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Dare to Love a Spy (Book 3, Age of Innocence)

Page 9

by Debra Elizabeth

  Camden looked at Charles and gave him a subtle nod before rising to his feet. He pulled Charles to his feet, and Charles reverted back to the role of a drunken lord. "Edgerton, come. Let me order you a carriage before you embarrass yourself any further," Camden said as he slung Charles's arm over his shoulder. Together, they staggered to the door, confident in their ruse and that no one in White's paid them any undue attention.

  Once outside, Charles waited until the carriage pulled up before he cast off his drunken persona. "Wetherby, keep your wits about you. She may have an accomplice," he said before stepping into the carriage.

  Camden nodded and watched the carriage drive off. It would not be safe to speak further here. It was no secret to the members of White's that he and Charles were friends, but he did not want the spy-killer to deduce they were anything more than that. He didn't know if Lady Sargent was their killer, if she had an ally, or what exactly they were after, besides murdering the Crown's spies. As much as he would have liked to discuss this latest develop with Charles further, there were too many eyes and ears at White's today, lords who would like nothing more than to spread rumors or, worse still, make a wager in the betting book about the relationship he had with Charles. That would not do anyone any good at all if there were even a hint that either of them worked for the Home Office.

  LATER THAT DAY, WHILE she waited for tea to be served, Hannah worked on her embroidery. Or at least, she was trying to work on it. She had ripped out her stitches three times and could not seem to concentrate on the fine needlework this afternoon. Her mind was a whirlwind as she relived those searing kisses with the Duke of Wetherby. She had not wanted him to stop, but what did it all mean? Was he just stealing kisses from her or was he developing feelings for her? As irritating as the man could be at times, Hannah couldn't deny that she wanted nothing more than to kiss the handsome duke again. When he was near, she felt alive and the rest of the world faded away. The feelings he invoked in her were beyond anything in her wildest imagination. How could a kiss completely undo her?

  She looked up as Mary came into the parlor. "Hello, Aunt Mary. How was your visit with Lady Hunt?"

  "It was lovely, dear," Mary said, taking a seat on the sofa.

  Isabel followed on Mary's heels and said, "It was wonderful seeing Georgette again. I have missed her dearly and am so glad to be able to visit her often while we are in London."

  "Hannah, how was your outing with Lady Courtney and the Duke of Wetherby?" Mary asked.

  "It was quite nice indeed. Lady Courtney was reluctant to talk when we set out, but she soon warmed up, and we enjoyed the ride immensely. I do like her, Aunt Mary. Perhaps we can invite her and the duchess to tea again?"

  "Of course, dear. It makes me happy to see you get along so well with Lady Courtney. She has not had the joy of a sister, or even a close friend, to converse with at their country estate. It is no wonder the girl is painfully shy."

  "Perhaps her shyness extends from her desire to not make a wrong step, at least in her mother's eyes. Lady Courtney was much more relaxed today without her along."

  "And the duke?" Aunt Mary asked.

  "The Duke of Wetherby was the perfect gentleman. He did not intrude upon our conversation, but kept a safe distance behind us."

  Hannah kept her gaze on her aunt's face. She did not want her to get any inkling of what happened between her and the duke after the ride in Hyde Park. Somehow, she didn't think her aunt would be pleased that the Duke of Wetherby was stealing kisses from her. She was saved from any more scrutiny when the parlor door opened and a maid brought in the tea.

  Colby Tisbury followed her into the room. "Good day, ladies," he said, striding to his wife's side and kissing her cheek.

  "Colby, I'm so very pleased you're joining us for tea," Mary said. "I was not sure if we'd see you before dinner."

  "Well, here I am. I had a curious encounter at White's earlier."

  "Oh?" Isabel asked.

  Colby nodded. "Connor Preston was there. I haven't seen him in London for two years, not since he married Lady Elizabeth Curry."

  "That is surprising," Mary said.

  "I don't know the gentleman. Why is it surprising?" Isabel asked.

  Colby turned to his wife and explained. "I understood he didn't have a feather to fly with, let alone spend time at White's drinking expensive brandy. Two years ago Connor had shown interest in Emily before doing a quick about face and marrying Elizabeth Curry. Rumor had it that he was after the Curry fortune, but the joke was on him. After the wedding, he found out that the Curry fortune was mortgaged to the hilt and there were no funds available to shore up his estate."

  "I'm so glad he broke off his attentions to Emily. Otherwise, I would have never met her and she's so much happier with my brother," Hannah said.

  "Rightly so," Colby said, nodding. "In any case, he's back in London after what I heard mentioned was a profitable trip with Charles Giles to India. Now if he can only keep his wife from spending it all, he might get out from under some of the Curry debt."

  "I wish him luck. Lady Preston used to be one of Mrs. Phillips most frequent customers. I heard tell one year she ordered more gowns than she could possibly wear in a Season," Mary said.

  The rest of the evening was spent discussing the latest gossip and playing a number of card games. Hannah breathed a sigh of relief as she headed upstairs to her bedchamber to retire for the evening. She had successfully avoided any more discussion about the Duke of Wetherby, at least with her aunt. Would Isabel come to her bedchamber this evening? She wanted to tell her cousin what had transpired in the rose garden. In fact, she was bursting with excitement to tell someone about how she had felt in his arms, how she'd lost track of everything except his lips on hers, and how she'd never wanted the kisses to end.

  Hannah's eyelids were drooping and sleep nearly claimed her before she heard the door to her bedchamber open. Isabel slipped inside and closed the door. "Are you awake, Hannah?"

  "Yes, please come in."

  She rushed over to Hannah's bed. "I'm sorry it took me so long to come to you this evening. I wanted to make sure Colby was asleep before I ventured from our bed."

  Hannah grasped Isabel's hand. "I'm so glad you came. I have much to tell you."

  "Am I to understand something other than a pleasant ride in Hyde Park happened earlier?"

  Hannah nodded. "Oh yes, indeed."

  "Tell me."

  By the time Hannah finished telling Isabel of her time in the garden with the duke, all sleepiness had left her. She flushed pink as she relived those magical kisses.

  It was Isabel's turn to smile. "I think the Duke of Wetherby is very much taken with you."

  "Truly? He is so distant when we are in public. Do you think he's toying with me? I think I would just die if that is what he's doing."

  Isabel squeezed Hannah's hand. "No, I don't think he's toying with you at all. He is an honorable gentleman. Give him time to reveal his true intent."

  "He's asked for the supper dance at the Ashford ball. Perhaps he will make his intentions known then."

  "Perhaps," Isabel said, kissing Hannah's forehead. "I must get back. Sleep well."

  Hannah thought over what Isabel had said as she snuggled into the pillows. Was she being too impatient, expecting the duke to declare himself so soon? What if she was wrong and the duke was toying with her, stealing kisses at will but offering nothing more? The last thing she expected when she came to London was to be enamored with a gentleman, never mind a duke. She wondered if he was falling in love with her. Whatever his true feelings, Hannah hoped that she would find out sooner rather than later. When sleep finally overtook her, she dreamed of a handsome duke kissing all sensible thoughts from her mind.



  THE DAY OF THE ASHFORD ball had finally arrived, and Hannah could hardly wait to attend. The Duke of Wethe
rby had asked her for the supper dance and her insides were quivering with delight. What would it be like to be so close to him? To have his full attention for the duration of the dance would be heavenly. She could only hope that he felt something for her, otherwise why would he commit himself to a dance that would mean he was also her dinner partner?

  Muriel was laying out the ice-blue silk dress. "This is so beautiful. Miss Hannah, you will be the belle of the ball."

  "Thank you, Muriel. You are too kind."

  "I speak only the truth. Are you ready for me to do your hair?"

  "Yes. I'm at your disposal."

  An hour later, she made her way down the stairs and into the front parlor, where everyone had gathered.

  Colby had been talking with his father, Albert, but he stopped in mid-sentence as she made her entrance. "Hannah, my dear sweet cousin. I guess you're not that little girl who used to chase after Ethan and I any longer. You look stunning."

  Hannah smiled. "Thank you, Colby."

  "You look beautiful," Isabel said. "I dare say you'll capture every man's heart at the ball tonight."

  A blush stole up Hannah's neck and stained her cheeks rosy. "I don't know about that, but thank you for the compliment."

  "Are we ready to depart, then?" Albert asked.

  "Isabel and I will meet you there. No sense crowding the ladies and wrinkling their dresses," Colby said as he held out his arm to his wife.

  Aunt Mary kissed Hannah's cheek, her eyes misty. "Oh my dear, I cannot believe the years have gone by so quickly. You've grown into such a beautiful young woman."

  Hannah hugged her aunt. "Thank you, Aunt Mary. I'm so grateful you offered to host me this year. I have enjoyed myself so much."

  Muriel walked into the parlor and gave Mary and Hannah their shawls.

  "Your carriage awaits, my lord" Mr. Watson said.

  Mary linked arms with Hannah, and Albert followed them outside and gave them a hand up into the carriage.

  It was a short carriage ride and wasn't long before they pulled up to the Ashford mansion. A footman opened the carriage door, and Albert stepped down, holding out a hand to help Mary and Hannah descend the two steps. Isabel and Colby were just entering the grand foyer as they made their way up the steps.

  After passing through the receiving line, Colby held out his arm for Hannah. "May I have the pleasure of escorting you into the ballroom?"

  Hannah placed her hand on his arm. "Indeed you may."

  Isabel was on his other arm as the trio entered the ballroom, which was already crowded with members of the ton. Hannah had eyes only for one person, and she scanned the room, hoping to see his tall frame, but the Duke of Wetherby was nowhere to be found.

  Colby steered them around the dance floor to a spot by the open balcony doors. It was a warm evening, and the ballroom was becoming stuffy. "May I offer you ladies some punch?"

  "That would be lovely. Thank you, Colby," Isabel said. With Colby gone to the refreshment table, Isabel squeezed Hannah's hand. "Do not let your disappointment show on your face, Cousin. He will be here in due time."

  "What if he changes his mind again? I don't think I could bear it. I think about him all the time and wonder if he thinks of me."

  "Are you falling in love with the duke?"

  Hannah inhaled sharply. Is this what love felt like? A longing so deep that she could hardly take her next breath? She couldn't be sure this was love, but she wanted to find out. "I don't know. How did you know you loved Colby?"

  Isabel smiled. "I just knew. Whenever we were apart, I felt as though a piece of my heart was missing, and when I saw his face again, the world seemed a brighter and more beautiful place for having him in it. He was my everything, and luckily for me, he felt the same way."

  Hannah nodded. "Maybe I am falling in love with him, because I can think of little else. But where is he? Why hasn't he appeared yet? He promised me the supper dance."

  "Have faith, Hannah. If he feels the same way you do, he will attend. In the meantime, try to enjoy yourself."

  Hannah nodded. "You're right. I will try."

  Isabel whispered in her ear. "Seems like you won't have to try too hard. I see the Viscount of Edgerton walking our way."

  "Good evening, Lady Isabel, Miss Richardson," Charles said with a bow.

  Both Isabel and Hannah curtsied.

  "Good evening, my lord; lovely to see you again," Isabel said.

  "My lord," Hannah said.

  Charles turned his attention to Hannah. "May I have the pleasure of this dance, Miss Richardson?"

  "Thank you, my lord. I would be delighted," Hannah said, placing her hand on Charles's arm. She would follow Isabel's advice and try to enjoy herself while she anxiously waited for the Duke of Wetherby to appear.

  She was enjoying the attention of the handsome viscount while they danced, but her eyes continued to scan the room, looking for the one man who made her heart soar. She tried to be discreet about it, but Charles noticed.

  He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "He will be here shortly."

  Startled, Hannah said, "Pardon, my lord?"

  Charles gave her a disarming smile. "I assume you're looking for the Duke of Wetherby."

  Hannah didn't know what to say, but she didn't want to assume that the duke had confided in Charles about their shared kisses. "I was merely admiring the room and all the beautiful dresses I see here this evening."

  "Of course you were," Charles said with a chuckle.

  When the dance ended, he escorted her back to Isabel and Colby. "Thank you, Miss Richardson, for a lovely dance."

  Hannah curtsied. "My pleasure, my lord."

  Colby handed her a glass of punch. "You look a little flushed, Hannah. Here, this should help cool your thirst."

  "Thank you, Colby. You are so sweet to take care of me this evening."

  Colby inclined his head. "It is my pleasure."

  Hannah enjoyed dance after dance with the eligible young men of the ton, but still the one person she wanted to dance with did not arrive. Her hopes dashed once again, she put on a brave face when the quadrille supper dance was called. She tried to keep her face calm but it was becoming more difficult by the minute. Tears pricked at her eyes. She needed some fresh air.

  As she moved toward the balcony doors, a deep voice called to her. "Miss Richardson, I believe this dance has been promised to me."

  Hannah whirled around to see the Duke of Wetherby standing before her. His evening attire was impeccable as always, and he once again commanded the room with his presence.

  She could hardly breathe at the sight of him. He pierced her with his gaze. Hannah curtsied. "Your Grace, I was not sure you would attend this evening."

  Wetherby chuckled. "And miss an opportunity to dance with the prettiest young lady in the room? I think not." He offered his arm. "Shall we?"

  "You are too kind, Your Grace."

  As he led her out to the dance floor, she could feel her heart hammering in her chest. She was going to dance with the Duke of Wetherby. Was she dreaming? Every head had turned and watched them take the floor. She imagined she was the envy of every young woman in attendance, and she couldn't keep the smile from her face.

  The couples lined up, and the music began. The ladies curtsied to their partners; the men bowed. As the head couple, Camden and Hannah began the dance. When their hands touched, Hannah could feel the heat of him through her glove. It sent a delightful shiver down her spine.

  As they met in the middle, he whispered in her ear, "You look stunning this evening. Perhaps I will steal another kiss."

  Before Hannah could respond, they parted once again, but not before she saw a devilish grin on his face.

  Her face flushed.

  Each time they came together, he whispered sweetly to her. She had eyes only for him and was hardly aware
of her feet gliding across the floor.

  MARY STOOD IN AN ALCOVE of the ballroom and watched as Camden led her niece onto the dance floor. There could be no mistaking it now. The Duke of Wetherby was staking his claim on Hannah, and Hannah was reveling in his attention. There was a familiarity to their movements, and she wondered if there had been more clandestine meetings between the two. Every eye in the ballroom was watching them. There was no doubt that there would be many disappointed young ladies and mothers after this dance. The Duke of Wetherby had clearly chosen Hannah, but Mary had grave reservations about Hannah becoming involved with Camden. Even though she loved the duke like a son, did she love and trust him enough to allow him to court her precious niece? She was conflicted.

  She would need to speak with him; she could not let him court Hannah while there was a spy-killer roaming around London. What if Hannah got caught in the killer's web? The very idea was unthinkable, and she knew she'd have to reason with Camden to break it off with Hannah at least for now. Would he listen to her concerns? She had no idea, but she'd have to try and convince him it was the best course of action for now. Her top priority was keeping Hannah safe.

  "It seems the Duke of Wetherby is quite taken with Hannah. They dance like they are the only two people in the room," Charlotte said.

  Mary turned toward her friend and snapped open her fan to cover her mouth. "And I like it not, especially with this nasty business still going on," she whispered.

  Charlotte squeezed her hand. "I agree, but how do you tell a duke he cannot do something he desires? By the look on their faces, he seems quite enamored of her and she of him. You will be hard-pressed to convince Hannah he does not care for her."

  "Oh, Charlotte, I'm so torn. Camden would be a wonderful match for Hannah. He is titled, wealthy, and a fine gentlemen that I've known for years and have grown quite fond of. I couldn't ask for a better husband for her, but how can I allow him to court her when so much danger surrounds him? What if something happened to her? How would I ever be able to forgive myself for not speaking up while I had the chance?"


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