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The Complete Perfect Series

Page 74

by Lindsey Powell

  As I watch through the windows, I wait for Jake to make his way up the stairs to the second floor, so that I have time to move the car onto our drive, ready to surprise him. It takes a few minutes, but I eventually see him making his way up to the first floor. I start to feel a jolt of excitement go through me as I imagine what kind of thank you I am going to get from him when he sees this car.

  About five minutes later, I see Jake making his way to the top floor.

  That’s my cue.

  I start the car and pull onto our drive as quickly as possible. I cut the engine when I am positioned directly in front of the door to our house and clap my hands together at how well my plan is coming along. I honestly wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to pull it off without him finding out, but I have, and I feel triumphant about that.

  The next part is the worst bit as I make my way out of the car and sit myself on the car bonnet. I pull my coat tighter around me as the chilly winter air bites into my skin. Ideally, I wanted to be waiting for him on the bonnet of the car in just my underwear, but with recent events, I decided against that. Also, I didn’t want to risk giving any of the neighbours a heart attack if they were to see me.

  I just hope that Jake decides to look back outside again, and quickly.

  It would be nice to be found before I develop any type of frostbite.


  Where the fucking hell is she?

  I have searched the house and the garden from top to bottom, but there is no sign of her. I try ringing her mobile phone, but it keeps going to answerphone.

  I rack my brains trying to think of where she could be hiding and pace the kitchen as I try to think of what she might be up to. Her car was on the drive, so she is definitely here.

  I decide to re-trace my steps and I make my way to the front door. I unlock it and open it, and I freeze. My eyes roam over the Porsche that is parked on the driveway, with my wife sat on the bonnet.

  “Merry Christmas, baby,” she says, her mouth curving into the biggest grin that I have ever seen.

  “What… Why…” I have no words as I stammer like an idiot, making Stacey chuckle.

  “I’m guessing by your reaction that I did good with this choice of gift for you?” I walk forwards and make my way down the few steps from our front door to the driveway.

  I come to a stop in front of the Porsche, my eyes still not quite believing what I am seeing.

  “This is my gift?”

  “Uh huh.” The sight of my wife sat on top of a Porsche that she has bought for me is truly the sexiest sight that I have ever seen. I feel my dick harden in my trousers and I would love nothing more than to fuck her right here, right now.

  “Wanna take her for a spin?” Stacey says as she jingles the keys in front of my face. I grab her hand and pull her towards me. She slides down the bonnet and laughs as I pick her up and twirl her around in my arms.

  “Are you talking about the car or you?” I whisper in here ear in answer to her question.

  “Car first, me later,” she says as she runs her tongue along my jaw line. I groan and capture her mouth with mine. No one has ever done anything like this for me before.

  I break my lips from hers and stare into her penetrating blue eyes.

  “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure. Now, come on, let’s see what she can really do.” Stacey pushes me away from her gently and then she makes her way to the passenger seat and gets in. I quickly go and lock the front door before getting into the driver’s seat and switching the engine on.

  “I fucking love you, Mrs Waters.”

  “I know,” she replies with a cheeky wink. “Now drive.” I salute her as I manoeuvre the car and pull off of the drive.

  This woman can still surprise me, and I am the lucky bastard that got the chance to marry her.

  Life is pretty damn awesome.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The last week has been absolutely incredible. Mine and Jake’s first Christmas was perfect. We spent the entire time in our own little cocoon. Well, except for a couple of hours on boxing day when we popped round to Lydia and Paul’s to give them their gifts, and of course to see our beautiful god-daughter.

  Christmas morning was amazing as Jake presented me with the most beautiful gift. He had had a charm bracelet specially made for me, and each charm represents a part of our lives together. I love it and I haven’t taken it off since he has given it to me.

  I cooked Christmas dinner for us, we drank fine wine in the evening and just spent quality time together.

  “Stace,” I hear Jake shout, breaking into my thoughts. I put down the decorations that I am putting up for our New Year’s Eve get together and go into the kitchen to see what he is calling me for.

  “What’s up?” I ask as I enter the kitchen. He seems to be frantically looking for something as he is opening cupboards and closing them again.

  “I can’t find the bloody… Ah, here it is,” he says, more to himself than to me. I look to see what it is he was trying to find, but his hand is balled into a fist. He turns to face me, and I frown at him. He walks over to me and opens his hand, revealing the most gorgeous diamond necklace. I gasp.

  “Turn around,” he says in his dominant, commanding voice. I do as he asks, wrenching my eyes away from the sight of the diamonds.

  “Lift your hair up,” he whispers, his breath feathering against my cheek. I hold my hair into a ponytail as Jake proceeds to put the necklace on me. When he has finished, I let my hair go and turn back around to face him.

  “Perfect,” he exclaims.

  “Jake, you shouldn’t have,” I say as I bring my hand up to the necklace and touch it with my fingers.

  “Well, I did. You bought me a Porsche, I buy you a necklace.”

  “You already bought me a charm bracelet,” I say with a raise of my eyebrows.

  “And your point is what?” I roll my eyes at him and place a kiss on his lips.

  The doorbell goes interrupting our moment together.

  “I don’t think that our guests would appreciate being left in the cold so that I can thank you properly. I guess I’ll have to do it later.”

  “Minx.” I laugh and wink at him as I go to answer the door.

  When I open it, I almost have to shield my eyes. Martin is stood there in a fire-engine red shirt and white skinny jeans.

  “Hey hey, pretty lady,” he says, handing me a bottle of wine that he has brought with him.

  “Hi, Mart,” I reply as I usher him inside. “Go on through to the kitchen.”

  I close the door behind him and then do a quick detour to the lounge, so that I can quickly finish putting up the last few decorations. I survey my work and am pleased with the gold theme that I have gone for. Carrying the bottle of wine that Martin brought, I make my way into the kitchen to see that Jake is sat at the kitchen island, whilst Martin appears to be making himself a cocktail.

  “Jake, you really should be a better host,” I say playfully.

  “Hey, I offered to get him a drink, but he asked me for a sex on the beach. Clearly beer or scotch is as far as my knowledge of alcohol goes.” I swat him on the arm and walk round to Martin.

  “Do you know what you’re doing, Mart?” I ask as he shakes his cocktail to within an inch of its life.

  “Sure I do. You underestimate me, Stacey Waters.” Martin looks pretty pleased with himself, but when he starts to pour the drink into a glass, his triumphant smile turns into a bit of a grimace.

  “It’s green.” Sex on the beach shouldn’t be green.

  “Hmm. Maybe it tastes better than it looks?” Martin says as he puts the cocktail shaker down and takes a sip of his drink. As soon as he tastes it, he puts the glass down and starts coughing and spluttering.

  “I’m guessing that it tastes exactly how it looks?” Jake asks, trying not to laugh.

  “Ugh. That is vile,” Martin exclaims with his face screwed up in disgust. “Baby girl, help me out here.” Ma
rtin knows that I can make a mean cocktail, so it was only a matter of time before he asked me to do it.

  “Go and sit down and let the master get to work,” I say cockily.

  “No need to brag, Stace,” Martin says as he takes a seat next to Jake. I swill the contents out of the cocktail shaker, carefully avoiding splashing anything onto my white dress. I am half way through making the cocktail when the doorbell goes again.

  “I’ll go,” Jake says.

  I continue to make Martin’s drink and a few seconds later, Lydia comes barrelling into the kitchen.

  “Hey, guys,” she says.

  “Hi, Lyd,” Martin and I reply in unison.

  “Want a sex on the beach?” I ask her as I start to pour Martin’s drink.

  “Oooo, yes, please. Why is it so quiet in here? Where’s the music?” Before I can answer her, she disappears out of the kitchen.

  Paul and Jake enter, and Jake gets Paul a beer. They are typical alpha males. No fancy cocktails needed for them. I pass Martin his drink and manage to say hello to Paul before loud music starts to play. Martin jumps at the sudden shock, nearly spilling his drink everywhere. Lydia comes bounding into the kitchen a few seconds later.

  “Fucking hell, Lydia,” Martin shouts. “You nearly gave me a heart attack when you put that music on.” I love how dramatic he is.

  “Shush you. Now come on, guys, is this a party or a wake?” she shouts as she begins to jig on the spot. Clearly, Lydia is going to make the most of being Amber-free tonight. I pour myself a glass of wine and it for a toast.

  “To friends who have become family. May this next year be everything that you hope for,” I shout above the music. Everyone comes over and clinks their glass or bottle against mine. “I love you guys.”

  “Woo hoo,” Lydia answers. Jake gives me a wink as Lydia grabs my hand and motions for me to dance with her. It isn’t long before Martin joins in, and it doesn’t take much longer for us to start drinking shots.

  It may only be the five of us, but we sure know how to party.


  Our New Year’s Eve party finally ends at just gone three in the morning. Lydia and Paul left about half an hour ago and Martin is staying in one of our guest rooms.

  “Night, baby girl,” Martin says as he gives Stacey a kiss on the cheek.

  “Night, Mart.”

  “Fabulous party, Jake,” Martin says as he shakes my hand and then pulls me into a hug. I am now used to Martin, so his behaviour no longer shocks me. “Good night you ridiculously good-looking couple.”

  With that, Martin sashays out of the room. Stacey shakes her head and then starts to put some of the used glasses into the dishwasher. I walk up behind her and place my hand on hers, stopping her from doing anymore tidying up.

  “This can wait until the morning,” I say as I place my hands on her ass and lift her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and places her hands on my shoulders. “Your husband on the other hand can’t.” I raise one eyebrow at her suggestively, but I don’t really need to. She knows exactly what I mean.

  “Well in that case, lead the way, Waters.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I am awoken by the sound of my mobile phone vibrating on the bedside table. I groan and reach across to it, ready to tell whoever is phoning me to fuck off.

  “Hello,” I answer, not even bothering to open my eyes and see who it is that is calling me.

  “Stacey,” Chloe’s voice booms through the speaker. I grab my head with my other hand as pain shoots through me.

  “Jesus, Chloe, do you have to shout?” I whine down the phone at her.

  “I’m not shouting,” she insists, even though her voice appears louder than it did a minute ago. “Anyway, I will get straight to the point of why I am calling you this early on New Year’s Day.”

  “What time is it?” I mumble, more to myself than to Chloe.

  “It’s just gone nine.” I let out a groan as I realise that I have only had about three hours sleep. I prise my eyes open slowly as I allow the light to infiltrate them. “Stacey, are you listening to me?”

  “Yes, yes, I’m listening.” I stifle a yawn as I sit up a little and await whatever it is that Chloe wants to talk to me about.

  “Well, I received an email a couple of days ago from a guy called Chance Chambers––” I snicker at the name, stopping Chloe from continuing with her news.

  “Sorry,” I say, not feeling in the least bit sorry at all. “Chance Chambers? Is this seriously someone’s name?”

  “Yes, Stacey, and it is the name of someone very important in the film industry.”

  “And why would that be relevant to me?” I ask.

  “Are you honestly not getting where I am going with this?” Chloe asks as I sense a bit of annoyance in her tone. I hear her sigh before she continues to talk. “Chance is a big name on the Hollywood circuit, and he has emailed me to ask if you would like to meet him to discuss the possibility of turning your book into a film.”

  This piece of information makes me sit bolt upright in bed, despite the blinding hangover that is emerging.

  “Holy shit,” I exclaim, a little louder than I intended, and I feel Jake stir next to me.

  “I know, this is exciting news, isn’t it? Anyway,” Chloe continues, clearly not wanting an answer to the question she just asked, “Chance wants to meet with you as soon as possible.”

  “Okay. Well, when does he want to meet?”


  “As in this Friday coming?”


  “I can do that. Can you send the details to me of where I need to meet him and at what time?”

  “Uh…” I can sense Chloe’s hesitancy through the phone.

  “What is it, Chloe?”

  “Well, I can email you over the details, that’s no problem––”

  “So why do you sound so worried?”

  “Well, the meeting needs to take place at Chance’s offices. In New York.”

  “What?” I screech loudly. New York? On Friday? “Chloe, I can’t do that. There isn’t enough time to sort everything out for me to leave that soon.”

  “Actually, there isn’t much to sort. I have already booked the flight and accommodation. I have confirmed the meeting for two o’clock in the afternoon, New York time of course. All you really need to do is pack and be at the airport on time.” She makes everything sound so bloody simple.

  Does it not occur to her that I have a life outside of this book?

  “You okay, babe?” I hear Jake mumble from beside me.

  “Uh, I’m going to have to call you back,” I say to Chloe before I hang up the phone. I shouldn’t be rude like that, but I would rather break the news to Jake without having Chloe listening in the background.

  I put my phone back on the bedside table and lie down, snuggling as close to Jake as I can get.

  “How’s your head?” I ask.

  “Fine. Yours?”


  “Want me to get you some paracetamol?”

  “Please.” Jake places a kiss on the end of my nose and then hops out of the bed. He pulls on a pair of jogging bottoms and then leaves the bedroom. I sigh as I wonder how the hell I am going to break it to him about the phone call I just had with Chloe. I send her a quick text telling her that I will call her back within the next hour. I put the phone back down and prop myself up in bed. Jake comes back a few moments later with a glass of water and the paracetamol in his hand.

  “Thanks,” I say as I take the tablets and swill them down with the ice-cold water. Jake takes his jogging bottoms off, climbs back into bed and lies on his side, so that he is facing me.

  “Who was that on the phone?” he asks. A feeling of dread builds in my stomach at having to burst the happy bubble that we have been living in for the last two weeks.


  “It’s New Year’s Day. What the hell did she want?”

  “Stace?” I place the glass of water on the bedside table and close my eyes as I reveal what Chloe phoned me about.

  “She phoned to tell me that a producer is interested in turning my book into a film––”

  “That’s awesome,” Jake says, interrupting me. I try to smile but I don’t achieve the happy look that I was going for. “Why are you not more excited about this?”

  “They want to meet with me on Friday… In New York.” My eyes may be closed already but I squeeze them shut a little bit more as I wait for Jake’s reaction.

  “This Friday?” he asks me. I just nod. “I see.” I choose this moment to open my eyes and look at him. He looks anything but pissed off, which leaves me frowning in response. “And you told Chloe that you would go, right?”

  “I haven’t told her anything yet. She can’t just drop a bombshell like this on me and expect me to give her an answer straight away.”

  “You have to go, Stace. This opportunity is too big to turn down.”

  “Okay, who are you and what have you done with my husband?” I say, feeling a little confused by Jake’s laid-back reaction. He laughs and moves so that he is sitting in front of me, on the bed. I cross my legs and he takes my hands in his.

  “Babe, you need to call Chloe back and tell her that you will be there for that meeting. It might be short notice, but this chance might not come along again.”


  “No buts. You deserve this.” He leans forward and places a light kiss on my lips.

  “Now give her a call,” he says, nodding towards my phone. “Whilst you do that, I will go and make us a coffee.” Before I can respond, Jake has put his jogging bottoms on and left the bedroom.

  I am a little shell-shocked that he didn’t seem irritated by the fact that I am going to be going away before the start of my book tour.

  I pick my phone up and find Chloe’s name in the phone book. I bite my bottom lip as I go back and forth between wanting to go and not wanting to leave Jake so soon.


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