Second Chance Heat, a reverse harem magical academy HEA paranormal romance: Book Four of the Second Chance Academy Series

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Second Chance Heat, a reverse harem magical academy HEA paranormal romance: Book Four of the Second Chance Academy Series Page 7

by Ella J. Smyth

  I turned the pages faster, eager to find something that made it worth my time continuing. Towards the end of the book, there was a page, entitled, “Succubi, Incubi, and How to Summon Them.” Well, this looked more interesting.

  Kiernan held out a mug of steaming coffee to me. I looked up. “Coffee? Where did you find that?”

  “There’s a half-empty bag of grounds in the kitchen.”

  He bent a little closer. “To be honest, acushla, it tastes like shit. But it’s hot and bitter.”

  As I reached out for the mug, he took my hand and pressed a kiss on the back of it. The gesture took me by surprise. Since we’d returned from Faerie, both my men had been more affectionate. Somehow, we’d crossed the line between interested parties to lovers. I was more than okay with it. We’d gone through hell together, and it felt right to express our feelings.

  Kiernan pulled his hand back, prolonging skin contact by trailing his fingers along mine. “I’ll be in the kitchen with Lance and Macha.”

  “How’s Macha getting on?”

  Kiernan laughed. “He found some tuna. He’s very happy, licking the can clean.”

  I sighed dreamily. Macha’s sexual enthusiasm had come as a surprise to me. The things that boy was capable of doing with his tongue… I suppressed a moan. Kiernan snickered and wandered off back to the kitchen. Shaking off any distracting thoughts, I went back to reading.

  It didn’t take long until my eyes latched onto a paragraph. “Do not be tempted to lay with a demon, no matter how comely it seems. They are imbued with demonic essence, and once spilled, will enslave the weak of mind.”

  I chuckled. Too late for that. Kiernan was half incubus, and boy, had he spilled his essence. And there I was off again, remembering Kiernan’s gorgeous cock in my mouth, doing all kinds of wicked things to me. My underwear was getting damp, and I wiggled on the bed to find some relief. I sighed and turned back to the book. When had I turned into a sex addict?

  The boys were in the kitchen together. All I had to do was call them, and they’d ravage me again. It was a huge temptation. But no, we were living on borrowed time. There would be opportunities for more ravaging later on, once we’d made it to safety.

  The author of the book continued to warn of the dangers of sleeping with succubi or incubi. Apparently, a succubus could drain a man of his life force until he was nothing but a dried up husk.

  A shiver ran down my spine. I’d been the target of a Fae assassin, an incubus who’d masqueraded as a teacher. He’d tried to kill me by making me orgasm until I’d expired. If it hadn’t been for Slug, he would have succeeded. Fuck. Reading this book was giving me flashbacks.

  On the next page, there was a short passage about how to protect oneself from sex demons. I read it three times to make sure I’d understood correctly. What the author was saying was that only virtue could protect the target.

  I shook my head. So basically, there was nothing anybody could do to ward off a sex demon. But if a person did succumb to an attack, it was their fault because they weren’t virtuous enough. Nice to see things hadn’t changed in hundreds of years. This was the magical equivalent of, “If you hadn’t worn that skirt, you wouldn’t have been raped.” Total bullshit.

  I took a deep breath and forced myself to continue. Although what I’d really wanted to do was slam the book shut and join the boys. I kept turning page after page, and finally, on the last few pages, I found it. On top of the page was the bland heading, “How to Enhance Your Magic.”

  I expected suggestions akin to the hex bags. Maybe which crystals to carry or herbs to sniff. Instead, what I was reading blew my mind. The author had drawn a large pentagram, taking up a double-spread. There were naked figures at each point of the star.

  Underneath was outlined a ritual for what was described as a Quint. Five mages, no matter what elemental powers they possessed, could perform the ritual without any danger of draining each other. I stared at the text until the letters swam in front of my eyes.

  Julian would haved loved this. A perfectly circular drop landed on the ancient page, leaving a track of dissolved ink. I wiped my eyes before I could cause any more damage.

  “Stop crying, stupid,” I muttered. Don’t think about him. I forced myself to focus on the words. After the ritual, the mages’ magic would be enhanced to nearly limitless levels, making them as powerful as they could ever be. There were more drawings and latin chants I didn’t understand. I turned the page, and the images made my jaw drop. The artist had left nothing to the imagination, numbering the sexual positions like a magical Kamasutra.

  The text explained how there was a precise order in which each member had to have intercourse with another. It called it “The Sacred Union.” Basically, every mage had to fuck another one until they all had spilled their “essences” into each other—the book’s words. Not mine.

  The ritual culminated in four members releasing into a fifth who was called “The Vessel.” The fifth person could be female or male. As long as they were imbued with the essences of the other four, the spell would be complete, and the mages would be tied to each other for life.

  I reread the last bit. So while the participants would be powerful beyond belief, they would also be connected to each other. I’d been around magical folks for long enough to know that could mean several things. Maybe the Quint were tied to each other like in a marriage. Or maybe if one of them died, they’d all die. Or they’d lose their powers. Or a multitude of other, potentially horrible outcomes.

  But if it meant we’d beat Farkas and be safe, I’d be all for it. Except there was a huge problem. We weren’t five and never would be again. We’d gained Macha, but lost Julian. There was no Quint.

  If it weren’t for the bit about being tied to each other, we could have just brought another person we trusted into the circle. Jamal or any of Kiernan’s or Lance’s friends. But would I be willing to have sex with just anybody?

  I shuddered involuntarily. Before I’d met the boys, I’d had very little experience. Just enough to know that sleeping with random guys was awkward and unpleasant. I never wanted to do that again.

  Closing the book, I sighed. This wasn’t a decision to be taken lightly. The boys had a right to know—whatever happened, it would impact their lives just as much.

  * * *


  * * *

  I was drifting in the warm May breeze, minding my own business, when I felt a tug. Like an itch that got worse the longer I ignored it, it didn’t go away. It was different to the pull towards the ghost boy in the library. That had been an all over discomfort that only lessened when I moved toward the secret room.

  This feeling consolidated into something more solid, urging me to explore. Curious, I followed it back through the forest to where Amber and my friends were hiding. I phased through the wall, and boy, did I get an eyeful.

  Amber lay between Kiernan’s legs, her gorgeous lips wrapped around his cock, getting reamed by none other than the former cat. The room smelled of sex. The slapping of Macha’s balls against Amber’s ass, the slurping noises as Kiernan grabbed hold of her head and slammed in and out of her throat with utter abandon made me hard in a second.

  I groaned with discomfort and grabbed for my cock, seeking relief. But my hand went through my aching dick, offering no friction. I watched as Amber came on Macha’s cock, his finger in her ass. Macha and Lance tagged each other, and Lance took Macha’s place. Amber looked so incredibly sexy as she screamed out her orgasm with pure abandon.

  My erection was becoming so uncomfortable, I flitted from one side of the room to the other, wanting to find some kind of relief. My frustration changed to irritation and then to anger. This was so fucking unfair. Why did I have to die and return as a ghost? I didn’t want Kiernan or Lance to have suffered my fate, but for fuck’s sake, their cocks got to explode inside Amber’s pussy.

  Once the gates to my darkest emotions were flung open, there was no holding back. I drowned in waves of envy, lust, an
d fury. I hated Amber. I hated my friends. But most of all, I hated myself. Flinging myself against the wall, I needed to get away from them. But like before, I bounced off the brick. I screamed with rage, pushing against the obstacle.

  That’s when I realized there was friction on my cock. I looked down, and even though I couldn’t see myself, I felt my shaft standing away from my body. I nearly sobbed with relief as my hand closed around my erection. I threw my head back and jerked furiously, still feeling angry. It didn’t take long for me to come. There was no ejaculation, but the feeling of relief was as strong as the best orgasm when I was alive.

  My cock was still twitching in my hand when it became more and more insubstantial. Seconds later, I couldn’t feel a thing. My anger had evaporated when I’d come. I nearly sobbed with relief. I’d found a way to ease my pain. I hung around for a while until Amber came for the last time and fell asleep.

  Lance stayed by the window, glancing every so often at the three beds, pushed together. He’d been such a shit when we’d first met him, and even now, sometimes he still said stupid, rash things. But there was no doubt about his emotions towards his friends and Amber.

  “They sleep now.” The voices were back.

  I rolled my eyes. “Are you back again? What do you want?”

  “We’re always here.”

  “Great,” I muttered.

  The second voice snickered. “Oh, yes. Didn’t it feel good when you used your anger to find relief? Didn’t you like it? Didn’t it make you feel alive?”

  I couldn’t deny it, so I stayed silent.

  “We know it did. You can have more of that. They’re asleep now. You can enter their dreams and fuck your girl. She would love it, screaming when you take her.”

  I shook my head. “I wouldn’t do that. It would be toxic to them if I did that.”

  The second voice whispered, “So what? They have everything. Even the cat boy got to taste her cunt. What do you have?”

  “The Irish boy would love it if you visited him. If you’re not into pussy, his ass would be delicious.” The first voice was taunting me.

  “Kiernan and I have never—“

  “Who cares? In their dreams, you call the shots. You don’t have to ask for permission. You just take, take, take. The more they scream, the sweeter it tastes.”

  I shuddered. “Get away from me. You’re disgusting. I would never do that to my friends.”

  At the blink of an eye, I phased through the outside wall, putting as much distance between the hellfiends and myself.



  The voices had never bothered me when I was near other people, out in the open. Within seconds, I’d reached the campus. I felt safer here, surrounded by the chatter of students who were enjoying the afternoon sunshine. If the voices decided to come after me, it probably wouldn’t have made a difference where I was, but for now, I pretended I was still alive and mingling with my classmates. I was hovering next to a group of boys when my ears pricked up.

  “Maybe they’ll cancel the finals with all those agents on campus.”

  “I heard they search our rooms when we’re at class.”

  The first speaker grimaced. “Dammit. I thought there was something different when I went back just now. Like, nothing was broken, but it felt off. You know?”

  “Yeah, I thought the same. Any idea what they’re after?”

  “More like who they’re after. You remember that blond chick who got sent here because she’s a killer?”

  A guy laughed. “Yeah, my parents were pitching a fit when they found out. She’s hot, though.”

  “Anyway, I heard they’re after her. There’s a rumor she killed Farkas.”

  A chorus of, “No way,” and “What the fuck?” erupted. When it quieted down, another kid said, “Come on. No way would a freshman take down Farkas.”

  More nodding. “Looks like they’re done with the rooms, anyway. They’ll probably search the forest soon.”

  I’d heard enough. They weren’t safe in the house anymore. It had been stupid to think they’d be able to hide in enemy territory. I had to warn them right now. Berating myself loudly, I returned to the cabin. The guys were chatting in the kitchen while Amber read her book.

  “Good going, guys. Who the fuck’s watching the window?” I muttered as I searched for Macha. He wasn’t in the bedroom, nor the kitchen. Reluctantly, I checked the bathroom, but Macha wasn’t there, either.

  Now what? Where could cat boy have gone? I waited, busying myself listening to my friends and reading over Amber’s shoulder. Hour after hour passed, and I was getting agitated. Kiernan finally emerged from the next room and took a seat by the window. He was pale and seemed to have trouble keeping his eyes open. But at least, they wouldn’t be ambushed. But where the hell was Macha?

  Evening was approaching. The sun was sinking rapidly behind the black trees, and while the sky above the forest was still light enough, it was getting darker by the minute.

  Lance put his hand on Kiernan’s shoulder. “You look tired. Why don’t you get some sleep and let me take over.”

  Kiernan didn't argue. Without getting undressed, he slipped under the cover of the giant bed, and was out within minutes.

  Macha still hadn’t returned. The voices’ words rang in my memory like brass bells. “You can visit them in their dreams.”

  I could interact with them. I stared at Kiernan who was fast asleep. I needed to warn them. They didn't know what was coming. My mind made up, I floated until I was right above him. Now what? Should I place my hands on his temples and try a mind-meld? I reached out, but my fingers went through his head and out the other side. This wasn’t working.

  Maybe I needed more contact? So I stretched myself out across the full length of Kiernan’s body and sank slowly until I merged with him. Instead of floating in blood and guts like I’d half expected, I found myself sitting on the banks of a brook.

  Above me, the sky hung low. Gray clouds drifted across the sun, dappling the landscape around me with light. Across the water, black and white cows grazed on the greenest field I’d ever seen. Next to me, there were orange flowers like tiny lilies on long, bright-green stems.

  “It’s peaceful, isn’t it?” Kiernan sat next to me, gazing into the stream where a fish jumped up a small rapid.

  “Is this where you’re from?” I asked.

  “It is. My village is just beyond the bend over there. I haven’t been back since I was fifteen, but I miss it.”

  He turned towards me. “I miss you, too. It’s great to see you again, but I know it’s going to hurt when I wake up.”

  I swallowed hard. His words soothed my soul. I’d never heard them mention my name or talk about me. I’d been afraid they’d forgotten me already. “I’m not actually dead. Well, I am, but I’m still around.”

  Kiernan smiled ruefully. “That’s what they tell us. I don’t believe all that shit. You’re dead, Julian. Your body is rotting somewhere in Faerie. I don’t want to think about it.”

  Again, he stared into the stream, but now his shoulders were tense and his head hung low. I didn’t want to cause him any more pain. Maybe I should just give him my warning and leave. But then Kiernan sat up straight and glanced at me sideways. “You know, I never got the chance to tell you. I’d discussed it with Amber, and she’d said to go ahead, but then you got yourself killed, you stupid bastard.”

  Ignoring the insult, I asked, “Tell me what?”

  Instead of answering, he leaned in and kissed me. “I’ve been meaning to do this for the longest time. I never told you I loved you before you died.”

  My head swam. “You love me?”

  “Yes. So much. And I regret I never made love to you.”

  I couldn’t hold back a giggle. “We’re guys. We don't make love.”

  Kiernan shrugged. “Says who? I miss you so much. I feel like I've been given a second chance in my dream.”

  The way he looked at me, or maybe it was because I was m
ore attuned to magic in my current form, but I could nearly see the waves coming from him, washing over me. “Are you using your incubus compulsion on me?”

  Kiernan laughed. “I don't know. It's a dream after all. All I know is that I want to. Shut up and let me kiss you again.”

  I opened my mouth to give him my warning, the reason why I was here in the first place. But I couldn’t get the words out. Instead, a moan erupted from me, so wanton and full of lust, I didn't recognize myself.

  Kiernan cupped my cheek. “See? You want it to.”

  The niggling in the back of my mind told me this wasn't a good idea. That there was a reason why I hadn’t wanted to invade my friends’ dreams in the first place, but it was washed away by the intensity of Kiernan's gaze, his green eyes boring into mine.

  Another wave of compulsion washed over me, and my jeans were getting so tight, I was gasping for release. A knowing grin flashed across Kiernan’s face. He knew exactly what he was doing, the bastard. He was a sex demon after all.

  Placing his hand on my encased cock, he squeezed. I moaned and turned my head to kiss the palm of his hand. But as my lips touched his skin, it turned black. I stared at it, horrified, torn between the continuous waves of lust washing over me, and the urgent need to get away, to not hurt him.

  Kiernan didn't seem to notice a thing. Instead, he pulled down my zipper, reaching for my swollen shaft. But the flesh was melting from his fingers, and the white bones were sticking through the black goo.

  That shook me out of the hold Kiernan had over me. I forced myself to move away, cursing. Kiernan looked at me, the confusion obvious in his beautiful eyes. His gaze fell on his hand, and his eyes widened, their expression changing to horror and fear. That was the last jolt I needed, and with an almighty effort, I lifted myself off Kiernan's body, floating back to the ceiling.

  I felt short of breath, even though I didn't need to breathe in my current form. Nausea wrecked my stomach at the thought of what I’d nearly done to my friend. Below me, Kiernan’s sleeping body tossed and turned, trapped in a nightmare I’d caused.


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