The Vampire Queen
Page 10
Athela pointed to the back of the small house. “Why don’t you go and try to make yourself presentable while I catch up with Stephan? First door on your left.”
I rolled my eyes so hard I’m sure they bounced, and I knew they both had caught the look because Stephan laughed while dear, sweet Athela crossed her arms and glared. Whatever. I didn’t need friends. I had the greatest of friends waiting back home for me. Man, I missed Charlie. She was currently off slaying being the Queen of Witches while I on the other hand was being defeated by mother nature.
After closing the small bathroom door behind me, I giggled for a solid minute at my appearance. My whole head looked like a batch of non-colored cotton candy. That must have been Lucifer who spun that web. If only my lip gloss was that strong. As I was picking the sticks, leaves, and—God help me—bugs out of my hair, I could hear the slow hum of conversation in the small kitchen. It sounded like Athela was making tea. Oh, yay. A tea party. Just what I wanted to have.
I was a pretty happy-go-lucky kind of girl, but I couldn’t help but feel a little depressed. Today was my birthday, and not one person remembered. Greta would have remembered. I wiped a tear that had leaked out.
I heard a gypsy giggle and I started murmuring very un-ladylike things under my breath. Stephan was out there flirting. I just knew it. A pit in my stomach grew and I recognized that emotion. Hells bells I was jealous, but I’d be damned before I let either one of them know. I would take my massive crush on Stephan to the grave.
It took me at least five minutes to get everything out of my hair, and then I pulled the long mess into a bun, so hopefully I wouldn’t have a repeat on the way back down the goat trail. As I walked out, I realized two things. A bargain had been made, my fae blood sensed magic in the air and Athela looked more than pleased with herself. She was clapping her hands and smiling while she promised Stephan he would have no regrets.
“And what would you like the spell placed in?” Athela purred.
Stephan took out an emerald bracelet and laid it on the small, round table. “This.”
She picked up the bracelet and let it slide from one hand to the other. “I have all the ingredients here that are required for your spell, but it will take me the better part of an hour to transfer it to this. Go outside and let me work, and when you return, not only will I have your charm, but I will also have a blood contract waiting to be signed by you.”
Stephan nodded, pushing back his chair from the table. “Come, Tandi. We will go see what nature awaits us.”
Athela smirked and I scowled. I bet she didn’t need us to wait outside, the heifer. Letting my voice tremble a little, I said, “As long as you promise to protect me, Stephan.”
Her smirk dropped. Mission accomplished. He held the door open for me and gave me a knowing look, which I returned with a saucy grin. Neither one of us talked while we walked on a different trail leading to a pond behind the house.
He sat on the bank, and I plopped down next to him, waiting for him to speak first. After all, patience was a virtue. Thirty minutes later, I had made a necklace out of grass and wildflowers, and my patience had long run out. Stephan must have picked up on my distress because he laughed.
“I think that is the longest that you have ever remained quiet.” At my scowl, he said, “I love it here.”
“Well, it looks like you’re very familiar with the place.”
“Of Athela?” I was for sure bothered by their closeness, but this was me taking it to the grave. “Um, no. I mean, obviously y’all have a history, and she’s a little mean-spirited when she thinks she needs to be territorial, but the woman saved me from killer ants, so I’m good.”
“Hmm. You do realize I can pick up on your emotions as well? It’s not a one-way street.”
Still not admitting to anything, I said, “I don’t mind if you pick up on my emotions because there is nothing for me to be embarrassed about.”
“I’m glad you like her because we might be getting married.”
Gravy and cornbread. “Come again?”
“I needed her to make a bracelet for you. A special one that will allow you to communicate with Gallen anytime you want, but will align the time to the same time here on earth. It’s heavy magic that she will be dealing with, and even if it weren’t, she would still want something in return.”
“But marriage?” I squealed. “I would never ask you to sacrifice yourself just so that I can visit my Pops in another realm. There has to be another way. Go tell her never mind.”
Why would he do this? This made no sense whatsoever.
“I have a plan, little one.”
“One that you probably won’t share. What is with this contract?”
“I’m assuming that she will have me sign something similar to a vampire contract. Even though she is not a vampire and can’t do the normal ritual that vampires would do, I’m sure the contract will be identical.” He plucked a piece of grass and started twining it around his finger. “Most vampires go into a contract that is good for a hundred years. Anything less than a century creates chaos, especially for masters and the lines they have created. At the end of the century, they can either go their own separate ways or choose to renew their vows. The only other way out of the contract besides death is a magical exorcism if you will, and it isn’t pretty.”
“Well, that is freaking intense. So, this is how people in the vampire community get hitched, huh?”
“Not necessarily. There is the rare occasion that vampires find their mates. The one soul that aligns perfectly with theirs, but that is so rare—or maybe it is more accurate to say that vampires get tired of waiting for centuries for ‘the proverbial one’—that they just find the one that is most compatible. Like I said, finding one’s true mate is rare.”
“Color me confused, but what is your plan to get out of this?”
“She’s given me a month before we are to wed. By then you will know if the charm works. Sometime in the upcoming weeks, I will come back and make her forget we were ever here to begin with. If she doesn’t remember anything, then she will never enforce the contract.”
“You can do that? Make people forget certain memories?”
“It’s something that I don’t make a habit of, but yes, I can. I want to erase this whole visit from her memory, so she forgets about you, too.”
“Stephan, why are we doing all of this just so that I can visit my grandfather?”
“I’m not doing it so you can have social time, Tandi. We will soon be in Akeldama’s territory where she takes absolute joy in others’ pain. Right now, you are a weakness with your three different counterparts, but if we knew how to make them work together, then I believe you would be unstoppable. I need you to be unstoppable. Gallen will help you. I have questions that I need you to ask him, but you cannot be gone for two months this time. If you miss Akeldama’s daughter’s wedding, she will consider it treason.”
“You are having this charm made for me, so I can visit him and ask your questions?”
“These questions are about you, Tandi, and the answers might save your life.”
“Stephan, why is my life in danger?”
“Because you are mine, and Akeldama has a way of destroying everything that belongs to me.”
I was assuming that by him saying “mine” that meant he was my master vampire, and technically I did belong to him according to vampire laws. But before I could ask any more questions, he stood up and dusted his slacks off and offered me a hand up.
“Let’s go back to the cottage. I’m sure the spell is complete by now.”
I refused to let go of his hand, and he raised an eyebrow in question. “You won’t really have to marry her, will you?”
“No.” He chuckled. “Have you not realized by now that I am a scheming, manipulating, lying S.O.B.? But she doesn’t need to know that I’ve already found a way out of her bloody contract.”
“Why is she forcing you into marriage? None of this makes sense.�
“Is it so hard to believe that someone wants to marry me, little one?”
I rolled my eyes. “For the love of Pete. Can you just answer the question?”
“That is a complicated question. The short version is I’m the Prince of Vampires. The first made, and if it wasn’t for Akeldama, I could rule the vampire nation. I have no interest in ruling, but Athela doesn’t know that. Akeldama’s crown protects her by weakening other vampires’ powers. As soon as I get within five feet of her, it’s like I’m a newborn babe. Most everyone has heard of the crown, including the witch population—”
“I’d like a detailed explanation,” I huffed.
“Don’t get testy. I’m trying to explain now.” I made a go-ahead motion with my free hand. “Athela believes she will eventually find a charm to nullify the power of the crown. Since I’m the only one powerful enough to take down the queen, Athela needs me to do the dirty work. I would be ruling all vampires with a wife who was a witch ruling the vampire nation beside me.”
“So basically, she’s not wanting to marry you for your good looks, but because she wants the fame, power, and glory.”
Both dimples showed as his head tilted towards mine. “I’m sure the good looks didn’t hurt the cause.”
Dang he was hot. Especially when he looked at me that way. Like I was a rare jewel meant to be appraised.
I cleared my throat. “I think this is a horrible idea. Mark my words, this will come back to bite us in the butt. Not to mention the fact that it just seems wrong to erase her memories.”
He raised my chin to make eye contact with me. “I can promise you that erasing her memories of us being here will not hurt her. I can also promise you that having Athela as Queen of the Vampires would almost be as bad as Akeldama.”
His head started to dip towards mine, and my eyes widened at his intent. With his free hand he stroked the side of my face ever so gently. He was going to kiss me and all I could do was stare at his lips with anticipation. Right before his lips met mine, a black raven swooped over our heads, letting out a shrill sound. I stumbled back, jerking my hand from Stephan’s. While I rubbed the goosebumps on my skin, Stephan studied the beady-eyed bird as if it was a person.
He mind spoke to me. “Let’s head back so we can get the charm and get out of here. Then after the wedding on our way back home, I’ll stop in and pay Athela a visit.”
Just another reminder of how conniving Stephan could be if he wanted something. The fact that he was doing all of this to supposedly help me still didn’t make me feel any better. All his secrets were going to be the death of me. There had to be something in it for him, and did that mean that he’d eventually betray me too?
Chapter Fourteen
After an hour of watching Athela drape herself all over Stephan while giving me the stank eye, I was more than ready to tackle the goat trail back to the car. Bring on the ants as long as I didn’t have to hear one more stinking giggle, and no one batted their eyelashes that rapidly unless they had a gnat in their eye. Right before we left, she asked Stephan why his and my auras matched. I didn’t know what the heck that meant, but I quickly realized Stephan did as I felt his emotions hit me. It wasn’t necessarily fear but close, so I was naming this emotion dread.
He did a wonderful job of acting like he had no clue why our auras matched, but I could tell that Athela wasn’t convinced. I badgered him until I was blue in the face, but he insisted our matching auras meant nothing. After that Athela had a different glint in her eye for the remainder of our visit. I was more than ready when Stephan said our goodbyes.
We had finally made it back to the car with my new charm. Supposedly as long as I was wearing it, I could visit my pops anytime without everyone putting out a missing vampire bulletin. I wasn’t going to worry about Stephan and the blood contract he’d signed. He was a big boy, and if he said he could get out of it, then I had to believe him. And if he couldn’t break the agreement, maybe he would let me be a part of the wedding. That would piss Athela off and possibly break my heart. I wasn’t ready to deal with the whys as of yet, so I just pushed that thought to the back of my mind.
We were staying at some fancy hotel, and yet Stephan wouldn’t get us separate rooms. He said since we were but a short drive to the Queen’s mansion, he would feel better knowing that I was close. He gave me dibs on the first shower while he brought in our bags, and now I was currently watching Judge Judy and her condemning ways while he was showering.
At some point, I heard Stephan come out of the bathroom, and I briefly quit feeling sorry for myself when I saw him with his towel hung low on his hips. Beads of water still coated his beautiful skin. He had an eight pack that would make most MMA fighters jealous. Why he would cover that up with a shirt on a daily basis was beyond me. It should be illegal to hide that. The trance was broken as he grabbed his bag and returned to the bathroom, which was just as well. It was hard to have a pity party when you’re feeling thankful that there was a man who looked like Stephan in the same room as you. Plus, it would be super embarrassing if he picked up on the emotions sliding off me.
“You going to get dressed?”
I muted the TV. “Why? Aren’t we in for the night?”
He was tying his boots, and boy did he look good in a pair of jeans. The suits and slacks were hot in a powerful kind of way but the jeans… man oh, man. His brown eyes smiled at me. “If you want to spend your birthday in front of the TV with a borrowed hotel robe on and your hair wrapped in a towel, be my guest, but I thought we could go bowling and then to a movie.”
He remembered my birthday! My inner child squealed with delight. He was watching me so intently that I had to play it cool.
“Bowling? Did you just ask me to wear someone else’s shoes?”
“Come on, birthday girl, live a little.”
I didn’t consider getting athletes foot living a little, but it sure beat sitting here, wallowing in my own misery. I can’t believe he remembered my birthday. I could no longer contain my grin. “Give me five minutes to get dressed.”
“One more thing,” he said. “I got you something.” He pulled out a golden necklace from his suitcase. I was shocked.
As he handed it to me, I asked, “Is this really for me?”
“Whom else would it be for?”
I touched the engraved heart on the front before I put it on. It was so beautiful and thoughtful. Giving him a smile, I said, “First a cuff, then the charmed bracelet, and now a necklace. You better be careful, or a girl might think you like her.”
His dimples winked at me. “Oh, Tandi, I thought we’d already established that.” He pointed to the necklace I’d just draped over my neck. “Be careful with that. It was my mother’s. My father gave it to her a long time ago.”
I started to pull it off. “I can’t accept this then.”
His hands reached out to stop me. “Yes, you can. My mother would have wanted you to have it. You are a very special lady, just like she was.” He gave me a long look before saying, “Go get ready. I’ll be here waiting for you.”
I couldn’t help but think that was a double entendre. The hungry look in his eyes was making my heart beat so fast. It took everything I had to walk past him towards the bathroom. Before I closed the door, I asked, “Stephan, why are our auras the same color? Athela acted as if that wasn’t normal.”
He gave a small shrug. “I have my theories, but they might ruin the night. Let’s not talk of manipulative witches and auras on your birthday. Deal?”
I felt myself nodding, but it almost killed me to not press the issue. As I shut the door, I reminded myself that tomorrow was another day, and my questions could wait until then. Right now, a handsome man was waiting on me, so he could celebrate my birthday with me.
The night was a blast, even the sucky movie we watched about astronauts. The whole night I got to see a different side to Stephan, one less stoic and more animated. He laughed and made jokes and went out of his way to make me feel special
. Every time I felt the cold of the necklace on my skin, I smiled. The ruby cuff gleaming on my arm was beautiful and practical, like the bracelet, it would be handy to have. But the necklace… I didn’t need it, but I sure wanted it. He gave me something of sentimental value. It was becoming harder and harder not to fall in love with this cranky vampire. After we had returned to the hotel, and I had exchanged my pair of jeans for a cute kitten pajama set that was sure to keep me a spinster for the rest of my life, Stephan sat down on his bed, facing mine.
“Tandi, will you visit Gallen for me tonight?”
I played with the bracelet on my wrist, biting my lip with worry. “What exactly is it you want me to ask him?”
“This is all just theory, but I think that maybe the poison you carry in your blood from your ghoul counterpart is overwhelming your vampire and fae counterparts. It’s possible that you might need something more substantial than human or animal blood because your vampire powers aren’t growing. You might need to drink vampire blood instead.”
“Oh, that’s just freaking great. Now, I’m a cannibal.”
“Don’t think of it like that. Blood is blood.” He got up from his bed and crouched in front of me. “Will you ask him, Tandi?”
“Yes,” I said. “Is there anything else you want me to ask?”
He started to say something but then stopped himself. “No, in fact, I don’t want you to stay very long, just in case the charm doesn’t work as we hoped.”
He handed me a watch. “Keep this on you. I’ve made sure that our watches are synchronized. That way when you get back, we will know if the charm worked. Don’t stay more than two minutes, okay?”
If the charm didn’t work, that would still mean I would be gone for several hours, which would be problematic, since we were supposed to be in attendance for some vampire brat’s wedding. “I’ll keep it short.” I took off my cuff and necklace and laid them both on the end table. I didn’t know how this whole traveling thing worked, but I didn’t want to lose them.