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Wedding Dragon (Lewiston Dragons Book 3)

Page 3

by Liv Rider

  Shaun lifted the carrier to get a better look at the cats. Two tabbies stared back, and one of them had white fur from her nose and mouth down to her chest. They were both lying down, and their eyes were wide as they kept turning their heads, their ears twitching. They seemed nervous.

  Emily threw Dale a quick smile, then turned to Shaun. “The one with the white fur is Stiltskin, the other is Rumple. Don’t worry, I’ve fed them earlier and once the rehearsal is over, you can bring them up to the hotel room so I can let them out.”

  He frowned as he lowered the carrier. “Is it normal for hotels to be that pet-friendly?”

  “Uh, I guess this hotel is pretty relaxed about animals being in the rooms, yeah.” Emily looked down at the carrier again.

  He wasn’t sure why she was acting so strangely, but decided not to press. If she wasn’t allowed to have cats in the hotel room, it would be Emily’s problem, not his. “Okay.” He looked around at the rows of chairs. “Where do I sit?”

  Emily’s smile returned. “For now, you can sit at the start of the aisle at the end of the row.” She grabbed his arm and dragged him along. “That way they can walk down the aisle.”

  “The entire aisle?” He sat down, putting the pet carrier on the chair next to him. “What if they get distracted?”

  “They won’t. We have their favorite toys and snacks. They’ll come running to us, trust me. Where’s Chris?” Her eyes narrowed as she looked around.

  “He’s bringing our bags to our room.” Since Chris wasn’t involved in the rehearsal, he’d volunteered to do that. “I know what you’re thinking.” He’d had several discussions with Emily about his plan, and they’d all ended the same way. She thought it was a terrible plan, and then Shaun agreed, but insisted on going through with it.

  Emily looked at him, raising one eyebrow pointedly, but remained quiet.

  “It’ll be fine. Besides, it’s an extra person to take care of the cats, right?”

  “That might come in handy. Just… be careful, okay?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll look after them.” He patted the pet carrier as his sister shook his head.

  “I meant about lying to everyone, but yes, also be careful with the cats.” She looked around, her eyes scanning the people at the end of the aisle. “And why isn’t Mitchell back yet from getting Dale’s power bank? I told Dale to charge his phone this morning, but no…”

  Before Shaun could say anything reassuring, his sister walked down the aisle, muttering under her breath.

  Shaun looked at the pet carrier. There was another soft mew, and he felt bad for the cats. How long had they been in that pet carrier this afternoon?

  The wedding rehearsal hadn’t even technically started yet, so Shaun was confident he’d be sitting here for a while. He was glad Emily and Dale were holding the wedding outside, because the view of the lake was amazing. There was a little beach about a hundred feet away from the lawn, and trees surrounding the other side of the lake. After spending so much time in the city, it was nice to breathe fresh air and see more green than in his local park.

  Everyone else who had to attend the rehearsal was sitting in or standing near the front rows, waiting for Emily and Dale to direct them. Emily’s three friends who were her bridesmaids and Maid of Honor were sitting on her side of the aisle, giggling and talking with each other.

  Shaun wondered if Natalie and Caroline had spotted him already. He hoped not. Presumably the two guys sitting in the row behind them were their husbands. Shaun tried to remember if Emily had ever told him who her friends had married. Hadn’t it been their high school sweethearts? He knew he’d recall their names if he saw more than the back of their heads.

  He didn’t know the two guys sitting on Dale’s side, but they had to be his groomsmen. Which meant they were one guy short, and he assumed that was the mysterious Mitchell Emily had complained about.

  The persistent mewing next to him got louder, and Shaun sighed. “Yeah, you’re right.” He moved in his seat so he could open the plastic carrier. He opened the clasps on the sides and lifted the top so he could pick up the cats, but he had barely raised the top a few inches when one of them already wriggled to climb out of the carrier.

  He quickly grabbed the cat after dropping the top of the carrier on the grass at his feet. No white splash down the front, so this was Rumple. He held the cat to his chest with both hands, since she was still squirming to get free. She finally settled down when she realized she wasn’t going anywhere.

  He looked down at Stiltskin, who had just discovered there were no plastic walls keeping her inside anymore, and he put his left hand on her back to make sure she didn’t climb out. “Good girl.” He stroked her back with his thumb.

  When they’d been in the pet carrier, he hadn’t been able to see them properly. Emily had told him they were kittens, and he had expected tiny kittens with wobbly legs. But Rumple and Stiltskin were older than that, somewhere between graceful adult cat and wobbly kitten. Did you get cat teenagers? Because with their gangly limbs, that was definitely the best description for them.

  Stiltskin was squirming to get out of his grip. Shaun picked her up so he could hold both of them in his lap. As they were sniffing at his jeans, he saw the pale green ribbons tied around their collars. He grabbed the one around Rumple’s neck and saw the ring dangling from the ribbon. His stomach dropped. Oh, great, so if either of the cats made an escape, they’d be running off with the wedding rings. No pressure.

  “What good kitties you are.” He hoped he sounded reassuring. Stiltskin kneaded his left thigh before finally lying down, while Rumple kept sniffing everything within reach and was trying to jump off his right leg. “No, stay!”

  “I got it!”

  He started at the sudden shout and barely stopped Rumple from jumping off his leg. “No, dammit, stay!” When he finally had a good but gentle hold on both cats, he turned in his seat to glare at whoever had just shouted.

  A man came striding down the lawn, his hand wrapped around something as he waved at Dale and Emily.

  Shaun’s mouth suddenly felt dry at the sight of Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. The wind sent a breeze through his black hair in a way that had Shaun’s fingers itching to ruffle it, and he was sure that the man’s strong jaw was perfect for kissing down to reach his neck, or up to his inviting lips.

  The cats in his lap began wriggling again, and Shaun had to look away to make sure they stayed in place. “Stay still,” he hissed at them. His heart raced in his chest. Any second now the man would walk past him, and the last thing Shaun wanted was to look like an idiot who couldn’t even manage two young cats. Stiltskin meowed back, and both cats kept squirming to get away. Rumple slipped out of his grip. He should tell Emily to rename her ‘Houdini.’

  This was a disaster, and the wedding rehearsal hadn’t even started.

  Stiltskin meowed again. Shaun held her against his chest as she squirmed to get free to join her sister on the lawn. He bent down carefully, trying not to flatten Stiltskin. Rumple seemed too surprised by having escaped to do more than look around, her ears swiveling.

  “Good girl.” He tried to keep his voice gentle as he reached for the small cat. His fingers brushed the soft fur on her back and she jumped out of the way, turning to look up at him. She butted his palm with her head, then darted away from his reaching hand. Her tail was swishing in the air and she clearly thought this was a fun game.

  He slowly slid forward so he could get off the chair. Stiltskin meowed again and Shaun looked down, making sure he didn’t accidentally crush her as he carefully kneeled on the ground. “It’s all right,” he told Stiltskin. “Tell your sister how much fun you’re having being held by me.”

  “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

  Shaun looked up and was face to face with Tall, Dark, and Handsome, who also had the greenest eyes and the friendliest smile Shaun had ever seen. “What?”

  “Your cat telling this one how much fun it is being held by you,” the oth
er man replied, crouching down opposite him. “Um, although I’m sure it is! Fun, I mean. Being held by you.” He frowned, looking down for a moment before meeting Shaun’s eyes again. “Sorry, can I try that again?”

  Shaun stared at him, then laughed. “Yeah, sure.” He felt like he should apologize about his own brain fart. He should’ve noticed the man was holding Rumple in his hands.

  His hands with long, elegant fingers, holding the cat so gently, stroking her back….

  Okay, if he was getting jealous of a cat, he should definitely get a hold of himself.

  “You seem to have misplaced your cat. Here you go.” The man offered Rumple to Shaun, smiling at him again.

  “Right.” Shaun was a little distracted by the smile and the eyes and the hands and the everything else.

  Seriously, he had to get a hold of himself.

  He looked down at Stiltskin, who was staring at the man as well and had gone still. Shaun carefully sat back down in his chair again, all too aware the other man was only a few feet away from him. His heart pounded in his chest and he was flustered all over. This was ridiculous. He’d had plenty of hot guys ordering drinks at the bar and had no trouble hearing their order or keeping his mind on the job. What the hell was wrong with him today? “I can take her now, thank you.”

  There, that was polite and made sense. Finally.

  The other man stood up, cradling Rumple to his chest. Shaun definitely wasn’t feeling jealous at all, not at one large hand stroking the cat’s back while Rumple was purring. Her eyes were closed contently as she rubbed her head against the man’s green shirt.

  “Maybe we should put them back in the carrier.”

  That would be the sensible idea, but Shaun shook his head. He’d only have to take them out again in a few minutes. “Rumple and Stiltskin are the ring-bearers. I might as well leave them out of the carrier for now.”

  The man’s eyes widened, and he looked at the cat in his hands. “Right, Dale mentioned that. I was hoping they’d change their minds.”

  “Me too.” Shaun smiled. “But my sister swears it will be fine and well, you don’t argue with the bride, do you?”

  “I suppose not.” He sounded skeptical as he eyed Shaun. “Maybe I should sit here with you and make sure they don’t escape again.”

  “Please!” Shaun immediately replied, then realized that may have sounded a little desperate. “I mean, yeah, sure, if it’s no problem.”

  “It’s definitely not—”

  “Hey Shaun, did I miss anything? I got you a drink!”

  He froze at Chris’ voice behind them. He’d completely forgotten about him, and he turned around to see Chris walk down the lawn, carrying two glasses.

  This was definitely a disaster.

  “Thanks,” he managed, as Chris stopped behind his chair. “Great.”

  “I figured you’d be thirsty.” Chris’ tone was cheerful as he looked at the other man. “Hi, who are you?”

  “I’m Mitchell.” His green eyes were confused as he looked from Shaun to Chris, then down at Shaun again. “I was just helping…Shaun, was it? I was helping him with his cats.”

  Shaun wished the ground would open to swallow him whole.

  Or swallow Chris whole. That’d work too.

  “Yeah, he was just helping,” Shaun said.

  Chris was silent for a moment. “Good thing I’m here now to help you, honey.”

  Shaun ducked his head, snorting awkwardly to cover up his desire to burst out laughing. Stiltskin blinked up at him.

  “Oh.” Mitchell’s voice was quiet and flat, and Shaun’s stomach twisted. Did he sound disappointed? “I see. Can I give you this one, then?”

  “I kind of have my hands full,” Chris replied. “Shaun? Can you take the cat?”

  Shaun forced a polite smile on his face and looked up at Mitchell again. Was this how karma worked? You lie about having a boyfriend, so fate throws a hot guy at you that you can’t even flirt with or everyone will know you’re a liar? “Yes, I can take the cat.” He held out one hand, holding Stiltskin against his chest so she wouldn’t escape. She hadn’t gone back to squirming and wriggling to get out of his grip, which was good. “Thanks.”

  Mitchell gently put Rumple into Shaun’s free hand, his fingers brushing against Shaun’s wrist, and Shaun started at the spark that shot through him. Mitchell jerked back too, although he still ran his fingers down Rumple’s back. She purred, butting her head against the palm of his hand. He smiled down at the cat. “Now, you be good and behave,” he told her, his voice soft. “Especially on the big day.” He glanced at Shaun, smiling at him too, before standing back up.

  “We’ll make sure they do,” Chris said. “The both of us. Because we’re together. In a relationship.”

  “Right.” Mitchell frowned a little. “Right. I’ll—yes, I’ll go now.” He nodded at Chris, then hurried over to Dale and Emily.

  Shaun stared after him while Chris shoved one chair aside so he could sit down on the chair on the other side of the pet carrier. Both Rumple and Stiltskin lay down quietly in Shaun’s lap.

  “What did I miss?” Chris asked. “And did you want water or not? I can take one of the cats.”

  “He caught Rumple.” Shaun handed Chris Stiltskin in exchange for a glass of water. “She escaped.”

  “And that required lots of intense, awkward staring at each other?”

  “What? No!” He felt his face redden. He hadn’t been awkward, had he?

  Chris laughed. “Whatever you say.”

  “Shut up,” he muttered, taking a sip of water and looking away from his friend. Unfortunately, that meant looking at Mitchell, who had made his way down to the arch to talk to Dale and Emily.

  “You should’ve gotten his number,” Chris said, idly stroking Stiltskin.

  Shaun glared at him. “When? Right after you said we were in a relationship in the awkwardest way possible?”

  Chris shrugged. “We could be in an open relationship.”

  “In an open—no.” As much as Shaun wanted to, there was no way he could flirt with Mitchell. “We’re boyfriends, and I’m not getting some other guy’s number.”

  “Aww, that’s sweet.” Chris lifted Stiltskin to smile at her. “Isn’t he sweet?” Stiltskin meowed at him. “Yes, you’re sweet too.”

  Down the aisle, Dale and Emily had rounded up the bridesmaids, the groomsmen, and both sets of parents for final instructions. Shaun watched with some trepidation when their dad led Emily up the aisle, while their mom sat back down in the front row. She had her phone at the ready for pictures and video. Dale’s parents took their seats on the other side of the aisle.

  Emily glanced his way. “Still doing okay?”

  “Are you sure about the cats?” their father asked.

  “Yes, Dad.” Her tone spoke volumes.

  Natalie, the Maid of Honor, and the other two bridesmaids joined them. “Oh, you’re here as well?” Natalie faked a polite smile. “I’m surprised you showed up.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Shaun smiled back equally politely. The other bridesmaid from Millersburg, Caroline, ignored him. Kelly, one of Emily’s friends from college, shushed them and told them to get in the right order.

  The groomsmen joined them, and Shaun told himself he was glad he was sitting on Emily’s side. He tried not to look at Mitchell again, but it was difficult when the other man was only a few feet away.

  This would be a long weekend, and it had barely even started.



  Our mate hoards cats. We should acquire more cats to please him.

  They aren’t his cats. Mitchell tried not to sigh. It was an improvement on his first, instinctive reaction to challenge Chris to a duel.

  We can acquire those cats for him!

  “Right, everyone in position.”

  Mitchell blinked when Jake, the best man, clapped him on the shoulder. “What?” He’d completely missed Dale’s and Emily’s instructions. He hoped no o
ne had noticed him staring blatantly at Shaun.

  “For the wedding rehearsal?” The fox shifter frowned at him. “Go on.”

  Mitchell swallowed when he followed the other groomsman up the aisle. Bryan was a bear shifter and had grown up in Greenville. He and Jake had been Dale’s best friends growing up. Mitchell glanced over at where Shaun was sitting, his eyes on his lap where he was holding one of the cats.

  He’d always been happy with being a dragon shifter, but right now he’d swap places with a cat if it meant being cuddled and petted by his mate.

  His mate.

  Mitchell tore his eyes away from Shaun and looked straight ahead instead as he took his place next to a bridesmaid. Jake had told him their names earlier, but he’d completely missed which bridesmaid was which, even though one was blonde and the other a brunette.

  His mate was here, only a few feet away from him, and Mitchell couldn’t do anything about it. The longer he stood here, the stronger Shaun’s tempting, earthy scent got.

  For a few minutes, he’d been the happiest man in the world. He’d been thinking of ways to spend as much time with Shaun this weekend as possible and wondering what kissing that smile would be like.

  And now wondering was all he’d get to do.

  How could his mate have a boyfriend? You met your fated mate, and then you were happy together forever. You didn’t go from unimaginable happiness one moment to a broken heart the next.

  Sure, Parker and Thomas had had their share of setbacks after meeting their fated mates, but those had been manageable. Thomas had to deal with Joel’s terrible family, and Parker had to deal with, well, himself and his inability to delegate. As bad as things had been, they’d been able to find solutions for their problems.

  The only solution to Mitchell’s problem was Shaun deciding to dump Chris.


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