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A Gypsy's Christmas Kiss

Page 2

by Dawn Brower

  “Lulia,” Diana said gleefully when she finally noticed her arrival. “I’m so glad you decided to attend.” Her friend came over and hugged her.

  “Was there any doubt?” Lulia stepped back from Diana’s embrace and lifted a questioning brow. “You were quite insistent. So why do you need me here?” Truthfully, Lulia couldn’t deny her friend much. It had been that way since they first became acquainted when Diana was fifteen. The four years separating their age made little difference. In some ways, Diana was the sister Lulia never had.

  “I have some news,” Diana replied. “We’ll talk more later. Come meet Lord Holton and his cousin.”

  Diana pulled her over to the group near the center of the room. Lord Holton was a handsome man with sandy brown hair and mesmerizing hazel eyes. She could see why Lady Katherine Wilson was taken with him. At some point, those two would figure out they were meant to be together—once they got out of their own way. Diana smiled at Lord Holton and his cousin. “I’d like you to meet my dear friend Miss Lulia Vasile.” Then she turned to Lulia. “This is Lord Holton and Lady Lenora Huxley.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Lord Holton said smoothly. He appeared the perfect gentleman, though Lulia had a feeling he disapproved of Diana’s relationship with her.

  “It is,” Lulia agreed even though, so far, it hadn’t been pleasant. “And you as well, Lady Lenora. How are you on this fine day?”

  “Oh…” She glanced down. “I’m…”

  The lady was a shadow of who she would eventually be. Lulia could almost see her future self. One day she’d blossom into a strong, independent woman. With Diana and Katherine’s influence, she’d discover who she was meant to be. Lulia would help where she could, but she was no society matron. Her role was best left to the background. “You’re lovely,” Lulia supplied for her. “Perhaps you’d like to visit the refreshment table with me. I’m parched.”

  “Oh, I suppose I can do that.” She glanced at Lord Holton and then back at Lulia. “Um… If you’ll follow me…”

  Lulia smiled to herself and then brazenly met Lord Holton’s gaze. Let him disapprove. He’d come to realize it meant nothing to Lulia. As long as Lady Lenora didn’t come to harm from her boldness, she saw nothing wrong with thwarting the marquess. She spun on her heels and followed Lady Lenora to a nearby table. A punch bowl, tea service, and tiny sandwiches were displayed artfully on top of it. Lady Lenora nibbled daintily on her bottom lip. “Do you prefer punch or tea.”

  Neither really… If given the choice she’d rather have a snifter of brandy. “Punch will do nicely,” Lulia answered. “I can serve myself.” She reached for a tiny goblet and filled it with the fruity mixture. “Do you not want any?”

  “Oh, no,” Lady Lenora answered. “I’m too nervous.”

  The little bird would take a lot to come out of the nest on her own. Lulia would work with her a little and encourage Diana and Katherine to as well. Lady Lenora was far too timid, and she’d be crushed when the season began again. How could Lord Holton have allowed her to close herself off from everything? Lucky for them both, Lulia couldn’t turn away from a lost soul. Lord Holton wouldn’t thank her at first, but in time he’d see why she was a blessing for Lady Lenora. “Why?” she asked. “Are you not amongst friends?”

  “Yes, I am.” She glanced away. One day she wouldn’t be afraid to meet a person’s gaze. “I’m not comfortable here. I’d rather be at home—in the library. Books are more relatable to me.”

  “Well, that’s no way to live now, is it? Everyone needs someone at some point. Don’t close yourself off to the possibility of meeting new people. You never know when you might meet the love of your life.”

  She shook her head. “I doubt love is in my future.”

  “Don’t you worry about it. When you’re ready for it, or even when you least expect it, love will find you.”

  Lulia believed in love—for other people. Lady Lenora may have already met her match but hadn’t realized it yet. Sometimes, the man was the obtuse one; however, this particular lady was more oblivious than most. A gentleman could flirt with her, and she probably wouldn’t notice.

  “I wish I had your certainty,” Lady Lenora said softly. “But I’m not brave enough to explore love. Almost everything is frightening to me.”

  Lulia placed her hand on Lady Lenora’s arm. “Maybe not now, but one day you will.” She took a sip of her punch, and then set it back down on the table. It was a terrible mixture that was bland—a bit of water would have been better than the punch. Perhaps she should have had the tea… “Let’s join the others again.”

  They turned to walk back to Diana and her guests, but someone else entered the drawing room. Two someones to be exact. Both had dark hair and striking features, but Lulia was drawn to one of them. He’d always be familiar to her. That man had haunted her dreams nightly, ever since their first meeting. A part of her had started to believe they would never cross paths again. She lifted her hand to her chest and reminded herself to breathe. Perhaps he wouldn’t recognize her. She’d been curious about him after their initial meeting and uncovered his identity. Back then he’d been so melancholy and for good reason. A man on the brink of leaving his youth behind shouldn’t face it alone, and especially without his father. It must have been difficult for him to suddenly hold the mantle of the Clare Dukedom.

  “Do you know the gentlemen?” Lady Lenora asked gently. “Do you wish to stay by the refreshments longer.”

  “No,” she answered. She wasn’t sure if it was for recognizing the gentlemen or to staying by the table. Either way, the answer worked. Staying by the refreshments would perhaps encourage one of the gentlemen to come over to them, but Lulia didn’t want to give the Duke of Clare a reason to speak to her. If she could avoid him, she would. “Let’s take a stroll around the room instead. I find I’m restless.” A truer statement had never been uttered. She’d run out of the room as fast as her legs would carry her if it wouldn’t embarrass Diana.

  “The one gentleman is friends with my cousin,” Lady Lenora offered, but didn’t indicate which man. Lulia hoped it wasn’t Clare.

  “Oh?” She lifted a brow. “And what does that mean to you?”

  Her cheeks pinkened at Lulia’s question. The lady had tender feelings for the gentleman she spoke of. So perhaps she had already found love, but love hadn’t sparked between them both. “He’s Holton’s friend—nothing more.”

  The lady doth protest too much… “I don’t think it’s that simple. Tell me about him,” Lulia encouraged. “I’ve been known to be a bit of a matchmaker at times. I can even tell your fortune if you’ll allow me.” She’d done it often enough as a young girl when she worked at fairs. It was one of the first things she’d learned living amongst the Romany. They taught her many things, but fencing was what she loved. Fortune telling had its uses—like easing Lady Lenora into trusting her, but it wasn’t her strongest gift.

  “The duke is one of the biggest rogues of the ton,” she said. “I doubt he even sees me.” Lady Lenora glanced away from Lulia and toward a nearby window. “I may as well be invisible.”

  So, it was Clare she spoke of… Drat. “Some men are blind until one day they’re not. Don’t discount him yet.”

  It had been several years since Lulia had last laid eyes on the Duke of Clare. He was as handsome as she remembered—no, more so now with age. He had a scar across his cheek that hadn’t been present then. Maybe he’d received it while at war. He’d join Wellington’s campaign versus Napoleon against the better advice of those around him. Sometimes Lulia believed Clare had a death wish. It had been evident in his eyes when she’d met him at fifteen, but even more so now. There was a darkness to him that remained prevalent.

  “I’ve known him most of my life—it’s who he is. I wouldn’t want to change him either way. I wonder who it is he’s with.”

  “The Duke of Clare?”

  “Is that who he is?” She lifted a brow. “Imagine two dukes at one soiree. How of
ten do you think that happens?”

  Who was the other man then? She was curious now that she realized they were not speaking of the same person. “I’m not acquainted with your duke. What is his name?” She wasn’t familiar with a lot of the members of the ton.

  “Julian Everleigh, the Duke of Ashley,” Lady Lenora answered. “How are you acquainted with the Duke of Clare?”

  “His ancestral estate is in Tenby,” she answered. “Near where my father’s family is located.”

  Truthfully, her father’s family was a county over from Tenby. The village was where her father had decided to settle down. His family hadn’t approved of his choice in wife any more than her mother’s had liked her marrying him. It left them both on the outskirts of their families, and Lulia torn between two worlds. “Would you like to meet him?”

  She doubted Clare remembered her. At first, she didn’t want to find out, but now she had a bit of morbid curiosity about him. She wouldn’t know unless she went over to him and discovered the truth for herself. Lady Lenora would give her that opportunity whether she realized it or not. She didn’t wait for her to answer. Lulia looped her arm with Lady Lenora’s and guided her across the room. It was time for them both to seize control of their destiny.

  Chapter 2

  Fin noticed Lulia the moment he’d stepped into the room. She was no longer a young girl. A vibrant woman had replaced her, and he found her even more attractive now than he had then. Perhaps that was a good thing. She’d been no more than sixteen at the time—four years younger than he had been. Her midnight locks were plaited into a braid that looped around her head in an elegant style. Her eyes were still a violet-blue that he found enchanting. Everything about her made him come alive—and he couldn’t have her. He’d stayed away from Tenby because he’d believed, if he returned, they’d cross paths again. He should have realized he couldn’t avoid her forever. Fate wanted them to be together. He fully believed that now. What a fool he’d been…

  She was heading toward them with a lovely red-haired lady at her side. He still didn’t understand why she was at this soiree. It was the last place he ever expected to find her. Lulia wasn’t a society miss. Her gypsy roots were evident in her features. When they reached their side, he nodded at them both. Lulia met his gaze, not once glancing away.

  “Hello, Your Graces,” the young lady greeted them. She was a shy one and kept her gaze low.

  “Lady Lenora,” Ashley greeted the lady with Lulia. “It’s lovely to see you out in society.”

  “Holton insisted,” she replied. “Have you met Miss Lulia Vasile?” Lady Lenora gestured toward her.

  “I have not,” Ashley replied and then glanced at Fin.

  He was uncertain how to answer that. They had never been formally introduced. The one time they’d met, they’d exchanged their given names. Should he admit that they’d crossed paths before? Would it ruin her reputation somehow? He mentally rolled his eyes. Lulia was a gypsy. Did she even have a reputation to protect?

  Lulia took the question out of his hands. She must have sensed his indecision. She smiled at them both. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

  “I’m the Duke of Clare,” he responded and felt ill-prepared for meeting either lady. “Ashley insisted I accompany him to this. Otherwise, I’d have gladly remained in my townhouse.” That sounded rather dull, and didn’t do him any favors.

  “It would be a shame if you had.” Lulia’s accent was thicker than it had been in her previous statements. “You would have missed a fine soiree. Lady Northesk is a wonderful hostess.”

  Fin wouldn’t have known one way or the other. He tended to keep to himself and didn’t attend any society functions as a rule. He didn’t believe he deserved anything resembling happiness. That kind of life was for other people. It was far safer and much better if he didn’t impose himself on others. After the fortune Lulia had told him several years ago, he’d decided that he’d live a solitary life. He wished he’d never crossed paths with her again. If he’d known… “I’m sure Lady Northesk is lovely. I should find her and pay my respects.”

  He had no wish to converse with the hostess, but if it gave him some distance from Lulia he’d gladly reach for the reprieve. His stomach was a ball of knots, and he had no idea how to unravel them. Maybe once he put some space between him and Lulia, he’d feel at ease. Somehow, he doubted it would be that simple. Now that they’d found each other again, his life was bound to come unraveled.

  “What a lovely idea,” Lulia replied. Her warm smile startled him for a moment, and even made him feel—happy. “I’ll walk with you. I’ve not had much time to visit with her myself. She had something she wished to discuss with me earlier.”

  He should have known… Lulia seemed determined to stay by his side. He didn’t know why, but Fin didn’t like it. She’d tried to help him all those years ago. Perhaps she felt responsible for him, but he would have to disabuse her of that notion. She didn’t owe him anything, and he didn’t want her to interfere with his life. He was perfectly fine with the way things were. “I…”

  “Do you even know which lady the countess is?” Ashley lifted a brow. “As often as you socialize, I doubt you know anyone other than me in this room.”

  “That’s not true,” he said belligerently. There were more guests than when they’d first arrived. “I do recognize a few of the gentlemen here from our club.” Though he didn’t actually talk to most of them…

  “Holton doesn’t count,” he said. “You should meet Northesk though. He doesn’t come into the club as much as he used to, but he’s a good friend.”

  “I’ll be happy to introduce you,” Lulia said. “Lady Northesk is a dear friend of mine.”

  “I had heard that,” Ashley replied. His lips twitched slightly. “I must admit that I’ve been rather curious. Northesk has given us some interesting details about you.”

  “Oh?” She lifted a brow. “Such as?”

  “Tell me,” Ashley began. He had a wicked smile on his face as he asked, “Are you really a superior fencer?”

  Her lips tilted upward slyly. “Perhaps we will have a match and you can determine for yourself.”

  Fin didn’t like the interaction. He wanted to protest, but also realized he had no right. Lulia was not his. He had no claim to her or any reason to stop them from fencing. Though, truthfully, it was the flirting he really objected to. He turned to Lulia, and much to his surprise said, “I’d love for you to introduce me.”

  “Wonderful,” she said, then smiled. “Let me lead the way.”

  She stepped toward him and looped her arm with his. They glided across the room in near silence. He, uncertain what to say to her, left it to Lulia to choose a topic of conversation. When none was forthcoming, he found himself struggling to come up with one. He craved to hear the lilt of her voice as she spoke. It had been too long since he’d heard it, and now he wanted it more than ever. She visited his dreams each night, but reality was so much better. “How have you been?” he finally asked.

  “So, you are ready to admit we’re acquainted now?”

  “I didn’t mean to imply otherwise.” He frowned. “Did you wish for me to claim a prior association?”

  She shook her head. “Don’t concern yourself with my comfort, Your Grace. I don’t bother with society much. If Diana didn’t insist on having me attend her soirees, I’d gladly stay at Fortuna’s and work on my fencing.”

  Fortuna’s? He had no idea what she was talking about—other than the fencing part. Fin wanted to see how well she held herself in the sport. Perhaps he’d inquire about a match between them. He wasn’t as good as he used to be, but he could hold his own. It had been a while since he bothered with the exercise. “What brings you to London?” It was the one thing he’d been dying to know.

  “Diana,” she said simply. “She’s—family. At least more than anyone else has ever been.”

  Fin found that interesting. He knew her family owned the store in Tenby. Had something befallen th
em? It would probably be rude to ask her that outright in their current setting, but he also didn’t know when he’d have the chance again. It wasn’t as if they traveled in the same circles—normally. This was an oddity he couldn’t explain. How had she come to consider Lady Northesk family? “How long have you been acquainted with the countess?”

  “For several years now,” she replied and tilted her head to the side as if in thought. “We met the summer of 1805.” She smiled. “So, it’s been over a decade now. I hadn’t realized how long it had been.”

  Lulia had met Diana two years after their first encounter. He couldn’t help wondering what had brought the two women together. They were as far apart in social class as two individuals could be, yet Lulia appeared to fit seamlessly into the society function. She even had a proper gown of blue and silver silk draping her lovely curves. “That must be wonderful for you to have such a close friend.”

  Most of Fin’s friends weren’t really that. They were more—acquaintances that he attached himself to from time to time to stave off the loneliness that often took root. He wanted to live a more exciting life, but fear kept him in check. Fin refused to start a life only to have it ripped away from him. He had never fully gotten over the accident that had taken his father’s life. He still believed he’d be alive if Fin had never bought him that stallion. At least Lulia wasn’t letting anything like fear hold her back. She was as vibrant as he remembered.

  “It is nice,” she agreed. “But she can’t give me the time she used to. She’s building a life here with Luther. I once believed him a cad unworthy of her, but the love between them was always there. I am not one to stand in the way of true love. Those two belonged together from the start. Sometimes it takes a while for people to recognize a good thing, even when it is standing directly in front of them.” She stopped and glanced up at him. “Tell me, Your Grace, are you still afraid of taking a risk?”

  He was, and probably always would be. “It’s clear you still believe love can solve all of life’s problems.” He frowned. “I thought you agreed to call me Fin.” He didn’t like the Your Graces falling from her pretty pink lips. He wanted the intimacy of her using his given name.


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