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Unrivaled Medicine God c1-2204

Page 79

by Feng Yise

  Su Yishan was so terrified that his legs weakened. Ye Yuan's meaning was to kill him for sure.

  "Don't worry, I can swear a Heavenly Dao Oath to absolutely not spread the things I saw today!" Su Yishan then raised his hand and looked as if he was really about to swear a Heavenly Dao Oath.

  Ye Yuan waved his hand and said, "That isn't necessary, Su Yishan. I'll give you a chance; a chance to fight one-on-one! After you kill me, you can leave this place."

  Su Yishan was stunned and quickly returned to his wailing and said, "Y-Young Master Ye, Great Hero Ye, I really know that I was wrong. I shouldn't have opposed you. I shouldn't have brought people into the Endless Forest to come and kill you."

  Ye Yuan also did not expect Su Yishan to be so spineless. That normally haughty bearing was all gone. At this time, he was like a despicable person devoid of any sense of shame.

  Sometimes, people were like that. Without arriving at the final juncture of life and death, one could never see through a person's true character.

  People who normally appeared to be incomparably lofty would become shamelessly menial when facing death, while those who typically appeared to live a licentious life and had improper conduct would remain incomparably unperturbed in the face of death.

  There were numerous manners of life.

  It was very clear that Su Yishan belonged to the former.

  If Ye Yuan made the Long-arm Stone Apes attack, Su Yishan might still give a desperate struggle. But Ye Yuan surrounded him and did not kill him yet. Also, with the Chang Brothers' horrifying way of dying as the precedent, Su Yishan's mind collapsed entirely.

  Ye Yuan suddenly pulled a long face and said solemnly, "I have no time to joke with you! If you don't want this opportunity, I can kill you right now."

  The current Su Yishan was clearly someone who yielded to force but refused a soft approach. With Ye Yuan riling up, the words sunk into Su Yishan instead.

  "Bu-but . . ." Su Yishan stammered.

  "But I'm not a match for you, right?" Ye Yuan said with a smile.

  Su Yishan lowered his head. Clearly, he tacitly agreed. But at such a time, he did not dare to say these words out.

  "This Little Lord asks to fight one-on-one, it means one-on-one with you. You don't need to doubt this. However, the one-on-one I mentioned is not right now. There are also conditions for giving you this chance."

  Hearing Ye Yuan say that, Su Yishan's eyes lit up as he felt like he had grasped hold of his final life-saving straw.

  "What conditions? As long I can do it, I'll comply!"

  "Well, I feel that my cultivation is almost consolidated. After my cultivation realm consolidates, I can break through to the Spirit Condensation Realm. At that time, we'll have a deathmatch! But before then, in order to help me consolidate my cultivation realm, I'll have to trouble you to feed me moves," Ye Yuan said.

  "Spi-Spirit Condensation Realm? So quickly?" Su Yishan was stunned.

  Ye Yuan had just broken through to peak Ninth Level Essence Qi Realm not long ago. He was going to break through to the Spirit Condensation Realm now?

  Who among martial artists when breaking through a major realm was not filled with trepidation as if they were treading on thin ice?

  Back then when Su Yishan broke through to the Spirit Condensation Realm, he prepared for a full half year, all the way until he was very certain before he dared to take this step.

  And at that time, Su Yishan was already at half-step Spirit Condensation Realm.

  Ye Yuan was obviously still just peak Ninth Level Essence Qi Realm now. Could it be that he wanted to break through to the Spirit Condensation Realm directly?

  Wasn't this too exaggerated?

  In the State of Qin, breaking through to the Spirit Condensation Realm must go through the process of half-step Spirit Condensation Realm. This was something everyone knew. Never had anyone been foolish enough to directly breakthrough to the Spirit Condensation Realm.

  Not that it was impossible to breakthrough directly, but because the success rate of a direct breakthrough was too low. So low that nobody dared to attempt this step!

  The success rate of breaking through directly from Ninth Level Essence Qi Realm to Spirit Condensation Realm was so low that it was negligible!

  With such a low success rate, who would dare to try it rashly?

  Ye Yuan had not broken through to Ninth Level Essence Qi Realm for long. Now, he wanted to directly breakthrough to the Spirit Condensation Realm. Was this possible?

  "None of your business whether it's fast or not. Either way, you can forget about escaping if I don't break through to the Spirit Condensation Realm. Hence, you'd better pray for me to breakthrough earlier," Ye Yuan said coolly.

  "B-but if I win you, what if you go back on your words then?" Su Yishan was not a fool either and enquired about his doubts.

  "Hur hur, that will have to depend on my mood. Doesn't matter to me anyway. But you can't not take this gamble! Lose, you're a dead man. Win, you can go back and continue to be the Su Family's young master! This is your only chance. Up to you whether you want to or not," Ye Yuan said indifferently.

  "D-don't . . . I want this chance! Of course I want this chance!" Su Yishan hurriedly said.

  This was Su Yishan's sole lease on life. He would be a fool to give it up.

  Ye Yuan could completely make those demonic beasts destroy him right now, but he just had to find trouble for himself. How could Su Yishan give up this opportunity?

  Ye Yuan nodded and said, "Since that's the case, you have to remember, you can only defend and not attack! Fully be my human sandbag! At that time, I'll let Yuan Fei watch the battle by the side. If you have the slightest intention to attack, you'll die horribly!"

  Su Yishan had certainly thought of harming Ye Yuan when the latter was feeding moves, but now that Ye Yuan said that, he immediately tossed this idea out of his mind.

  You got to be joking. A Tier 3 demonic beast watching the fight by the side, if he revealed even a trace of killing intent, the other party would finish him off without hesitation.

  If Ye Yuan was an ordinary Ninth Level Spirit Condensation Realm, then forget about it. However, it was impossible for Su Yishan to kill in one strike with Ye Yuan's practical combat abilities.

  Hence, he better obediently became his human sandbag.

  . . . . . .

  "Are you joking, Ye Yuan? You're only at the peak Ninth Level Essence Qi Realm, not even at half-step Spirit Condensation Realm. How are you going to breakthrough to Spirit Condensation Realm? Ah! I know already! You must be messing with Su Yishan!" Nanfeng Zhirou was pleasantly surprised that she discovered something.

  However, Ye Yuan shook his head and said, "Breaking through to the Spirit Condensation Realm within a few days is a must. It has to happen even if it can't! If I don't break through, I can't even refine the Essence Yang Pill, and Lu-er can't be saved. Therefore, I have to break through to the Spirit Condensation Realm by hook or by crook."

  "But . . . you aren't even half-step Spirit Condensation Realm!"

  "What kind of crap is half-step Spirit Condensation Realm? Essence Qi Realm to Spirit Condensation Realm is meant to be done in one shot. You people separating it into half-step Spirit Condensation Realm and Spirit Condensation Realm are actually self-ruining your foundations, making Spirit Condensation Realm's foundation unstable!" Upon mentioning half-step Spirit Condensation Realm, Ye Yuan's face was filled with contempt.

  "But . . . everybody impacts the Spirit Condensation Realm from half-step Spirit Condensation Realm. Could everyone be wrong?" Nanfeng Zhirou refused to accept.

  Ye Yuan retorted with a question after hearing that, "Are those everyone you say more amazing than my master when added up? My master said it's good to break through directly. Do you think that he would harm me?"

  ". . ." Nanfeng Zhirou had nothing to refute with.

  Chapter 147 - Commencing Breakthrough!


  An Eighth Layer Wave from Ye Yuan was
easily warded off by Su Yishan.


  Another Absolute Yang Finger from Ye Yuan shot towards Su Yishan with abnormally fierce, incomparable force, but was defended by him again.

  However, Ye Yuan did not feel dispirited. In fact, he became more excited as he fought.

  He completely did not need to consider the problem of defense as he unleashed all the moves he knew over and over again.

  While the threat to Su Yishan was not great, the other party was very ragged looking.

  Ye Yuan's attack was not something which could be released by the average Ninth Level Essence Qi Realm. Even if he did not use his strongest trump card, the Nine Swords Stance, his attacks could cause substantial damage to Second Level Spirit Condensation Realm martial artists.

  If Su Yishan had not broken through to the Fourth Level Spirit Condensation Realm, just these moves could exhaust him to death.

  Furthermore, Ye Yuan was attacking all out wildly while Su Yishan could only endure being hit. Under the waxing and waning, Ye Yuan's attack became fiercer.

  Ye Yuan already continued the reckless attacks for two days.

  These two days, apart from eating, sleeping, and mediation, Ye Yuan spent the rest of the time training with Su Yishan.

  With such a free human sandbag, hitting it was very delightful and satisfactory.

  The more Ye Yuan hit, the more excited he got. The more he hit, the more he did not know fatigue. Sometimes, when he got excited, he could fight for several hours at a time.

  In contrast, Su Yishan was already on the verge of collapse being tormented by Ye Yuan.

  He simply could not understand how Ye Yuan had such incredible endurance when he was merely a Ninth Level Essence Qi Realm.

  With such a powerful attack, logically speaking, the expenditure of essence energy should be enormous. But Ye Yuan could fight for several hours at a time and did not need to consume Qi Returning Pills!

  Even if he was the one doing the frenzied attacks, he probably could not sustain for two hours!

  However, were Fourth Level Spirit Condensation Realm and Ninth Level Essence Qi Realm on the same level?

  Not that Su Yishan did not think of sneak attacking Ye Yuan, but Yuan Fei's aura remained indistinctly locked onto him this whole time, leaving him not daring to make any reckless moves at all.

  Su Yishan believed that as long as he retaliated once, what awaited him was definitely a lightning blow!

  He had already witnessed the terror of this Ape King. He was completely unable to last even a round with him.

  These two days, Yuan Fei had also been observing Ye Yuan's wanton attacks the whole time. At times, his gaze was shining. It was uncertain what he was thinking.

  Rather, it was Nanfeng Zhirou who had nothing to do these two days. But she also had a knot in her heart which was unresolved and was somewhat weighed down with worries.

  Ye Yuan had heard 'Nanfeng' this surname. Most likely, he already guessed her identity.

  'Nanfeng' was the imperial surname. Nobody was unaware of it in the State of Qin.

  Nanfeng Zhirou and her aunty were already considered very good friends with Ye Yuan. But they had always concealed their identity. No matter what, it was not very justifiable.

  These two days, Ye Yuan was consolidating his cultivation realm at full force, so he completely did not bother about this matter. Once he broke through his cultivation realm, would he dig into this matter? Would he drift away from her?

  Nanfeng Zhirou started to become somewhat anxious about her gains and losses.

  . . . . . .

  After another day passed, Ye Yuan continued to unleash his wanton attacks on Su Yishan as usual.

  Suddenly, Ye Yuan halted his attacks and sat down crossed-legged.

  Yuan Fei narrowed his eyes and seemed to have guessed something. His body moved, and he instantly appeared between Ye Yuan and Su Yishan, isolating the two.

  Su Yishan also seemed to have guessed something and knew that it was impossible for Yuan Fei to give him the opportunity to get close to Ye Yuan. Hence, he withdrew to the sides sensibly and meditated on his own.

  Ye Yuan wanted to breakthrough, and Su Yishan also needed to recuperate.

  Though he did not feel that Ye Yuan could directly breakthrough to the Spirit Condensation Realm, it was still best to prepare for everything!

  What kind of joke was this? Ninth Level Essence Qi Realm directly breaking through to the Spirit Condensation Realm. Even his old man did not dare to do that back then!

  Not only his father, Su Yulin, but also Lord Dean, Wan Donghai, Nanfeng Yi, these well-known Crystal Formation Realm experts, who among them was not a peerless talent back then?

  But not one of them dared to directly breakthrough to the Spirit Condensation Realm when they were at the Ninth Level Essence Qi Realm!

  What kind of joke was this?

  Transitioning from half-step Spirit Condensation Realm was the method to impact the Spirit Condensation Realm fumbled out by countless ancestors. Does Ye Yuan wish to challenge countless ancestors with his own strength?

  Even a genius like Su Yishan prepared for a full half years' time.

  Back then when Nanfeng Zhirou broke through to the Spirit Condensation Realm, the amount of time she prepared for was a little lesser than Su Yishan, but there was still four to five months' time.

  However, Ye Yuan did not make any preparations at all. He only used a few days to consolidate his cultivation realm and then directly initiated breakthrough.

  If he succeeded, then what did they, these so-called geniuses, even count as?

  Nanfeng Zhirou saw that Ye Yuan was preparing to breakthrough and also became nervous immediately.

  Even though Ye Yuan said it like he was very confident, this sort of matter like challenging the limits known to martial artists still made Nanfeng Zhirou feel quite worried.

  A major realm could not be broken through as and when one liked. Facing the breakthrough to Spirit Condensation Realm, nobody dared to be negligent in the least bit.

  Because if the assault failed, they would suffer varying degrees of injuries, possibly even facing the risk of a drop in cultivation!

  Although it could be cultivated back once more, the difficulty when impacting the bottleneck next time would increase tremendously!

  This was also why all martial artists would be extremely prudent when breaking through to the Spirit Condensation Realm.

  "You must succeed, Ye Yuan!" Nanfeng Zhirou silently cheered.

  She knew that if Ye Yuan could not break through, Lu-er would die for sure.

  Once Lu-er dies, the blow to Ye Yuan would definitely be huge!

  This was something which Nanfeng Zhirou did not wish to see.

  Ye Yuan just sat cross-legged like that for an hour, the aura on his body gradually stabilizing.

  His eyes suddenly snapped open. Retrieving a Spirit Surge Pill from his storage ring to consume, he said to Yuan Fei, "Yuan Fei, help to guard me. I'm going to begin the breakthrough. Eye Su Yishan properly and don't let him escape."

  "Be at ease and breakthrough, Young Master. There's Yuan Fei here for everything," Yuan Fei answered.

  Ye Yuan nodded and shut his eyes again.

  Not far away, Su Yishan witnessed this scene and was secretly alarmed in his heart.

  Ye Yuan could actually really communicate with this demonic beast!

  No wonder he could subdue this Tier 3 demonic beast!

  There was really innumerable secrets on Ye Yuan's body!

  Ye Yuan adjusted his condition and consumed the Spirit Surge Pill, and he officially commenced the attempt to break through into the Spirit Condensation Realm!

  While the onlookers felt that Ye Yuan impacting the Spirit Condensation Realm was filled with incomparable danger, to the party involved, Ye Yuan, it was not really a very amazing thing.

  His understanding towards heaven and earth essence energy surpassed any so-called expert in the State of Qin considerably.

  Those Crystal Formation Realm experts' understanding towards heaven and earth essence energy was not even fit to carry shoes for Ye Yuan.

  To them, the Spirit Condensation Realm was a massive ridge. To Ye Yuan, the Spirit Condensation Realm was merely a small threshold; that's all.

  The Spirit Surge Pill entering his abdomen was just like tossing a small pebble onto the surface of a peaceful lake; breaking the original equilibrium state of essence energy within Ye Yuan's body.

  Practically instantaneously, the essence energy within Ye Yuan's Dantian seethed!

  Woo! Woo!

  A whirlwind started to howl underneath Ye Yuan. This whirlwind continuously enlarged, expanding more, whipping up fallen leaves.

  The essence energy tempest! Commenced!

  Chapter 148 - Nine Drops of Spirit Liquid!

  A vortex formed from the essence energy tempest brought forth a violent tornado, and this storm grew increasingly larger!

  The Endless Forest was originally a land rich with essence energy. Ye Yuan recklessly absorbed all the essence energy converging without any care, flowing into his dantian.

  "En? What's going on? This essence energy storm is not right!" Su Yishan exclaimed in shock.

  Back then, the essence energy storm he caused when he himself broke through to the Spirit Condensation Realm was simply a small apprentice in the presence of a great sorcerer when compared to Ye Yuan.

  Ye Yuan's essence energy tempest gave him the feeling like it was a great flood or savage beast, incomparably violent.

  With such violent and turbulent essence energy gushing into the dantian ceaselessly, would it not burst the dantian?

  "Hehe, burst it! Burst it! Let's see how you posture after it bursts!" Su Yishan was chuckling inwardly over his misfortune.

  But just as he was taking p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e in the misfortune of others, his collar was suddenly grabbed from behind, lifting him up like carrying a baby chick.

  Yuan Fei carried Su Yishan and speedily headed for the distance. Nanfeng Zhirou followed behind them.

  The essence energy tempest formed from Ye Yuan's breakthrough grew larger and larger, almost about to spread over here. Hence, Yuan Fei decisively brought everyone to retreat a certain distance away.


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