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Unveiled: The Cursed Trilogy, Book Three

Page 15

by Betty Legend

  Demons come scurrying out of the depths of the cave, like a horde ready to tear into us. With every ounce of energy and part of my being, I unleash a rage of magic on the horde. Hands go to their throats while they lose their breaths, and blood seeps from their bodies in a massacre of demon bodies.

  “Look out!” I scream at the guys as the devil charges toward them. Emeric outstretches his wings and rises in the air, shooting magic toward the devil as the others join him, releasing theirs.

  The devil releases his own magic, and flames erupt in a treacherous circle around my guys. The devil turns to me, red fire in his deadly gaze.

  “Join me, Selene, and I’ll let them live.”

  Releasing my water magic, I add it to Griffin’s magic, dousing the flames encircling them.

  “We can do this all night long! I’ll never join you!”

  Charging at me, he grabs me before any of my guys or their magic can reach him. Wings burst forth from his back, black, massive, and dripping with fire. Lifting me in the air, he squeezes my throat as he slams me into the jagged wall. Scorching, foul breath spreads over my face as he seethes.

  “Save them and join me, or all of you will die!”

  Choking on air, I struggle to speak. “You… won’t… kill me. You… need me.”

  Leaning in close, the devil licks my cheek, then smells my breath. Loosening his grip on my neck, he laughs, cruel and arrogantly.

  “What a marvelous surprise.”

  Turning toward my guys, his massive wings flap as he holds me hostage in front of him, keeping them and their magic at bay.

  “I’ve decided not to kill you, after all. Not when you’re carrying the blood of my blood in your womb.”

  My eyes widen and dart to Emeric’s beaten body. Landing on the ground, he comes nearer, extinguishing the magic in his hands as his head tilts. Lips curled, his eyes narrow in anger.

  “You!” he growls. “You are my father?”

  “Indeed, I am. My blood courses through your veins as much as your mother’s does.”

  My men balance between shock and fear. Their gazes whip between us, unsure how to react, yet they keep their magic ready, swirling in their hands.

  “All of you, control your magic, or I’ll snap her neck,” the devil snarls.

  They lower their hands as the devil tightens his grip on my neck, and I choke for air.

  “We’ll make a deal. A son for a son.”

  The devil forcefully shoves me away, my body falling toward the rocks. Phoenix reaches me, catching me before my head smashes on the pointed rocks. As he loops his arms around me, I scream as the devil takes hold of Emeric, his leathery, large arm strangling his neck.

  “A son for a son, Selene. That’s the deal. Give him to me if you ever want to see Emeric again.”

  The earth opens beneath him, swallowing them both, leaving behind a blaze of fire.

  “No!” My scream carries through the cave, fear and agony crushing me as I cry in Phoenix’s arms.



  Flames blaze around me in my cell of iron and bones, but the flames and confinement don’t bother me. It’s the company that is killing me.

  “How long have you known?” I growl.

  The devil sits on his throne, made of the same materials as my cell. We’re in a castle, likely at the center dimension of hell. It’s a castle with demon and ghoul servants—a castle of death and desperation. Everything is lavish in this square room, but the walls drip with blood. Screams can be heard from outside the walls, a continuous chorus of pain and suffering.

  The devil leaves his throne, circling the cell like the predator he is.

  “Since I smelled your blood on my demon brood. You must have fought hard. They were badly wounded. They were no longer of use to me, so I had to dispatch them.”

  “That’s what every creature is to you,” I spit. “Something to be used for your own gain.”

  Moving with rapid speed, his demonic face glares at me through the bars.

  “You’re going to be here for six and a half months. Learn to speak to me with respect.”

  Swiftly extending my arm through the bars, I grip his thick, leathery neck and squeeze.

  “Selene won’t give up our child for me. I’ve already accepted that. You should too.”

  Gripping my arm, he bends it backward, nearly breaking it, and I grimace.

  “Your strength and magic are no match against mine.”

  “You sure about that?” Rage burns through me, and I grab him by the back of his neck with my other hand, slamming his gnarly face into the bars.

  A roar bellows from him. Opening the cell door with a wave of his hand, he enters and locks it behind him, fangs visible under his curled lip.

  “You want a fight? I’ll give it to you.”

  We circle each other, our wings expanded, flames dripping from his, fire in our hands.

  “You attacked the woman I love! You murdered my mother!”

  A deep guttural laugh rises from his chest.

  “Your soul is tainted with Celestia’s blood.”

  “Don’t you dare say her name!”

  With rage fueling me, I fly up, kick off the cell wall, and slam my fist into the devil’s face. Stumbling back, he laughs aloud.

  “Just like the witch, you have yet to learn your full powers.”

  Fire emerges from our hands, our power exploding outward, the energy pushing and pulling at the other.

  “You’re a coward who relies on the magic and power of others. I don’t think you’re as strong as you want me to believe. I watched Selene fight you without difficulty.”

  A burst of energy pushes through mine, slamming me into the cell wall. Coughing, I take several breaths and laugh. Now, I know how to get under his skin.

  “Cowards prey on others because they’re weak. That’s what you are, a weak sack of shit who needs a witch to do magic for you because you’re not strong enough.”

  Another burst of fire energy and my back hits the cell bars. Shaking it off, I laugh again.

  “You know, I was a little shit when I was young, but mom didn’t have mercy. She ensured the devil in me didn’t turn me into a weak, pathetic asshole like you. She made me strong.”

  Pulling the sword from its sheath, I fly up, the blade slicing across his arm as he tries to avoid it. The skin on his arm peels back, his mouth drooling as he growls and cowers from the blade.

  “I had a feeling this blade was meant for you.”

  An energy pull tugs at my hand, but I resist, my grip tight on the sword handle. The sword runes glow, and the pull of energy dissipates.

  “Can’t take it from me, can you?” I laugh. “It’s an angel’s blade, only controlled by the blood of the angel who wielded it.” I hold the blade in front of me, the fire around us glinting off the shiny surface. “And I have my mother’s blood running through my veins.”

  Smoke puffs out of his nostrils as they flare. Growling, he leaves the cell, slamming the door behind him. With a smirk, I watch his back as he storms out of the castle room.

  “Bye, Dad.”


  My fist pounds on Ancor’s door. Opening it, he ushers me inside.

  “The devil took him! He took Emeric, the father of my child! Cataleya said I had to close all gateways, then bind him to hell. I failed! And now he has Emeric. He wants me to give him my son in exchange for Emeric’s life.” Dropping to my knees, my face falls into my hands as tears pour down my wrists and onto my chest.

  Ancor’s hand breaks through the pain and agony like a bright light. My crushing guilt and fear subside. When I look up at him, he’s crying.


  “I’m taking your pain, fairy painter. You’ll need a clear mind for what’s coming next.”

  Rising to my feet, I stare at him in shock as my breaths calm. Wiping away my tears, I watch as tears roll down his cheeks.

  “How are you?”

  “It’s a gif
t, one of many.”

  “How do I fix this? Please, tell me what to do.”

  Ancor gestures toward his old, wooden table. Taking a seat, I watch as he pours hot water into two mugs and adds tea.

  “Nothing has changed. You still must close all gateways, then bind him to hell.” Ancor places a mug in front of me as he sits down.

  “How do I get Emeric out of hell before all gateways are closed?”

  “Emeric can travel through hell. He is the devil’s son.”

  “Did you know, all this time, that Emeric is the devil’s son?”

  Ancor wipes away the last of the tears on his cheek.

  “I did, yes.”

  “Why… why didn’t you tell me?”

  “What will be, will be, fairy painter. There was no need for me to share that information. It would not change anything.”

  Holding the warm mug between my hands, I bring it toward me.

  “You’re right. I wouldn’t love Emeric any less. I would still love him for who he is, not who his father is.” Fresh tears pool in my eyes. Ancor reaches across the table and touches my arm, and the pain dissipates. “I don’t want to lose him, Ancor. I want him to know his son.”

  “Then be strong and do what is necessary.” Ancor caresses my arm. “There isn’t a lot of time. You must move fast. Emeric is willing to die to stop the devil from coming for you and his son.”

  Standing from the chair, I collect my strength.

  “I won’t let him die, and I won’t let the devil win.”



  It’s hard to be sure, but I think it’s been two days. There isn’t a sun and moon cycle here in hell, but there is a feeding schedule. I’ve been given scraps of meat from I don’t know what. Too hungry to dwell on it, I’ve eaten to keep my strength up. Each time, a group of demons brought the meat and tossed it into the cell from what they assumed was a safe distance. It wasn’t. I fried those fuckers to ash… both times. If I’m going to die here, I might as well take down as many as I can. It sure has pissed off my father. I heard him roaring over the news the second time I killed his pet demons. He hasn’t been back to see me, and I know why, he’s afraid. What’s more dangerous than the spawn of an angel and the devil? Probably only Selene. I’ve thought of her with nearly every thought. My son is growing inside her belly. It hurts worse than anything I’ve suffered, not being able to be there to tell her how happy I am she’s given me such an amazing gift.

  It’s excruciating knowing I won’t be there to see him born or to help raise him, but I know he’ll have a good life with Selene and the others. I have no doubt they’ll take great care of my son. I just wish he could know me as his father. All I ever wanted was a real family, someone to love me as much as I loved them and to raise a son of my own. Selene gave me all of that. Our time together was too short, but it was the best part of my life. I’ll cherish the memories until my dying day in hell.

  “Missing your witch?”

  Pushing off the dirty cell floor, I turn to face my devil of a father—literally.

  “Of course, I miss her, but you wouldn’t understand. You’ve never loved anything but yourself.”

  “I’ll love my grandson.” A cruel grin splits his dry lips. “I’ll teach him how to be a proper son of a devil.”

  My arm whips out through the bars, but my father backs up too soon.

  “Selene will never let you have our son. She’ll protect him with her life, and so will my brothers.”

  “Brothers,” he sniggers. “I’ll kill every one of them. She’ll be begging to have you back.”

  “If you knew her, you’d know how wrong you are.”

  “There’s always a way, son. Every creature has a breaking point. I broke Cataleya. I’ll break Selene.” He shrugs a bulky shoulder. “If that doesn’t work, I’ll shapeshift into you and fuck her until she’s pregnant with my child.” Stepping back, he ensures he’s clear of my wrath. “Considering the pleasure I’ll receive from either option, I think I’ll go with seducing her first. She is a tasty-looking witch.”

  Flames burst from my hands, and I launch them at him. Laughing, he blocks the fireballs with his own magic, thrusting the fireballs back at me. They hit me, but nothing happens. The flames skirt over my skin and fade to smoky air. Interesting. My own magic isn’t deadly when used against me. Now, to use that to my advantage.

  Stepping back from the cell bars, I move to the center. “Too bad she’ll see right through you. She’ll know it’s not me.”

  The devil lifts his smug chin. Leathery skin changing to tattooed skin, he morphs his body, his appearance gradually matching my own. Disgusts churns my stomach. It’s like looking in a mirror, only the reflection is the devil.

  “I’m sure my cock will do the job just fine,” he smirks, brushing a hand through his black and blond-tipped hair.

  The asshole walks off… with my body!

  When he’s out of sight, I kneel to the dirty cell floor and press my fists to the ground. Ash and dusty bones coat my skin as I unleash my magic, full force. Flames lick up my arms, my skin undamaged. Pushing my energy harder, the flames reach the ceiling of the cell, the raging heat of the fire burning through bones and weakening the iron. A shift in the cell bars tells me the roof is deteriorating.

  As the rage I feel exits my body in magical energy, another shift happens, but it’s not the cell frame—it’s from inside my body. Bright, white light bursts from my core and sears the bars in front of me in half. Golden-white flames simmer around the bars, dissipating as I stare in disbelief.

  Angel fire.

  It’s a gift my mother had, but I never experienced it until now. Walking out of the cell cage, I grin.

  Ol’ devil dad is really going to hate this surprise.


  Casting my magic at the ground where the devil took Emeric to hell, I say the spell and push my magic toward the earth. Slowly, the ground opens, flames emerging through the soil.

  “It worked.” Cyrus stares at the ground in astonishment. “I wasn’t sure it would. It’s the first I’ve ever seen or heard of a supernatural, who isn’t demonic, creating a gateway to hell.”

  “Cataleya said druid witches are connected to everything. We just had to find the right place and the right spell.”

  Killian, Phoenix, and Griffin return from clearing the cave of any demons. Cyrus reaches into a backpack and tosses new pants to Killian. Catching them midair, he stops on the spot and puts them on.

  “You did it,” Killian smiles, his expression prideful. “I knew you would.”

  Griffin puts his chest to my back and rests his hands on my belly. “Now, it’s my turn to get us there safely.” With a tender kiss to my cheek, he rubs my belly.

  I know it was hard for all of them to accept the child isn’t theirs, but not one of them has shown resentment. They’ve come together to support me, and my love for each of them has grown.

  Phoenix stares into the fire, the orange glow dancing in his light eyes. “The only part we can’t control is where we end up.”

  “We’ll have to be ready for whatever is on the other side.” Cyrus rolls up his sleeves, then throws the backpack over his shoulder.

  “I’m sure there will be more demons, but it doesn’t matter.” Killian stands next to Cyrus. “We’ll handle it.”

  Griffin takes my hand, then extends the other, creating a water bubble. The bubble expands as Griffin focuses on it, its massive shape wiggling above the fiery gateway.

  “Get ready to jump.”

  Releasing the massive sphere of water, Griffin lunges forward, taking me with him. The water sloshes against the flames, dousing them and dropping us through foggy smoke.

  My feet land and I wave my hand in front of me, trying to clear out the fog. Thankfully, Griffin’s hand is still in mine.

  “Phoenix, Killian, Cyrus?”

  “We’re here.”

  Killian’s hand touches my arm, and I turn to meet his brigh
t amber eyes.

  “Demons aren’t far. I can smell them.”

  Phoenix emerges from the fog and stands in front of me, protecting me from whatever could be around us. Cyrus joins my left side and mutters a spell, creating a ball of light in his hand. The foggy smoke clears, and we find ourselves on a plateau of dirt and ash. Beyond the edge is a fiery pit on three sides. The only direction we can go is north. In the distance, a dark castle with steepled tips is barely visible in a sea of red clouds. Silhouettes of vulture-like creatures circle the castle as though searching for rotting carcasses.

  Cyrus’s gaze studies the landscape. “This has to be the center dimension of hell.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “The books I’ve read have only mentioned a castle in the center dimension of hell.”

  Killian brushes fallen ash off his bare shoulder. “This land is barren and dead.”

  Griffin squats down, water bubbling in his hand before he drops it. It lands in the hot dirt and sizzles. “Explains why the devil wants to take over our earth plane.”

  “It’s not only about the dead land.” Phoenix’s gaze follows the birds as they swoop down and attack something moving on the top of a tower. “He wants to rule over everything. He wants supreme power.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  “He confuses power with acceptance and love,” Phoenix explains.

  “You’re telling me the devil wants to be loved and accepted?”

  Phoenix looks at me, his violet eyes affectionate as he strokes my cheek. “Doesn’t everyone?” I kiss his fingers before he takes them away.

  “I can believe the devil once wanted to be accepted and loved, but now, his soul is lost to hatred and greed, if he even has a soul.”

  “We can discuss the devil’s soul later,” Cyrus tells us, studying the castle. “Right now, we need to figure out a way inside.”

  Phoenix points to the tower. “Griffin, can you get to the top of that tower?”


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