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Unrivaled Medicine God c1-2204

Page 713

by Feng Yise

The strength that Ye Yuan displayed obtained Ling Feng's recognition. He was also much more courteous when speaking.

  But Ye Yuan fell silent for a moment and did not reply immediately.

  Ling Feng was slightly surprised as he said, "Why? Does Younger Brother Ye have any concerns?"

  Ye Yuan smiled and said, "Not really concerns, but I feel that we should split into two paths right now."

  The moment Ling Feng heard, he could not help becoming interested and asked, "Oh? What idea do you have?"

  Ye Yuan said, "Whether what those fiend race captains said is true or not is still to be confirmed. After all, we didn't see it with our own eyes. Also, what kind of method the fiend race used to cross the Fiend Calling Ridge, this intel should all be investigated clearly. If we know their methods, perhaps we can imitate them and give him a huge surprise. Therefore, I feel that we should split one force to go back and report, the other force to continue deep into the Fiend Calling Ridge and investigate thoroughly."

  Ye Yuan said this and discovered that everyone all strange gazes to look at him.

  "Look at me like that for what? Do I have flowers on my face?" Ye Yuan touched his nose and said innocently.

  Ling Feng looked at Ye Yuan with eyes like looking at a monster and sighed with admiration as he said, "Younger Brother Ye truly has the style of a great general. These things, I never considered them. You thought it out comprehensively! What you said is right, they aren't prepared right now, us going to investigate the intel is the most suitable. Zhao Bin, you return to the city right now and bring the news over here back. The others follow me to Fiend Calling Ridge!"

  The others also looked at Ye Yuan with admiration. They discovered that they all underestimated this young man.

  They all regarded themselves as foot soldiers, only minding their own business.

  While Ye Yuan could consider problems from the height of the overall situation. This manner was not what they could compare to.

  Zhao Bin was just about to leave, but Ye Yuan said, "Captain Ling, let them all go back. Fiend Calling Ridge, just the two of us go!"


  "We're going to investigate, not fight it out. Numbers might be easier to expose instead. If we're really discovered, it's easier for the two of us to want to escape instead," Ye Yuan explained.

  Ling Feng thought about it and said with a nod, "What Younger Brother Ye said is true, but … better I go alone then. Younger Brother, Ye, you go back together with them. You aren't considered a member of the army yet currently, making you go and take risks isn't too appropriate."

  Ye Yuan smiled and said, "Since this Ye ran into everyone, I need to join with some display of loyalty too. My movement technique is still alright, I won't drag Captain Ling down."

  Ling Feng mused for a moment and said with a nod, "Okay, Younger Brother Ye is righteous, then we'll act together. Zhao Bin, you bring the others back."

  But Zhao Bin and the rest were indignant and grumbled, "Captain, my movement technique is passable too, let me go together with you."

  "Captain, I'm following you too!"

  "I'll go too!"


  Ling Feng's face fell and he said, "All shut up for me! This is an order, all get lost for me!"

  Seeing Ling Feng really flared up, the others did not dare to shoot their mouth off anymore, all leaving awkwardly.

  "This bunch of bastards, one day of not scolding them and they will feel uncomfortable all over!" Ling Feng scolded with a smile.

  Ye Yuan smiled too and said, "All are a bunch of good brothers, they are worried about your safety."

  Ling Feng chuckled and said, "Why wouldn't I know? But what you said is right, this kind of thing, they'll drag us down if they went too. Let's go!"

  Ye Yuan nodded his head and followed after him.

  Chapter 1464 - Jumping off a Cliff

  In the dense forest, two figures were currently shuttling through at high speed.

  Along the way, Ling Feng also had the intention of testing Ye Yuan, deliberately speeding up his footsteps.

  Moving through inside this dense forest, just movement technique being fast was useless. It had an extremely high requirement for the martial artist's responsiveness.

  Ling Feng they all patrolled this area all year round and were very familiar with the terrain here. Hence, his speed was also particularly fast.

  He urged his speed to the limits and sprinted wildly for a long way, thinking in his mind that he shook Ye Yuan off a certain distance before slowing down his footsteps.

  But when he turned around to look, he could not help getting startled.

  Ye Yuan was like a ghost and had actually been following not far behind him all along.

  This shock was by no means insignificant!

  He actually completely did not sense Ye Yuan's existence earlier.

  If Ye Yuan dealt him a sword from behind, he would already be a corpse at this time!

  Seeing Ling Feng's expression, Ye Yuan smiled and said, "I said before, my movement technique is still alright, I won't hold you back."

  Ling Feng smiled rather embarrassedly and said, "Younger Brother Ye has fine skills, this Ling really made an error of judgment."

  He discovered that he really underestimated Ye Yuan. At least in this dense forest, to be able to keep up with him noiselessly, it was absolutely not what the average initial-stage Heaven Glimpse could accomplish.

  Just based on this, Ye Yuan had the qualifications to enter the army.

  With Ye Yuan's skill, he would absolutely be an expert in going to investigate enemy intel.

  Ling Feng was very familiar with the route, bringing Ye Yuan to make a big detour, finally climbing up to the Fiend Calling Ridge's summit.

  The spectacular scenery before their eyes also shook Ye Yuan's heart.

  Ahead was a 100 thousand foot wide cliff, below the precipice deep until the bottom could not be seen.

  This was a natural moat insurmountable by an individual's strength!

  Furthermore, after Ye Yuan reached the summit, he immediately felt his footsteps become much heavier.

  A powerful gravitational field made him, this Heaven Glimpse Realm powerhouse, somewhat struggle to walk too.

  This natural moat was really extraordinary as if done by gods.

  "The gravitational field here isn't the strongest yet. The more towards the middle of this natural chasm, the stronger the gravity! Therefore, this natural chasm cannot be crossed at all. Really don't know how those fiends came over," Ling Feng said rather perplexedly.

  Ye Yuan said, "We made a big detour. There are probably several dozen miles away from the place they crossed the natural moat. Now, let's be more careful and draw closer there."

  Ling Feng nodded his head, drawing new to the place where the fiend race crossed the natural chasm.

  The two people cautiously passed through several dozen miles. Finally, their gazes turned intent, looking at the 100 thousand foot great canyon in astonishment.

  Only to see that inside that great canyon, a flying boat that could carry several dozen people was currently slowly flying.

  That flying boat actually suspended in midair and did not drop down. It was currently transporting fiend race soldiers batch by batch, flying over to the human race's side.

  The only shortcoming was that this flying boat was not large. It looked like it could only transport five to six squads each time.

  Reckon that those fiend race soldiers Ye Yuan they all ran into was the first batch sent over.

  "They can actually fly above this natural moat! This … this is too astounding! Luckily we ran into that batch of fiend race soldiers. Otherwise this time, Tiderain City definitely can't be defended!" Ling Feng lowered his voice and said.

  Ye Yuan did not speak, gaze staring at that flying boat, an appearance as if he was absorbed in thought.

  Ling Feng continued, "No way, got to bring this news back to Tiderain City. Otherwise, when the fiend race army is finished assemblin
g, Tiderain City will be attacked from both front and rear!"

  With this flying boat, the fiend race would be able to send troops over to the Fiend Calling Ridge's side unceasingly.

  At that time, with a two-pronged pincer attack, Tiderain City would face an even greater threat.

  Therefore, Ling Feng already could not wait to return to Tiderain City and report this major intelligence to Tiderain City.

  But at this time, a fiend race powerhouses currently had his brows tightly knitted several miles away from Ling Feng duo.

  The aura on this fiend was very powerful, giving people an extremely strong sense of oppression.

  This was the leader of this fiend race army, Xiu Lie, a half-stop Divine Lord Realm powerhouse.

  "Those few squads' people are all not back yet?" Xiu Lie said in a deep voice.

  "Replying Your Excellency, there's no news yet! Those few squads seemed to have lost contact," an Origin Deity Realm subordinate said.

  Xiu Lie's brows knitted even tighter as he muttered to himself, "Could it be that they encountered the human race's army? This is impossible! According to our intel, Fiend Calling Ridge this area, Tiderain City's army very rarely comes over. Send people to go and inquire about the intel again and search for those few teams' whereabouts. I want to see the person if alive, the corpse if dead!"

  "Yes, Your Excellency!" The subordinate answered and left.

  Xiu Lie paced around continuously, clearly somewhat irritable.

  Crossing the Fiend Calling Ridge's natural moat this time was a several decades long grand plan that the fiend race planned and prepared for. There could not be the slightest accident.

  At that time, when celestial soldiers descended from the heavens1, Tiderain City would surely be breached!

  As long as Tiderain City was breached, the fiend race army would be able to march straight in without resistance.

  But Xiu Lie never thought that they were actually thwarted at the very beginning this time. The few squads sent out to inquire about information actually disappeared without a sound!

  Not long after, the subordinate came to report once again.

  "Your Excellency, those few squads seemed to have evaporated into thin air, without any traces at all! I sent several dozen teams to go out and investigate but didn't discover their figures. But … a team discovered some traces of fighting in the dense forest …"

  Xiu Lie's expression was grim until it was almost going to drip water and he said, "To be able to dispose of five squads without a sound, it's probably a human race expert! Not good, they might be spying on the military situation in the vicinity! Immediately dispatch everyone who came over to conduct a carpet search in the vicinity! Also, you, call on some commanders over for me. The arrival's strength is likely not weak. Once any activities are discovered, immediately rush over and kill without mercy!"

  "Yes, Your Excellency!"

  Xiu Lie gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, how can it be so coincidental? Now that they're spying on the military situation right now and didn't send the news back to Tiderain City!"

  The fiend race's movements here were huge. Powerful auras were faintly perceptible, starting to conduct searches in the vicinity.

  Ye Yuan said softly, "Go, they probably discovered that those few squads went missing and already suspect that somebody sneaked in."

  Ling Feng nodded and brought Ye Yuan to quietly withdraw.


  Suddenly a clear eagle sound echoed out in the air.

  Ling Feng lifted his head to look when he heard this sound and his expression could not help changing drastically!

  "Not good! It's the Devil Blood Eagle raised by the fiend race! It's the most s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to the human race's scent! We … We can't escape anymore!"

  Ling Feng's complexion was ashen, his eyes actually lost all hope.

  "The Devil Blood Eagle discovered humans! They are currently escaping in the southwest direction!' suddenly someone among the fiends exclaimed.

  When Xie Lie heard this voice, his gaze turned dark, his figure moving explosively, speeding over in the southwest direction.

  Several powerful auras engulfed everything and swept over like the tide.

  Especially Xiu Lie, even with the gravitational field's interference, his speed was also swift to the extreme.

  At this time, Ye Yuan's inner-heart had broken down too. Under the powerful gravitational field, Xiu Lie's speed was still faster than everyone else, pressing straight for Ye Yuan duo.

  Ye Yuan s.u.c.k.e.d in a deep breath and said to Ling Feng, "Do you trust me?"

  Ling Feng froze and immediately nodded his head.

  "Good, jump together!" Ye Yuan said in a solemn voice. Exaggeration for an unstoppable army

  Chapter 1465 - A Genius's Thoughts





  Each and every one of the fiend race powerhouses moved like lightning, dashing towards the place where Ye Yuan dup originally stood. They saw the back view of the two people jumping off the cliff.

  Xiu Lie's face was extremely grim and said, "Just two initial-stage Heaven Glimpse? How did he finish off five squads without a sound?"

  "Your Excellency, they … probably still have other people? Two measly human Heaven Glimpse Realm martial artists, even if their strength is powerful, it's also impossible to make five squads completely wiped out," a subordinate said.

  Xiu Lie nodded his head and heaved a sigh as he said, "Looks like … our side here is already exposed. It's already impossible to want to swoop down on Tiderain City. Our 10 years of effort is ruined overnight!"

  The others were similarly incomparably disappointed. They were originally very much looking forward to this battle. Who knew that news actually leaked at the eleventh hour, this made their military exploits be wiped out in a day.

  What they did not know was that they were actually very close to success.

  It was just too bad that Ye Yuan just happened to lose his way and came to this area, and even ran into the five squads who were patrolling.

  Otherwise, with Ling Feng their strength, how could they possibly send the intel back?

  "Notify Sandcliff's side, and just say that the surprise army appearing out of nowhere on this side already lost effectiveness. We can only join forces to attack fiercely," Xiu Lie said solemnly.

  He shot a glance at the natural chasm that was deep until the bottom could not be seen and said with a cold snort, "Those two punks got off lucky!"


  After Ye Yuan duo jumped off the cliff, their bodies plummeted at a terrifying speed.

  That speed was more than ten times faster than when they fell normally.

  The terrifying gravitational field even made them unable to adjust their falling down posture.

  Ling Feng already despaired. He felt that his body would be destroyed by this huge gravitational field before he even reached the bottom.

  The further down, the greater this gravitational field's force, and the faster the speed. Ling Feng felt like the blood vessels in his whole body were about to burst.

  It was just that under this kind of circ.u.mstances, he could not even accomplish crying out.

  Suddenly, Ling Feng's expression changed. His falling speed was actually slowing down. The effect of the gravitational field on him was actually reducing!

  This shock was by no means insignificant!

  This natural chasm, the further down, the more terrifying the gravitational field. It was not what human strength could contend with at all.

  Ling Feng knew that there had once been a Divine Lord Realm powerhouse who attempted to find out about this natural chasm's situation. But he never came back.

  Ever since then, no one else dared to have ideas about this natural chasm.

  Ling Feng turned out and took a look at Ye Yuan, his gaze full of an incredulous look.

  Ye Yuan's eyes were tightly shut, his body emitting a strange forcefie

  Ling Feng did not notice it previously. Only now did he abruptly startled awake. This strange forcefield was currently becoming stronger at a rapid rate!

  And this forcefield was clearly what made their falling speed slow down.

  Ling Feng suddenly felt like the forcefield around them was like a spring. The further down, the stronger the forcefield.

  Finally, the two people's figures abruptly stopped, suspending in midair!

  Ling Feng looked at Ye Yuan with an astonished look and said, "You … How did you do it?"

  Ye Yuan's mind stirred, a wooden stick appeared in his hand. It was precisely the Origin Magnetism Spirit Wood!

  "There is a strange forcefield inside this natural chasm. It's a great supplement to my Origin Magnetism Spirit Wood. The further down, the stronger this forcefield, and the Origin Magnetism Spirit Wood is growing crazily. And now, it finally reached a state of equilibrium," Ye Yuan smiled and said.

  Ye Yuan's Origin Magnetism Spirit Wood was constantly brought along on him. But it had always been stuck at peak Tier 9 and did not break through to divine rank.

  Encountering this strange gravitational field this time, it was an opportunity for the Origin Magnetism Spirit Wood.

  Originally, Ye Yuan was planning on finding a chance to come over and let the Origin Magnetism Spirit Wood absorb the magnetic force to evolve.

  It was just that the plan could not keep up with the changes. He did not expect that they were actually discovered so quickly.

  Driven to the wall, Ye Yuan could only take the risk and try, jumping straight into this natural chasm.

  Sure enough, the forcefield here did not disappoint him.

  The further down, the faster the Origin Magnetism Spirit Wood's evolution.

  In this short while, the Origin Magnetism Spirit Wood actually directly broke through two ranks under this terrifying force field, reaching the level of divine rank two!

  Ling Feng looked at the Origin Magnetism Spirit Wood, shocked until he could not close his mouth.

  His back was drenched in a cold sweat. He looked at Ye Yuan with a strange look and said, "You … You're using the natural chasm's gravitational field to evolve the Origin Magnetism Spirit Wood?"


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