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Unrivaled Medicine God c1-2204

Page 165

by Feng Yise

  This included Wu Zhao himself!

  All of the attacks interlocked, simply without any weak point to talk about. Those who did not know this array formation only had the outcome of being slowly ground to death by the sword puppets!

  Wu Zhao had already thoroughly crumbled. He originally thought that he could knead the Tranquil Cloud Sect as he pleased since he could unleash all of his strength.

  But who would thought that he did not succeed in kneading a single one from the Tranquil Cloud Sect, but now, was being kneaded to an inch of his life by Ye Yuan!

  Another disciple fell in front of Wu Zhao. Wu Zhao could not bear it any longer.

  "Ye Yuan, stop!" Wu Zhao yelled out.

  Ye Yuan sneered coldly and said, "You say fight, and we fight; you say stop, and I have to stop? How can something so good be true?"

  Wu Zhao completely had no temper as he hurriedly said, "Martial Nephew Ye, I, Wu Zhao, admits my fault to you, alright? As long as you're willing to stop, any condition can be arranged!"

  "You're the one who said it!" Ye Yuan said.

  Seeing that Ye Yuan had signs of easing up, Wu Zhao hastily said, "I said it, I said it! Quickly stop, quickly stop!"

  Ye Yuan's divine sense stirred and the 18 sword puppets kept their sword potential and withdrew back to Ye Yuan's side respectively.

  He was not worried about Wu Zhao going back on his words. If he reneged, then even if Wu Zhao could escape, the Heavenly Sky Sect disciples could not run!

  When the sword puppets retreated, those Heavenly Sky Sect disciples' pressure immediately vanished, making them feel like collapsing!

  These remaining disciples were all elites among elites. Their strength among Crystal Formation Realms were very formidable.

  But facing the sword puppets, they did not even have the leeway to retaliate.

  Looking at their bodies again, the vast majority of them had injuries. Some people's clothes were already shredded into ribbons, looking just like a beggar.

  There was no Tier 9 formation master like Ye Yuan among these people. When they faced the Lesser Nine Revolutions Interlocking Formation, they could only deal with it passively.

  Previously, if not for Ye Yuan, the Tranquil Cloud Sect disciples' outcome would unequivocally be even more tragic than the current Heavenly Sky Sect!

  Wu Zhao's expression was very ugly. His gaze when looking towards Ye Yuan actually carried a trace of fear.

  A puny Spirit Condensation Realm martial artist actually took on the entire Heavenly Sky Sect with his own strength!

  Breathing in deeply, Wu Zhao went forward and said, "Ye Yuan, state your terms!"

  Chapter 326 - Massive Hemorrhage!

  Inside the void, two stunningly beautiful figures stood there. They were precisely Li-er and Yan-er, master and servant.

  "Miss, you couldn't resist making a move in the end," Yan-er said with a half-hearted smile.

  "That was a Sea Transformation Realm martial artist after all. Or perhaps I did something unnecessary," Li-er replied coolly.

  "What? You mean that . . . under that kind of situation, Mister Ye still has leeway to resist? How is that possible?" Yan-er said in surprise.

  "When I made my move earlier, I clearly felt Mister Ye's breathing fluctuate. Although it was only that split second, I sense that Mister Ye he seemed to have detected me making a move, that's why he didn't react at all."

  Yan-er's pretty eyes narrowed slightly. She clearly also felt that it was relatively far-fetched.

  "Hehe, this is really getting more and more fascinating. Even I'm also very interested in this Mister Ye now. Also, he can actually comprehend the array formation that the Grand Yan Divine King left behind. Truly an unrivaled prodigy!" Yan-er giggled.

  Li-er also smiled sweetly and said, "Yeah. I really didn't expect that this Endless World was the land that the Grand Yan Divine King rose to power! En? Yan-er, what are you looking at?"

  Yan-er's gaze pierced through the void and landed on Ye Yuan. She muttered, "Miss, do you feel that Mister Ye is very similar to that person?"

  Li-er's heart jolted, her gaze also involuntarily landed on Ye Yuan's body.

  It was fine if Yan-er did not mention it, but when she said it, she really had such a feeling.

  After a brief moment, Li-er smiled bitterly and said, "That person is already gone. How can he possibly be him?"

  "Aiya, my missus! You already said that that person is already gone. Why does it matter if he isn't him? If we can get to the bottom of this Ye Yuan's unknown background, I feel that he is a perfect match for you! Although he is only at the Spirit Condensation Realm now, he'll definitely be a figure who will cause a stir in the Divine Realm in the future!" Yan-er said with a titter.

  Li-er's gorgeous face was flushed red from what Yan-er said as she said annoyedly, "You're not allowed to talk any more nonsense! Watch if you I don't tear apart that mouth of yours!"

  . . . . . .

  In the great hall, everybody stared at Ye Yuan, very curious about what kind of conditions he would raise.

  To the other six sects, this sort of opportunity to watch the fun was probably the first and last time.

  The Heavenly Sky Sect had always been tyrannical in the Southern Domain. It had always been them extorting the other sects.

  But today, the Tranquil Cloud Sect which ranked at the bottom actually thoroughly beat the Heavenly Sky Sect until they were convinced!

  "What conditions you have, just state them! But I warn you, don't go too overboard! I'm only a Heavenly Sky Sect elder. I can't decide anything for the sect!" Wu Zhao said with a solemn face.

  "Rest assured, I'm not foolish to that extent. My demand isn't high either. Each person, 20 high-grade essence crystals according to the number of people. Additionally, I want three stalks of Tier 4 medicinal herbs, 30 stalks of Quasi-Tier 4 medicinal herbs. Don't tell me that you don't have it," Ye Yuan listed his terms in one breath.

  "What? You really dare to demand that?!" Wu Zhao nearly leaped up.

  It was no wonder that Wu Zhao's reaction was so big. Ye Yuan's conditions did not sound like a lot, but actually, it was demanding an exorbitant price.

  Among the Southern Domain's Eight Great Sects, what was in circulation was primarily low-grade essence crystals.

  One piece of high-grade essence crystal was equivalent to 100 pieces of middle-grade essence crystals, while one piece of middle-grade essence crystal was equal to 100 low-grade essence crystals.

  The problem was that there were many low-grade essence crystals, but middle-grade essence crystals were much scarcer.

  As for high-grade essence crystals, there was basically demand for it but no market!

  There were still a total of ten people left in the Heavenly Sky Sect. That was also to say that they needed to pass Ye Yuan 200 pieces of high-grade essence crystals!

  This amount was plenty to purchase a 16 restrictions spirit artifact!

  One had to know that a sect hall head like Xiao Jian was merely using an 8 restrictions spirit artifact.

  For 16 restrictions and 32 restrictions spirit artifact, normally, only the sect's sect master or grand elder level individuals had the qualifications to use them.

  But Ye Yuan said apathetically, "If you don't have it, let's carry on fighting all the way until we determine the victor!"

  Wu Zhao was immediately mum when he heard this. He said with a solemn face, "I'm only an elder, so how would I have so many high-grade essence crystals on me? As for them . . . even less likely!"

  Ye Yuan grinned and said, "Doesn't matter, just take out whatever you have. Using middle-grade essence crystals and low-grade essence crystals to write off the remainder also works. But if you're making up for it, the quantity needs to be 20% more than normal."

  Calculating it this way, if using middle-grade essence crystals to make up for it, they would need 120 pieces; equivalent to buy five get one free.

  Ye Yuan obviously knew the scarcity of high-grade essence crystals. It was
impossible for Wu Zhao to take them out.

  But as the number one great sect in the Southern Domain, the Heavenly Sky Sect was also the Southern Domain's number one wealthiest sect. Their disciples were all o.b.s.c.e.n.ely rich.

  The quantity of 200 pieces of high-grade essence crystals, it shouldn't be far off by scraping it together.

  Hearing Ye Yuan say so, Wu Zhao's expression eased up quite a bit. But he still grimaced in pain and said, "Then you wait a while. I have to go back and ask them if they can scr.a.p.e together that amount or not."

  Wu Zhao was just about to turn around and leave but was halted by Ye Yuan. "Hang on! I said each person 20 pieces just now. It refers to each and every one of you who entered the main hall, including them."

  Ye Yuan's finger pointed to those few Heavenly Sky Sect disciples' corpses lying on the ground.

  Wu Zhao's expression which had just taken a turn for the better became as black as the bottom of a pot again. He bellowed, "Ye Yuan! Don't go too far!"

  Ye Yuan smirked and said, "I just stated my terms and conditions. You can choose not to accept. Furthermore . . . compared to their lives, I don't feel that my terms are in anyway overboard."

  The conditions that Ye Yuan raised were naturally not spoken at random.

  He had long calculated that these terms would make Wu Zhao uncomfortable, but also able to tolerate the pain.

  In the Tranquil Cloud Sect, the elite disciples and personal disciples would get five pieces of middle-grade essence crystals and 1000 pieces of low-grade essence crystals every month as an offering.

  But in reality, for pinnacle disciples like Ti Wujiu and Mo Yuntian, the amount of middle-grade essence crystals they had acc.u.mulated was still rather substantial.

  There was no other way. To a small sect like the Tranquil Cloud Sect, they could only focus resources on a small number of extremely talented disciples.

  But when Luo Qingfeng introduced the Heavenly Sky Sect to Ye Yuan, he mentioned the disparity between both sides' strength. Among it included the part about resource allocation.

  For disciples at the same level, the treatment for Heavenly Sky Sect disciples was ten times of the Tranquil Cloud Sect!

  That was also to say that the Heavenly Sky Sect's elite disciples could get 50 pieces of middle-grade essence crystals and 10 thousand low-grade essence crystals every month!

  20 pieces of high-grade essence crystals each. Computing it, that was also 2400 pieces of middle-grade essence crystals per person.

  This figure, Wu Zhao and the rest could take it out, but it would absolutely slice off a very huge chunk of their flesh! Even if they still have some essence crystals left on them, it would also surely be rock-bottom.

  Adding in three stalks of Tier 4 medicinal herbs and 30 stalks of Quasi-Tier 4 medicinal herbs, the Heavenly Sky Sect would absolutely hemorrhage massively.

  Indeed, after some time, Wu Zhao brought back that face of his that was sullen enough that it was about to drop water and came in front of Ye Yuan once again.

  Wu Zhao casually threw a storage ring to Ye Yuan and said in an unkind tone, "This is the essence crystals and medicinal herbs you wanted! Such a large appetite, I hope that you don't stuff yourself to death!"

  Ye Yuan smiled leisurely and said, "My appetite is perfectly fine. No need for Elder Wu to worry about it."

  Chapter 327 - Relying on One's Own Ability

  Ye Yuan sunk his divine sense into that storage ring and checked over the number of essence crystals and medicinal herbs inside.

  "Only the three of us elders have high-grade essence crystals. Tallying it up is merely around 30. The remainder has all been converted into middle-grade essence crystals and low-grade essence crystals. Not a piece is missing!" Wu Zhao said with a somber look when he saw Ye Yuan checking over the inventory.

  Ye Yuan's calculation abilities were very heaven-defying. He just briefly scanned and knew that what Wu Zhao said was not false.

  "The Heavenly Sky Sect is indeed loaded. Carrying so many essence crystals on a trip to a mystic realm. Hmm, looks like you're short of ten pieces of low-grade essence crystals, but forget about it. Everyone says that the wealthier one is, the more miserly. It's certainly true. Then. . . many thanks to Elder Wu for gifting these," Ye Yuan clasped his hands and said.

  Wu Zhao was stunned. He did not think that Ye Yuan just swept a glance over it and finished checking it. Furthermore, he actually even caught the missing ten pieces of low-grade essence crystals. One could see that Ye Yuan's tallying earlier was not done carelessly.

  The essence crystals that they gave the Tranquil Cloud Sect was pooling together all the low-grade essence crystals, only using middle-grade essence crystals to make up for it if it was insufficient.

  But the number of low-grade essence crystals was just nice missing ten pieces. Wu Zhao obviously did not wish to use a piece of middle-grade essence crystal to substitute it. Moreover, it was also not possible for Ye Yuan to check so attentively.

  Who knew that Ye Yuan just scanned once and caught it.

  This punk really had some capabilities!

  Since Ye Yuan already said forget about it, Wu Zhao obviously could not really haggle over ten pieces of low-grade essence crystals with him. He snorted coldly and said, "Since that's the case, can we discuss the issue regarding the distribution of treasures later?"

  On the surface, Ye Yuan did indeed thrash the Heavenly Sky Sect brutally just now.

  But in reality, both parties could only be considered evenly-matched in strength right now.

  If not for Ye Yuan being ruthless with his actions and reaped many Heavenly Sky Sect disciples' lives, Wu Zhao probably would not have agreed to Ye Yuan's terms either.

  The Heavenly Sky Sect had three Sea Transformation Realm powerhouses here!

  If he really forced their hand, Zhao Yuyang's combat strength was not for show either, even if he was not a pure martial artist.

  But the combat strength of formation masters when compared to alchemists was much greater.

  If both sides really refused to stop unless they achieved their aim, the Tranquil Cloud Sect might not gain any advantages. This was also the reason why Ye Yuan agreed to stop.

  Although the Lesser Nine Revolutions Interlocking Formation was powerful, when facing the peak Third Level Sea Transformation Realm Wu Zhao, it was at best the conclusion of both sides suffering heavy losses.

  Hence, this negotiation also embodied the argumentation of the main topic.

  But Ye Yuan said, "No rush. There's still one other thing not taken care of."

  Finished talking, Ye Yuan turned around and went in front of Yu Feng.

  The present Yu Feng was already like a dead dog.

  That move previously, Yu Feng did not hold back at all, but it struck himself in full force. Now, he was on his dying breath.

  When Ye Yuan recalled that ripple in the void earlier, he involuntarily frowned a little.

  Since the beginning, he had a feeling like he was being watched. But he completely could not detect the other party at all!

  This sort of feeling made him very uncomfortable.

  However, Ye Yuan also did not expect that that person hidden in the dark would actually make a move to help him!

  The method of making use of spatial laws to draw the other party's attack into the void was an exceedingly profound spatial concept. Its strength was definitely mighty beyond imagination!

  Why would such a character target him? Also, why would they help him?

  Ye Yuan could not figure it out no matter how he racked his brains. He had rebirthed for close to a year. The strongest person he met was merely Skymaple. When did he provoke such a formidable existence?

  But looking at it now, the other party did not seem to have any intention of being detrimental to himself. Otherwise, with his current pathetic bit of strength, he would not even be enough to fill the crevices between that person's teeth.

  Since that mysterious person would not harm him for the time be
ing, Ye Yuan did not think too much either. Anyway, thinking so much was also pointless.

  "Yu Feng, I originally have no grudge nor enmity with you, but your High Clarity Sect is bullying others too far. You reap what you sow. You only have yourself to blame for today; don't blame me for it. Go in peace. As for the other disciples, I won't do anything to them. As for whether or not they can walk out of this mystic realm, that will have to depend on their fortunes."

  Finished talking, Ye Yuan spat out essence energy. A palm landed on the top of Yu Feng's skull. He died straight away.

  Everyone's hearts quivered. An exalted Sea Transformation Realm powerhouse was killed by an Eighth Level Spirit Condensation Realm just like this.

  Although many Sea Transformation Realm experts already died inside this mystic realm, they were all struck to death by heavenly thunder.

  A Sea Transformation Realm powerhouse was killed in front of them. This sort of feeling that shook the soul was totally different.

  Sea Transformation Realm experts were the mid-level pillars in sects. Every one of them was very precious!

  And the might of Sea Transformation Realm was even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

  Sea Transformation Realm and Spirit Condensation Realm were two realms that simply could not be linked together. But now, a Spirit Condensation Realm killed a Sea Transformation Realm!

  Other than Ye Yuan, there was simply no one who detected Li-er making a move. The way others saw it, the one who used bizarre means to severely injure Yu Feng was precisely Ye Yuan!

  This also intensified their fear towards Ye Yuan.

  But when the High Clarity Sect disciples heard Ye Yuan's words, they could not help letting out a sigh of relief.

  They did not tag along with Wang Fan and Yu Feng previously to find trouble with Ye Yuan. If Ye Yuan settled the score with them, they could not get angry at all.

  Unknowingly, the only Spirit Condensation Realm martial artist present became the most terrifying existence!

  This was probably something that nobody thought of before entering the mystic realm.


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