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Albion's Legacy (Sons Of Camelot Book 3)

Page 14

by Sarah Luddington

  “No. I just left Albion. I needed to be with my husband. I needed to be with my own kind and I needed to learn more about my fate,” she said.

  “Your own kind... You mean the other Titans?” I asked, feeling weak and confused.

  “Among other things,” she said, obliquely. Her sharp eyes focused on Morgan and Galahad who stood together. “My adopted siblings, it is good to meet you both and to know that father was not alone.”

  Galahad stepped forward and bowed low, flashing a long thick thigh in the process. “My Lady, it is an honour.”

  “I think the honour is mine, your Majesty,” Rhea said, also bowing.

  Morgan moved away from me. “You knew father before we did.”

  Rhea looked at her and smiled with kindness. “I had that privilege. I lived with both your families over the years and with your mother the longest. Our mother. I still miss them all very much.”

  Morgan took another step forward, this one unsteady. “Why are you here?”

  Rhea matched her movement but remained calm. “It’s complicated. I’ve been waiting for you to call. You should have called. I am family, part of the du Lac family.”

  “Sister.” Morgan stepped again.

  “Sister,” Rhea agreed.

  Morgan made a small keening sound and Rhea gathered her up to hold her close. Poor Morgan could not release her grief but she clung to Rhea. I heard the goddess, the Titan, whispering comfort to her sister and I hoped this would be the beginning of Morgan’s healing.

  Rhea sat and we shared a meal together, Nim joining us without Lance. She sat close to me and leaned against me once I finished eating. We talked to Rhea who felt like a breath of air, her positive language and outlook giving us all hope. She also shared stories about our families we’d not known, making Morgan laugh for the first time.

  “Well, it’s late now, gentlemen and I think everyone could do with some sleep,” Rhea said finally.

  I glanced out of the window, surprised by the fall of night over The City. “I should be talking about Camelot with someone,” I murmured.

  “Camelot will wait, Holt, you can’t help her at the moment,” Rhea said. “She’s not going to be overrun by enemies this night.”

  “You know that?” I asked her, slightly annoyed.

  “I know that,” she said firmly.

  I sighed and Severus rubbed my thigh. “Come on, bed,” he said.

  We both glanced at Galahad but he spoke to Morgan by the fireplace and I suspected he wouldn’t be joining me. Since the battle for the throne of Albion he’d been physically distant again. It made me sad but I’d come to terms with Galahad’s strange reactions to his sexual desires so I rose with Severus. I left the young King’s rooms while Severus began piling more food on plates.

  Despite my unity with Galahad in the caves I realised he was drawing away from me in the flesh if not emotionally. The throne of Albion was a heavy weight and I wasn’t going to force him to deal with my needs as well, it wasn’t fair. We were closer than lovers in many ways and I needed to be satisfied with that connection.

  My rooms were next door to Galahad’s and when I walked over the threshold everything within me relaxed. There were piles of armour, weapons and Severus’ belongings scattered about in organised chaos. I’d spent a lot of energy convincing the Brownies to leave my rooms alone most of the time. It felt more comfortable to me than Camelot.

  I started to remove items of clothing and by the time I reached the large washroom I was naked. I climbed up the shallow steps to the edge of the tiled bath and walked into the water. It slowly rose up my aching legs, warm and welcoming. I sank into the water, letting it fold gently over my head. When I came up for air Severus was also there, his smile kind and amused.

  Without words I approached him where he leaned against the side of the bath, and we kissed. Severus moved into my body and embraced me, for the first time in weeks from his perspective, and we held each other tightly. Of course our separation had been just days for me but still, it was good.

  “Gods, I’ve missed you,” he murmured when I released him. His long curling hair trailed around us in the water.

  I held his face and stared into the remarkable eyes, one green and one blue. “Any visitations from our dragon?” I asked him.

  “No, since the rather startling manifestation he’s been quiet. I’ve missed him as well,” Severus said and he smiled at his foolishness.

  “I’m sorry I left you alone for so long.”

  “Hardly your fault, Holt. Besides, it’s been an education. The politics of this place are terrifying but I’ve quite enjoyed helping Morgan and Nim. Morgan is a real powerhouse, I like her a great deal.”

  “She would make a fine queen.”

  “You should marry her, that would shut them up in Camelot. You share no blood and her lovers are more often women. She wouldn’t mind about me,” Severus declared with a light tone.

  The world heaved around me. I honestly didn’t know what to say. I stared at him with a sense of horror making my legs weak and my stomach churn. “She’s my sister,” I managed to blurt.

  “No, Holt, she isn’t. Nim is, we can all see that, but Morgan isn’t. She and I get on well –”

  I frowned hard. “No.” I pushed back to the other side of the bath disturbing the water so much it sloshed over the edge.

  “Camelot would –”

  “Camelot can go hang,” I told him. “I’m not marrying Morgan. I’m not marrying anyone and right now I’m not sure I want to live with you either.” I turned my back on him, my pulse racing with the disturbed anger rumbling away deep inside me. Why was I expected to marry? More importantly why did Severus expect me to marry? Before we parted I thought we had a plan. We ensure Galahad kept the throne safe, then we saw to my abdication, and finally we’d be able to settle down into a shared life. What had happened in the time we’d been parted to change Severus’ thoughts on our simple plan?

  I felt Severus move in the water and approach me. His gentle hands, soft now from the water, touched my back. “I’m sorry, love. I didn’t mean to upset you so badly, it just seems like a logical resolution.”

  “I cannot bed a woman, it doesn’t work and the thought of Morgan...” I really wanted to be sick.

  “It might shut Camelot up, it would shore up the problems both families are having. It would put real fey power into your blood line. It’s not that unusual in fey families to shore up power by close relatives –”

  “Shut up, Severus.”

  A long pause and his hands dropped from my shoulders. “Yes, your Majesty.” I kept my back to Severus and I heard him leave the bath. I couldn’t believe what he’d suggested, what they were clearly planning, because Severus wouldn’t have said anything so stupid alone. Did Morgan know? Is that what was going on? She wanted to secure her family and position so marrying the man she knew wasn’t going to bed her was the best choice left?

  I began to wash, vigorously, and tried not to be angry with them all for allowing so many stupid things to engulf us the moment we arrived. Voices came from the next room and within moments Galahad walked into my bathroom.

  “Whatever it is I don’t want to know,” I said, churlish and angry with the world.

  “Can we return to the road? Is it too late for me to run away?” Galahad asked, sitting on the edge of the large bath.

  I grunted. “We could run and give The Lady the keys, let them fight for their own lives. What’s pissed you off?”

  “Everyone,” he muttered. “Gods, I need sleep.”

  “Rhea’s here, that will help.”

  “She’s part of the problem,” Galahad said.

  I frowned. “Why?”

  “Rhea needs us to help her replace Albion. I knew I’d be fighting for Albion, I know she is weak, but I didn’t know I’d be helping to replace her. I know The Lady is fighting on multiple fronts but I didn’t realise the sheer depth and breadth of her ambition.”

  I closed my eyes and sighed s
o heavily I was surprised I didn’t deflate. “I think I’d rather fight the hordes outside the gates of Camelot.”

  The water around me moved and I opened my eyes in surprise. Galahad had stripped and joined me. I glanced at him and he smiled. “I haven’t enjoyed a bath in a long time. I plan on making the most of them, do you mind?”

  “Why would I mind?” I asked, unable to prevent the heat of desire tainting my voice.

  Galahad smiled and his long, taut body brushed against me as he settled down in the warm water. I’d clearly been wrong about him avoiding physical contact. My assumptions about my companions were constantly wrong it seemed.

  “What has Severus said to upset you? He’s next door with a face like a troll,” Galahad asked.

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” I said, closing my eyes and trying to think of something other than sex with my companion.

  Galahad’s hand encircled the large muscle of my thigh, robbing me of any ability to think about something other than sex with my companion. “Tell me.”

  “They want me to marry Morgan,” I said. Galahad’s hand stopped moving and he didn’t say a word. After several heartbeats I opened my eyes and looked at him, there was no anger or shock in his expression. “You aren’t considering this are you?” I asked with an edge to my voice reminiscent of hysteria.

  “It would make both families stronger,” he said.

  I pulled away from his hand, the water disrupted around me. “We have enough ties.”

  “Not ones people can see.”

  “Nim is marrying Lance.”

  “He isn’t royal and she isn’t my full sister.”

  “There’s no proof of that.”


  “No, Galahad!” The anger made me restless and I moved to leave the large bath.

  Galahad reached out and pulled me to a stop. “Holt, I’m not saying anything other than it’s an idea. A way to protect the Pendragon line and Camelot.”

  “The Pendragon line is not going to find a scion through me,” I said. “It doesn’t matter how hard you all push. I can’t fuck a woman and my sister?” It was almost grief which swirled through me.

  “I know but she isn’t your sister,” he said gently. “She is my sister.”


  “I am now King, Holt. You are now my vassal.”

  I stilled and stared at him with a sense of revulsion churning my stomach and making my bile rise. “Is this your revenge?”

  He frowned. “Don’t be ridiculous, I have no need for revenge.”

  I moved into him, gripping the back of his neck. “How can I marry your sister and how could you force her into an empty bed? I love you.” I stared into his dark eyes and willed him to understand the stupidity of his wish and the integrity of my emotions.

  Galahad gasped and his hand gripped my wrist. I continued my advantage and kissed him with ferocity. I wanted to wake the darkest of Galahad’s desires, I didn’t want some passive fuck, I wanted Galahad to know what it felt like to have a partner who matched him completely. If I married his sister this dark side of my bonded companion would be gone forever, he’d never again find his equal. And I wondered if he ever let that darkness go. I was gambling he couldn’t.

  He remained unmoved by the kiss until I bit his lip. The growl from him rumbled through me and I found the edge of the bath pushed hard against my spine as he bent me back so his teeth could attack my neck.

  Galahad was beautiful in his savagery. I heard the door to the bathroom open and managed to turn enough to see Severus. He stood watching. Galahad tore at the muscle over my ribs and I cried out, pain arching through me with exquisite intensity. My lover pinned my wrists under the waterline and gnawed at my side.

  “Join us,” I begged of Severus.

  He stared at Galahad who relented his torture at the sound of my voice managing to make words rather than random sounds of pain and pleasure. “Join us,” he repeated, holding out his hand.

  Severus stepped forward and stopped again. Galahad tensed, as if waiting for his prey to come just a little closer so it could be trapped and devoured. “Come,” the command was emphatic.

  A small sound of animal distress escaped Severus. I couldn’t save him. I didn’t want to save him. I just needed him here to experience the dark passion for himself.

  The moment Severus was in range Galahad moved quickly. He rose from the bath, grabbed Severus’ upper arm and pulled him into the water fully clothed. Severus yelped in surprise. I caught his head before it hit the water and kissed him, my tongue forcing him to reciprocate.

  Before I had decided to rescue him from Larz, Severus had been a professional and very good whore, and his desire rose to match ours with ease. His feet found the bottom of our bath and Galahad helped him remove the robes he wore, none too gently as it happened. I pulled the naked body of my lover into me.

  “Can you do this?” I murmured into his ear.

  “Take you both?” he asked for clarification. “What do you think?” He kissed me and reached for Galahad moving seamlessly between us the moment he attained contact. I watched them kiss and I watched Severus surrender easily to Galahad’s dominance.

  The bonding between Galahad and I opened completely. A flood of sensations from Galahad hit me hard, the need within him to experience the animal moving through his soul burned hot and bright.

  “Yes,” Severus cried out as Galahad wrapped his fist into the long wet black hair, forcing my lover’s head back. Galahad bit Severus’ throat in a move a cat would use to tear out the windpipe of its prey. I felt fear and it transmitted to Galahad, his dark eyes looked up at me and the joy surfaced, feeding, on my fear and Severus’ surrender.

  I thought about that dark joy and what I knew of Galahad’s father but also his grandfather, Aeddan.

  “Let him go,” I said to Galahad.

  The young King’s fist tightened and I could see Severus’ erection; his eyes were glazed, submitting completely. “No,” Galahad said.

  “Let him go, he’s mine,” I said. I remained calm and firm as if speaking to a cornered dog.


  “He is mine,” I repeated more forcefully.

  “I am King of Albion, they all belong to me,” Galahad growled. The bonding started to hurt. It became a vivid red inside me, like hot burning wire.

  The door to my bathroom flew open and Rhea stood there. “Stop!” she commanded, throwing out her hand. Galahad yelped in shock and collapsed, the water closing over his head, and he dragged Severus down with him. Without thinking I grabbed for both and hauled Severus up, his hair now free, coughing and spluttering. Next came the inert form of Galahad. He hardly breathed.


  “Get him out of the water,” Rhea ordered, coming toward us and holding out her hand to help Severus.

  “What’s happening to him?” I asked, dragging the weight of my friend from the bath.

  “He’s the King of Albion. He needs to learn to handle the power but Albion isn’t strong, Galahad’s sanity isn’t strong, and he isn’t married, so Albion doesn’t have a scion to help channel the power of the two powerful family lines.” Rhea checked the big pulse in Galahad’s neck.

  “Did this happen to Lancelot?” I asked, rolling Galahad onto his side while Severus covered him with a blanket and handing another to me.

  “Lancelot’s bonding with Arthur shattered soon after he became king, Nimue and I bonded him to Tancred – the Prince of the Wild Wood – and he had Morgana here in The City. If there was something Morgana understood it was raw power,” Rhea explained.

  “I’m not fey enough am I?” I asked quietly.

  Rhea held my hand and looked into my eyes. “You don’t have to be fey for Galahad, he is strong, he just has to find his own anchor and he can’t at the moment. He is very damaged, Holt.”

  “What can I do to help him?” I asked her quietly. My inadequacies were hurting the man I loved.

  “What can
we do to help him?” Severus corrected. He was pale and trembling, his eyes wide and shining as if on the verge of tears. I kept promising to protect Severus but I couldn’t even manage it in our bathroom.

  I reached over Galahad’s inert body and gripped his shoulder. “Are you alright?” I asked.

  “Not exactly, he’s very strong, powerful, I’m a candle in front of the blazing dark sun. Holt, he scares me,” Severus confessed. “I want him, really want him to own me but... But there’s an elemental force in Galahad I just don’t understand.”

  For the first time I realised I knew Galahad better than anyone else in the world and I accepted him in a way even Severus couldn’t manage. Galahad didn’t scare me, I only feared what he might do to others in his dark lustful hunger. I glanced at Rhea and she frowned at Severus’ choice of words.

  She said, “We have to find a way to channel the power, it’ll eat him up and just continue to feed the desire. The darkness within him will give The Lady what she wants, Galahad’s destruction. His passions might be sadistic but they shouldn’t be dangerous, Severus was within a heartbeat of having his throat torn out.”

  “I need a drink, sorry.” Severus rose on trembling legs and left. I wanted to go to him but Galahad stirred under my hand.

  “Shhh,” Rhea said, stroking Galahad’s shorn head. He settled and this lithe body relaxed.

  “What do we do?” I asked again, remaining with my King.

  “We need to destroy The Lady and I need to replace Albion, she is too tired to help him. If he can be helped,” she murmured after a pause.

  “I can’t do that without Galahad.” I was so tired of hearing those words, ‘Destroy The Lady’, so very tired. The fear and confusion made my heart clench with pain.

  Rhea’s hand gripped mine once more. “Yes, you can and you must. I will bring him to you when the time is right.”

  I felt the blood drain from my face. “I can’t stand against The Lady alone.”

  “You won’t be alone. Morgan of the Fey will be with you, she is every bit as powerful as her brother.”

  I finally sat on the warm tiles before I collapsed. “So they want me to marry Morgan and you want me to take her to war?”


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