Safe Havens Bundle

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Safe Havens Bundle Page 52

by Sandy James

  “Ty…” She unbuttoned his coat while he toed off his boots.

  He wanted her naked. Now. But he let her take the lead. Her cheeks were bright with color. Even in the dim light of the lamp he could see her blush. Yet she didn’t stop undressing him.

  His coat hit the floor, followed by his shirt. He stood before her, bare chested with his hat still firmly on his head.

  “Oh…my…” Her words were breathless as she slipped off her shirt. Then she unbuttoned her pants and pushed them over her hips and down her legs. She’d already removed her boots. All that remained was a camisole and thin pantalets.

  He was out of his clothes in two blinks of an eye, discarding them like so much trash. He needed to feel her skin against his.

  As she reached for the ribbon of her camisole, he eased her hands away. “Let me.” His voice was ragged as the winter wind.

  He pulled the ribbon and opened the garment. Her nipples had tightened into hard pebbles that he had to taste. Dropping to his knees, he put his hands on her hips and covered her breast with his mouth.

  Cassie arched her back. She touched his head, groaned and then plucked his hat off and tossed it aside. She tunneled her fingers through his hair and whimpered when Ty sucked hard on her nipple.

  Lavishing his attention on her breasts, he untied her pantalets and pulled them down. The sweet scent of her arousal made his cock twitch. With a groan, he stood and lifted her off his feet. He carried her to the bed, laid her in the center, and stretched out on top of her.

  “Cassie girl…” He buried his lips against her neck, loving the fast pulse he found there. Trailing his kisses down her chest, he reverently touched his lips to each breast before moving lower. His tongue circled her bellybutton, then he rubbed his nose through the soft hair on her mound.

  “Ty…you can’t mean to—”

  “Oh, I mean to all right.”

  Nudging her thighs farther apart, he kissed the heat of her, separating her folds with his fingers before stabbing his tongue into her.

  Ty lost a few locks of hair—or at least he thought he had from the way Cassie pulled at it. She writhed as he loved her with his mouth, drawing her knees up and squeezing her thighs tight against his head. He simply eased them apart and swirled his tongue around the bud he hoped would drive her wild.

  “Don’t… stop…” She panted for breath before lifting her hips off the bed and trembling with her release.

  His own passion demanded his attention. He rose over her, bracing his weight on his arms as he kissed her, loving how she sighed against his mouth.

  “You tasted like honey,” he murmured.

  Her face was even brighter with color. “Oh, Lord… Do we have to talk about…that?”

  “Are you embarrassed?”

  “Of course I’m embarrassed! You just… I mean…”

  Ty kissed her again. One hard kiss before he thrust his hips to rub his cock against her core. “Don’t be ashamed of—”

  “I never said I was ashamed. I’m simply…embarrassed. I did not realize a man could love a woman that way.”

  “Then be embarrassed, so long as you let me do it again when the mood strikes.”

  Her smile was broad. “I’d die should you refuse to…gift me with such attention again.” She wiggled her hand between their bodies and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. “Make love to me, Ty. I want to feel you deep inside me again.”

  Ty almost came simply from hearing her declaration. A few deep breaths helped him regain some control. He pushed inside her slowly, wanting to savor each sensation.

  Cassie would have none of it. Ty had to know he was driving her mad by teasing her so. She pressed her palms against his backside and raised her hips to force him more deeply into her body.

  He growled, a sound she hoped meant he would give her what she wanted—a rough, fast ride toward fulfillment.

  “I’m trying to go slow,” he whispered, his teeth clenched tight.

  “Go slow later, Ty.”

  He must have taken her words to heart as he sped his rhythm, thrusting into her again and again. She gave herself over to him completely, surrendering to the storm that was gathering inside her. It hit like a lightning strike, sending jolts of pleasure from her core to her limbs. She cried out his name as she rode the waves of delight.

  Ty thrust into her several more times before he groaned out three words.

  “I love you.”

  Then he shuddered as he held her tightly.

  It wasn’t until he rolled off her, tugged the quilt over them, and hauled her up against his side that Cassie allowed herself to think about what he’d said. Her heart wanted to sing, but she snuffed her happiness back down. Words said in the heat of passion weren’t something she could count on in the stark light of day.

  His soft snore told her there would be no discussion tonight, which was for the best.

  Her fatigue weighed heavily, drugging her with sleep. She’d think more on his declaration when she was rested and no longer lost to the afterglow of making love.

  There’d be time to ponder the problem later.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Ty woke to the sound of Cassie’s rooster announcing the dawn.

  He’d slept like the dead. Normally, he heard every sound and woke several times during the night. But holding her close—in the aftermath of lovemaking—gave him such contentment…

  She sighed and snuggled closer to his side. He never wanted her to leave his arms. Here, she was safe from harm—from her family.

  And from Robert Putnam.

  Ty frowned.

  Damn it all, the woman needed to marry him. Today. Then he could set his plan in motion to rid her of the threat from her family. Perhaps her Uncle Simon could be included once Ty learned more about him from Cassie.

  First things first. It was time to stand before the preacher.

  “Good morning,” she murmured, still sounding more asleep than awake.

  “Mornin’,” he gruffly replied.

  Her lips brushed against his collarbone. “Don’t be grumpy with me. It’s such a beautiful morning.”

  All Ty did was grunt.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You and me need to come to an understanding.”

  Pushing up on one elbow, she stared down at him. Her hair was in lovely disarray, locks of it resting on her cheek as long curls swirled around her shoulders. The glint in her eyes made his body tighten with need.

  While he would have thoroughly enjoyed tumbling her again, he tamped down his desire and focused on the more important goal.

  “What understanding are we to come to, Ty?”

  “We’re getting hitched today. Got it?”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Hitched. Married. We’re getting married. Today.” He tossed the blanket aside and stood. Had he not found some self-control, the chill in the air would have done the trick just as well. At least his clothes were close.

  Cassie quickly jerked the cover back around her and watched him as he dressed. Her quiet ate at him.

  “Did you hear me, Cassie girl?”

  “I heard you quite well, Mr. Bishop.”

  He couldn’t help but roll his eyes because she had to know she was tweaking his temper. “Get up. We’ll have some breakfast, then we’ll go to town. We can stop and get Jake and Emily to stand up with us.” His clothes were nothing more than heavy work wear. A shame he couldn’t fetch his Sunday best.

  No. No stalling, not even to dress in finery. He wouldn’t be able to relax until Cassie Shay traded her last name for his.

  “Have you lost your senses?” She’d pulled the covers up to her chin, and she had the most incredulous frown on her face.

  He wanted to kiss it away. “Nope.”

  “I couldn’t possible marry you,” she insisted. “Drew—”

  Fully dressed, Ty stomped back to the bed. “Listen to me, and listen good. We’re gettin’ married today. Only one thing could change my

  “Then tell me that one thing, and I shall use it to prevent you from making such a horrible mistake.”

  Leaning closer, he stopped when his lips were only inches from hers. “I won’t marry you if you can honestly tell me you ain’t in love with me.”

  Sweet Lord, that was the one thing Cassie couldn’t say. No matter how hard she tried to lie to him, Ty would see right through her. She loved him with all her heart and soul, and he knew it.

  She muttered a curse.

  He grinned.

  “Whether I love you or not is irrelevant. After what happened to Drew, I can’t marry you.”

  Without a warning, he yanked the covers off her, tossing the quilt on the floor.

  Not only did the cold steal her breath away, Cassie wasn’t ready for Ty to see her body. It was one thing to allow his hands—and his mouth—to touch her skin. To have him see all her flaws in the stark light of day?


  “Damn,” he said, drawing out the word.

  Cassie hung her head. She was well aware of her flaws—her grandfather, her Uncle Derrick, and Robert had berated her about them often enough. She was too short, too skinny, and lacking in feminine curves. Because of her penchant to run around like a boy, she had sleek muscles rather than the softness of a gentle, desirable woman. The notion that Ty looked upon her with the same disdain as those horrible men near to broke her heart.

  His finger under her chin forced her gaze up. “Ain’t never seen a woman half as pretty as you, Cassie girl.”

  She had trouble letting his praise sink in. “Truly? You think I’m...pretty?”

  Leaning down, he kissed her—a sweet, simple kiss that left her wanting more. As he pulled back, she cupped her hands behind his head, knocking his hat from his head as she laced her fingers through his hair. She rose on her knees and gave him the kind of kiss she needed, sliding her tongue between his lips and stroking his.

  Ty growled deep in his chest and embraced her roughly. The kiss seemed never-ending until he finally eased back and stared into her eyes. “Marry me? Today?”

  At least he’d changed from demanding to asking...

  While she wanted nothing more than to accept and marry the man who owned her heart, she hesitated. Not only would she be putting him in danger, she was fighting back the fear that she’d be tying down a man who simply had no desire to be wed. Was he proposing out of responsibility or affection?

  She had to know. “Do you love me, Ty?”

  A slow smile curved his lips, which came as a shock. Most men refused to even consider let along answer such a question.

  “Do you think I’d be marryin’ a Shay for another other reason?”

  “Y–you love me?”

  “Listen carefully, woman.” He held her chin firmly. “I love you. Now will you marry me?”

  “Yes.” She nibbled on her bottom lip, battling happy tears. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Ty marched away, stopping at the door to glance at her over his shoulder. “Today?”


  After tossing her a nod, he left the cabin.


  Although it wasn’t the wedding of her dreams, Cassie beamed through the entire ceremony.

  While there were no sprays of flowers and her dress was nothing but a simple calico, she would have it no other way. She didn’t need a church full of people or a reception with the finest cuisine. All that mattered was that she was marrying Ty Bishop—and that his friend stood by his side and his family behind them.

  Jake had immediately agreed to be witness, which eased some of Cassie’s fear of rejection. But when Emily insisted Jake ride to the Twin Springs to fetch Grace and Adam, Cassie’s stomach had knotted. Worse, while Jake made the trip, Emily went to the marshal’s office to tell Matthew and Victoria about the wedding and bring them along.

  Instead of arriving and trying to talk Ty out of marrying her, they all welcomed her with hugs and kind words. If they’d had reservations, they’d set them aside—for Ty and his happiness. Jake even called her “sister” and seemed happy to know their new familial status.

  Ty had been thoughtful enough to get Drew, and Gideon arrived with him.

  Caleb was nowhere to be found.

  The preacher cleared his throat.

  “I’m sorry.” For shame. She’d been caught daydreaming in her own wedding. “ you please repeat...”

  “Do you promise to love, honor, and obey this man?” the gray-haired reverend asked.

  “Obey?” She arched an eyebrow at Ty.

  His smile eased her worries. “I ain’t a man who expects blind obedience.”

  “I promise to love, honor, and obey—so long as he is reasonable in his orders,” she vowed, her voice steady.

  “This is...highly unusual.” The preacher glanced to Ty.

  “I accept your terms,” Ty replied, still grinning at her.

  He knew her well. Just another of the reasons she loved him.

  The rest of the ceremony flew by in a happy whirl. Ty kissed her before he was torn away by the men so they could slap him on the back. Then the women wanted to embrace him.

  When Grace gave Cassie a hug, she whispered in her ear, “I’ll bake a cake for you. Soon. We’ll have a big supper and—”

  “A generous offer,” Cassie said. “But I don’t wish for you to go to so much trouble for me.”

  “Not just for you,” Grace said. “For Ty as well. We’ll celebrate your marriage.” A smile spread over her face. “You’re my daughter now, you realize.”

  Happy tears formed, but Cassie tried to blink them away. “I consider it an honor that you would consider me such.”

  “So formal?” Adam said, his hand on her shoulder. He turned her and gave her a heartfelt embrace. “Welcome to the family, Cassie.”

  She closed her eyes, willing the tears aside. “Thank you, Adam.”

  Drew tossed her a lopsided smile. “’Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.’”

  “Tennyson.” Rising on tiptoes, Cassie gave his cheek a kiss. “You shall never lose me, Drew. Never.”

  Ty scowled, wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and pulled her close.

  His lingering jealousy forced a smile she tried to hide by turning her head.

  “You are a lucky man, Mr. Bishop.” Drew offered his hand.

  Ty shook it. “Damned lucky.” Then he looked to Adam. “We need to talk. I’m takin’ Cassie to San Francisco and—”

  “What?” Cassie couldn’t contain her shout.

  Grace seemed every bit as dubious. “Ty, what in the devil—”

  Drew sputtered but couldn’t seem to get a word out.

  Adam held up his hand. “Ty and I have a plan to end this nonsense with Cassie’s family.”

  “But to go straight to their lair?” Grace shook her head. “Better to stay out of their reach.”

  “That’s the problem,” Ty said. He signaled for Jake to come closer.

  Not only did Jake draw near, so did the rest of the family.

  Ty went on. “The Shays’ reach is too damned long to stay out of it our whole lives. Adam, Jake, and I talked this out. There’s only one way to keep Cassie safe. Jake and me are taking her back to San Francisco. Jake’s getting a document that says he’s gonna wash his hands of all the Shay money. Cassie’ll do the same. Once that jackanapes Putnam knows she’s married—and that she ain’t a virgin no more—he’ll give up.”

  Cassie whole face flushed hot, spreading down her neck. She elbowed Ty in the ribs to let him know her displeasure with him parading their intimate life in front of his family. “He thought I’d married Drew.”

  “He didn’t believe that for a minute,” Ty retorted. “Otherwise Drew would be dead and not just bloodied up. No, he knew he’d still get a virgin if he married you. Not now that we slept—”

  “Ty!” Grace scolded, hiding her chuckle behind her hand. “Can’t you see how embarrassing this is for

  Victoria wasn’t so subtle, poking her finger into his shoulder. “Shame on you!”

  “Such matters should be private,” Cassie murmured.

  Unfortunately, her words were drowned out by the loud laughter of the men.

  While she was concerned about this plan of Ty’s, she knew it wasn’t foolproof. Her family might be pleased she was tossing aside any claim she had to the Shay fortune, but Robert was a man with enormous pride who wouldn’t take the blow they’d given him well. No, he’d want revenge.

  They needed the support of someone with influence to help protect them from Robert.

  “I believe the plan is sound,” she said. “But I also believe a visit to my Uncle Simon first might be beneficial.”

  “How so?” Adam asked.

  “Uncle Simon has separated himself from the Shay family,” she explained. “He was...displeased with my grandfather and his rather...cruel way of handling business matters. He also resented how my mother was treated.”

  Matthew nodded. “I’d heard he and your other uncle...the one in New York City... What’s that uncle’s name?”

  “My Uncle Theodore,” Cassie replied.

  “I’d heard Theodore and Simon were disgusted with your father and—”

  “Matthew...” Ty’s voice took on a hard edge. “It ain’t Cassie’s fault her dad was such a bastard.”

  “I’m not blaming her,” Matthew snapped. “I’m just saying...her Uncle Simon might be able to help you. He knows what the Shays are capable of—maybe he can help Cassie break free. Doubt you’d be able to get much help from a man in New York City, though.”

  Cassie nodded. “Uncle Simon is the only one we need. He’s a lawyer. He can help us prepare documents eschewing the—”

  “A-chewing? What’s a-chewing?” Ty asked.

  “Eschewing,” Victoria corrected before Cassie could. “It means Cassie and Jake will forfeit any claim to the Shay fortune.”

  “This uncle’s in Sacramento?” Ty asked.

  Cassie nodded. “He is an aide to the governor of California.”

  Adam grinned. “Always nice to know people in high places.”


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