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Safe Havens Bundle

Page 54

by Sandy James

If turning down the fortune freed her from the clutches of her family, good riddance.

  A yawn slipped out, and weariness settled on her. They’d traveled hard after the wedding, trying to get to Sacramento before any news of her true marriage reached San Francisco. Now that she’d learned of her grandfather’s passing, she held out hope her Uncle Derrick was too occupied dealing with things needing his immediate attention to worry about her whereabouts.

  Ty squeezed her hand. “Are you tired, Cassie girl?”

  “Very.” Another yawn made her whole body shake. “Pray forgive my rudeness. We should be traveling to our inn soon, Ty, or I fear I will not be able to stay awake for the trip.”

  “Nonsense,” Simon said, rising from his desk. “You have no need to leave. I insist you be my guests for the time you’re in our fair town.”

  “Don’t wanna put you out,” Ty said, giving her a worried look.

  Cassie understood his trepidation. She, too, worried if they should stay in a place where she could be so easily found. “That is a generous offer, Uncle Simon, but—”

  “No buts,” Simon insisted. He went to the door and opened it. “James!”

  A few moments later, the butler stepped into the study. “Sir?”

  “Have some bedrooms prepared for—”

  “Bedroom,” Ty insisted. “My wife sleeps with me.”

  Simon laughed as he nodded. “Of course, my boy. I merely forgot. Forgive an old man who will always view Cassandra as a young girl. She is, indeed, your wife, and you should share a bed.” He held up his index finger to his butler. “One bedroom, James.”

  “Sir,” James replied with an easy smile, “I have already taken the liberty to prepare the large suite in the west wing. I had assumed you’d wish to keep your visitors close.” His words were weighted with meaning—something more than the humor he obviously found in the situation.

  “Uncle Simon?” She cocked her head. “What are you not telling me?”

  Patting her shoulder, he sighed. “I should have remembered how perceptive you are, my dear. I had hoped you wouldn’t notice, but there are a number of men watching my home. I believe they’re here to return you to your Uncle Derrick.”

  Ty swept his jacket aside and put his hand on his gun. “The hell they will.”

  “Easy, my boy,” Simon cautioned. “So long as you both remain here, you are under my protection. My own men are guarding every entrance and will not let anyone inside without my direct instructions to allow it.”

  Cassie’s fatigue had vanished, replaced by the rapid pounding of her heart. Just as she feared, her Uncle Derrick had found her and had every intention of forcing her into a marriage with Robert.

  She might be married to Ty now, but Shay money had a way of making things change—even something as difficult as a lawful wedding. If her family couldn’t buy an annulment, they would have no reservations about making her a widow.

  A shiver raced through her.

  Ty wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “You cold, sweetheart?”

  “Yes,” she fibbed, not wishing to tell him what really upset her. “And tired.”

  “We’re safe here.”

  “I know.” She offered her uncle a hesitant smile. “Thank you for protecting us.”

  Simon’s lips drew into a thin line. “You are safe here, Cassandra. But the danger will not be over until we are able to present the forfeiture papers to Derrick and have the judge set aside your guardianship.”

  She nodded.

  “That’s why I shall accompany you to San Francisco. Both of us should pay our respects to your grandfather, and the judge and I go back to law school. He’s a fair man and will help us.”

  The last thing in the world she wanted to do was go back into the Shay estate. Her uncle was right—she should be there out of respect to her grandfather. Yet she didn’t want those evil men to have another shot at harming Ty. She’d never forgotten their first meeting in that cave and how frightened she’d been for the two men bound and left to die when the tide came in.

  She’d fallen in love with Ty from that very first moment as she’d watched how he’d faced his own death with humor and aplomb. How could she not love him?

  Just as she’d protected him that day, Cassie would protect him now. Even if it meant going back to hell alone.

  Yes! That was the answer. Ty would stay in Sacramento!

  Now she just needed to convince him that was the best solution.

  “If you’ll follow me...” James swept his arm toward the hallway.

  Holding her husband’s hand, she followed the butler up the ornate staircase, turning left down a long hallway. The door James opened was the last on the left.

  He led them into a suite decorated in pleasant blues. At the center of the room was a large four-poster bed on a dais. The velvet curtains had been pulled back and tied, and the covers were turned down to reveal fresh, white sheets.

  Even though she would be sharing that bed with her husband, she couldn’t stop a hot flush from spreading over her face.

  James’s friendly smile put her mind at ease. “The bathroom is to the right. I trust you’ll be comfortable. Should you need anything...” he brushed his hand over a rope next to the door, “...pull this and it will alert me to return.” Hand on the doorknob, he bowed. “Sleep well. I will bring up a breakfast tray at seven.” He shut the door behind him.

  Before Cassie could even say a word, she found herself swept into Ty’s arms. He strode to the bed, tossed her on the mattress, and then blanketed her with his body. “God, I’ve been wantin’ you all day.”

  His mouth found hers, his tongue thrusting inside. There was desperation in his kiss, the same fear she’d felt when her Uncle Simon had told her of Derrick’s despicable move in making himself her guardian.

  Guardian, indeed.

  Before anger could take hold of her again, Cassie gave herself over to the passion Ty sent racing through her. She put her arms around his neck and held him close, letting him take her away from the worries of the world.

  His tongue stroked her mouth, his hot breath mingling with hers as each struggled to breathe without ending the incredible kiss. She chased his retreating tongue into his mouth, where his teeth grasped her tongue and gave it a gentle tug.

  “Make me yours,” she whispered, not surprised to hear the huskiness in her own voice. Desire swept through her, making her breasts tingle and her core tighten. “Please, Ty. Make love to me.”

  “To my wife,” Ty replied. He pushed back and pulled off his jacket, tossing it off the bed. Instead of unbuttoning his shirt, he merely jerked it open, sending buttons flying. His boots hit the floor before he tugged at his pants.

  She was every bit as eager, trying to pull off her own clothes while also helping him remove his. All she wanted was to be skin-to-skin with Ty, to not only consummate their marriage, but to once again show him how much she loved him.

  His cock sprang forward as he removed his pants. Instead of taking off the rest of her garments, she was more interested in touching him. She wrapped her fingers around his hot shaft and stroked, loving how he growled deep in his chest.

  “I want to see all of you.” He brushed her hand away and pulled her to her feet.

  Kneeling in front of her, he eased her petticoats down her hips. His gaze held hers as he untied her pantalets and pulled them down. She stood before him, naked and unashamed. He was also bare, showing her every inch of his incredible physique.

  Hands on her hips he moved her forward, nudging her thighs apart and pressing his mouth to her core.

  Cassie dug her fingers into his hair, trying to keep her knees from buckling under his tender onslaught. Her head fell back in surrender.

  Ty’s hands smoothed over her buttocks and around her thighs. Then he lifted her, dropping her back to the mattress. As she writhed beneath him, he tortured her—his tongue teasing her sensitive nub as he drove a finger deep inside her again and again, mimicking the act she so desperately wa

  “ Please!”

  He gave her no quarter, driving her higher and higher until she shattered, bucking beneath him as he smothered her cries by covering her mouth with his as he again stretched out on top of her.

  Before she could even come back down to earth, Ty nudged her thighs farther apart, rubbing his cock between her folds.

  His hands framed her face, forcing her to look into his eyes. “You’re mine, Cassie. Forever.”

  She nodded.

  “Say the word. Forever.”

  “I’ve always been yours, Ty. Forever.”

  He thrust inside her and was buried to the hilt. The fullness in her body had never felt so right. She wanted to give him the same pleasure he’d given her. Wrapping her legs around his hips, she pulled him deeper inside.

  With a groan, Ty withdrew and then pressed back into her. With each stroke of his body, the word “mine” slipped from his lips, making her heart swell with love.

  Ty couldn’t understand the strength of the feelings flowing through him. Making love to his new wife had changed their connection, strengthening it with the commitment they’d made as they’d exchanged vows to stay with each other through thick and thin.

  She was truly his. A miracle, that.

  Her sheath was so tight, so incredibly hot. And Cassie held nothing back, turning into a wildcat in his arms, raking her nails across his back as her hips rose to meet each of his thrusts.

  He tried to hold back his climax, wanting this moment—where it felt as though their hearts beat as one—to last forever. But she was so giving, so free with herself he could do nothing but give her equal measure.

  “Ty!” His name slipped from her lips in a breathless cry as her body clenched around his cock, pulling him along with her as she came.

  With a shout, he poured his seed into her for what seemed like forever. He buried his face against her neck, drawing each new breath in a big gulp. Her scent, now mingled with his, pleased him.

  “I love you, Cassie girl,” Ty whispered before kissing her neck.

  “Sweet Lord Almighty. That” She squeezed her legs tighter. “I love you too, Ty.”

  Although he didn’t want to leave her, he figured he had to be crushing her. Rolling to his side, he dragged her up against him, needing to hold her close.

  “We’ll be leaving in the morning.” She tucked her head under his chin and threw her slender thigh across his. “I would ask you to stay here and wait for Uncle Simon and me to return.”

  Ty strained his neck to glare down at her. “Have you lost your mind?”

  She let out a heavy sigh. “I want you to stay, but I know you’ll have none of that. Promise me you’ll take every precaution and won’t take any chances.”

  While he should’ve been insulted that his wife didn’t think he could take care of himself, Ty was touched by her concern. No one had ever worried about him the way Cassie did. It was downright flattering. “You’ll be in danger too,” he reminded her.

  “Yes, but... I cannot lose you, husband.”

  “Husband?” He smiled. “I like the sound of that, wife.”

  “You’ll take every care?”

  “I’ll keep you safe, Cassie girl.”

  “Keep yourself safe too, Ty.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Cassie held tight to Ty’s hand, trying to draw courage from their connection. Uncle Simon stood to her left. He must have sensed her unease because he took her free hand in his and gave it a squeeze.

  Everyone was staring at them. The church had fallen as silent as a graveyard when they stepped through the double doors leading to the sanctuary. The crowd was smaller than she expected considering her grandfather’s wealth and influence.

  All of the Shays were there. Dressed in black and gaping at her, her family was an intimidating bunch. Cassie avoided eye contact with any of them, keeping her gaze settled on the polished coffin resting below the marble altar.

  A low snarl gained her attention. Robert Putnam stood next to Uncle Derrick. The two were talking in whispers, but judging from Robert’s red face, he was angry.

  She didn’t give a damn. Once this ordeal ended, she’d never have to see him again.

  After what seemed like an eternity, Cassie swallowed hard, pulled her hands free, and strode down the long aisle. Head held high, she strode past the pews, trying to ignore the whispering in her wake. Simon and Ty fell in step behind her but stayed close enough to make her feel protected.

  Derrick stepped in front of her before she could reach her grandfather’s coffin. “Well, well. You’ve finally returned.”

  She knew that look. He wanted to slap her.

  She refused to be intimidated. “I have only returned to say goodbye to my grandfather.”

  His hand gripped her upper arm. “You must come with me. Now, Cassandra.”

  She jerked her arm away and held it out to stop Ty from going after her uncle. “I have come to pay respects, then I shall return to my home.”

  Robert took up his normal place—at Derrick’s side. The anger was etched clearly on his face, and he, too, probably itched to give her a few hard hits. “So you’ve finally come to your senses.” As if just noticing that his voice was echoing through the cavernous church, he dropped his voice considerably. “You’ll pay dearly for the humiliation I’ve suffered. When we’re married—”

  Cassie cut him off with a slash of her wrist. “You misunderstand. I will return to Montana. That is my home now.” She let Ty take the last step forward so he was by her side. “This is Ty Bishop—my husband. From this day forward, neither of you will have a say over my life.”

  Face flushing darker red, Robert sputtered in anger. “You will marry me.”

  “No, Robert. I won’t. I’m a married woman now.”

  “You think we didn’t know what you’ve done?” His rueful chuckle didn’t come as a surprise. “This…this...debacle will be annulled.” He inclined his head at Derrick. “We’ve already begun the petition.”

  They knew about her marriage. Hardly a surprise, but now she knew which plan to use. She, Simon, and Ty had rehearsed exactly how today would unfold depending on what Derrick and Robert knew about her and Ty.

  She launched the first volley. “This is a legal marriage between two adults. You have no standing to challenge it.”

  “I’m your guardian!” Derrick insisted.

  “A twenty-year old woman don’t need no guardian,” Ty replied. “Especially one the likes of you.”

  Cassie slipped her arm around Ty’s waist. She could feel him tremble in anger, but he held himself in check. She glanced over her shoulder and gave Uncle Simon a curt nod.

  He entered the fray. “Cassandra’s marriage is quite legal. Of that, I assure you.” He handed the form his judge friend had signed on the couple’s behalf the night before. “Quite legal, and quite permanent.”

  After Derrick read it, he handed it to Robert.

  Robert read it and ripped it in two before dropping it to the floor.

  Simon let out a chuckle. “You think I wasn’t intelligent enough to have more than one copy?”

  Taking a threatening step forward, Robert clenched his hands into fists. “Then I’ll make her a widow.”

  Derrick set his hand on Robert’s shoulder as he leveled a haughty smile at his brother. “Why, Simon… How odd that you would suddenly take an interest in Shay family affairs after shunning us for so long.”

  “Where Cassandra is concerned, I will deign to deal with you, reprehensible though it is.”

  If the barb struck home, Derrick didn’t show it. “Cassie might be of legal age, but she is a bit…flighty. I could easily convince one of many other more powerful judges that her mental competency is in question. Trust me, this sham of a marriage will be easily set aside.” A hard stare at Ty. “I assure you, sir, that you might have escaped me once. But even a cat eventually runs out of lives. If you’re wise, you’ll go right back to your backwater
little town and leave Cassie to her family.”

  Ty snorted. “I’m her family.”

  The reverend loudly cleared his throat. “If we may begin…” He marched up the stairs to the altar.

  Battle lines drawn, Cassie let Ty escort her to a pew. Once the service was over, she would have Simon present her surrender papers to Derrick. Once he knew she didn’t want a penny of the Shay money, the war would finally end.


  Ty had sworn he would never set foot in the mansion again. He’d never thought he’d go back on that oath. Only one thing made him enter the devil’s den.


  My wife.

  For her, he’d go—even if the last time he’d been there, that bastard Derrick had tried to murder him.

  Just as soon as the service had ended, Derrick had been confronted with his father’s lawyer. Despite Derrick’s objections, the man demanded the will be read immediately since every beneficiary was in attendance—an event that wasn’t likely to happen again without great effort.

  Now, Ty escorted Cassie to her grandfather’s study with Simon close on their heels. He’d convinced them to wait and see what happened with the old man’s will before Cassie made her move. While Ty wasn’t happy with the plan—wanting to get the hell away from there as quickly as possible—he understood Simon’s logic. If the senator had cut her out of the will, the papers they’d drawn up last night wouldn’t be needed.

  Without her money, Robert would no longer be a problem.

  When they reached the large doors, the lawyer had the attendees enter single-file, checking off each name on his list. Cassie hesitated after he checked off her name, her face turned to Ty’s.

  “This is my husband, Ty Bishop. He should be at my side,” she insisted before the lawyer could ask his name.

  “Your husband?” he asked in an incredulous tone.

  “Yes, sir. My husband.”

  “Then he is required to attend.”


  “Of course.” He looked at Simon. “And you sir?”

  Cassie answered for him. “He is my legal counsel.”


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