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Unveiled: The Cursed Trilogy, Book Three

Page 6

by Betty Legend

  “I won’t feed from you, no matter how much I want to.”

  Our lips collide, and I slide my hands under his shirt, caressing his chest as I raise my hips, then thrust down. The slick heat between my legs yearns for a climax, and I ride him with the desire to reach it. Squeezing my ass cheeks so hard, I know there'll be marks, he pounds me down onto him, his breath coming out in pleasured groans.

  The handle of the front door jiggles, and he briefly glances at it. Once it stops, he lifts me off the chair and puts me against the porch wall. I cling to him as he fucks me ruthlessly, pounding my ass against the wood.

  Erupting from our bodies, violet essence circles around us, cocooning us in magic. My moans escape into the night air as he breathes heavily, his cock deep inside me. Our lips crash together as his cock gives short, rapid thrusts while the length of him is in me.

  My moan drags out, as does my orgasm. I come so hard, my head becomes dizzy. Pinching my eyes closed, I ride the wave of pleasure. When I finally open them, he has an arm against the wall, leaning his head toward me, indulging in his own pleasure.

  “Do you want to feed from me?”

  “So much so my gums ache.”

  “Go slow.”

  Angling my neck, I brush my hair off my shoulder.

  Phoenix lowers his chin and places a tender kiss before his fangs pierce me. After a moment, he pulls back, takes several breaths, then drinks again. When finished, he licks my neck, the sensation causing my skin to pebble. Still holding me up, our bodies together, he caresses along my outer thigh as he gazes at me adoringly.

  “I never want to hurt you again, Selene.” His head rests against mine. “I want you to be mine.”

  Lifting his chin, I kiss him. “I am yours.”



  Cyrus and Griffin help me set out the components for the spell on the dining table. Scanning the items and the blade I’ll use to cut all our hands with, I ensure I’m prepared.

  Kissing my cheek, Cyrus strokes his hand down my back.


  “I think so.”

  The men, including the Redwood shifters, crowd around the table. With a toss of several herbs into the bowl, I use a pestle to crush the herbs and release the oils. Adding the saliva of a Pegasus descendent, the nectar of Pixies, and dry bones of a blackbird, I place my hands over the bowl, release my air magic, and cast the first part of the spell. The items melt into a thick, black liquid.

  Lifting the knife, I slice my palm over the bowl and say the second part of the spell. The black liquid develops a reddish shimmer to it while swirling as if I was stirring it. Each of the men gives me their hands, and I cut carefully, only needing a little of their blood. Phoenix steps back from the group, keeping his distance from the dripping blood.

  As the last hand is cut, I place my hands over the bowl, focus my thoughts and energy onto what I want—protection for all of us. Silver essence leaves my palms, disappearing into the dark burgundy potion as I say the last of the spell.

  Rising from the table, the bowl spins, the liquid bubbling. Stepping back from the table, I watch in amazement. The liquid seems as though it will bubble over, but instead of pouring onto the table, the liquid spreads out like tentacles of an octopus, each aimed at our chests.

  Powerful energy slams into my upper body, knocking me back a step as I absorb the thick, smoke-like magic. The transfer lasts for several moments, the energy spreading through every limb, the awareness of its movement foreign to my senses. As the last of the magic enters our bodies, the bowl thuds, landing on the table with a wobble.

  “That was intense,” Bennett exclaims, his hand at his chest.

  “Yeah, it was,” Griffin agrees.

  Cyrus takes my hand, rubbing it. “I have no doubt it worked. Well done, gorgeous.”

  Hugging him, I smile with relief. Knowing we have protection within us against evil will help me sleep better at night.

  “Thank you for adding us in your spell,” Garrett gives me an appreciative smile.

  “Of course, you’re family.”

  “Speaking of that, I promise not to seduce you ever again.” Tone light-hearted, it matches his impish grin.

  Emeric clasps a hand on Garrett’s shoulder and squeezes, the pain evident in Garrett’s grimace.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you won’t.”

  The guys laugh before helping me clean off the table.

  “Anyone else ready for food, beer, and a fire?” Killian asks the group.

  Phoenix’s cell phone ring cuts off their responses.

  “Kristo, how are you?… Yes, it is, thanks to Selene’s elixir… How so?… Here, tonight?… No, it shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll let the others know.”

  Phoenix hangs up and pockets his phone.

  “What’s going on?” Cyrus asks, his brows furrowed like everyone else’s.

  “Kristo and Andrea will be here soon. He’s dropping off more of my things but also has news to share about a demon attack at the Moonlighter’s Night Club.”

  “Why did they attack the club members?” I ask, confused.

  “They were searching for all of us.”

  “The devil must be getting desperate. He must know magic is growing stronger in supernaturals,” Cyrus shares.

  “We’ll need to stay hidden for a while until this curse is broken,” Griffin tells everyone. “It might be time to head home to Mordeeves Island,” he says to me.

  “You’re probably right. If you guys wouldn’t mind, I’d like to have some time alone with Phoenix. Would you mind going ahead of us, and we’ll join you in a few days?”

  “No.” Griffin shakes his head. “You need the most protection of all of us. You and Phoenix can go to Mordeeves Island and have the house to yourselves for a while, then the rest of us will join you later.”

  “I won’t be able to relax. I’ll be worried about all of you here.”

  “I’m not leaving my mate.” Killian puts an arm on my shoulder and rubs, his affection a soothing touch at this moment. “We’ll all go to Mordeeves Island together and give her and Phoenix the privacy they need.”

  “I think that’s best,” Cyrus agrees.

  “All right then, we’re going to Mordeeves Island tomorrow.” Griffin’s tone brooks no argument.

  Phoenix and the shifters turn their attention toward the direction of the overgrown drive. Kristo must be here already. Killian goes to the door and opens it. A minute or two later, the click-clack of heels come up the wooden porch steps. Kristo enters first, carrying a black suitcase. Phoenix takes it from his hand and gives Kristo a pat on the shoulder.

  “Thank you.”

  The Redwood shifters become attentive to Andrea, sniffing the air, their body posture aggressive. They surround her, eyeing her with uncertainty.

  “What’s wrong with you?” she snaps. “Never seen a gorgeous vamp before?”

  “There’s no way in hell you’re our mate,” Garrett growls out.

  “Ha! Hell no, I’m not. I don’t fuck filthy wolves.”

  Everett circles Andrea, his eyes glazed over, his fangs visible, his claws extending.

  “Then why the hell are you drenched in our mate’s pheromones.”

  “Oh, well,”—she waves a hand in the air—“that’s probably the chick in the car. I needed a snack on the way here.”

  The three of them rush out the door, and the rest of us follow with interest. Garrett and Everett carefully pull a dazed brunette out of the back seat, bite marks still dripping from her neck.

  “What’s going on?” she murmurs. “Where am I?”

  “You’re safe now,” Garret tells her, his tone warm and comforting. “We’ll protect you.”

  As if she’s a fragile flower, they’re careful bringing her in and set her on the couch. Bennett shoves past Andrea, knocking her into Phoenix. Phoenix catches her, grimacing as he looks at her.

  “What? It’s not like I knew she was their mate.”
  Joining them at the woman’s side, I squeeze in between the Redwood shifters.

  “She’ll be okay. I’ll heal her.” Placing my hand at her neck, I release earth magic, and the wound closes, developing new skin. Griffin hands me a warm cloth, and I wipe the blood off her neck and chest.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Lexi.” Grumbling, she puts her hand to her head. “Where am I? Who are you guys?”

  The shifters’ eyes are nearly bulging out of their heads, their mouths salivating over the curvy brunette.

  “Killian, can you take everyone outside?”

  With the way our first meeting went, I know he understands. With an acknowledging nod, he corrals everyone out the back door.

  “My name is Selene. This is my home. You’re safe here with me and the others.”

  “What about the bitch who bit me?” She sounds livelier as she sits up.

  “Don’t worry about her. That’s Andrea. She is a bitch and a vampire. She won’t dare bite you now, though.”

  Lexi looks at me with big, chestnut brown eyes. She’s a beautiful woman, like a curvier Jessica Alba.

  “Vampire.” She snorts. “Makes sense why I have an aching neck and head, and I can’t remember everything.”

  “Are you a supernatural or human?”

  “Wolf shifter.” She rubs at her neck. “I’m here visiting a friend. Oh, hell, Amber,” she says aloud, her voice panicked.

  “Is Amber the friend?”

  “Yes, we were out having drinks. I need to call her.”

  Movements still slow, she reaches for the phone in her back pocket. Dialing her friend, she keeps a wary eye on me.

  “Amber, are you all right?… Oh, good… I’m… I don’t know where I am. A vampire attacked me, and now I’m at a log cabin with a woman and a shit ton of men.” She glances at me. “Yeah, I think I’m safe… See you soon.”

  “I would offer to portal you back to your friend’s house, but I can only portal to places I’ve been, but I’ll see about getting you a ride home. I wouldn’t dare make you get back in the car with Andrea.”

  “Are you a witch?”


  “Who are all those guys?”

  “Five of them are my boyfriends, and the other three are the Redwood shifters. The older man is Kristo Artino, the patriarch of the Artino vampire coven.”

  “Wait, are you the witch?”

  This gal is smart.

  Chuckling, I nod my head. “I am.”

  “I knew the rumors were true when I was able to shift at will again.” Her mouth spreads wide. “Thank you for doing whatever you’re doing to help us.”

  “You’re welcome.” Now that her color is back, and she seems lucid, I stand from the couch. “Would you like some water and aspirin for the head and neck ache?”

  “Yes, that would be great.” She follows me into the kitchen. “So, you said there were Redwood shifters here.”

  “I did, yeah.” Her interest seems piqued. “That’s who carried you in.”

  “Oh.” Her cheeks flush.

  “Would you like to meet them?”

  “Yeah, after I clean up. I assume I look like I’ve been attacked by a vampire.”

  With a chuckle, I hand her the cup of water and pills.

  “You do. Feel free to use the bathroom over there.” I point to the one by the front door. “I’ll get you some fresh clothes and a brush. We look like we’re about the same size.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.” She glances at her jeans. “Probably only need a shirt. My jeans look fine.”

  Returning from the loft, I hand her a fitted t-shirt, a brush, mouthwash, and deodorant. She accepts them with thanks and heads into the bathroom. Giving her privacy, I join the men on the porch. Everett is pacing, Garrett is glaring at Andrea as if he wants to attack her, and Bennett, who was already watching the door, stands from the table.

  “Is she all right?”

  “Her name is Lexi, and she’s fine. She’s a wolf shifter.”

  Their shoulders lower and Everett stops pacing.

  “When can we see her?”

  “She’s freshening up, then she’ll be out.”

  “You better apologize to our mate,” Garrett growls at Andrea.

  “Whatever.” She rolls her eyes.

  “He’s right.” Kristo frowns at her. “You need to apologize.”

  “Fine,” she huffs.

  Leaving us, she heads back inside. The Redwood shifters go on the defensive.

  “I got it,” I assure them.

  Following Andrea inside, I supervise the exchange.

  Lexi stops in her tracks, glaring at Andrea.

  “I came to apologize.”

  “Save your apology. I think you’re the kind of vampire who would’ve left me for dead rather than a loss of memory of the last few hours.”

  Lexi walks past Andrea, and Andrea turns on her heels with a huff.

  “If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have found your mates.”

  Lexi spins around. “What?”

  “Yeah, that’s right. Those three shifters out there are your mates. They lost their shit when they smelled you on me.”

  Lexi’s mouth drops, then she looks at me for confirmation.

  “She’s right. They recognized you as their mate and brought you inside.”

  Her cheeks flush. “Do I look okay?”

  Smiling, I nod. “You do. You look great.” I mean it, she does.

  Looking pleased, she turns to Andrea. “How do you know them?”

  Andrea points at me. “She fucks their cousin.”

  With an exasperated sigh, I shake my head.

  “Killian, their cousin, is my mate,” I explain.

  “Oh, what are the other supernaturals?”

  “Fae, warlock, demon/angel hybrid, and a vampire.”

  “The vampire is my cousin,” Andrea adds.

  “Was this a family reunion tonight?”

  “No. Your mates came to help me train with my magic. Andrea and Kristo came to share important news.”

  Biting at her lips, she ponders something.

  “What are my mates like?”

  “Good men,” I assure her. “You’ll like them.”

  With their patience running thin, the Redwood shifters burst through the back door, with my guys and Kristo following behind. My guys surround me and watch as Killian’s cousins approach Lexi. Standing awkwardly under their gazes, she scrapes a hand through her hair.

  “Hi, I’m—”

  “Our mate,” Garrett finishes.

  “Yes, that’s what I hear.”

  Garrett moves in closer, and she seems to catch his scent. Any nerves she had moments ago dissipate as her stance grows more confident and her eyes glisten.

  “Let’s give them privacy,” I tell the others.

  Garrett and Lexi’s eyes remain locked as he steps even closer to her. By the time we’re walking out the door, the three of them have surrounded her, looking like three infatuated and lustful wolves.

  “She should be thanking me. She’s about to get laid,” Andrea grumbles.

  “I think you need to get laid,” I quip.

  “Smh, please,” Andrea bites back. “You think I have problems getting laid?”

  “Your arrogance is astounding.” I take a seat at the patio table.

  Killian takes my hand, pulls me from the chair, sits down, then puts me on his lap, where he likes me to be.

  “That’s better.”

  “It is.” I grin.

  “Don’t be a hater,” Andrea replies, taking a seat across from us.

  Thankfully, the rectangular wooden table seats eight, giving everyone a spot at the table.

  “Andrea, I believe under that shallow exterior is a vampire who wants to be loved.”

  She briefly glances at her father, who doesn’t give her any acknowledgment. With a pout, she sits back in the chair.

  “If I needed a therapist, I’d hire one. Save your

  Kristo clears his throat. “Let’s get to business. Shall we?”

  “What happened at the nightclub?” Phoenix asks from my left.

  “I’ve been informed the demons entered, looking like ordinary supernaturals. Shortly after their arrival, the video footage has them searching the club, their behavior aggressive and erratic. When bouncers tried to remove them, they shifted into their true form, attacking the bouncers and anyone else who got in their way.”

  “How many were injured?” I ask.

  “Four supernaturals.”

  Sitting on my right, Cyrus puts a reassuring hand on my knee. “The devil must be desperate to find us.”

  “Surely,” Kristo agrees. “The rumors are spreading. Your bonds are breaking the curse.”

  “Father felt a glimpse of his prior magic earlier today,” Andrea shares.

  Phoenix and I glance at each other, smirking.

  Kristo notices. “Whatever you’re doing, keep at it.”

  Those words are clearly for Phoenix and me since Kristo is eyeing both of us as though he’ll lock us up together to ensure we fully bond.

  “Our bond isn’t meant to be forced,” Phoenix counters. “It’ll happen naturally, at our pace.” His tone is final, leaving no room for argument. The authority in his tone is attractive, leading me to believe he’d defend me if necessary.

  “Of course.” Kristo gives a polite nod. “I’m pleased to see you bonding, is all.”

  Phoenix doesn’t bother responding. I’m sure he heard the same false sincerity I did.

  “We’ll be leaving tonight,” Phoenix informs him and us. “We’ll be staying on Mordeeves Island. I’ll need for you to attend to my affairs while I’m away.”

  “That won’t be a problem,” Kristo assures him.

  “Andrea,” Phoenix draws her attention. “Please have my estates attended to and the art stored properly. It will likely be some time before I return.”

  “Done,” she replies easily, her red nails gently tapping the wooden table.

  I’m pleasantly surprised to hear Phoenix ask Andrea to do something so important. I’ve been hoping there’s more to her than being rich, spoiled, and a shadow to her father’s coattails. I’ll have to ask Phoenix more about her when I have a chance.


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