Safe Havens Bundle

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Safe Havens Bundle Page 51

by Sandy James

  The man was the town marshal, and if Ty couldn’t sway him, the danger to Cassie in White Pines would be too hard to handle. Adam would give some assistance, but Ty needed Matthew—or he and Cassie would have to move on.

  Victoria took her husband’s hand. “He’s right, you know. Since when have we ever been the kind of people to turn away an innocent who needs our shelter?” She smiled. “We have three cats in a two-room home because you couldn’t stand to see them go hungry.”

  Matthew’s sigh gave Ty hope. At least the man was considering things rather than dismissing Cassie without a moment of thought. God, he hated the idea of three months snowed in at that cabin. Sure, she’d be safe—but could she still want him after that much forced isolation? Hell, he couldn’t even read. She’d surely figure out how much higher she could reach.

  If Matthew would come around to protecting Cassie and accepting her as part of Ty’s life, they just might be able to stay in town—or at least closer than up the blasted mountain.

  Grace’s gaze bored into her brother. “I have come to terms with my past, Matthew. Stephen paid with his life for the crimes he committed against us both, and for having Ty beaten. Why should his daughter be forced to accept our blame and disdain? She’s a sweet girl with a big heart. She obviously loves Ty.”

  “What?” Ty shook his head. It couldn’t be true. Not a miracle like that.

  “Grace is right. That girl loves you,” Adam said.

  “She ain’t said so,” Ty insisted.

  Could she really love him? Could God truly be that merciful?

  “Are–are you sure, Grace?” His voice squeaked.

  Her smile was genuine and a bit sassy. “You can’t see it?”

  “How could I possibly see love?”

  “It’s in her eyes every time she looks at you,” Grace explained. “Accept it.”

  “She’s right, Ty,” Adam added. “Cassie adores you.”

  Ty suddenly felt reborn—cleansed in heart and soul.

  She loves me.

  And oh, how he loved her! He’d loved her from the moment she rescued him.

  He wanted to run after her and show her with his lips and his body just how much… But things needed to be decided first.

  “I–I love her,” he confessed.

  “You love her?” Grace asked, a tear slipping down her cheek.

  “I do.”

  She gave him a weak smile and a nod.

  “Matthew?” Ty arched his eyebrow. “Up to you. Do we stay and count on your help? Or do we hightail it outta town?”

  “After a visit to the preacher.” Adam smiled with that command.

  Ty nodded but kept his gaze on Matthew.

  After pressing a kiss to her husband’s cheek, Victoria stared deeply into his eyes. “Please? You know it’s the right thing to do.” Her plea was a whisper.

  Matthew stared at his wife for a few, long moments before he heaved a weary sigh. “Fine.”

  “Meaning?” Ty had to be sure. If he and Cassie were going to head north, they needed to leave immediately. Snow had already fallen, and the threat of more—much more—scented the air and tinted the clouds an ominous gray.

  “Meaning you—and Cassie—will have my help.” He offered Ty his hand.

  Giving it a shake, Ty threw in a grateful nod. “I’m goin’ after her. When I get back—with my wife—we’ll move into her cabin until I can get our home ready.”

  “I imagine we can speed things along with your place,” Adam said. “Go on now…go get your bride.”


  Ty was getting damned sick and tired of chasing Cassie all over the Montana Territory. He unloaded all his anger on Drew and Gideon. The men sat at a table in the theater, staring into their glasses of beer.

  Ty knew guilt when he saw it.

  “I expected this of Gideon,” Ty accused. “But you, Drew? You let her go when you know she’s in danger?”

  Drew’s head snapped up, the anger clear in his eyes. “I let her go because I wanted her out of danger. Cassie has a good plan. Caleb is taking her to—” He took a long drink and slammed the glass down. “Never mind. It’s not for you to know.”

  Ty’s temper flared hotter. These men knew where she was. Didn’t they know how much she needed his protection? That, and the thought of her alone with Caleb ate at him. “Where? Where is Caleb taking her?”

  With a shake of his head, Drew glanced to Gideon.

  “Not telling you,” Gideon replied. “She’s got a plan—a good plan. Caleb will take good care of her just fine.”

  “He’s got no right!” Ty insisted. “She belongs with me.”

  “You ain’t her husband,” Gideon retorted. “She’s a single woman. Caleb likes her and—”

  “But I love her!”

  Rolling his eyes toward the ceiling, Ty took a deep breath. At the rate he was confessing his new feelings he might as well post flyers around town, proclaiming his love. The only person he hadn’t told was…


  The one person who deserved to know.

  He had to find her.

  When Gideon started to speak again, Drew put his hand over the one Gideon rested on the table. “Wait.” He considered Ty for a long moment. “You love her?”

  Since he’d shouted it in Drew’s face, there was no reason to deny it. “I do. And I want to marry her. Today.”

  “It’ll put you in danger.” Drew pointed at his bruised face. “They’ll send more next time since they didn’t get the job done when they attacked me. No doubt they’ll learn soon that I lied about being married to her and that you are her real husband.”

  Gideon sputtered. “He can’t marry her! What about her promise to Caleb?”

  Ty clenched his hands into fists. “What exactly did she promise him?”

  “She’s gonna marry him when they reach their destination.”

  “The hell she is!” Insides twisting into tight knots, Ty slammed his fist on the table, sending the mugs of beer jumping. “Where’s he taking her?”

  “Not telling you that.” With a shake of his head, Gideon glared at Drew. “Neither are you.”

  “Gideon… Ty loves her,” Drew insisted. “Doesn’t she deserve to know that before she marries your brother?”

  “Doesn’t my brother deserve a wife? He ain’t never gonna get one out here. Cassie came to him for a reason, and I say Caleb deserves her every bit as much Ty.”

  That ridiculous statement was enough to make Ty want to take a swing at Gideon. The man had always been his friend, but if he didn’t tell Ty where Caleb had taken Cassie, he was going to get a broken nose.

  He took a threatening step toward Gideon. “Tell me, damn you!”

  Gideon stood up so fast, his chair went flying behind him. The sound echoed through the cavernous theater. Holding his fists in front of him, he looked ready for a fight. “Or what, Bishop?”

  If he wanted a fight, Ty was damn well ready to pound him into the floorboard. “Or I’ll beat it outta you.”

  Drew stood—grimacing in pain as he rose—and held an arm against Gideon’s chest. “There will be none of that.” He settled his gaze on Ty. “You really do love her, don’t you?”

  Damn it, he was tired of being asked that. “For the love of… Yes! Yes, I love her!”

  Drew nodded. “They’re going to Sacramento. They only left a few hours ago. You can probably catch them if you’re a good tracker.”

  “I am.”

  Gideon dropped his hands to his sides. “Drew…what about Caleb?”

  “Caleb will get by. Besides…” He tossed Ty a lopsided smile. “He doesn’t love her—not like Ty does. She deserves a man who truly loves her.”

  Ty marched toward the door, ready to track the Caleb and Cassie down. Then he was dragging her ass right back to White Pines.

  “Ty?” Drew called.

  Whirling to face him, Ty didn’t even try to hide his impatience. “What now?”

  “You’ll bring our girl back?” T
he worry and pain were etched on Drew’s features.

  “Damn right I will.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Ty caught up with Cassie and Caleb at sunset. They hadn’t been hard to track, which meant Caleb wasn’t properly trained in hiding his trail, or he didn’t believe they’d be followed.

  He was wrong.

  The tightness in Ty’s chest eased the moment he saw Cassie emerge from the shelter of the trees. She walked over to where Caleb worked to start a fire and tossed an armload of kindling at his feet.

  Ty eased Duke back into the trees, hoping neither of them would see him. His errant emotions needed to be controlled first—controlled and discarded so he could talk to Cassie without shouting a string of profanities over the fright she’d given him.

  She’d dressed in men’s clothes again. When would the woman learn that she’d be tempting in a potato sack? Her shape was so clear to him. Or was that the memory of running his hands over her gentle curves?

  Damn if he wasn’t physically reacting to the erotic images of her flashing through his mind.

  Ty let his anger sweep aside his desire. It was time to let Cassie know her destiny. He urged Duke out of the trees. “Goddammit, woman! Why can’t you stay where I put you?”

  Rising, Caleb let his hand edge toward his gun.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Ty said, swinging down from his saddle.

  “Ty!” Cassie took some running steps toward him before stopping abruptly. “What… how…”

  “I’m getting sick and tired of chasing you down.” He closed the distance between them, grabbed her shoulders, and pulled her to him. Then he kissed her—a kiss that let her know in no uncertain terms he wasn’t letting her get away.

  Never again.

  At first, she was stiff as a board in his arms. But when Ty swept his tongue into her mouth to mate with hers, she relaxed. Holding tight to his coat, she sagged against him in surrender.

  Caleb stomped over to them. “Leave her be.”

  “Ain’t gonna,” Ty replied. His gaze found Cassie’s. “You’re going back to town with me. Now.”

  “Ty…” Her sigh was ragged. “I–I cannot. I must go—”

  He took her hand and started dragging her toward Duke.

  She dug in her heels. “I must go to my uncle and—”

  Whirling on his heel, he glared down at her. “If you think I’m letting you go back to that bastard, you got another think coming.”

  “My other uncle,” she explained. “Uncle Simon—my mother’s brother. He’s in Sacramento. I believe he will listen to my plight and help me.”

  As if he’d let her near her family, especially when she wasn’t even sure anyone would truly help her.

  Only Ty could protect her. “C’mon, Cassie. Full moon tonight. We can get back to town before too late.”

  Caleb snaked his arm around her waist and tried to pull her back.

  She tugged his hands away and twisted until he stepped back. “Stop it. Both of you. I am not a prize to be fought over!” Striding away, she crouched by the fire and fed the growing flames more kindling. “I have made up my mind.” Her voice quavered. “I–I shall go to Uncle Simon alone. I do not need either of you to put yourselves in harm’s way for me.”

  Caleb sputtered in obvious anger while Ty took a different approach. He marched over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “I know you love me.”

  Her sharp gasp echoed through the camp. “Why I–I do no such thing!”

  “Cassie girl…I know you do. And I... I…” He tossed a glance back over his shoulder. Why did Caleb have to be there? It would be hard enough to confess what was in his heart to her. He didn’t need a witness. “And I’m takin’ you back.” He pulled her to her feet and scooped her into his arms. “End of discussion.”

  She didn’t struggle, which came as a surprise. She did, however, look to Caleb. “I suppose it was a foolhardy plan…”

  Ty snorted at that obvious statement. “I got a better one.” He tossed her onto Duke’s back, then he went to where Duchess was tied and led her to his horse. He tied the reins onto his saddle. “You comin’?” he asked Caleb.

  Caleb had busied himself with putting out the fire. “I should fight you, Bishop. I should beat you bloody.”

  “You can try.”

  He shook his head. “Why fight when I already lost the war?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “She loves you,” Caleb replied. “I lose.” He kicked some snow and dirt over the smoking embers and retrieved his horse. “Let’s get going. I wanna sleep in my own bed. Alone.”

  Ty swung up behind Cassie. Rubbing his chin against her cheek, he whispered, “I’ll get you home to your bed.”

  And then I’ll join you in it.

  She trembled in his arms. “Then let us be off.”

  He turned Duke toward the road north, ready to get Cassie back where she belonged.


  They reached the cabin after midnight.

  Cassie shivered. Not from the cold. Ty had wrapped his arms around her the whole ride, and even through his thick coat, he radiated heat. The shelter of his embrace had made the trip seem far too quick.

  No, the way she trembled was in anticipation for what would happen when they reached their destination.

  She wanted him. From the moment he’d come to her—chasing her down again to bring her back to his side—she’d wanted to show him exactly how much she loved him and how grateful she was that he wouldn’t let her run away.

  Could he love her? Or was he merely acting on his honor—wanting to keep the promise he’d made her to protect her?

  The cabin was empty. Drew would still be recuperating in town—or at Gideon’s. She and Ty had parted ways with Caleb several minutes ago as he’d headed toward his home, leaving them alone for the last part of the trip.

  Ty hadn’t said a kind word since they’d left the campsite, so she guessed he was still angry. From time to time he’d shudder, hold her hips, and gruffly demand she stop wiggling. Not once did he explain his odd statement about her loving him.

  How could he possibly know that?

  I’m a fool.

  Of course he knew. She’d all but said the words. He had to understand that by giving him her virginity she was declaring her love.

  Lifting her under the arms, Ty gently set her on the ground. “Go inside. Get a fire going. I’ll tend your horse.”

  She gave Duchess a stroke on her velvet muzzle and obeyed. A yawn slipped out as she opened the door. With a glance over her shoulder, she said, “I am so weary. I shall sleep the moment my head hits the pillow.”

  Why couldn’t she bring herself to ask him to stay? Couldn’t he see how much she needed him to hold her—to make love to her again?

  “A–are you weary as well?” she asked.

  “Nope.” He’d slipped from the saddle and was untying the mare’s reins from the back of his saddle. “Go on inside, Cassie girl. Get warm.”

  “Shall I see you in the morning?” After all the trouble he’d gone to fetch her—again—she shouldn’t be asking any more favors. “I–I mean to say…I would be pleased to share our morning meal. I–I can cook for you. Will you be here for breakfast?”

  His smile puzzled her. “I promise you, I’ll be here for breakfast.”

  The man was simply too obtuse to understand, and her pride wouldn’t allow for her to beg him to share her bed again.

  Why had he come after her and Caleb? She’d thought—she’d hoped—Ty felt affection enough to want her to remain by his side. Why else had he gone to so much trouble?

  “Good night then…” She watched him lead Duchess into the barn, not even sparing her a glance.

  Had she not been freezing, she wouldn’t even have bothered with the fire. She had it lit in no time and stood next to her bed, wondering if she should even bother removing her clothes.

  Tears stung her eyes, but she refused to let a single one fall. Her life
was a mess—in every aspect. Crying about it wouldn’t change a thing. It wouldn’t make Robert Putnam disappear, nor would it make Ty love her the way she loved him.

  Lord, she was tired. She excused her silly, girlish fantasies, using fatigue as an excuse. Straightening her spine, she swallowed hard and tossed her coat on Drew’s empty bed. Then she went on her side of the wall and lit the lamp.

  Ty said he had a plan. She would put her faith in him.

  Even if he had no faith in her.

  Just as she pulled back the covers, the door opened and Ty stepped through.

  “Ty! I–I thought you were going to return home.”

  Without a word, he crossed the cabin, gathered her into his arms, and kissed her.

  Ty couldn’t believe Cassie thought he was going back to the ranch. He’d just chased her down and brought her back, yet she thought he’d simply drop her off at the cabin and leave her alone?

  Not only would that place her back in danger, he wanted to make love to her again. Desperately.

  How could she not know that?

  Because he hadn’t found the courage to tell her what was in his heart…

  Framing her face in his hands, he stared into her eyes. “You know I’ll protect you. No matter what. I won’t leave you. Ever.”

  He brushed his lips over hers. Once. Twice. Then he settled his mouth on hers and deepened the kiss. There was no hesitation from Cassie. She returned his passion by stroking her tongue over his.

  Being with her was so different than any other woman he’d ever taken to bed. Those interludes were fine but unmemorable. They usually ended in him leaving some money on the dresser on his way out. Never once had he slept a full night with a woman he truly cared for, let alone loved.

  Each touch, each caress was so raw he had to close his eyes against the rush of emotion. He was the only man who’d ever touched her soft skin, kissed her sweet lips. Possessed her body.

  He’d kill any other man who dared touch her—with his bare hands. And he’d make him suffer before he died.


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