasted my thoughts to Hu

  I’m sure he’ll find out soon anyway.

  “Sit.” I plopped down on the couch and patted the seat beside me. “There’s something I have to tell you.”

  Perched atop Lupine Hill, I waved at Vander as he approached. I wanted to talk to him in private without a nosy Braxton poking around. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust my new packmate, it was only that I needed to understand our big family secret before sharing it with everyone else.

  Vander hopped atop the grassy knoll and folded down beside me.

  “Thanks for coming, Van.” I shot him a playful wink. “Where’s Cass?”

  “She’s with Terra, helping her prepare healing potions for the final round of the trials. She’ll be back in a few hours.”

  “I’m glad you’re keeping tabs on her.”

  “I’m glad she’s letting me.” He grinned, and the tops of his ears flushed crimson.

  I squeezed his shoulder and gave him my best smile. “We’re all so lucky to have you—Hunter, Cass, me—you’ve been an incredible friend, even when I didn’t always let you.”

  “You’re my best friend’s mate. He’s a brother to me so that makes you family by extension. As soon as I met you, I knew you were the one for him. I just wish it hadn’t taken him so long to admit it.”

  “Me too.” I chuckled and pulled him into a quick hug before tugging the folded photo out of my jeans pocket. “There’s one more thing I need you to do for me.”

  “Just one?” He smirked.

  “Okay, just one for today.”

  He scanned the worn image, the crease between his brows deepening. “I recognize your mom and grandmother, but who’s this?”

  “That’s what I need you to find out.” I paused, eyeing the blonde woman. “I think she’s my grandma’s daughter, my mom’s sister or maybe half-sister.”

  “Damn, Sierra, and I thought Hunter’s family was screwed up.”

  “Thanks a lot,” I deadpanned.

  He refolded the photo and stuck it in his pocket. “I’m on it.”

  “Do you have the picture of Zade and his family?” It was time to put my mystical scrying to the test.

  “Right here.” He patted his shirt’s breast pocket.

  “All right, let’s do this.” I tugged him to his feet, and we trudged back down the hill to my den. My heartbeats intensified with each step closer. If this worked, we’d have more Mystics to add to our ranks and more importantly, I could finally let go of the two-ton elephant of guilt strapped to my back for refusing to mate with Braxton to save our pack.

  I hated thinking about it, but if we didn’t find more Mystics, our bloodline would end with Braxton and me. Sure, Hunter and I would eventually have kids, but who knew what the mixture of Mystic and Dragos blood would create? We could end up with super powerful hybrids or wolves with no special abilities at all.

  I gulped. Yup, no pressure, Sierra.

  Hunter and Braxton sat at the kitchen island when we returned talking almost amicably for once. From the sounds of it, they were discussing his official entry into wolf society. Hunter thought a big public announcement would be the best way to go. This way if anything bad happened there’d be lots of witnesses. A chill skirted up my spine at the thought.

  I didn’t want to think about anything bad happening to Braxton. I didn’t think I could handle it after everything.

  “Ready?” Hunter’s eyes met mine, and a wave of reassurance zipped through our bond. He must have felt my insides contorting into a giant pretzel.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Braxton’s irises lit up, little flecks of gold illuminating the hazel. He rubbed his hands back and forth. “Let’s find some Mystics.”

  I stretched out the world map I’d used to find Grams, assuming they would be hidden in the human world like Braxton was.

  “How are you going to do it?” Vander asked.

  “I was thinking I’d try my blood as the catalyst and use the photo to target the spell.”

  Braxton watched me intently as I pulled the dagger out from my little box of magical trinkets. “Do you think I’ll be able to perform spells too?”

  “Keep working with Cass, and I’m sure you will.”

  Vander grunted, but he played it off, covering his mouth with a cough. I suppressed the giggle from breaking free and refocused on the spell. Dragging the blade across my palm, I squeezed the blood into a vial and placed the photo on the center of the map. Blood was always the best to scry with, and I’d never combined two elements like this before. Closing my eyes, I muttered the words of the incantation as I dribbled blood onto the world atlas.

  The tiny globules danced across the parchment, then shot off in different directions until they raced right off the diagram. Shift!

  “Why don’t you try the map of Azar?” Hunter offered.

  I could, but it was unlikely they’d be hiding in plain sight. Swapping out the maps, I tried again. This time, the damned blood collected right over Moon Valley, Lupine Hills to be exact.

  “Congrats, looks like you found yourself,” Braxton snarked.

  I held back the volley of curses poised at my tongue and shot him a narrowed glare instead. “I need some time to figure this out, okay?” I shooed at the guys, ticking my head at the door. “Why don’t you get me some coffee or something? If Braxton’s coming out anyway, it won’t matter if he’s seen at the café, right?”

  Braxton jumped up, the first one at the door. “Yes, you’re so right. Let’s go.”

  “Vander, you go with him,” Hunter said. “I’ll stay here with Sierra.”

  “Sure, no problem.” His faithful friend-slash-wolfy-babysitter marched to the door after Braxton.

  As soon as they were gone, I rolled out my neck and inhaled a deep, cleansing breath. I could do this. I had to do this.

  After at least a dozen failed attempts, I was ready to give up. Whoever had hidden Zade’s family had been a much stronger Mystic—or witch, warlock, whatever than me. My shoulders slumped and I sat back on my haunches, totally defeated. “So much for getting more powerful once we were mated,” I muttered.

  Hunter’s arm came around my shoulder, and he drew me into his side. “Sierra, you’ve been at it for less than an hour. These wolves have been hidden for years. You don’t think my father hunted for any Mystic survivors for months after the fact? If they survived this long, they’re protected by extremely powerful magic. You’ll figure it out, I’m sure you will, but it might take more than a day.”

  “But we don’t have much time, Hunter. The trials start in two days, and what if something happens to me? What if I lost my last chance at resurrecting the Mystics?” Iron bands of guilt crushed my insides, and my lungs deflated.

  “Because you didn’t mate with Braxton?”

  I nodded then quickly averted my gaze.

  He picked up my chin and forced my eyes to his. “I know I’m being selfish, but you made the right decision. It might not seem like it now, but I know we were meant to be together.”

  “I know that too, Hunter, but it doesn’t make me feel any less shitty about choosing my happiness over my pack.”

  “Then keep going. Why are you taking a break?” He handed me the nearly empty vial of blood and placed the picture of Zade and his family in front of my face. “Find them. I know you can do it.”

  I swirled the deep crimson liquid around the glass and muttered a curse. “I need more blood.” A thought streaked across my mind as I uttered the words. Blood. I needed pack blood to find more members of my pack. “Holy shift!” I jumped up, adrenaline pounding through my veins. “Go find Braxton and bring me his blood ASAP. I think I know how to find them.”

  I paced the length of the coffee table at least a hundred times before Hunter came back with a gigantic beaker filled with Braxton’s blood. I grinned as he neared, the tether going taut between us.

  “You didn’t bleed him out completely did you?”

  “I just wanted to make sure you had enough.” He
smirked and then shrugged. “I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t enjoy it though.”

  I took the blood and mixed it with mine in a small black bowl, muttering the words of the linking spell I’d looked up while Hunter was gone. I paused and turned to my mate. “Fire, please?”

  He blew out a breath and dragonfire whispered over his lips, landing in the bowl. The crimson liquid bubbled and hissed as the blue flames danced atop the concoction. I continued the incantation, muttering the words under my breath. The fire hissed out and the blood coagulated into a small sphere. It floated into the air, then split into dozens of particles before recombining into one smaller glowing crimson orb. I slipped a vial beneath it as it liquified and dribbled into the glass once again.

  Here goes nothing.

  Repeating the procedure with the blood and the map, I took the photo in my hands and called upon my wolf. Come on, girl. These are your wolves, your pack. I know you can find them.

  Hunter’s hand closed over mine as I began to scry using a few drops of the new blood mixture. Tiny shocks of electricity prickled my palm where our skin touched. He squeezed harder, and the connection between us surged to life.

  My heart pounded, battering my ribcage as the blood slowly moved across the world map. Pulse roaring across my eardrums I couldn’t make out a sound but the erratic tempo of my breaths.

  The globule of blood inched closer toward the North American continent. I held my breath as it slowed to a crawl.

  “Come on, come on,” I muttered.

  It stopped on a tiny, nameless island in the Caribbean Sea. The string around my heart, the one that belonged to the pack, tightened, constricting my manic beats.

  Pack. Pack. Pack. The feeling of fullness I’d felt in my chest when Braxton appeared returned ten-fold as my wolf’s voice chanted in my head.

  I jumped up and wrapped my arms around Hunter. “I found them!”


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