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Unrivaled Medicine God c1-2204

Page 269

by Feng Yise

  Wait until his boundary became high; it was merely just piecing together the originally simple things.

  The refining methods which looked to be extremely unfathomable in other people's eyes was very simple in Ye Yuan's view.

  Ye Yuan did not bother with those people who left but continued to speak with fervor and confidence.

  Some people left, but some people reined in their impatience and stayed behind.

  And the expression on their faces also changed to become fervor from the initial disdain and finally became enthrallment.

  Chapter 544 - Master Ye

  High-rise buildings were raised from the ground up!

  For Ye Yuan to be able to reach Peak Alchemy Emperor Realm, it was absolutely not by chance.

  The sturdiness of his basic skills in alchemy could make everyone all perspire from embarrassment, let alone that the ones with the highest strength among these alchemists in front of him were Alchemy Sovereign?

  Ye Yuan's elucidation explained profound theories in simple terms, making those alchemists all have a feeling of suddenly becoming enlightened.

  Only after these alchemists listened to his words did they know that their path all the way over here was like a large funnel.

  Leaking as they walked.

  Reaching their boundary now, they already missed God knows how many things.

  Hearing Ye Yuan's sermon, they wished that they could immediately go back to study Tier 1 medicinal pills, systems, and learn once more!

  With Ye Yuan's realm, narrating these basic theories was enough to make these people glean considerable gains.

  In the beginning, it was still quite noisy inside the entire main hall.

  But later on, the entire main hall became perfectly silent. Only Ye Yuan's voice was reverberating.

  Those alchemists, including Cao Zheng who came with the mood of attending the event, all became devout believers at this time.

  The faces of these people would reveal a 'so that's how it is' look every now and then.

  "Alright. The sermon today will end here. Now is the time to raise questions. I can answer ten of your questions. Starting now then."

  Ye Yuan's indifferent voice sounded out. Only now, did the audience startle awake.

  Many people still had a look of recollecting the aftertaste. Evidently, they had not yet recovered from Ye Yuan's sermon earlier.

  Only at this time, did they abruptly wake up. The one giving them a sermon was merely a 17 year old youth!

  How monstrous was this youth? To actually have such profound understanding of Tier 1 medicinal pills?

  Compared to Ye Yuan's lecture earlier, the Herbal Compendium was simply like a child's play; too shallow!

  They all could not understand how a 17 year old youth's understanding of alchemy reached such a level.

  "Master Ye, I have a question to ask!"

  An Alchemy King was the first to react and was the first to raise his hand.

  And in his words, Ye Yuan already became 'Master Ye.'

  Seeing that Alchemy King raise his hand, everyone was lamenting with regret in their hearts that they missed such a precious opportunity to clarify their doubts.

  But they all secretly made up their minds to definitely be the first one to raise their hands next time!

  Ren Dong was already standing on the platform at this time, helping Ye Yuan to maintain order.

  He was listening to the lecture below the stage the entire time before this and also received considerable gains.

  These few days, he had been researching Tier 1 medicinal pills the entire time and had long trained the Greater Phaseless Art to the Legendary Realm under Ye Yuan's guidance.

  Ren Dong felt that his understanding towards Tier 1 medicinal pills was already quite okay.

  But after hearing Ye Yuan's talk today, he discovered that he seemed to have only touched the tip of the iceberg. Although these Tier 1 medicinal pills were simple, the things that he needed to studied in-depth were way too many.

  Standing on the platform at this time to help Ye Yuan maintain order and hearing these people call Master Ye one after the other, he had indescribable pride in his heart.

  This master of his was considered acknowledged correctly!

  Even though Ye Yuan was his cousin, the disparity between the two of them was too great.

  "It's you then! Ask away!" Ren Dong said.

  But when that Alchemy King heard Ren Dong's words, he became hesitant and actually did not open his mouth for a time.

  Ren Dong said unhappily, "Is there a question or not? If there isn't, switch to somebody else! Master's time is very precious! Where does he have the time to dawdle with you here?"

  Only then did the Alchemy King said hesitatingly, "Master Ye, my question concerns Tier 4 medicinal pills. I wonder . . ."

  Ye Yuan smiled faintly and said, "Doesn't matter. Ask away."

  This person was clearly afraid that he could not answer Tier 4 medicinal pills problems. Furthermore, the question asked was not too conforming with the contents of the sermon. Hence, he would appear hesitant.

  That Alchemy King was immediately overjoyed when he heard and said, "Master Ye, recently when I've been refining the Phoenix Flame Pill, I noticed a problem. When the Phoenix Cry Grass and Bamboo Filament Azure Yellow are together, they keep on being unable to fuse together perfectly. From there, it caused my pill refinement success rate and quality unable to improve. I tried countless ways but always failed to resolve this issue. Master Ye, please resolve my doubt."

  When this Alchemy King expert was raising his problem, he was like a student asking a teacher questions, very devoutly.

  But towards his attitude, nobody questioned it.

  Ye Yuan already used his broad and profound alchemy knowledge to subdue everyone.

  Among the people present, there were quite a few people who were among the group present when Ye Yuan challenged the Thousand Query Wall.

  Regarding whether or not Ye Yuan could answer an Alchemy King's question, they were not worried in the slightest.

  Very uncoincidentally, this Alchemy King was not present the previous time. Hence, he was still somewhat doubtful about Ye Yuan's ability.

  After all, even if a person researched more thoroughly into Tier 1 medicinal pills, it did not have the slightest thing to do with Tier 4 medicinal pills either.

  Ye Yuan said without any need to think, "The Phoenix Flame Grass and the Bamboo Filament Azure Yellow, their attributes clash. If you forcefully try to fuse them together, it naturally can't do so perfectly. Each time you were refining the Phoenix Flame Pill, was there a feeling of losing control of the fire, the medicinal pill about to jump out of your palm, around 15 minutes before forming the pill?"

  The Alchemy King's eyes lit up, and he nodded his head like a chicken pecking for rice as he quickly said, "Yes, yes, yes! It's like that! Master Ye is really like a deity, to actually even know when my problem occurs as if you've seen it with your own eyes! May I ask Master, why is this so? Is there any way to resolve?"

  Seeing this scene, everyone all revealed looks of admiration.

  Ye Yuan was able to guess when this Alchemy King's problem occurred when he was refining pills just based on his simple description. Moreover, even the timing was said so accurately. This was simply godly skill!

  Even Peak Alchemy Sovereign experts probably had no way of making such a judgment under the circ.u.mstance where they did not witness personally, right?

  Ye Yuan said indifferently, "Is there a type of medicinal herb in the Phoenix Flame Pill called the Wood Immortal Root? Presumably, when you were refining pills, you should have overlooked its existence, right?"

  The Alchemy King was stunned and said with a nod, "Master, please explain! Could it be that this Wood Immortal Root still has some special effect? I've also thought before in this direction, but after trying several times, I still can't resolve the issue. So I thought that this Wood Immortal Root completely had no use."

e Yuan said with a smile, "The forming of a pill formula is through repeatedly tempering. Each type of pill formula is the crystallization of the predecessors' wisdom. As long as the pill formula doesn't have mistakes, how can the medicinal herbs inside be useless? Refining the Phoenix Flame Pill, this Wood Immortal Root's effect is indeed not big. But to want to refine high quality Phoenix Flame Pill, this Wood Immortal Root's effect is indispensable . . ."

  Ye Yuan spoke with fervor and assurance, saying the refining method of this Wood Immortal Root detailedly once.

  That Alchemy King became more excited as he listened. Towards the end, he was simply about to jump up.

  When Ye Yuan finished talking, that Alchemy King bowed almost to the ground. He exclaimed, "Thankful for Master Ye's guidance! Yan Mu will remember firmly in my heart!"

  Ye Yuan nodded slightly and said, "Next one."

  "Master, I have questions."

  "Master Ye, I have questions too!"

  "Master, there's still me."


  ". . . . . ."

  Chapter 545 - Alchemy God's Reincarnation

  "You still have the time to drink alcohol here? Master Ye's lecture is about to start right away! If you still don't go, there won't be any seat anymore!"

  "Master Ye? Who's that?"

  That person looked at the other party with eyes like he was looking at an alien, with a face full of contempt.

  "You don't even know who Master Ye is? He's City Lord Manor's grandson, Ye Yuan, Master Ye! Master Ye's hosting a forum and giving lectures for five consecutive days at the Thousand Query Wall to answer any doubts. Once you pass this village, there won't be this temple anymore!"

  "Ah? It's that grandson of the City Lord, His Excellency, that just got recently acknowledged? Isn't he just a teenager? How can he host a forum and give lectures?"

  "I say, what have you been busy with these few days? Master Ye's lectures have already swept throughout the entire Wu Fang City! You actually don't know?! Master Ye is simply like the reincarnation of an Alchemy God! If one can get Master Ye's guidance, it beats 10 years of bitter cultivation! Now, even Alchemy Sovereign experts have started posing questions to Master Ye too!"

  "Hiss . . . A teenage youth guiding Alchemy Sovereigns? Oh my, heaven . . ."

  "Forget it, I can't be bothered with you. You continue to idle away here then. I'm going to the Exquisite Jade Pavilion!"

  As he said, that person left like a gust of wind.

  Today was already the fifth day, the last day, that Ye Yuan was hosting a forum and giving a lecture. During the previous four days, Ye Yuan's reputation already resounded throughout the entire Wu Fang City.

  Master Ye's name was practically already a household name in Wu Fang City.

  As long as one was an alchemist, regardless whether was it a little Alchemy Apprentice, Alchemy Master, or even a high and lofty Alchemy Sovereign expert, they all took pride in getting Master Ye's guidance.

  The Thousand Query Wall's main hall was already close to bursting. Every time it reached this time, the inside would be densely packed with practically full of people.

  Wu Fang City's Alchemy Path was extremely flourishing. The number of alchemists in the city was immense.

  Yet, these few days, every time it reached the time Ye Yuan was hosting a forum and giving a lecture, the streets inside the city were practically deserted.

  The originally extremely bustling markets actually had nobody patronizing anymore.

  After the first time, those alchemists who stayed behind to listen to the talk all became Ye Yuan's loyal followers one by one. They all started to propagate Master Ye's name without sparing any effort.

  On the second day, the headcount in Exquisite Jade Pavilion already soared. It was actually ten times of the previous day's.

  But among these people, the majority was still harboring half-skeptical attitudes to come and take a look.

  Ye Yuan carried on as before. What he talked about was all some very basic stuff.

  But after the second day, none among these alchemists doubted Ye Yuan's strength anymore.

  Just like this, spreading from person to person, by the time it was the third day, Ye Yuan hosting a forum and giving a lecture already swept throughout the entire Wu Fang City.

  Now, even those Alchemy Sovereign experts in the city came due to its fame as well.

  Among them included Wu Xuan, Cao Zheng, these people.

  Only until today did Cao Zheng know how brilliant this decision of presenting the Exquisite Jade Pavilion to the City Lord Manor was.

  With Ye Yuan around, the Thousand Query Wall was simply a joke!

  In these few days, there were many formidable people raising all manners of questions to Ye Yuan.

  Yet, regardless whether their strength was high or low, how crafty the questions asked was, Ye Yuan's answer was undeniably accurate and detailed, leaving no fault for people to pick out at all.

  This prowess simply exceeded the people's imaginations.

  Even Dan Chenzi and Ren Xingchun could not possibly do it to such an extent either.

  Most importantly was that when Ye Yuan answered these questions, it was practically blurted out without any effort as if it did not require any thinking process at all.

  In the views of these alchemists, this already reached a god-like realm.

  These alchemists simply did not know what the concept of an Alchemy God was. Just like this, the title of 'Alchemy God's reincarnation' was attached to Ye Yuan.

  Actually, to them, Ye Yuan was indeed a god-like existence.

  At least in alchemy, the level Ye Yuan surpassed them simply could not be measured using realms.

  Regarding unknown existences, people tend to be willing to throw 'god' this title on top.

  Ye Yuan's present situation was like so.

  "Alright. Everybody quiet down," Ye Yuan's voice spread out faintly.

  This instant, it was as if the entire world's sounds was voided. The great hall that could accommodate 100 thousand people suddenly became dead silent.

  Everyone held their breaths, fearful of missing out any word that Ye Yuan uttered.

  "What we're going to talk about today is . . ."

  Ye Yuan started today's lecture unhurriedly. In the entire main hall, only Ye Yuan's voice was echoing still.

  Originally, there were only several thousand people. Being able to maintain silence was very easy.

  But now, the number of people already broke through to 100 thousand people. To still be able to maintain this kind of status, it could be seen how great the attraction of Ye Yuan's lecture contents was to them!

  Same as the previous few days, Ye Yuan's talk was still just some of the most basic stuff.

  These contents, those alchemists themselves were already familiar until they could not be any more familiar. But Ye Yuan talked for five consecutive days, and they still listened with great gusto.

  The same kind of medicinal herbs, the same kind of refining methods, Ye Yuan's narration was entirely different from their understanding.

  Not only did it uttered out new meanings, it even showed them heights and depths in alchemy.

  There was no lack of alchemists present who were here from day one. After they went back, they refined medicinal pills according to Ye Yuan's method too.

  They discovered to their amazement that some of the very simple things Ye Yuan talked about, even when applied to refining high tier medicinal pills, was similarly applicable!

  The quality of the medicinal pills they refined had a considerable raise!

  This was also the reason why they held Ye Yuan in increasingly greater esteem.

  The contents Ye Yuan narrated today were a lot, talking all the way from morning till dusk, before it finally ended.

  "Alright. The lecture ends here. The Thousand Query Wall will be opened as usual from hereafter. If everyone has any question, you can come here to pose them," Ye Yuan said coolly.

  Only now, did everyone realize th
at the five days of lectures had already passed. Ye Yuan would not be giving lectures to everybody anymore.

  "Master Ye, can you please expound to us for another three days! No, even just one day is fine as well!"

  "Yeah, Master Ye! Listening to your talks these few days, I've gotten considerable gains. It simply beats closed-seclusion for ten years! I beseech you, just lecture for one more day!"

  "Master Ye, just talk some more!"

  . . . . . .

  Ren Dong was indignant at this time. He stepped forward and said in a clear voice, "You all stop kicking up a row! Master he has to cultivate too! How can he possibly spend the whole day on giving you all talks? You people make him add one more day today, are you still going to make him add another day tomorrow? Like this, when will it end?"

  Following Ye Yuan's status rising, Ren Dong this apprentice also became an immensely popular figure in Wu Fang City.

  In a daze, Ren Dong had a feeling of being apprenticed to a sage.

  This feeling of lording above countless lives was what he simply had no way of experiencing when he was City Lord Manor's Young Lord in the past.

  Now, thanks to his new identity, Ren Dong instead had the liberating feeling of flying in the vast skies.

  Being rebuked by Ren Dong like this, there was actually not a single person in the crowd below the stage who dared to refute.

  But they still looked at Ye Yuan with heated eyes, hoping that he could change his decision.

  Ye Yuan gave a sigh and said, "It's not that I'm unwilling to continue giving lectures. I'll be heading to the Vast Heaven Mystic Realm tomorrow to challenge the Vast Heaven Pagoda inheritance. I seriously can't do anything about this."

  Chapter 546 - Monopoly

  Hearing that Ye Yuan was going to challenge the Vast Heaven Pagoda, the originally clamoring shouting voices gradually ceased.

  It was true. Ye Yuan's Alchemy Path strength was indeed formidable. But his boundary was too low after all.

  If they delayed Master Ye's cultivation for more lectures, then that would be too sinful.

  Master Ye was destined to be a sky-rocking figure in the future. How could he possibly waste time here to give talks to them constantly?


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