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I Am Gamer III

Page 11

by Gabriel Rathweg

  They looked the same as ever, even though it had only been a few months since I had seen them both. My mother, Chieftess Cloud Friggsdaughter, was a tall handsome woman. She had long auburn hair with streaks of gray in it. Her bronzed face had laugh lines on the sides of her hazel eyes and mouth. I could clearly see the resemblance to my sister and myself. My Father, Chief Otter Odinson, grinned at me. Everyone said that I was his spitting image and I agreed. The main differences being that he had darker hair with lots of gray and age showed on his face and beard. Still, he was only just past the prime of his life and was still strong and hale.

  Freya cleared her throat and they paused their conversation turning at the sound.

  “Arun, Freya, what are you two doing here?” My father asked.

  “Didn’t you just leave early this morning Freya?” My mom chimed in.

  My sister started to speak up, but I quieted her with a motion and stepped forward.

  “We must leave now, Asgard is about to be destroyed. An army of monsters of legend is coming.” I told them.

  My parents shared a look then turned back to me.

  “Maybe you should sit down and tell us all the details.” My father said, motioning to the feasting table.

  I nodded and the four of us sat down, then I proceeded to relate everything that happened. They listened intently, asking questions here and there as I told about the events of the past few days. I told them of how Sage received word of the new War Shaman that was coming and then about the battle and loss of the outpost river fort. When I reached the end of my story and told them of the dreams of the monster army and how we rushed here to help, and I stopped. The table was quiet for a minute as they digested everything I had related. Then my father pounded his fist on the table and stood up.

  “This is a tall tale Arun, but you are a good trustworthy son. If the gods saw fit to give us this gift, then we will use it. Let us prepare the defenses and stop these monsters in their tracks.” He growled.

  My mother put her arm on his and shook her head, to his credit or hers, he sat down back down and let her speak.

  “No dear, if Arun saw the destruction of our home, and not only him but Sage and the others then we must heed the warning. We must leave.” She said, solemnly.

  My father nodded and then the two of them turned back to me.

  “Let us go then, we will warn the tribe and start the evacuation.” My father said.

  “Actually, I already started it.” I said, a bit sheepishly.

  This earned me a pair of raised eyebrows and I quickly stood up and coughed.

  “Let me tell you about Thrudheim and all the changes, did you know we have fifty-foot high walls now, and weapons called guns?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “What are guns?” Freya asked.

  “Oh, they fire thunder, lightning, and these little metal balls that can down a Chenoo or a Kuku.” I said, awe in my voice because they were amazing, and I was still impressed by them.

  The four of us left the lodge and went to help with the evacuation, my parents and sister asking questions about guns, Thrudheim, and the new War Shaman. I answered all their questions as we supervised the evacuation, pitching in where we could. The hours went by and it was dusk by the time we were done, and everyone was loaded into the long canoes. There were some folks that were reticent but some coaxing, verbal and physical, got them on board so to speak.

  I was standing on the dock of the main hall, my family beside me and my crew in our long canoe ready to go. We had stationed lookouts by the harbor, and I had sent a man to retrieve them.

  “I was thinking brother. Do we know when the army is going to be here?” Freya asked.

  “I’m not quite sure. Our dreams were detailed but did not give us an exact date and time sister.” I said, giving her a side eye.

  She elbowed me in the side, and I laughed at her.

  “What I meant is, we don’t we lay a trap for them. If Asgard is to be destroyed anyway, why not make it mean something.” She said.

  “What did you have in mind?” I asked, intrigued.

  “What are you two talking about?” My father asked, suddenly interested in the conversation.

  My mother looking over at us began paying attention as well.

  “Freya thinks we should lay a trap for the monsters in Asgard.” I told them.

  My parents both looked at my sister with raised eyebrows.

  “I was thinking since the town is to be destroyed anyway, let’s burn it down around the invading army.” She said simply.

  My parents and I looked at each other and then back at my sister.

  “How would we do this daughter?” My mom asked.

  “As soon as the lookouts spot the incoming army, we run around setting all the homes ablaze with torches, doesn’t need to be many of us, and when the monsters attack the town will just have started burning, we may catch some in the blaze.” She explained. “The others can start heading to Thrudheim, only one boat need stay, that should be enough people for the task.”

  My parents and I shared another looked and shrugged. Her plan sounded good and it would give us something to do to fight back, and not just abandon our home.

  “This is a good plan we will follow your lead Freya.” My father said.



  We were on our way to the Cheyenne tribe’s home and Riders were already sent out. With my elites, now including Shining Eagle and Fuzzy, riding along. During the night they had all gained the ability to access the hidden screens and each was familiarizing themselves with them. I glanced at the bear the Chieftess was riding and admired its new armor.

  The Chieftess had the Mage Builders make it from instructions Hasteoltoi had sent to her in her dreams. It was a combination of hide and metal that made the already fierce giant bear even more formidable looking. The tiny woman atop him was the only thing out of place. I laughed at the thought that a Jicarilla Chieftess riding an armored war bear was so normal to me now. How things have changed since I first met Law. The whole world was turned upside down again, but this time for the better. We had a purpose and were fighting back.

  I cleared my head and looked at the four falconets that were rolling along behind us pulled, by four of the newer Riders. There was also a fifth rider that was pulling a cart with the ammunition and the harquebuses. We were all still training with them and weren’t quite ready to use them from horseback or war bear back even. Four riders selected by Dancing Lion were riding next to the cart. They were our Harquebusiers and would use them on foot or in fortifications.

  “How far till we reach the Cheyenne home?” Night Star asked.

  “You know you have your own personal mini map in your head now, right?” I asked, with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yes, I know, but it gives me a headache when I use it. I’m still not used to the whole symbols in the air and such. Not to mention I can see my life in points it makes me uncomfortable.” She replied.

  “Come on sister, you need to embrace the future. We are about four or so hours away. We should make it before nightfall at our current pace.” Ice Blossom said, her eyes having that familiar glazed look for a few seconds as she accessed her mini map. “Besides, aren’t you excited! We know Fire Magic, just like Law and Moon Flower.”

  “Yes, I know, still…” Night Star her voice trailing off as she shrugged.

  “I personally love it. And I have one for Fuzzy as well.” Shining Eagle said, patting her bear on the head and scratching behind his ears.

  The conversation went on in this vein for the next couple hours and I tuned it out thinking about the upcoming fight. The Cheyenne would be ready, the Skinwalkers would as well. If Hasteoltoi’s vision was true, there was a death cult and who knew how many monsters of legend were with them. No matter what, it would be a tough battle and I would need to make sure we were ready and used our advantages as best we could. With the additional Riders a
nd weapons, we should have the upper hand, I just needed to be smart about how we went about attacking and defending.

  I also wanted to save as many of the Cheyenne tribe that we could.

  “There is a scout returning.” Stone Fox said, squinting out in the distance.

  The Rider galloped towards us reigning her horse in as she got close, and then saluted.

  “First Rider we have found the first of the enemy, hundreds of Nirumbee, Wendigo as well, along with members of the Cheyenne, they march towards us, it is nasty, seeing any tribe working with those monsters.” She said, disgust evident in her voice.

  “Thank you, Twinkling Robin, how far and where?” I asked.

  “Smiling Lizard is shadowing them just six miles east southeast of here. When I left her, she had not been spotted and is making sure to keep unfound. I’m sure they are unaware of our presence.” Twinkling Robin answered.

  “Good, get back to her and keep watch on them, we will set up camp and prepare the defenses.” I replied, then turned to my companions as she galloped away.

  “Let’s set up our defenses on that ridge there and prepare for their arrival.” I said, and my sisters and Dancing Lion saluted and spurred on their horses, calling out orders to the riders as they went.

  “Fuzzy was spoiling for a fight, it is good that we have found them so soon.” The Chieftess said.

  I nodded in response as I watched the Riders break into motion, everyone going about their assigned duties. Ever since our first attempt at building a Roman fort we had gotten better and much faster, the additional manpower helped as well. Now, it only took us half an hour to get the walls raised and then just an additional fifteen minutes for final details and to get into defensive positions.

  “What do you say we ride out and check on this army ourselves?” I asked.

  “You read my mind.” She replied, with a grin.

  The two of us spurred on our mounts, Winston whinnied and took off at my mental command. It seemed Fuzzy took it as a challenge and we raced over the rocky undulating landscape towards where the scout had gone. Winston ran at a ground eating pace and I was surprised that Fuzzy was able to keep up but shouldn’t have been, it was the mount of a goddess after all.

  I did take the lead though, Winston distancing himself as we ran. I slowed him though as I saw the two scouts on my mini map just a little way away on a small rise. I waited for Shining Eagle and we both slow to a walk at the bottom of the rise and dismounted, crouching down, and quietly making our way to the two scout’s position. They saw us coming up and made room for the two of us, I nodded in return and then looked out taking in the scene spread out before me, pulling out the eyeglass law had given me before he left, as I did.

  Less than a quarter mile away hundreds upon hundreds of Nirumbee, interspersed with Wendigo, I counted at least two dozen, and as the scout said, human warriors. They were in two separate groups and came our way in ragged mobs. The sight made me as disgusted as it had Twinkling Robin. It was as if I couldn’t reconcile the two images together and my mind had trouble with the sight. I shook my head and growled low in my throat, they had made their choice and would answer for it.

  “I know what you mean daughter.” Shining Eagle whispered, the other two scouts nodded in agreement. “It is unnatural to say the least.”

  I was about to respond but then a familiar figure caught my eye. The idiot Bull Bear was talking animatedly to an older man, which judging by the similarities must be his father. There he was, Chief Four Bears of the Cheyenne, but it was the Skinwalker in actuality, it was too late for those Cheyenne warriors down there, they all had to die.

  “You two continue watching them, but do not get caught. Return when they are within a mile. Come Chieftess let’s return, we have preparations to make for our guests.” I said, backing up and slowly crawling back down the rise to our mounts.

  She followed and the two of us sped back to the camp. We had been gone for over twenty minutes and as we closed in, I nodded in satisfaction. The walls were already up, and the falconets were going into position. Waves and salutes greeted us as we rode through the space where the gate would go. I reigned Winston in and made my way to Dancing Lion and my sisters who were supervising the placement of the artillery and harquebuses.

  Normally, I would have spread them around the fort as Law had taught me with our artillery training. I decided against it this time however, because we had the element of surprise and I was sure no one in that army, monster or human, would know what artillery or guns were. We would inflict maximum carnage and damage with our full strength. Then, we’d follow up with our more traditional tactics and melee weapons.

  “How long till they arrive?” Dancing Lion asked.

  “They will be here in an hour at the most. They are moving at a walk and are unaware of our presence. I think they meant to catch us at Crow’s Nest unawares. Will the weapons and troops be ready in time?” I asked.

  “The way things are going long before then, I would estimate we should be fully ready for battle in another fifteen to twenty minutes.” She replied.

  “Perfect, I have an idea I want to try out.” I said, a wolf like smile breaking out across my face.

  Fifteen minutes later I was galloping back towards the enemy with my sisters, the Chieftess, and twenty of the Riders, a mixture of old and new, in tow. Dancing Lion and Stone Fox had stayed to make sure everything would be ready when we returned. The two scouts were coming our way and I called for a halt as they approached.

  “First Rider, we are coming back as ordered, there has been a change in the army and now they are moving toward us at a faster pace, they will be at the fort in half the time, they are only a mile behind us.” Twinkling Robin reported.

  “Good job you two, get back to the fort and join the defense.” I commanded.

  The two left with salutes. Bull Bear must have changed the Skinwalkers mind and changed his plans. That was ok, this still played into my trap. I called out an order and we took off again towards the incoming army. We galloped onward and stopped again when the army came into view. They weren’t quite running but they were moving at a faster speed and not in the meandering mobs they had been.

  “All right, Riders let’s do this, remember harass and retreat, we are going to get them in a frenzy and lead them back to the fort.” I called, then spurred Winston forward, drawing my bow and nocking an arrow as we moved.

  As we closed the distance cries from the enemy sounded as soon as we were spotted, at just over three hundred yards out. We were on a flat plain and could see quite far, I grinned in anticipation, this would be our first attempt trying the hit and run tactics that Law had shown me. The way their army was spread out and the fact that they would never have seen the tactic, plus our superior mobility should all work in our favor.

  “Remember, do not engage Flame on your arrows, do not get bogged down, and most of all don’t die!” I called over my shoulder, then increased my speed with a thought to Winston and the distance rapidly began to shrink between me and the MOBs.

  When we were within a hundred yards the screaming and yelling from the Nirumbee, mixed with roars from scattered Wendigo sounded out even louder. Then the whole mass of them began charging towards us. I waited till we were fifty yards out and cut to the left, my Riders doing the same behind me and as one we fired our arrows into the first rank of charging of monsters.

  Over a dozen of the MOB’s fell and we galloped away resetting for our next attack. There were so many it was hard to miss, and it barely dented their numbers. That wasn’t the point, the attack was effective in enraging them and making them charge even faster. That was the goal and it was working. We continued are strategy leading them ever closer to the fort and the remaining waiting Riders.

  All too soon we were within sight of the fort and I called for us to break off and head back. Soon, we were galloping through the newly placed wooden gates and they were shut and sealed behind us with a large wooden beam that took five Ride
rs to lift. The enemy had lagged farther and farther behind us and were over a four hundred yards away but still coming fast. I leaped off Winston and rejoined the Riders on the wall, along with my other elites. We arrived at the top just in time to see the first of the Nirumbee coming into range.

  “Wait for it. We want the main mass of them in range before we fire the falconets and harquebuses. Archers get ready, you’re up first.” Dancing Lion called out.

  Riders lined the walls and aimed their Fiery Bows out at the incoming Nirumbee. The ragged horde came on, unaware of the devastation we were about to release. The tension was palpable as we all waited, bow strings taught and ready. I watched the first of the monsters come in range of the archers.

  “Hold!” Dancing Lion called.

  The monsters came closer, now only one hundred and fifty yards away.

  “Archers loose!” She ordered.

  Fifty arrows flew out each one connecting with a Nirumbee, but it didn’t stop them, just angered them more and I could feel their bloodlust rise. I grinned, just what we hoped, as the monsters behind them picked up their pace the humans included, and the majority of their army was suddenly in the kill zone.

  “Falconets fire!” Dancing Lion called.

  And the four light cannons boomed like rolling thunder, stunning the lead monsters and then the earth exploded in the center of the incoming army. The cannonballs were even more effective then I had hope. Screams and shouts of pain and fear radiated out from the cloud of dirt that had been thrown up. Not only that, the whole army had been thrown into disarray. The Nirumbee in the lead had slowed to a crawl, looking back at the cloud of smoke and dust, and the screams of the damaged and dying.

  “Everyone, fire at will! Kill them all!” Dancing Lion’s screamed out, over the cacophony of battle.


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