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Unrivaled Medicine God c1-2204

Page 74

by Feng Yise

  Ye Yuan felt touched in his heart. His bad impression towards Feng Zhirou in the past also pretty much dissipated.

  "Hur hur, so Senior Apprentice Sister thought I fell down. Senior Apprentice Sister look down on me too much."

  "T-That's not my intention. It's just . . . It's just . . ."

  "En, why didn't Senior Apprentice Sister think about it? My Master is so amazing, how could it be possible to not leave behind some impressive movement techniques for me? When I was battling with Lin Tiancheng, I could already sense that Instant Flash was lacking. After breaking through to the Ninth Level Essence Qi Realm, my essence energy is barely enough to cultivate Tier 2 martial arts already. I naturally have to supplement this weak point," Ye Yuan explained.

  Feng Zhirou was suddenly enlightened. "So, that's the case! I've never seen you use other movement techniques before, hence . . ."

  "En, I understand. Thanks, Senior Apprentice Sister!"

  This thanks came sincerely from Ye Yuan.

  Although Feng Zhirou's blunder gave Ye Yuan quite a bit of trouble and even nearly cost him his life, it arose from concern towards him.

  In reality, the new movement technique Ye Yuan cultivated was not a Tier 2 movement martial technique. Ye Yuan really did not possess such a low-grade movement martial technique.

  However, his essence energy was barely enough to reach the level to cultivate Tier 2 martial techniques. Ye Yuan naturally had to compensate for his lacking movement technique.

  The name of the movement technique he cultivated was called Spirit Void Shattering Space. This movement technique did not have a specific tier, because it could be cultivated continuously in later realms.

  At the Spirit Condensation Realm, one could cultivate the first level of the Spirit Void Shattering Space. The thickness of Ye Yuan's essence energy was already not beneath half-step Spirit Condensation Realm, although barely enough to reach this threshold.

  Although the skill that Ye Yuan selected so prudently was only at the first level, its might was extremely formidable.

  Even though it was just Entry stage, it was no problem for Ye Yuan to keep up with Feng Zhirou.

  As a matter of fact, Ye Yuan had been maintaining the same pace as Feng Zhirou just now; not too fast nor too slow. Hence, Feng Zhirou could not detect his presence.

  Except, Ye Yuan did not expect Feng Zhirou to actually misunderstand because of this and nearly slipped up and fell down the cliff.

  . . . . . .

  The pair avoided that cave from far away and searched for traces of the Crimson Soul Grass from top to bottom.

  Due to the fact that the range of sight was very limited at night, the pair searched very meticulously. But after searching for a long time, they still did not find a trace of the Crimson Soul Grass.

  The two spent close to two hours and virtually searched through the entire hill, but they still did not find the Crimson Soul Grass.

  "Ye Yuan, do you think the Crimson Soul Grass is . . ." Feng Zhirou transmitted her voice as she looked towards that cave.

  Presently, only the area where the cave was located had not been searched. If this hilltop had Crimson Soul Grasses, it could only be there.

  And currently, dawn was about to break. If they still could not find the Crimson Soul Grass, the two would be in danger.

  Ye Yuan sighed and said, "80% chance it's in that region. Looks like we still have to go over there eventually! Wait for me here, Senior Apprentice Sister. I'll be back soon."

  How could Feng Zhirou comply? She stubbornly said, "No way! If you want to go, we'll go together! I promised aunty to protect you. How can I let you take the risk alone?"

  Ye Yuan could not persuade her, so he could only say, "Fine then. But once there's any situation, immediately run!"

  Feng Zhirou nodded and slowly combed their way over to the cave's vicinity.

  As the pair gradually got closer to the cave, they felt a powerful aura undulating from inside the cave.

  "Quickly look, Ye Yuan! Isn't that the Crimson Soul Grass?" Feng Zhirou suddenly discovered something and hurriedly pulled Ye Yuan as she transmitted.

  Ye Yuan looked over to where Feng Zhirou was pointing at, and as expected, he saw several stalks of crimson-colored, serrated edged tiny grass. If that was not Crimson Soul Grass, that what was?

  After going through many hardsh.i.p.s and finding the Crimson Soul Grass, even Ye Yuan with his Heart Like Still Water was quite excited right now.

  Even though he prepared so many items painstakingly for the Crimson Summit Ridge, he also undertook extremely huge risk.

  No matter how powerful Ye Yuan was, he was merely but an Essence Qi Realm martial artist. There was naturally no need to mention the risks he braved when facing pairs of Tier 2 demonic beasts and even Tier 3 demonic beasts.

  Ye Yuan s.u.c.k.e.d in a deep breath and said to Feng Zhirou, "I'll go and retrieved those stalks of Crimson Soul Grass. After I'm done, we'll leave this place at maximum speed!"

  Finishing, Ye Yuan fully executed his first level Spirit Void Shattering Space, turning into an afterimage flickering towards the Crimson Soul Grass.

  "Howl! Howl!"

  Just then, several ape cries sounded. Ye Yuan's and Feng Zhirou's complexion changed drastically at the same time!

  Chapter 136 - Enigmatic Man!

  Following several ape howls, a feeling of extreme danger surged up in Ye Yuan's heart!

  This feeling of danger made Ye Yuan's scalp tingled.

  He knew that if he were to take another step forward, he would definitely invoke a calamity!

  The next instant, Ye Yuan explosively retreated even faster than when he came!

  "Go, Senior Apprentice Sister!"

  Ye Yuan chose to retreat without any hesitation. That was a Tier 3 demonic beast. It could eradicate the two of them with just a single strike.

  Feng Zhirou evidently also sensed that something was not right. Without waiting for Ye Yuan's warning, she displayed her Spirit Swallow Dance and rushed down the mountain with astonishing speed.

  Feng Zhirou and Ye Yuan, one in front and the other behind, sprinted down the mountain frenziedly. Nevertheless, this process only lasted several breaths of time before the two figures stopped abruptly.

  "Careful, Senior Apprentice Sister!" Ye Yuan yelled out anxiously.

  Virtually the same instant Ye Yuan yelled, a white figure taller than a person shot out from diagonally, and actually reached first even though it moved later, and caught up to Feng Zhirou in a flash!

  Facing this aura which was powerful to the extreme, Feng Zhirou's complexion turned pale. How could she be bothered to resist? She instantly retreated explosively.

  However, when compared to that white figure, Feng Zhirou's speed was too slow!

  In a blur, Feng Zhirou saw a colossal ape paw slapping down towards herself!


  Panicking, Feng Zhirou raised her hand to randomly strike with her sword and then shut her eyes in fright.

  This Tier 3 demonic beast was too strong. It was simply not what she could stand up to.

  It's over! This was Feng Zhirou's final thought.


  Nine streaks of sword beams brushed past Feng Zhirou and attacked from the sides. They converged from different locations and attacked the lower abdomen of that Long-arm Stone Ape!

  Ye Yuan unleased the Nine Swords Stance straight away!

  It was different from the previous time's disorderly attack. This time, the nine streaks of sword beams finally converged together. Ye Yuan's control over the sword beams once again advanced to another level!

  This was also Ye Yuan's supernormal performance in a moment of desperation. If he really unleashed the sword another time, he might not be able to do it.

  The nine afterimages of the Nine Swords Stance were not phantoms, but corporeal bodies!

  This first stance of the Azure Dipper Floating Zero Sword Art was Ye Yuan gathering the forces of the two types of sword intent and evolve
d further from the Falling Flower Floating Zero Sword's extreme speed movements!

  Every single attack was released personally by him!

  Except, that instantaneous speed was too swift, so it looked as if it was released from nine different locations.

  Nine swords merged into one. The attack power would naturally be incomparably formidable! But, this should be insufficient to injure the Tier 3 Ape King.

  However, that Ape King actually chose to evade the sword beams!

  With a swoosh, after the nine streaks of sword beams merged, it followed the original path it flew over from and vanished by fading into the world.

  It took time to describe, but all of these actually just happened in a flash.

  From Ye Yuan's explosive retreat to the duo's frenzied flight, and to the Ape King attacking Feng Zhirou, and then to Ye Yuan rescuing Feng Zhirou by besieging the Ape King, it was all but a few short breaths of time.

  At this time, that Ape King stood several dozen feet away from Feng Zhirou. Ye Yuan similarly stood several dozen feet away from Feng Zhirou, while Feng Zhirou had her eyes shut waiting for the Ape King's paw to strike down.

  The two humans and one beast actually entered a stalemate!

  "W-what happened? Y-Ye Yuan, did you save me?" Feng Zhirou recovered from her surprise and stared at Ye Yuan as she asked hesitantly.

  Ye Yuan did not bother with her and kept staring at the Ape King in the distance.

  Tier 3 Ape King was too terrifying. It could virtually instant-kill the two of them. Just now, Ye Yuan could save Feng Zhirou because of special conditions which allowed him to complete an impossible task.

  The Ape King felt that Feng Zhirou's strength was slightly stronger and had more threat, so it chose to do a surprise attack on her right away.

  And Ye Yuan happened to be some distance away from Feng Zhirou. The Ape King could not possibly attack the two of them at the same time, which gave Ye Yuan the opportunity to launch an attack unhurriedly.

  The reason why the Ape King chose to keep a distance was because the place Ye Yuan attacked was precisely the weak point of the Long-arm Stone Apes! Ye Yuan's attack this time was accurate to the extreme.

  If the Ape King forcefully took this stance head-on, it would probably already be heavily injured right now.

  Otherwise, with Ye Yuan's cultivation, no matter how strong the attack was, it would be impossible to cause major injuries to the Ape King.

  But in reality, if the Ape King attacked at the risk of getting injured, Feng Zhirou would already be an ice-cold corpse now.

  As for why Ye Yuan's surprise attack worked, it was because the Ape King overly underestimated the two of them. That led to it revealing its weak point.

  If the Ape King attacked once more, Ye Yuan and Feng Zhirou would die without question!

  Hence, Ye Yuan did not dare to let down his guard this whole time and firmly locked his attention onto the Ape King.

  That Ape King clearly also did not think that a puny little Essence Qi Realm martial artist would actually be even more threatening than that Fourth Level Spirit Condensation Realm woman!

  After one attack, the Ape King spontaneously sized up Ye Yuan.

  The ape stared at Ye Yuan without showing any signs of its emotion.

  Seeing Ye Yuan ignore her, Feng Zhirou also did not dare to act rashly at this time. She was stuck between the two of them feeling completely awkward.

  However, no matter how foolish she was, she also knew that her life was picked up just now. No matter how she thought, she never imagined that Ye Yuan, an Essence Qi Realm martial artist, could actually threaten the Crystal Formation Realm Ape King!

  This was too inconceivable!

  Just now, she was somewhat fl.u.s.tered and did not form an effective attack. But even if she gave it her all, the result would still be being smacked to death from a single slap by the Ape King.

  She was all too clear on this point!

  In that instant, the might of the Ape King had smothered her!

  But Ye Yuan could actually save her from under the Ape King's hands!

  Just several breaths of time but Feng Zhirou felt like as long as several years had passed.

  Her forehead exuded fine sweat beads. Each breath from the Ape King made her feel deeply uneasy.

  Feng Zhirou looked at Ye Yuan's appearance as if he was facing a formidable enemy and understood that the scenario earlier was probably very unlikely to reenact.

  But what should she do?

  Just as Feng Zhirou was lost in her imaginations, the Ape King made a move once again!

  But Ye Yuan did not move!

  Just as the Ape King moved, a series of gibberish sounds came out of Ye Yuan's mouth. Feng Zhirou completely could not understand what he was talking about.

  What was Ye Yuan doing? Could it be that he wanted to communicate with the Ape King? But how could the Ape King understand Ye Yuan's words?

  As the State of Qin's princess, Feng Zhirou could be counted as being experienced and knowledgeable. However, she had never heard of humans being able to communicate with demonic beasts!

  There were too many species of demonic beasts, so many that it was uncountable. The language used by each species of demonic beasts was not the same. How could humans grasp it?

  However, at this important juncture of life and death, would Ye Yuan do this sort of futile actions?

  Feng Zhirouo's eyes involuntarily turned to the Ape King and could not help widening her eyes.

  The Ape King who was already prepared to unleash its attack really stopped its actions!

  This . . . was simply too miraculous!

  A human could actually communicate with demonic beasts!

  Feng Zhirou discovered that the more she interacted with Ye Yuan, the more she felt that there were increasingly more mysteries to Ye Yuan.

  Was Ye Yuan who was just 15 years old really taught by that so-called master of his?

  Such an enigmatic man!

  Chapter 137 - Demon Crystal Pill!

  Seeing the Ape King cease its movement, Ye Yuan also let out a huge sigh of relief. His entire body was feeling like collapsing.

  Although he had forcefully pretended to be composed the whole time, the pressure from the aura of a Tier 3 demonic beast was no joke.

  This Ape King was not those sort of half-baked half-step Crystal Formation Realm like Su Yubai, but a genuine Tier 3 demonic beast! An existence equivalent to a human Crystal Formation Realm!

  No matter how monstrous Ye Yuan was, it was impossible to cross two major realms and defeat his opponent.

  It was already very heaven-defying for an Essence Qi Realm martial artist's attack to be able to threaten a Tier 3 demonic beast.

  His gibberish just now was already Ye Yuan's final trump card. If even this trump card had no effect, then he would really die here.

  But luckily, those words from Ye Yuan was not playing the lute to an ape. This Ape King really understood!

  What Ye Yuan said was the universal beast language. It was the demon race's universal language collectively set by the Divine Realm demon race powerhouses countless years ago. The goal was to allow communication among the demon race.

  There were countless races in the demon race. None of the individual races could be on par with the human race.

  To allow the demon race to be able to ally together to resist the human race, the demon race powerhouses in ancient times collectively set down a series of measures. And this universal beast language was one of them!

  After countless generations passed, the universal beast language already became the inherited memories of each race, passing down from generation to generation.

  If this Ape King did not awaken its inherited memories, then Ye Yuan would really be playing the lute to an ape!

  The stone ape clan had once birthed an extremely heaven-defying existence, Equals Heaven Saint Ape. That was a Deity Realm expert!

  Even though it was passed down through the generations, the En
dless World's stone ape bloodline had already become very thin. But awakening a portion of inherited memories was still doable.

  It would be very tough for ordinary Ape Soldiers and Ape Generals to awaken their inherited memories, but there was still the likelihood of this Ape King awakening them.

  What Ye Yuan said earlier was, "Senior Ape King, wait a moment!"

  The Ape King was clearly very surprised. A human actually knew the universal beast language.

  The Ape King discovered that this human youth seemed to be extraordinary. Not only was he extremely strong, he even knew the universal beast language!

  Even he himself only learned the universal beast language after awakening his inherited memories.

  The Ape King also started using the universal beast language to communicate with Ye Yuan. "Brat, the two of you trespassed my territory and stole the Crimson Soul Grass. How do you plan to plead?!"

  Since this Ape King was willing to talk, Ye Yuan was not too worried.

  He gave a bow towards the Ape King and said, "Please forgive me, Senior Ape King. This junior came to seek out the Crimson Soul Grass because I really have no other alternatives. This junior has a close friend who possesses the Nine Yin Absolute Meridians. Now, seeing as the frost poison is about to erupt, she desperately needs the Crimson Soul Grass to save her life. I hope that Senior Ape King can be generous!"

  "What has it got to do with me if your friend is in trouble? I also have great use for these Crimson Soul Grass. How can I give it to you so easily? Ignoring this point, just the fact that you barged into my territory, you can forget about leaving today!"

  The Ape King was not some living bodhisattva. It obviously could not be bothered with a stranger's life or death.

  If not for the fact it found Ye Yuan rather interesting, it would have long smacked him to death with one palm. Why would it talk so much crap with him?

  After the Ape King finishing talking, it howled a few times. Immediately, a bunch of Long-arm Stone Apes surrounded them. They were shockingly all late-stage Tier 2 demonic beasts!

  Feng Zhirou was alarmed after seeing the situation and hurriedly scooted over to Ye Yuan's side.

  Just an Ape King could already take their lives. What could they do with so many late-stage Tier 2 demonic beasts surrounding them?


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