Slaps face (episode n.1)
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certain heat and I almost felt me his/her wife, not his/her daughter. But this I will never tell him/it the psico, otherwise he/she thinks that I have a complex of Oedipus to the last stadium and it holds me in analysis for the whole future. When you/he/she has returned in the kitchen it seemed more calm. We have eaten the spaghetti there. With the I crush. So much I like they and I rub of it of Paul and the tettona, now that have again my dad. This way I have listened to his/her stories, the economic crisis, the firm that you/he/she has closed. The quarrels with the direction. "And' the crisis" it said every three words. "This crisis will kill us all." My father has always been a manager the person responsible of the human resources. You don't ask me what I/you/he/she mean because at all I have ever understood him. It optimizes, it produces, it hires the people, it dismisses her. You/he/she is now been his turn. To be dismissed to be without salary. Possession the shame on the skin. Don't be able of to confess to anybody to feel a failure. Me this thing of the crisis I have felt only always her in television, I thought that it was a thing distant thousand miles from me. What do you want there to do? I have melted. Literally. I/you/they have always been some person in love of him the self-acknowledged one. Does Aho, have there the Oedipus, is it a guilt? And' beautiful my dad, certain it is some dowdy now. I had not seen before never it with the shirt not stretched. But he will take back. You/he/she is also looking for job. It is not easy when you are almost fifty years old, but in short you/he/she can try us. You/he/she must try us. I from my song will help him/it as I am able. I have sworn him that I won't tell anything mother. You/he/she must tell him him him.
"You phone me tomorrow? I have told him accompanying him/it to the door.
"Certain starlet" he has responded, giving me a kiss. If you/he/she has gone with the most astute shoulders of it of when you/he/she had entered. I have taken a seat on the bed and I have thought that life is full of surprises and that if someone loves, if the loves indeed inside, you also have to have trust. You/he/she can abandon indeed at all you one that has changed you the pannolone. So now I cannot wait to return from the psico, considering that I cannot tell a word mother of that that has happened. With someone I must discharge me. With someone I must speak. Beh, however to tell you how much crazy am, as soon as my father has gone out I have started studying. I have of of it performed by to recover and when mother has arrived, with the envelopes of the expense positions of reproaches and bitter words, didn't believe in its eyes in front of the open books. Then I have given her a kiss and I have told her that I am a cogliona. I have apologized even her, word that said by me it seems an earthquake. You has lifted the braccias to the sky, cleared. You/he/she has not acknowledged anything, he/she will never know about my meeting with dad, it is alone convinced that you/he/she has done well to bring me from the psico and, you would not believe it, you/he/she has wanted to see on internet the photo of the moped that he/she will buy me. Blessed naivety! What had I told you? Besides being a wood piece, it is good and cracked. A chocolate, but you don't tell around it, otherwise it removes from me the word.
The author
Carla Cucchiarelli, Roman, is journalist of the regional Newscast of the RAI. You/he/she has published "Because his/her mothers suffer. Histories lived in the universe Salvamamme" written with Vincent Mastronardi and Maria Grazia Sparrows (Armando Armando 2009). In September 2012 its first novel has gone out "I killed Bambi" (Zerounoundici Edizioni), a puzzling thriller on the theme of the juvenile crime.
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