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Feral as a Cat (Sons of Wonderland Book 3)

Page 10

by Kendra Moreno

  “This time was the longest it’s ever been for a purging. And at the worst imaginable time.” I shake my head. “I never understood the Caterpillar, but Absalom has been an invaluable asset.”

  “He would say that it’s the perfect amount of time,” Flam chuckles, no humor in the sound.

  “Absalom sometimes leaves us to wonder, have we done wrong and gone asunder?” I grimace a bit when the rhyme slips out, and Flam looks at me. Those fuchsia-colored eyes glow and threaten to hypnotize. I have no doubt he could do far more than that.

  “That’s the first time I’ve heard your madness since I’ve arrived,” he comments.

  I pull my hat off and run my hand through my hair in agitation.

  “With Clara Bee by my side, I’ve come to understand, with her, the madness is held at bay, without, it slips back in.”

  Flam looks away first and nods. “I understand.

  I touch my hand gently to his shoulder, removing it far quicker. The Flamingo isn’t safe, no matter who’s side he’s on.

  “I know you do, Flam. Let’s hope Cheshire and White arrive soon. I feel it in the air. Don’t you?”

  “What?” Flam turns his face to the wind and closes his eyes, taking a deep breath.

  I do the same, letting the tingling wash over my skin as the phantom wind pushes past me. There’s something so sinister about it, like Wonderland isn’t just dying, she’s disappearing. When I open my mouth again, I can’t help the word that slips out, the feeling too strong to ignore. I glance over at the Flamingo, waiting until his eyes meet mine to answer. When they do, I finally speak.

  “War.” I frown. “It feels like war.”

  Chapter 24

  “So, explain to me who you are to Wonderland,” I say, stepping over another tree root. Cheshire had said we could fade, but we have to be within a certain distance from the Hatter’s house to do so. I have no idea what he means, something about a new enchantment to keep the Red Queen away. I don’t question that part. I’m not an expert on Fading.

  Cheshire’s lip curls up, and he turns away from me, pushing aside more trees.

  “I’d rather not. It’s not something I like to dwell on.”

  “You said something when you took out the chimera,” I push. “A saying. What did that all mean?”

  “Are you going to stop asking questions if I don’t answer?” he asks, irritation in every word.

  Attie just watches the whole exchange, staying silent and trailing behind us. I have a feeling he likes Cheshire, but the damn cat is so stand-offish, it’s hard to tell anything.

  “No, so you might as well tell me.”

  Cheshire sighs and looks off into the trees. “We only have a short distance to go before I can Fade us into the clearing. There will no doubt be Bandersnatch.”

  A shriek echoes through the trees again, and both Attie and I clamp our hands over our ears, the sound sending sharp needles of pain through them. Cheshire doesn’t even move to cover his ears, and I watch as blood begins to drip down his hair. His ears twitch at the feeling.

  “That one was far away. We’re safe at the moment.”

  “What the fuck was that?” Attie asks. I don’t even scold him for the curse word. It’s definitely warranted. The fear in his voice brings me over to wrap my arm around his shoulder and hold him closer.

  “It was a Bandersnatch.” Cheshire glances over at us before wiping the blood from his ears. It’s pointless really. He’s still completely coated in the chimera blood. Kind of silly to wipe away a little bit more. “And it’s no doubt the sign that White made it to the Hatter’s.” When he sees the panic that spring to my eyes, he adds, “Don’t worry. If they were captured, there would have been more shrieks. The beasts like to howl their victory.”

  “That doesn’t really make me feel better,” Attie mumbles.

  I stop our movement forward and turn Attie in my arms. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Attie,” I tell him. “And Cheshire is protecting us, too.” I drop my voice even though I’m sure Cheshire can still hear. He has cat ears, after all. “And between you and me, he’s one scary-ass motherfucker. Did you see him shred the Chernobyl?”

  “Chimera,” Attie corrects and smiles. I grin right back, knowing all along what it was called.

  “Right, the chimera. I think we’re safe.”

  Attie nods, and I stand tall again, my eyes finding Cheshire’s where he stands, looking completely serious, and there’s so much pain in his eyes that it throws me before he can hide it. I’m tempted to reach out, to comfort him the same way I did for Attie, but he turns away and looks back through the trees.

  “Just a little further,” he repeats as we stumble through the undergrowth.

  Cheshire’s ears turn and twist on his head, taking in the sounds of the forest, the movements of the creatures. There’s less of the hissing flowers here, and I’m thankful for that. When we reach a tiny little clearing, Cheshire stops us and holds out his hands. I take the one coated in blood without hesitation. Attie takes his other.

  “Okay, we’re far enough.”

  A Bandersnatch shriek sounds so close that I grimace. A tingling travels up my arm, and I glance over at Cheshire, his eyes closed in concentration. When I look down, my arm is turning opaque.

  “Attie, close your eyes,” I tell him, and he listens immediately. The shriek sounds again, and I feel wetness trickle down my neck.

  As the tingling spreads throughout my body, I watch as a massive terrifying beast bursts through the trees just as we Fade away completely. Still, my heart gives a hard kick in my chest, and I just barely swallow my scream.

  Chapter 25

  When we reappear, I double over in pain, gasping for air with lungs that feel far too small. On Cheshire’s other side, Attie does the same, clutching his chest as if he’s in pain. My organs feel like they’ve been stirred and wrung out, my head fuzzy. Hell, even the tips of my fingers feel like I pricked them. Whatever Fading is, I’m not a fan.

  Cheshire watches us with intelligent eyes, glancing over our bodies as if to make sure we really are okay. I can’t say if we are or not. At the moment, I feel like I’m dying.

  “You could have warned us,” I grit between the pain as he grabs my, and Attie’s, arm and leads us onto a porch.

  “Where would the fun in that be?” he teases, but I don’t miss the scrutinizing he does over our appearances. He pretends like he doesn’t care, but it’s all a mask. I’m starting to realize that’s all it is.

  “I’m dying,” Attie groans, wrapping his arms around his middle. “Have mercy and kill me now.”

  I look over at him in alarm.

  “He’s not dying,” Cheshire reassures me. “It’s a side effect of Fading when you’re not used to it. It’ll pass.”

  “Tell Bethany I love her,” Attie adds, and I smile at that, even though the pain is still echoing through my body.

  “I’ll make sure to tell her,” I mumble, holding my own middle.

  “No, wait, don’t do that,” Attie corrects, looking over at me.

  “Too late. We already made a deal.”

  “Nooooo,” Attie howls. A shriek in the distance answers, and we both look warily towards the trees.

  “Don’t worry. We’re safe in the Hatter’s house. They can’t even come in the clearing anymore. We had an,” Cheshire pauses, thinking on the word, “Let’s say an incident when Jupiter arrived.”

  “Reassuring,” I mumble.

  “You have blood dripping down your neck,” Attie points out, already stretching. The pain is receding quickly now. I can only assume that his is as well.

  I lift my hand and wipe at my neck. My fingers come away smeared with red, and I frown. I’m definitely not a fan of the Bandersnatch. Not to mention the brief sight I’d seen before we Faded. I’ll be happy if I never have to see them again.

  “Welcome,” a new voice says, and we turn to look.

  A man sits in a rocking chair, shirtless, wearing similar leather pants an
d boots to Cheshire. He’s pale, his eyes rimmed in black. On his head, sits a prominent top hat, and I know instantly who he is.

  “Dude, that’s the Mad Hatter,” Attie beats me to the recognition.

  The Hatter stands from his seat, stretching to his full height, and I raise my brows at him. He’s not what I expected, although, I suppose nothing is here in Wonderland.

  “You must be Calypso,” the Hatter says, reaching forward to take my hand. “White told us to expect you. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “It’s just Cal. And well, we weren’t really given a choice.”

  “I’m Atlas! The Hatter is always my favorite in the stories at home.” I grin over at Attie. He’s acting like he’s meeting a rock star, and I can’t blame him. This is pretty cool.

  Cheshire growls. “How come I didn’t get this reaction when you met me?”

  I shrug. “Easy. You’d already pissed me off before I found out who you were.”

  Hatter chuckles. “I like her.”

  Cheshire rolls his eyes and gestures to the door. “Are we going to go inside or stand out here like idiots?”

  “Yes, please, please come in, come inside and meet our friends.” I notice the slight wince Hatter tries to hide after the rhyme, and I look at him curiously. Does the Hatter not like to rhyme?

  “Cal,” Attie whispers, moving closer. “We’re about to go inside the Hatter’s house. What if he invites us for tea?”

  “Only drink the tea that Clara tells you is safe,” Cheshire comments. He meets my eyes. “Some of it can get you drunk. Others can make you sick if they’re not made for you.”

  “Because, of course.” I shrug my shoulders. “Who’s Clara again?”

  “Clara Bee is my mate,” Hatter answers with a grin. “And the first of the triad.”

  “Ah, right. I’d forgotten that bit.”

  Hatter crinkles his brow but turns and leads us inside. As soon as we step into the entryway, I realize that there’s something off about the house. It’s like the whole thing is crooked, but when I walk across the tiles, it doesn’t feel like it. It’s almost like the whole thing has been shifted on the foundation.

  There are odd statues and busts decorating the area, not all human in their appearance. The tiles are black and white, mimicking those from the room we landed in after the rabbit hole. When I look up, there’s a beautiful painting of the Hatter’s tea party on the ceiling.

  “I think you’re the first one to ever notice that,” Hatter mumbles, watching the awe on my face.

  “It’s beautiful.” I study the colors, how they pop off the painting. It’s almost like I’m there in the scene, like I can hear the tea that the Hatter is pouring from a teapot.

  “What are you looking at?” Attie asks, following my gaze. “I don’t see anything.”

  “You don’t see the painting?” I crinkle my brow at him in confusion.

  “It’s just purple. There’s literally no painting.”

  I meet the Hatter’s eyes, and he smiles, but he doesn’t answer the burning question. Why can I see a painting and my brother can’t? Before I can open my mouth to ask, another voice interrupts and draws my attention.

  “Oh, there you are. I was so worried.” My mom’s voice echoes around the entryway, and we all turn towards the hunched woman dragging an oxygen tank.

  “Mom,” I sigh in relief. “I was so worried.”

  Attie goes to step towards her but stops at her next words.

  “Mom?” She glances between us. “My children are young'uns.”

  I thread my fingers through Attie’s and squeeze.

  “Of course, Mrs. Diana. I’m sorry,” I correct.

  She eyes us a little more and turns around. “They’re handing out tea. You have to try the yellow one. It tastes like lemons.”

  We watch sadly as our mother turns away, none the wiser of the pain she’s caused her children.

  “Has it always been like that?” Hatter asks, a frown on his face.

  I shake my head. “No. She used to remember us more often. Now, if she remembers us at all, it’s a good day, and those are far and few between.”

  “I’m sorry,” Hatter mumbles.

  “It is what it is,” I shrug and move towards where my mother disappeared, my hand still intertwined with Attie’s. It’s more for my benefit than it is his. I feel suddenly overwhelmed, like everything that’s happening is starting to crash down on me. My heart beats a little faster than normal, and I can feel it stealing my breath as they grow shallower. I focus only on taking one step after the other, but when we get to the doorway and see the long tea table, full to capacity with various creatures and people, I release Attie’s hand and turn away.

  “Are you okay, sis?” I feel Attie draw closer, and I wave him away.

  “I’m fine, Attie. Go have your tea with the Hatter. Make sure to ask Clara what’s safe.”

  Just as quickly, I feel him move away and go inside the room. I step away from the door and lean against the wall, tuning out the world. I look up at the ceiling and focus on the painting and on taking deep breaths. Inhale, exhale, repeat.

  “You’re not going to faint, are you?”

  If I wasn’t so focusing on not doing exactly that, I would have rolled my eyes at Cheshire. Instead, I ignore him, and focus harder on the elaborate painting above me. Finally, my heart slows, my shoulders loosen, and I close my eyes.

  “Feel better?”

  I peek open my eyes and glance at Cheshire where he stands on the opposite side of the doors, leaning against the wall and mimicking my position.

  “A little,” I mumble, scrubbing my hand down my face.

  “You know what helps me when it all feels like too much?” Cheshire asks. When I look over at him, he’s staring up at the painting, as if he sees it, too. “I have to get away from everyone and focus on one good thing. And then I tell everyone else to fuck off. That usually helps.”

  I can’t help the smile that curls my lips. An answering one curls the barest corner of his.

  “Yeah, I can see how that would help.” I pause a moment before gathering my courage. “What’s the last good thing you focused on?”

  His smile straightens, and he looks away towards the front door, hiding.

  “There aren’t too many good things left,” he admits. “But Clara and Jupiter were probably the last ones. Jupiter managed to place an enchantment on the Red Queen, but in order for her to do it, I had to leave her and Clara, Hatter, and White, at the mercy of the Red Queen’s whims. I wasn’t able to leave completely, I couldn’t just leave them there, and I felt like my chest was bursting apart.”

  I don’t interrupt him, afraid he’ll stop talking if I do. This all seems like way more information than he meant to give, or that he ever willingly tells. But he just keeps staring at the front door, as if he’s not dropping such emotion at my feet.

  “So, I focused on Clara and Jupiter, because they represent something larger than I ever thought I would be a part of.” Finally he turns and meets my eyes. “And now you’re here to complete the triad. So, I suppose I can focus on you.”

  We stare at each other for a moment, and there are so many things I’d like to say, and yet, nothing comes to mind. In classic Wonderland fashion, nothing makes sense, and I can’t even catch onto a thought. But we don’t look away from each other’s eyes; I can’t. This moment feels strung with possibility, and before I know what I’m doing, I push away from the wall and walk forward. I don’t stop until I’m right in front of him, and I move close enough that there’s hardly any space between our chests.

  Finally, my words come, and I look up into his eyes. For once, there’s no sarcasm there, no scowl or agitation. He just watches me, his eyes looking so deeply into mine that I feel as if he’s memorizing them.

  “Next time, when I’m feeling completely overwhelmed,” I whisper, placing my hand over his heart; his skin still splattered with blood, but I don’t even notice anymore. “I’ll find you and tell you
that your one of my good things, even if you have an infuriating knack for being an asshole.”

  His lips quirk up again just the tiniest amount.

  “I can be pretty distracting,” he purrs, and his hands lift to cup my waist.

  “I have no doubts about that,” I breathe, smiling. “Just remember, Pussy Cat, you’re not the only one with claws.”

  Fire ignites in his eyes, and he tugs me closer, until I’m pressed against his body, and I can feel his warmth straight to my core. He leans down, his lips at my ear, and I close my eyes at the feeling of his breath there. My own hands thread around his neck without thinking about it, digging into the hair at the base of his neck.

  “I look forward to your claws,” he purrs in my ear.

  My entire body clenches, the words going straight to my core and setting it on fire. I clench my hands hard in the hair at the base of his neck, and he growls in answer. His fingers squeeze harder against my waist and slip down, down, until they cup my ass. He grinds me against him, and his hardness presses against me through his leathers, tempting, so tempting.

  “You two done fucking against the door?”

  I jerk away from Cheshire at the voice, stepping away and putting distance between us. Cheshire doesn’t move. He keeps leaning against the door, his hair a little wild from my fingers, his cock straining against his zipper, and a grin spreading across his face.

  “Flam, I’m surprised you’re here,” Cheshire says, as if we weren’t just caught with our hands in the cookie jar.

  I turn towards the new voice and meet fuchsia-colored eyes. I raise my brow as I take in his appearance, the tattoos running along every bit of skin exposed, the piercings on his face, the hot pink leather pants and jacket. He’s completely drool-worthy, and gives Cheshire’s ‘bad boy’ aura a run for its money, if it wasn’t for the pink. But it looks anything but feminine. I’m really uncertain what to think of him.

  “Seems you two are already pretty cozy,” Flam comments, and I tilt my head.

  “Can’t help it if he’s hot,” I shrug, trying to play it off.


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