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Loved by You

Page 6

by Sophia Knightly

  “No. It’s a nice change of pace to stay in one place. I’ve enjoyed developing real relationships with friends.”


  “I never thought I’d enjoy putting down roots so much,” he added.

  That seemed to surprise her. “Really? We seem to have traded places. I used to crave security and staying in one place, but not anymore.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She smiled. “I’ve caught the travel bug. Last summer I took a trip for the first time in my life, and now I want to travel more and more.”

  He chuckled. “The travel bug can be contagious. Where did you go?”

  “I went to Barbados for a week. One of my clients has a house there, and she invited me to come visit her and her grandchildren who are my age. It was wonderful.” Her luminous eyes sparkled, drawing him into her enthusiasm. “If things continue to go well with my jewelry business, I hope to go to the Greek Islands next.”

  Roman watched Piper, entranced. She was opening up, and he wanted to keep her there all afternoon. “I’m sure you’ll get there, Piper.”

  Her shoulder lifted in a half-shrug. “Hope so.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Roman saw an elderly couple approach their table. The stylish matron had perfectly coiffed short gray hair and was decked out in a resort style pantsuit fit for a cruise ship. The tall, thin gentleman beside her wore a panama hat, a white Guayabera and tan trousers.

  Roman was expecting them to talk tennis or ask for an autograph, but to his surprise, the woman exclaimed, “Piper, dear, how wonderful to see you!”

  Piper shot up from the table and hugged her. “So nice to see you, dear Coqui. And you too, John,” she said to the man holding the woman’s hand. “How are you?”

  “We are more than fine.” The older woman’s face brimmed with pleasure. “And who is this handsome young man?” she asked with a coy lift of her brows.

  Before Piper could respond, Roman rose and shook the woman’s hand. “Hello, I’m Roman Spenser,” he said with a friendly smile.

  “Roman, this is Mrs. Calderon and Mr. Woods,” Piper said.

  “Nice to meet you,” Roman said, shaking their hands.

  Mr. Woods chuckled. “I know who you are. You’re the Roman Lion.”

  Mrs. Calderon’s brow furrowed. “Why did you call him that?”

  * * *

  “He’s the tennis player they call the Roman Lion because he’s fierce on the courts,” Mr. Woods said loudly, drawing the attention of other diners.

  As realization dawned, an exultant smile spread over Mrs. Calderon’s face. “Ah yes, now I remember. I barely recognized you with the shorter hair. You used to have long, flowing locks like a lion’s mane,” she said, waving her hands over her ears to emphasize the long, flowing part.

  Roman burst out laughing at the visual image her motions created. “God help me if I looked like that,” he quipped, drawing chuckles from them.

  Piper smiled politely, but didn’t join in their humor. “Did you enjoy your lunch?” she asked Mrs. Calderon.

  “Very much. We both had the blackened grouper.” She kissed the tips of her fingers. “Delicioso. What did you have?”

  “A blackened shrimp salad. It was good.” Piper smiled at Mr. Woods. “How did you get here?”

  “Georgie drove us over,” Mr. Woods said.

  “Do you need a lift home?”

  “No, but thanks for offering. Georgie is on her way to pick us up now,” he said.

  “OK,” Piper said.

  “My grandson’s wife, Gabriela, will be calling you about Georgie’s bridal shower,” Mrs. Calderon said. “She’s excited to host it.”

  Piper placed her hand on the older woman’s shoulder. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Me too, dear. We must get going now,” Mrs. Calderon said. “Georgie is probably out front waiting for us. Enjoy your lovely lunch with the lion, but beware of his roar,” she said, giggling at her own joke.

  Roman winced. If he had a dime for all the lion jokes he’d heard in his lifetime… He caught Piper watching his phone. As luck would have it, the phone lit up with texts. The sound was off, but even facedown, he could see several texts coming in. Damn, now wouldn’t be the time to check, even if he let her know it was about business.

  When the couple left, Piper went back to acting guarded. Gone was the relaxed, intimate moment they’d shared. Mrs. Calderon’s parting jest must have reminded her of Brie’s suggestive text.

  With stiff moves, she grabbed her handbag from the back of the chair. “Thank you for lunch.”

  “So your friend Georgie is getting married?” Roman asked to detain her.


  “What does the future husband do?”

  “He delivers babies. He’s an OBGYN.” He noted the slight edge to her voice.

  “Ah.” After a pause he said, “Will you stay for coffee and dessert?” He gestured for her to sit down, but she remained standing. “They make the best key lime pie here.”

  Her gaze swept the beach with distant eyes. “Sounds nice, but I have to leave. I’ll call you after I get a chance to speak with your mother.”

  With a parting nod, she spun and headed to the side of the restaurant where a pathway led to the beach on the left and to the valet parking area on the right.

  Taken aback by her abrupt departure, Roman stared at her tense back as she hurried away, slim shoulders squared and head held high. Those delicate shoulders had carried a bundle of heartache as a young girl, some caused by him, he acknowledged with a pang of guilt. He never wanted to bring her pain again.

  Dammit, he couldn’t let her leave like that…not when she’d started to open up to him.

  Roman slapped several bills on the table, more than enough to cover lunch and a generous tip, and followed her. He’d recognize her walk anywhere, he thought, watching the sweet sway of Piper’s hips. Her sultry strut in that red dress and high heels made his pulse spiral.

  He quickened his pace and caught up with her in several long strides, glad to intercept her before she reached the front of the restaurant. “Hold on there. We haven’t finished yet.”

  She stood beside a trio of leafy palm trees with her hands on her hips and a challenging tilt of her chin. “What do you want?”

  “I want to see you again.”

  “No.” Her lips pursed together.

  No? He inhaled sharply. “Why not?”

  She lifted her nose. “It would be pointless.”

  Roman stared at the defiant set of her mouth and suddenly wanted to kiss her senseless.

  “There’s no point in revisiting the past. You and I were over a long time ago,” she pointed out.

  “But we’re here now,” he countered.


  He ventured a smile. “Could be fate…”

  “I don’t believe in fate. You reached out to me, remember?”

  “I did,” he agreed amiably, though her distant attitude disturbed him.

  Piper raised a hand, as if warding him off. “You had your chance a long time ago, Lion, and you rejected it.” Her rigid body spoke volumes. She was trying to hold onto her self-composure, but she didn’t fool him. She had always felt things deeply, passionately, yet here she was pretending to be unaffected by their meeting. “I no longer feel the same about you, so please don’t go there.”

  Moments ticked by as she brazenly stared him down.

  “Can you deny this?” Roman said gruffly. He slid an arm around her small waist and pulled her close. Tipping her chin up, he kissed her cheek. When she turned her face, his lips brushed the side of her lush pout.

  He threaded his fingers in her lustrous hair and held her still as he pressed his lips against hers. Her mouth blossomed under his, and he tasted her for the first time in a long time. Her mouth was sweet. Succulent. Wildly addictive.

  Hot lust surged through his veins as he strove to keep the kisses gentle. She shivered in his arms, and pervasive heat spread t
hrough him like rampant wildfire. He wanted to make love to her right there, right now.

  Instinctively, his hands slid down to curve around her round hips, holding her as he always had when they’d kiss. He deepened the kiss, savoring the tiny whimper that escaped her lips.

  “Let go,” she uttered shakily. She pushed at his chest, and Roman released his hold on her.

  Her cheeks glowed salmon pink and her turquoise eyes sparked. “Don’t try that again. You’re dating someone else, and as you said, it’s complicated.”

  Without letting him respond, she pivoted and bolted toward the valet parking area. Roman watched her hand the valet attendant her parking ticket with a jerky movement. She kept her gaze averted as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, fidgeting restlessly until the kid drove up in her red convertible.

  When she got in the car, she shot Roman a parting look. Their eyes locked before she tossed her head and drove off.

  Battling the insistent pleasure pain of arousal, he watched her speed off, leaving him craving more, but Piper had been as skittish as a deer in flight. Winsome and wildly beautiful, yet unattainable.

  He wanted her back. What would it take to gain her trust again?

  Chapter 9

  Piper gulped air into her lungs to calm her pounding heart as she drove away from the Turtle Club. Her lips tingled with the imprint of Roman’s ardent kisses and excitement throbbed inside her. Her whole body felt electrified and woozy….and…and totally unsatisfied.

  Roman had smelled exactly as she’d remembered—a clean, manly combination of soap and citrusy aftershave. He’d tasted even better. She quivered at the memory of his firm lips on hers. When she’d opened her mouth to protest, he’d sneaked a taste, his warm tongue sliding in to mate with hers. The rub of his tongue on hers had made her knees buckle. Dark velvet…a bold intrusion, that’s what it had felt like.

  When his large hands had coiled around her hips, she had trembled all over. Actually trembled. Damn him. He had noticed too. His grip had tightened slightly, settling her closer to him, telling her he wanted her. A wave of mortification swept over her. The last thing she’d wanted was for Roman to know how he still affected her. One brief, heady kiss and her knees had dissolved to jelly.

  She had a lot to sort out and times like these called for her sister or her best friend. Since Georgie was busy driving Coqui and John home, Piper headed straight to her big sis Beth’s house.

  As Piper drove up, Beth stood in the doorway, eight months pregnant with swollen ankles and a heavy belly, but she was beaming. She carried her toddler, Joey, on her hip with one arm and her other arm hugged five-year-old Delaney to her side. Happiness stirred in Piper’s chest every time she saw Beth with her children. Piper loved them so much and couldn’t imagine life without her little circle of extended family provided by Beth, her husband Dan and their sweet kids.

  It was wonderful to see Beth settled and living in her cozy home, a small, three-bedroom house. There was nothing fancy about it, but every space was comfortable and inviting.

  “Hi, Aunt Pipey!” Delaney called out, hopping up and down until Piper got out of the car. She ran toward Piper and planted a sticky peanut butter and jelly kiss on Piper’s cheek. “I love your dress, Aunt Pipey. Do you have red lipstick in your purse?”

  “I do, and we’ll put some on you when I get inside.” Piper took Delaney’s chubby hand in hers and they walked hand in hand to the front door.

  “Good thing you’re home, Beth. I could use some sisterly advice.” Piper half-smiled when Beth’s brows inched upward. “My God, you looked so much like Mom just now when your eyebrows went up.”

  Beth smiled. “That’s nice to hear. I’m so glad you came over. What do you need advice on?”

  Piper kissed Beth’s cheek. “I’ll tell you in a minute.” She took Joey from Beth’s arms, and followed her inside. “How’s my little guy? Are you letting your mommy get some sleep?” she crooned to Joey. She kissed his wet, plump little cheek. “Aw, has he been crying?”

  “Yes, and he hasn’t let anyone sleep,” Delaney piped in with a dramatic roll of her eyes.

  Joey’s eyelids got droopier by the second as he blinked owlishly. He yawned and stuck his thumb in his mouth.

  “Let’s go in the kitchen. Want a cup of tea?” Beth asked.

  “I’d love some,” Piper said. “Joey looks sleepy.”

  “He needs a nap,” Beth said wearily.

  “Oh, good. He can snooze in my arms.” Piper sank into a dinette chair in Beth’s eat-in kitchen and snuggled the toddler close. He continued sucking his thumb as he tucked his head into Piper’s shoulder and closed his eyes, his sturdy little body relaxing on her lap.

  While Beth brewed a pot of pomegranate white tea, Delaney drew Piper’s attention by softly patting Piper’s cheek with her hands. “Where’s your lipstick, Aunt Pipey? You look so pretty.”

  “Thank you, sweetie. Open my purse and take out my makeup bag. You can put on lipstick and blush while your mommy and I talk.”

  “Yippee,” Delaney squealed. “Can I put lipstick on you too?”

  “Yes, but later—after I have tea with your mommy. If you’re quiet and let us talk, I’ll do a special hairdo on you. Is that a deal?”

  Delaney did a happy dance and high-fived Piper. “Deal! Now that Joey’s asleep we can finally get a little peace around here.” she said, sounding like a grown up. She clutched her head and moaned. “He is soooo loud sometimes.”

  Beth exchanged an amused look with Piper as she placed a shushing finger over Delaney’s lips. “You need to hush now, Laney.”

  “OK, I’ll go play in my room.” Delaney clutched Piper’s makeup bag to her chest in a death grip. Piper smiled. God only knew what her little niece would look like when she emerged wearing makeup.

  “Hold on there.” Beth handed Delaney a napkin. “Wipe your mouth first. You have peanut butter here and there,” she said, pointing to the corners of Delaney’s sticky mouth.

  Delaney made a production of briskly rubbing her mouth with the paper napkin. “There. Is it clean now?” She stood expectantly with her hands on her hips and her round tummy jutting forward. When Beth nodded, Delaney announced, “I’m going to brush my teeth too.”

  “Good girl,” Beth said with an encouraging smile.

  Delaney grinned, revealing small, white teeth with two gaps on the bottom where her baby teeth had fallen out. “Guess what, Aunt Pipey? The tooth fairy came twice this week and left me money,” she bragged.

  Piper’s eyes widened. “Lucky you!”

  “Delaney,” Beth said, “remember the rules when we play with makeup. Be very careful with Piper’s lipstick and put it only on your lips and cheeks, not on the dolls…or anywhere else.”

  Delaney’s face fell. “Gosh. I already know that, Mommy. I only painted their faces once. A long time ago.” She didn’t like losing face before Piper, her hero.

  “I’m glad you remember. You can go play now,” Beth said kindly. When Delaney left the room, Beth raised her brows. “I can’t believe you’re letting her play with your makeup.”

  Piper waved a hand. “It’s OK. Let her have fun. It’s drugstore makeup.”

  “You just missed a royal tantrum from the cranky prince,” Beth said, nodding toward Joey, who was asleep with his thumb in his mouth. “He wore himself out crying because I wouldn’t let him have another oatmeal cookie. ‘No’ isn’t his favorite word.” She sighed and rubbed her big baby bump.

  “Poor you. You should be napping too. Sounds like he was overtired or over stimulated.”

  “Probably both. Delaney thinks it’s her job to keep him entertained all the time. He tries to keep up with her, but he still needs a nap every day.”

  “No wonder he fell asleep so quickly. He looks like such a little angel now.” Piper kissed the top of Joey’s bowed head and savored the smell of baby shampoo in his silky hair. “You look beautiful and the baby bump is growing nicely.”

re too sweet. I’m swollen all over, my belly pressing on my bladder, and I have to pee all the time.” She flicked her ponytail with a self-deprecating smile. “I desperately need highlights too. Once I’m out of the delivery room, I’ll be so ready for a spa day.” She poured tea into sunflower painted teacups, which matched Beth’s sunny disposition. Setting a plate of oatmeal cookies on the table, she joined Piper.

  Piper sank her teeth into a thick, chewy cookie and moaned happily. Beth’s cookies were legendary, especially at Christmastime. “I’m amazed you had the time to bake. These are so good. I swear if you went into business, it would be a huge success.”

  Beth smiled. “That would be fun, but I have enough to keep me busy here.”

  “I know, but I selfishly hope you never stop baking.”

  “What’s up? You look kinda…” Beth hesitated as she studied Piper. “Spooked. No, that’s not it. You look frazzled,” she concluded, eyeing Piper over her cup of tea.

  “Yep, that’s how I feel. Spooked and frazzled,” Piper said with a wry shake of her head.

  Beth set her cup down. “Why? What happened?”

  Piper chewed the cookie and pondered where to begin. “Roman is back in my life,” she said after a weighted pause.

  “Roman Spenser?” Beth stared at her in astonishment. “How did that happen? Start from the beginning and don’t skip anything,” she commanded when Piper hesitated.

  Piper filled her in on the past events, from their first meet-up at The Bearded Dragon to their last one today culminating in Roman’s unexpected kiss. She also mentioned Brie’s suggestive text during their lunch.

  Beth had always been a good listener. She sat still taking in every word, frowning at the annoying parts, laughing when she heard that Sadie’s nickname for Brie was “The Stinky Cheese” and looking amazed when Piper described Roman’s knee-buckling kiss.

  Slack-jawed, Beth stared at Piper when she stopped talking. “Wow,” she breathed, exhaling loudly. “Things have sure been exciting for you. What are you going to do?”


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