The Complete Perfect Series

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The Complete Perfect Series Page 23

by Lindsey Powell

  “That can’t be right, doctor. That is where my friend Lydia lives. I live at Copperfield Drive. I live there with my boyfriend, Charles.”

  Doctor Reynolds looks uncertain and he excuses himself from the room. “I will be back in a few moments. I just need to check something.”

  He disappears out of the door and shuts it behind him.

  I lie there, trying to work out why my notes would say that I live at Lydia’s. My head is pounding, and I can’t think straight. I lift my arms to rub my temples and I feel a sharp pain go through my side.

  Ouch. What the hell is that?

  I lower the blanket that is covering my body, and I lift up my nightdress. On my side is a big white dressing.

  What the bloody hell is that doing there?

  What has been going on?

  I rack my brains, trying to think about what might have happened to me, but I am at a loss.

  The last memory that I have is of Charles and I going to a function at the Bowden Hall. I close my eyes and picture us driving up to the magnificent building. I can see myself getting out of the car, and then it all just goes blank. I lie there, puzzled.

  What the hell is wrong with me? And where the hell is Charles? Why isn’t he here with me? Maybe he is getting a drink? Yes, that must be it. He wouldn’t leave me in here on my own. He will be able to explain all of this to me.

  I feel a slight bit of relief at this thought.

  However, until Charles decides to make an appearance, I am still none the wiser.

  I feel my breathing start to quicken, so I take some deep breaths to try and regulate it. As I stare at the wall in front of me, I feel despondent. Almost as if I don’t belong.

  I can hear the mumbling of voices outside my door, and I wonder if the doctor is talking to the two strange men that were in here when I woke up. I listen for a few more minutes, but I can’t make out any words, and my eyelids start to feel heavy. With nothing in the room to keep me distracted, I close my eyes, and I slowly feel myself start to drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Four


  When I open my eyes, there is no doctor in the room. There is however, the guy with the beautiful eyes.

  He is sat in the chair next to my bed. He is staring at me and gives me a soft smile as our eyes lock. I groggily point to the glass of water that sits on the table, beside my bed. The guy picks up the glass and helps me have a drink and waits patiently for me to finish before placing the glass back on the table.

  “Thank you,” I say. It only comes out as a whisper, but he acknowledges that he has heard me.

  “No problem,” he replies. His voice is husky. His eyes look tired.

  I wonder why he is still here?

  “I don’t mean to be rude, but… Who are you?” I have to ask him the question again, seeing as I didn’t get an answer earlier. He has been here both times that I have woken up. There is obviously some reason that he is here, and I need to know what that reason is.

  He takes a deep breath before answering.

  “You really don’t remember?” he asks. I shake my head at him and he looks defeated. “Maybe I should call the doctor to come and talk to you?”

  “No, please, can’t you just tell me? I mean, there is a reason that you are here. It would be nice if you would tell me why.” There is silence for the next few moments. I try not to show impatience as this guy is clearly struggling with something. He runs his hands through his hair and lets out a puff of air. His eyes then lock with mine and I feel like he is reaching into my soul.

  “Stacey, my name is Jake. Jake Waters. I have been here with you the whole time because I am your boyfriend. We are together.” My eyes go wide at his words.

  Is this guy on drugs?

  He can’t be my boyfriend, I’m with Charles.

  “I beg your pardon?” The disbelief is evident in my voice.

  “We are together, Stacey.”

  “No… No, that’s not right. I am with Charles. Charles is my boyfriend.”

  This has got to be some kind of joke? And not a very funny one at that.

  “No, he isn’t. You left Charles because he slept with another woman whilst you were still together. We became a couple not long after. Things progressed quickly between us.” His eyes are searching mine for some kind of recognition, but I am at a complete loss. “I understand this must be confusing, but there is something else that I need to tell you.”

  He takes in a deep breath and lets it out before continuing. “It’s my fault that you are in here. I am the reason that you ended up in hospital.” He looks ashamed as he says these words and panic starts to course through my body.

  I am in here because of him?

  Christ, what the hell did he do to me?

  “What do you mean? How am I in here because of you?” I don’t know how to process this information.

  Surely if he were a danger to me, he wouldn’t be allowed in here?

  “I… Um… I…” He clears his throat and takes a sip of my water. I am a little taken aback by his familiarity. “My ex did this to you. She couldn’t stand the thought of us being together, so she got you on your own and stabbed you. That’s why your side is bandaged.”

  What the fuck?

  Is this guy for real?

  “I’m so sorry, Stacey. I was away on a business trip and I came back early to surprise you. That’s when I found you, lying on the floor, and then you lost consciousness.”

  I literally cannot speak.

  This can’t be true? Surely, I would remember something like that happening to me?

  My eyes wander to my side, which is covered by the blanket. I try my hardest to remember what happened, but nothing is coming to me.

  “Please say something, Stacey.” This Jake guy is pleading with me, and I can see the hurt in his eyes.

  Am I causing that look?

  This is all so weird.

  “None of this makes any sense,” I say as I shake my head. “I don’t remember any of that happening.” I feel tired all of a sudden. This information is too much. “How am I meant to know if you are telling me the truth or not?” My head starts to throb.

  “I promise you that I would never lie to you. Please, Stace, you have to remember me.” His eyes look so sad that it almost makes me want to cry for him. I wish that I could believe this guy, but I’m not sure if I do. I’m too weak to deal with this right now. I need some space.

  “I want you to leave. I don’t know you, and I have no idea why you are saying all of these things.” I keep my tone firm. I don’t want to sound harsh, but I just want to be left alone.

  He looks absolutely gutted. “You do know me. You can’t just forget our time together.”

  “I don’t know you,” I repeat. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “Just try to remember, please.” He sounds desperate.

  “Just go.” I expect him to try and change my mind, but he doesn’t. He just stands and goes over to the door.

  He opens the door but turns back to face me. “What we have is special, Stacey. I am going to help you remember me, and I’m going to help you remember us.”

  He then walks out, closing the door behind him.

  I stare after him, racking my brains, trying to place everything that he told me, but it still doesn’t make any sense.

  I have never felt so confused in all my life.

  I’m sure that I would remember that guy.

  He’s far too handsome to forget.

  Chapter Five


  Doctor Reynolds comes around a few hours after Jake has left. I haven’t been able to sleep. I feel restless, and the information that Jake told me just keeps going around and around in my head. It’s like his voice is repeating everything on a continual loop.

  After the doctor has done all of the relevant checks on me, he sits in the chair beside my bed.

  “Miss Paris, I need to inform you about what happened to you during your time in her
e and just before.”

  “Okay.” I am eager to see if he can help shed any light on my current situation.

  “I presume that you have spoken to Mr Waters? The man who was in here when you first woke up,” he says for clarification, so I know who he is talking about.

  “Yes. I spoke with him earlier. He came up with some elaborate story about how his jealous ex stabbed me. I mean, I don’t even know the guy, so why would his ex stab me?” I give a little chuckle at how ridiculous it all sounds. I expect the doctor to laugh with me, but he doesn’t, and I quickly become silent at the serious expression on his face.

  “Well, Mr Waters has told you the truth. I don’t know the personal ins and outs of the situation between you two, but you were stabbed.” I look straight at the doctor with wide eyes.

  “No, doctor, that can’t be right. I would remember that happening to me.”

  Surely doctors aren’t allowed to mislead their patients?

  “Miss Paris, you have some form of amnesia. Your memory has been completely erased of the last few weeks of your life. You hit your head during the altercation that you were involved in, but I am hopeful that you will regain your memory. It is just a question of when.

  “I’m afraid that I can’t say any more about your head injury as the brain is a very complex part of the body. As for the operation that you underwent when you were first admitted, for your side, I’m pleased to say that there will be minimal scarring of the area and no vital organs were hit.” Doctor Reynolds seems pleased with this diagnosis, but I am not. Amnesia? “Are there any questions that you may have for me?”

  “Um…” I don’t quite know what to say. I open and close my mouth a few times, but no sound comes out. My mind has gone blank of anything to ask.

  “I can see that you are a little overwhelmed by what I have told you.” I nod at him. “In that case, I am going to go so that you can get some rest. The nurses will be doing various routine checks with you, but I will be back first thing tomorrow morning, to see if there is any change.”

  “Thank you, doctor,” I answer robotically.

  “My pleasure, Miss Paris.” Doctor Reynolds then gets up and leaves my room.

  I feel like I have the entire weight of the world on my shoulders.

  So, if the stabbing is true, then it must be true that I left Charles? It would certainly explain why Charles hasn’t been here. And if that’s true, then it must be true that Jake is my boyfriend.

  How could I forget something like that?

  It’s a lot to get my head around.

  I lie, staring at the ceiling and Jake’s face pops into my brain. Everything that I have learned so far would certainly explain the crestfallen look on Jake’s face when I said that I couldn’t remember who he was.

  I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I wipe it away with my hand. I almost feel like I have lost a piece of myself. Another tear rolls down my cheek, but this time I don’t wipe it away. I close my eyes and let the tears fall.


  “She doesn’t fucking remember me, Lydia.” I am fuming. I know that this isn’t Lydia’s fault, and it isn’t even Stacey’s, but I need to talk to the one person that is closest to Stacey, and that is Lydia.

  “Calm down, Jake. I understand that you are frustrated, but this is just temporary.” Lydia is trying to appease me.

  “What if it’s not, Lyd? What if she never remembers me?”

  This thought has been going around my head since I left the hospital. Each time I think about it, it’s like a dagger going straight into my heart. Lydia is the first person that I have voiced this concern to.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course she will remember you. This is not forever. You will get her back. It may take a little while, but she will remember.” Lydia’s words don’t make me feel any better. I know that she is trying to put my mind at ease, but it’s not working.

  “When are you going to see her?”

  “First thing tomorrow morning.”

  “Can you please talk to her, Lyd? Get her to try and remember me.” I am clutching at straws here, but I don’t care.

  “I don’t think that’s how it works, but I will try and talk to her. There is no quick fix here, Jake. You’re just going to have to be patient with her, and let’s hope that her memory comes back quickly.”

  “Thank you.” I sigh. “Call me as soon as you have seen her.” I don’t want to talk any more.

  “Yes, sir,” Lydia replies. I hear the line click off and I throw my phone onto the sofa.

  I go to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of scotch. I need a drink after today. I return to the lounge and sit on the sofa.

  How can this be happening?

  I finally find her again, after our night together all those months ago, and then Caitlin destroys it all.

  Caitlin has taken the one person that I love away from me. The bitch succeeded in her revenge, and she needs to pay for what she has done.

  My mind whirrs as I sit back and close my eyes. I need to get Stacey to remember. I need to try and make her see that she belongs with me.

  A thought suddenly occurs to me, which makes me sit bolt upright. If she doesn’t remember the last few weeks, then she won’t remember what happened with Donnie.

  This is all so fucked up.

  I drain my glass and go back to the kitchen to get the whole bottle of scotch and carry the bottle up to my bedroom. I stop in my bedroom doorway, my eyes drawn to the bed.

  My mind conjures up the image of Stacey led there.

  I can picture the want in her eyes at the thought of my touch.

  I can feel her excitement from the anticipation of what I am about to do to her.

  I imagine her arms around me, and her fingers running through my hair.

  I shake my head in frustration and go and sit on the edge of the bed before taking a swig from the bottle that I am holding.

  I can smell her scent in this room. It is driving me crazy that she doesn’t want me with her at the hospital. It almost broke me when she told me to leave.

  Stop being such a pussy, Waters.

  I need to quiet all the questions in my head.

  I need my mind to go blank.

  I take some more swigs of scotch.

  I drink and drink until I can drink no more.

  The questions never go, and it isn’t until sleep claims me that I can finally forget, even if it will only be for a few hours.

  Chapter Six


  God, I hate hospitals.

  I have been awake since six this morning, listening to everything going on outside of my room. The nurses’ bells have been going off every five minutes. The sound of feet rushing down the corridor and the shouting by other patients is enough to put me off ever coming back here again.

  I just want to go home. Although, I’m not exactly sure where home is right now.

  The sound of the seconds ticking by on the clock draws my attention to the hands going around and around in monotonous circles.

  There is a knock on the door at quarter past nine and I could almost jump for joy that someone is coming to relieve my boredom. The door opens and Lydia bursts in. I almost squeal with delight at the sight of her. She looks immaculate. Her hair is shining, and she is like a burst of colour in her yellow sun-dress. She is beaming at me and I grin at her like a Cheshire cat. I am so pleased to see a friendly face.

  More importantly, a face that I recognise and know.

  “Babes! It’s so good to see you.” Lydia rushes over to me, dumps her bag on the floor, and gives me a gentle hug.

  “It’s good to see you too, Lyd. This place is driving me insane. It’s so depressing being stuck in here. I need to get out.”

  “Not until the doctor says so you don’t.” I poke my tongue out at her and she laughs. “Speaking of doctors, are there any fit ones here?” I laugh at her question. This feels so normal. Lydia really is like a breath of fresh air.

  “Nope. Not unless you’re int
o the older man.”

  “Hell, if they are older and look like George Clooney, then I’m game.”

  “Lydia, you are terrible,” I say whilst laughing. “Unfortunately, there are no George Clooney lookalikes.”

  “Shame.” Lydia pouts at my answer. “So, how are you feeling anyway?”

  “Confused. I don’t understand––” I am interrupted by the door opening. Doctor Reynolds walks in and I stop speaking. I can chat to Lydia when he has gone.

  “Good morning, ladies,” he greets both of us. “How are you feeling today, Stacey?” he asks me with a smile on his face. It’s the kind of smile that relaxes you and puts you at ease.

  “I’m okay, just a bit tired. I had a restless night.”

  “Hmm.” Doctor Reynolds checks my vitals. “Do you still have any pain in your head?”

  “It’s not as bad as yesterday. It’s more of a dull ache today.”

  “Well, that is to be expected. As long as the pain is lessening, that is all that matters.” Doctor Reynolds picks up a clipboard from the end of my bed and begins jotting something down on the paper.

  Lydia and I sit quietly, waiting for him to speak again. It takes a few minutes for him to make some notes and then he pops the clipboard away again. “I must say that if your vitals keep improving this quickly, then you may be able to go home in the next few days.”

  “That’s fantastic,” Lydia exclaims, and I smile at her.

  “Have there been any improvements with your memory since yesterday at all?” Doctor Reynolds asks.

  “No. I still can’t remember anything.” I feel so frustrated with myself. Lydia looks at me sympathetically.

  Huh, I would have thought that she would look shocked at the doctor asking me this question, seeing as I haven’t seen her until now.

  “It’s still early days. Don’t try to push yourself too hard. These things take time. The nurse will be round this afternoon to help you get out of bed and move around. That is if you feel up to it?” says Doctor Reynolds, interrupting my thoughts.


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