The Complete Perfect Series

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The Complete Perfect Series Page 22

by Lindsey Powell

  Ouch, that fucking hurts.

  I continue to scream as tears spring to my eyes.

  I can still hear Caitlin laughing in the background.

  Things start to go hazy and I stop screaming. I don’t have the energy to keep screaming.

  I groggily lift my head and look down my body to see the knife stuck in my side. Caitlin’s hand is clasped firmly around the handle. My eyes shift to Caitlin, and all I see is her laughing like a deranged psycho.

  It feels like I am led here for hours, but in reality, it must only be a few seconds.

  Time has seemed to slow down in my foggy state.

  Images start to flicker through my mind as I start to lose consciousness.

  I hear footsteps and see that two figures have entered the room. They are soon lifting Caitlin off of me. Maybe I am hallucinating? I don’t take any notice of who the figures are until I hear one of them shout.


  It’s Jake. It’s his voice.

  I try my hardest to speak to him, but I can’t. My mouth won’t work. I can feel myself losing the fight to stay awake. The darkness is calling to me, and it seems so inviting.

  My eyes are fluttering as I feel myself being pulled into someone’s arms. I try to open my eyelids, but it’s no good. I am far too sleepy. The darkness looks too good to resist.

  As I give into the urge to go to sleep, I hear Jake speak.

  “Stacey, baby, open your eyes. Please.”

  I can hear him pleading with me, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t open my eyes. I can still hear Caitlin’s laugh echoing in the distance, and I want nothing more than for that noise to disappear.

  As her laughing eventually fades away, I hear Jake speak one last time.

  “I love you,” are the last words that I hear before the darkness engulfs me.

  Perfect Memories

  Chapter One


  The last twenty-four hours of my life have been like I am living in a nightmare.

  Except that, it’s not a nightmare.

  What has happened is all too real.

  I have been sat in this hospital since last night. The night when the psychotic Caitlin, stabbed my current girlfriend, Stacey. Now, Stacey lies in a hospital bed, hooked up to all sorts of machines. Her skin is pale, her hair is messy, and her features are tired looking. But, to me, she is still the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen.

  She is in here because of me. Because of my past.

  The guilt that I am feeling is indescribable. If I had just left ‘us’ as a one-night-stand all those months ago, then she wouldn’t be in this hospital bed and she wouldn’t be fighting for her life. If I had stayed away from her, then she would have been safe. Safe from Caitlin, and safe from me.

  I have been selfish by bringing her into my world and involving her in my past. I will make Caitlin pay for this. She will pay dearly. I will make sure she gets sent to prison for a long time, even if it’s the last thing that I do.

  No one hurts Stacey.

  She is just an innocent victim in all of this.

  I stare at her lifeless form on the bed and I realise how crazy it is that I have fallen for this woman so hard, and so fast. She was made for me. Everything about her compliments me. Everything about her is perfect. Perfect for me. That is why I couldn’t stay away from her. If only I had had the fortune of meeting her years ago, then none of this would have happened.

  As I sit by her hospital bed, I gently hold her hand in mine. She has such soft skin and delicate, petite hands. As I turn her hand over and stroke her palm, I find myself talking to her.

  “Stacey, I know that you can hear me. I am so sorry for what has happened. It’s all my fault. I will make this up to you. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”

  I drop my head onto the bed and squeeze my eyes shut. I will not show that I am weak by crying right now. I will not let the tears and the anger take over.

  I need to remain strong.

  I take a few deep breaths and lift my head back up to look at her. She had to go into surgery as soon as the ambulance got here. Her operation went well, and luckily, Caitlin failed to hit any vital organs when she stabbed her. The image of Stacey’s blood on the floor, and Caitlin leant over her, laughing like a maniac, is something that I will never be able to erase from my mind. I thought that Stacey was dead as I took her in my arms and her body went limp. I cradled her until the ambulance arrived. I told her that I loved her for the first time. I don’t know if she heard me, but I can only hope that she did. She needed to know. I needed her to know how I felt about her. It wasn’t how I had imagined telling her, but then I never imagined that Caitlin would actually stab her either.

  I knew Caitlin was unhinged, but I suppose I didn’t really think that she would hurt anyone physically, other than me. I know that I tried to keep Stacey safe by having Eric take her places, but that was only to keep her away from Caitlin’s nasty mouth. Stacey didn’t need to hear any more details of what Caitlin did to me. I dread to think of what the ending would have been if I hadn’t come back from my business trip early.

  How long would Stacey have been left bleeding to death?

  Would Caitlin have stabbed her again?

  Would Caitlin have been caught?

  The thoughts make me shudder. What a bloody fool I have been.

  The door to Stacey’s private room opens, interrupting my dark thoughts. Eric walks in and closes the door behind him.

  “How’s she doing, boss?” Eric asks. Concern is etched all over his face. Eric stayed here all night with me.

  “Still the same. Her vitals are good though, so I am told. It’s just a case of waiting for her to wake up.”

  She has to wake up.

  I can’t bear the thought of losing her.

  “Why don’t you go and take a walk and get yourself a coffee. I will stay with Stacey.”

  “I don’t want to leave her,” I snap at Eric. I have known Eric for a long time, and he has been my confidant for the last eight years. He is one of the few people that I trust. I know that he is trying to help, but I feel irritated by the fact that he is suggesting that I leave this room.

  “Look, Jake, I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now, but you need to get out of this room. Get your ass up and go and get a coffee and maybe something to eat. You have been in here since Stacey came out of the operating theatre. Go and stretch your legs and clear your head.” Eric doesn’t often take a stern tone with me, but on this occasion, he does. I scoff and turn to look at him.

  “Are you ordering me around?” Who does he think he is?

  “Damn right I am.” Eric stands there with his hands in his trouser pockets, looking defiant. A part of me wants to challenge him, but I know that he is right. I need to take a few moments to try and gather my thoughts. And I really could do with a coffee. I sigh and reluctantly stand up, but before I leave, I bend down and place a gentle kiss on Stacey’s cheek.

  “If anything happens––”

  “Then I will phone you.” Eric finishes my sentence for me.

  I head to the door and mumble a thank you as I leave. The walk down to the cafeteria seems to take forever. My mind is scrambled. So many questions are circling around my head, and I have no answers to any of them. It’s so fucking frustrating.

  I wait in a queue to order my coffee, and I ignore the idea of eating any food. I think that if I were to put any food in my mouth, then I would throw it back up again.

  When it is finally my turn to order, I ask for a triple shot americano. I need a good hit of caffeine in my system. I wait whilst the barista seems to take hours making the damn coffee.

  Surely it doesn’t take this long? Maybe the barista is new and needs better bloody training?

  I feel my phone start to vibrate in my pocket and I pull it out to see that Eric is calling me. Panic and fear grip me at his name displayed on the screen. I answer the call and my heart is going crazy as adren
aline spikes through me at whatever news he may have.

  “Eric?” I say, my tone impatient.

  “Get back here now.” The urgency in his voice has me bolting out of the cafeteria without my coffee. I hear the barista calling after me, but I couldn’t give a fuck about my drink right now. I knew that I shouldn’t have left Stacey’s room.

  Why do I seem to keep making bad choices?

  I sprint to the lifts, but of course, every single fucking one of them is either full or it’s on its way up to the top of the hospital.

  “Bollocks.” I can’t wait for one to come back down, so instead, I head for the stairs and I start to sprint up the ten flights, so that I can get to Stacey’s room.

  Chapter Two


  The fog is starting to lift.

  I can hear a tapping noise. The sound is unbearable.

  My head is pounding. My eyes remain closed. Trying to open them is too much effort. My eyelids are far too heavy.

  I want to move, but it is like my body is paralysed.

  I have no idea what is going on and I start to feel panicky.

  Why won’t my eyes open?

  Why won’t my head stop throbbing?

  What is that tapping noise?

  What the hell is going on?

  Am I dead?

  The questions stop as the fog starts to come down again, and I feel myself drifting off into the darkness, to the sounds of machines beeping…


  I finally reach floor ten and I race to Stacey’s room.

  I run like I have never run before.

  My heart is pounding, and my mouth is dry.

  I reach the door to her hospital room and swing it open. Eric is stood by the back wall with wide eyes. There are two nurses and a doctor hovering over Stacey.

  “What’s happened?” I demand.

  The doctor and nurses ignore me as they carry on with whatever they are doing. Eric places his hand on my arm and moves me, so that I am standing by him, against the back wall. I watch helplessly as the doctor and nurses continue their work.

  “Eric,” I whisper, trying to remain as calm as possible. “What the fuck happened?”

  “I don’t know, Jake. One minute she was fine, and then the next, the machines started beeping and the doctor and nurses came in. They ushered me out of the way, and they haven’t said a word to me since.”

  I grit my teeth at his words. If he hadn’t sent me away, then I would have been in here with her. I would have been able to see what happened with my own eyes.

  I take a few deep breaths to calm myself and I focus my attention on the doctor. I watch and wait, for what feels like forever, for the hospital staff to finish what they are doing. I can feel the tension radiating from my body, and my hands ball into fists at my sides.

  Eventually, the doctor dismisses the nurses and turns to face me.

  “Mr Waters?” he asks.

  I step forward. “Yes?”

  “Miss Paris is fine now, but her body went into shock. This is not uncommon in patients that have had a head trauma. I have completed the necessary checks and I am confident that Stacey will wake up soon. It’s still just a case of waiting at the moment.”

  At the doctor’s words, I let out the breath that I have been holding.

  “So, she will be okay?” I ask, desperately hoping for the answer to be yes.

  “I can’t guarantee anything, Mr Waters. Head injuries can be complex, but her progress is good. I have no reason to think that Miss Paris won’t make a full recovery. But, like I said, I can’t guarantee it.” The doctor doesn’t seem to be too worried which eases my tension, slightly.

  “Thank you, doctor.”

  “I will be back in an hour to do another check.” With that, the doctor leaves the room.

  I go to Stacey’s side, and I resume my place in the chair, beside her bed.

  “She’s a tough cookie, Jake. She will pull through this,” Eric says. I feel anger rise within me at the sound of his voice.

  “Why did you make me leave the room? I should have been here with her.” My voice is louder than I intend it to be. I can hear the venom in my tone, and I don’t like that Eric is the one I am using it on. This isn’t his fault, I know that, but I need to take out my frustrations on someone. Apart from Stacey, he is the closest person to me.

  “You needed a break. It is unfortunate that something happened whilst you were gone. Don’t take this out on me, Jake. This is down to Caitlin and, partly, you.”

  I turn to Eric, my eyes wide. I can’t believe that he has just said that. I know that it’s true but hearing it from someone else just shows what everyone will think.

  What if Stacey thinks that too? What if she wants nothing more to do with me?

  “Don’t you think that I already fucking know that?” I rise from the chair and go to stand in front of Eric. He doesn’t move. “I know that it is my fault that Stacey is in this mess. I don’t need reminding of that fact.” I feel sick. “Just get the hell out of here.”

  I can no longer contain my rage at hearing his words.

  I have never fallen out with Eric, and he has always been there for me. But, right now, I don’t want him here.

  “Don’t be stupid, Jake.” There is a warning tone in his voice. I am going too far, but I still can’t stop.

  “Fuck off, Eric.” My voice is menacing. Eric shakes his head, and just when I think that he is about to leave, a voice breaks the tension between us.

  “Stop shouting. My head hurts.”

  Eric and I both turn and look at Stacey. Her eyes are open.

  Her eyes are fucking open.

  She’s awake.

  Her eyes roam around the room and then they settle and focus on me. I walk to her side and I hear Eric say that he will go and get the doctor.

  I stare at her.

  Shock renders me speechless.

  I must be day-dreaming?

  I close my eyes and re-open them to see that she is still staring at me.

  A small smile forms on my lips.

  She really is awake.

  Chapter Three


  What is going on?

  Who is this man in my room?

  Where the hell am I?

  I stare at the man who is stood by my bed. Even in my lethargic state, I can see that he is incredibly handsome. His jet-black hair, chiselled features, and those gorgeous coloured eyes are stunning. He is just staring at me. His eyes are glistening, and his smile is infectious. He takes my hand in his, and his warmth radiates into me.

  “Who are you?” I manage to ask him, even though my voice is croaky. My throat feels so dry and I desperately need a drink. His smile instantly fades, and he looks devastated.

  What did I say that was so wrong?

  I feel a frown form on my face from the confusion that I am feeling. He seems to be struggling for words as his mouth opens and then closes again.

  I am about to speak again, when the door to my room opens, stopping me from saying anything. I see a doctor walk in, followed by the older guy who was in here a few minutes ago.

  “Ah, Miss Paris, you are back with us. That’s fantastic. I am Doctor Reynolds, and I have been treating you whilst you have been in here.” Doctor Reynolds stands at the end of my bed, picks up a clipboard, and starts flipping through some of the pages attached to it. “If you don’t mind, I just need to do some checks as a formality.”

  “Uh, sure. Can I have a drink of water first? My mouth is so dry.” Doctor Reynolds nods, and the guy with the gorgeous coloured eyes quickly pours me some water and brings the plastic cup to my lips.

  I don’t look at him as I drink. I can’t bear to see the devastation on his face.

  I wonder what’s wrong with him?

  I lay my head back down on the pillow to indicate that I have finished drinking. I still keep my eyes averted as I thank him for the drink.

  Doctor Reynolds begins whatever checks he needs to do, and I r
ealise how uncomfortable I feel with these two strange men watching me.

  “Um, Doctor Reynolds?” I say, getting the doctor’s attention. “I don’t mean to be rude, but could this be done in private? Without an audience?” The doctor looks at me and then looks at Jake with a puzzled expression on his face.

  “You don’t want them in here with you?” he asks.

  “No. Thank you.” I keep my reply short and my eyes fixed on the doctor. He looks to the two men and politely asks them if they could wait outside. I can feel the younger guy staring at me, but I still don’t look at him.

  Doctor Reynolds repeats his request for them to leave. A few seconds later, I hear the sound of the door opening and then the sound of it closing, and I let out the breath that I have been holding.

  “Can I just ask why you didn’t want them in here with you?” Doctor Reynolds asks me.

  “Why would I want two men that I don’t even know, gawping at me? Are they trainee doctors or something?” I figure that this could be possible for the younger guy, but the older one I’m not so sure about.

  Doctor Reynolds stares at me and I feel like I am asking the wrong questions somehow. He then shines a torch in each of my eyes and starts to ask me a series of questions.

  “What’s your full name?” he asks.

  “Stacey Marie Paris.”

  “How old are you?”


  “What’s your birth date?”

  “September the ninth, nineteen-ninety.”

  These are pretty straight forward questions. Would he not already have this information on the clipboard?

  “Where do you live?”

  “Copperfield Drive.”

  Doctor Reynolds flips to a second page on my chart and studies it. “Well, you got them all correct, except for the last one. You do not live at Copperfield Drive.”

  “Of course I do. Where else would I be living?” There must be some mistake with my paperwork.

  “Miss Paris, you live at Mason Terrace.” I remain quiet and wonder why on earth the doctor is saying that I live at Mason Terrace.


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