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The Family Next Door

Page 4

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Patrick,” he took it and shook it in a firm handshake.

  “Nice to meet you,” Thomas smiled as he shifted in his seat. “What brings you to Boston?”

  “I live here,” Patrick wrinkled his forehead.

  “Oh I see…you’re a native,” Thomas grinned.

  “And you aren’t?” Patrick scanned the other men in the room and wondered if he was the only one that was local.

  “Nope, came here from The Big Apple. When Mason said he was starting a clinic, I jumped at the chance to get out of New York,” Thomas sighed. “I needed a fresh start.”

  Before Patrick could respond, the door clicked open, and Tinsley stepped in carrying an armful of folders. She waltzed down the end where Mason was standing and took the chair beside him.

  “Ok, we can start now that everyone’s here,” he nodded at Tinsley.

  Tinsley stood, and began passing a folder out to each doctor, “If you’ll look at the first page in you packet, you’ll see I’ve outlined the clinic policies,” Tinsley began.

  Patrick’s brow furrowed as he observed her, and tried to figure out how she fitted into the whole situation.

  “If you have any questions about procedures, or requests of any kind, you need to voice them to me first. I’m your first step in anything related to HR. I also will be helping Dr. Covington in setting up your schedule for the first several weeks. If you need time off, or to leave early, I’m the one to submit your request to. Does anyone have any questions so far?” Tinsley smiled brightly and scanned the room.

  She held her own in a way that baffled Patrick. She had seemed so young and naïve when he met her; yet here she was surrounded by doctors, most of them twice her age, and she was commanding the room like a pro. She continued to go through the packet page by page, and when she got to the end, she took a seat and looked up at Mason.

  “As you can see,” Mason began as he cleared his throat. “My daughter is very good at what she does. This will be our third clinic that we’ve opened here on the east coast. We have two others, one in Vermont and one in New York. Tinsley is quite capable of answering your questions even though she may seem young,” Mason smiled down at his daughter in pride. “So,” he clapped his hands together, “if no one needs anything…I’ll let you get settled in your offices and we’ll open the doors.”

  Mason then turned to Tinsley, and they immersed themselves in deep conversation as Patrick and the other doctors filed out of the room. Patrick shook his head and grinned. Tinsley had sure fooled him. He figured her for a nurse or a college student, not someone he would be answering to.


  When he entered his office, Patrick placed his briefcase on the floor beside his desk. He sat down and powered up his computer as he began organizing his things. Deep in thought, he didn’t hear the soft knock on the frame of his door.

  “Sorry I didn’t tell you whom I was,” Tinsley grinned from the hallway.

  Patrick’s head snapped up when he heard her, and he returned her smile, “That’s alright.”

  Feeling bold, she stepped into his office, “Since it’s apparent that we’re the only ones here that are under the age of forty, do you want to grab lunch with me later?”

  “Uhhh…sure,” Patrick shrugged. “I need to get some things done around here first though. I don’t want the boss to think I’m a slacker,” he teased.

  “I’ll put in a good word,” Tinsley flirted back. “I’m pretty close to management here.”

  Patrick cocked his brow, “I don’t need any special treatment. I can hold my own.”

  “I bet you can,” Tinsley turned to step back out into the hallway. “I’ll stop back around noon. See you then, Dr. McKinley,” she glanced over her shoulder as she made her way back to her office.

  Patrick shook his head. What was wrong with him, and why was this side of him suddenly making an appearance? It seemed he just couldn’t help himself, and Tinsley wasn’t bad to look at either. She was nothing like Katie. Where Katie was tall, willowy, with blue eyes, and blonde hair. Tinsley had a curvy figure, long brown hair, and deep chocolate eyes. Her skin was more of an olive color, and she knew how to wear a business suit. She exuded high society, where Katie had shied away from that part of her childhood.

  He rubbed his temples as he glanced over at his phone. He wanted to call his wife, but he knew she was probably sleeping at the moment, trying to get over her illness.


  “How are you feeling?” Hannah asked as she walked in the front door.

  Katie was curled up on the couch under a blanket, sipping a mug of tea. Hannah had called after Patrick had left for work to let Katie know she’d be over in the late morning.

  “I’ve been better,” Katie sniffled as she wiped at her nose with a tissue. “Please tell me that’s the decongestant that Patrick called in for me.”

  “Yep,” Hannah stepped closer and handed her the small white bag that she was holding. “You know this isn’t going to cure you, right?”

  Katie rolled her eyes at her sister, “No, I didn’t know that. I only went to medical school to learn all about that,” she snapped sarcastically.

  “Sorry,” Hannah put her hands up in front of her. “I meant…there isn’t a cure for the flu.”

  “I know,” Katie began to cough. She reached for the mug again and took a sip, “This will unclog my head, though. Might make it easier to breathe.”

  “Sorry I said anything,” Hannah sighed. “I forgot how charming you are when you’re sick.”

  “No…I’m sorry. It’s been crazy at the hospital. I think I would have been able to fight this if I’d gotten more sleep lately. I’ve been so run down. I didn’t mean to take it out on you. Thanks for bringing this,” Katie held up the small orange bottle as she removed the lid, and popped a pill in her mouth. “You don’t have to stay,” she sipped the tea in order to swallow the pill. “I don’t want you taking this home to Charlie.”

  “I actually can’t stay. I couldn’t get out of work. They’re letting me come in late today. I wanted to bring you that,” Hannah pointed to the bottle that was now on the coffee table. “As for Charlie…we all had the flu two weeks ago.”

  Katie cringed, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s alright. You and Patrick had your own problems. I didn’t want to burden you with ours. Besides, like I said…there’s no cure for the flu.”

  Katie began to shift on the couch as she tried to get comfortable, “Well, I’m going to try and get some rest. Could you lock up on your way out, please?”

  “Sure,” Hannah nodded as she turned back toward the door. “Tell Patrick good luck with the new job. I hope it makes things better for you guys.”

  “I will,” Katie mumbled as her eyes began to drift closed.


  “You ready?” Tinsley stuck her head in Patrick’s door.

  “Sure,” he sighed as he closed his laptop. “Patient just left. I’m good for a little while anyway,” he stood and reached for his coat. “You sure your dad is okay with this? I mean…isn’t there a rule about HR hanging out with the doctors?”

  “We’re just having lunch,” she rolled her eyes. “It’s not like it’s a date or anything,” she smirked as she watched Patrick shift uncomfortably on his feet. “You coming or what?” she stepped out into the hallway and waited.

  “Yeah…ok,” he shrugged and rounded his desk to follow her out of the office, and onto the street.

  “Freeman’s Deli ok?” she pointed down the street as Patrick buttoned his wool coat to stave off the winter chill in the air.

  “Fine by me,” he smiled as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

  The two began to walk down the street as a tension built in the air between them. Tinsley’s heels clicked to the rhythm of their steps. As they approached the deli, she slowed, and Patrick moved a few steps ahead of her. She couldn’t help but stare as he ambled along the sidewalk. His broad shoulders filled the wool
coat he was wearing, and the khaki pants he had on pulled against his muscular thighs with each step he took. As the winter wind blew, his hair ruffled in the breeze. She bit her lower lip, stifling the groan that was fighting to rise in her throat. Patrick McKinley was a married man. He seemed happy for now. It would take some time before she could insert herself into his life. She needed to build a friendship first.

  “You coming?” Patrick glanced over his shoulder and called, bringing her out of her thoughts.

  Tinsley nodded, “Yep,” as she stepped in front of him and through the door. “Nice to know that some men still know how to treat a lady,” she pointed at the open door.

  Patrick nodded at her and grinned, “Oh, I know how to treat the ladies.”

  “You do, huh?” Tinsley offered a coy smile and watched Patrick blush. She was getting to him, she could see it.

  After ordering their sandwiches at the counter, they found a small table in the corner and took a seat. Patrick removed his coat and glanced around. He’d never been to this place before. He and Katie had walked by it, but they always ended up somewhere else. He was glad he was finally able to try it out.

  “So…tell me about yourself,” Tinsley picked up a sugar packet and began fingering it.

  “What do you want to know that’s not already in my file?” he cocked his head to the side.

  Tinsley giggled, “None of the good stuff is in your file.”

  “Well?” Patrick pushed.

  “Where are you from?” she glanced down at the table.

  “Originally Maine, but my dad used to travel a lot for his job. We’ve been here in Boston for the last eleven years.”

  “So that would have made you fourteen?” Tinsley questioned.

  “So you have been reading my file,” Patrick grinned and pointed at her, “You know how old I am…and no, I had just turned fifteen.”

  Patrick smiled as he thought about that first winter in Boston. That was when he met Katie. He’d fallen on the sidewalk while he was helping his dad unpack the moving truck. Katie had been on her front steps shoveling snow, and when he’d seen her he’d lost his balance and slipped on the ice.

  “What’s so funny?” Tinsley nudged his arm.

  “Nothing really. I was just thinking back to when I first moved here. I was mad at my dad for moving us around so much. I was home schooled because of it. He was making me help him unload our truck, and our neighbor, at the time, was staring at me. I slipped and busted my ass on the ice.”

  “Sounds like a nosy neighbor,” Tinsley scrunched up her nose.

  “No, not really. She’s my wife,” he grinned just as his name was called from the counter to pick up their sandwiches.

  Tinsley’s face paled slightly as she watched him stride over to the counter, when he turned to head back toward to their table, she smiled up at him.

  “Here you go,” he handed her the sandwich and sat back down.

  Conversation moved back and forth between the two but was slightly strained. As she listened to him tell stories about Katie, she knew that he was in love with his wife. Patrick wasn’t going to stray from her without a little coaxing. She knew he found her attractive though, that much was obvious by the way he would look at her. It was in his eyes, he was just fighting his feelings.


  “Well, thanks for lunch,” Patrick called after her as he stepped back into his office. “It was nice.”

  “No problem, any time,” Tinsley grinned up at him as she turned to walk away. “Get to work,” she laughed when she rounded the corner.

  Patrick moved around his desk, placed his coat on the rack in the corner, and slipped back into his white lab coat. A list of afternoon appointments sat on his desk, along with several phone messages. As he thumbed through the stack, he noticed that several were from Katie. A sudden wave of guilt flooded him as he thought about his afternoon with Tinsley. He hadn’t done anything wrong. They’d only had lunch, but something didn’t sit right with him. He knew Katie would be upset if she knew he went to lunch with another woman.

  He rubbed his eyes and huffed as he leaned back in his chair, phone in hand to call his wife.

  Chapter 5

  It took about a week for Katie to recover, but she was slowly getting back to her old self. Patrick had been busy at the clinic, but it was a good kind of busy. Things were looking better than ever in both of their work places. A feeling of contentment had settled over the McKinley house, and both Patrick and Katie couldn’t be happier.

  The holidays were fast approaching, and Joey’s birthday was just around the corner. Melanie and Austin had been busy planning his party, as well as, their own holiday party at the house. Katie was looking forward to the festivities. It had been a while since everyone had been together, and she had been dying to talk to her aunt Amy about her pregnancy.

  Amy and Colin had been trying for years to get pregnant. Due to Amy’s age, the doctors had given them only a ten percent chance of conceiving naturally. After weighing the options, they decided that they would try fertility treatments. It only took one round of hormones, and now Amy was expecting. The baby, a girl, was due in the spring, and Katie couldn’t be happier for them.

  Patrick had spent the last several days trying to plan a romantic getaway for Katie. Because of her sickness, they hadn’t even been able to celebrate the new job, or the fact that they were now able to spend more time together. Over the last three days, Patrick had been secretly planning a trip to a secluded cabin in the woods for just the two of them for the weekend. It had been hard to keep it hidden from Katie, and she was beginning to suspect that he was hiding something.


  “So, I’ll see you tonight, and we can start putting up our decorations…ok?” Patrick called as he hastily put on his coat and grabbed his briefcase.

  “Sure,” Katie sighed. He’d seemed to be in a hurry every morning lately, and she wondered what the big rush to leave her was. “I’ll see you tonight. You going to be on time today?”

  Patrick rolled his eyes, “I think I’ve been doing pretty well lately, seeing that the roads are covered in snow right now.”

  “Yes…yes you have,” Katie grinned as walked up to him. She grabbed the lapels of his coat and pulled herself up to place a light kiss on his lips, “I’ll see you tonight, and you can have more of that,” she winked at him, and then turned to head back to the kitchen.

  Patrick groaned as he reached for the door, “You are no fair.”

  Katie giggled as she heard the door click, and she picked up her phone to call her mom.

  “Hello?” Melanie answered.

  “Hey Mom, what time is Joey’s party?” she sipped her coffee and started to daydream.

  “We’re pushing it back a week, not going to do anything until next weekend. You’re dad’s got some big project going on at work, and he needs to go out of town tomorrow,” Melanie sighed.

  “Oh…ok,” Katie wrinkled her brow.

  “Didn’t Patrick tell you?” Melanie questioned. “He called here yesterday and asked the same question.”

  “Um, no…no he didn’t,” Katie grumbled.

  “Well, maybe he just forgot. I’m sure there’s a perfectly good explanation for it.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure there is,” Katie rolled her eyes. Patrick had been acting odd for days, and now this just added to her worry. “Hey Mom, I gotta go. I’ll call you tomorrow, ok?”

  “Sure honey…talk to you soon,” Melanie answered before disconnecting the call.

  As Katie stood in the kitchen staring at her phone, she wondered why Patrick wouldn’t have told her about the party. He’d been all secretive lately. Coming home late, leaving earlier in the morning, snapping his laptop closed whenever she walked into the room, the list went on and on pointing out to her that he was hiding something. She groaned as she picked her cell back up and sent Hannah a text.

  BoSoxBabe: Something’s going on with Patrick. Can you come over this afternoon to talk? />
  BostonCutie: Sure. Be there at 4. That work for you?

  BoSoxBabe: Yep. Off at 2 today. See you then.

  Katie shoved her cell in her scrub pocket, grabbed her purse and coat, and made her way out the door. She was going to get to the bottom of this, and Hannah was going to help her. They had always been partners in crime, and Katie missed it when Hannah was living in NY. Now that she and Matt lived ten minutes away, it was just like old times.

  Yep, this afternoon she and Hannah would find out what her husband was hiding.


  “What’s up?” Patrick squeezed his phone between his shoulder and his ear as he shuffled some papers around on his desk.

  “I’m calling to warn you that she’s on to you,” Hannah sighed into the phone. “She texted me this morning…wants me to come over after work.”

  “And what are you wanting from me exactly?” Patrick replied distractedly.

  “Patrick, you know I stink at lying. She’s gonna know I’m hiding something, too,” Hannah whined. “When are you gonna tell her?”

  “Tonight, you big baby. You only have to keep your mouth shut for a few more hours, ok?” Patrick grumbled as he sighed to himself, “There you are.”

  “Huh?” Hannah questioned.

  “Sorry, I was talking to myself,” he sat down behind his desk and scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’ll be home tonight for dinner. I’m going to tell her then, and we’re going to leave. Just a few more hours…that’s all I’m asking.”

  “Fine,” Hannah huffed, “I’m only giving you until six.”

  “Fair enough. Now I really need to go,” Patrick clicked the phone off, and mumbled to himself about the women in his life, just as Tinsley stopped in his doorway.

  “You ok?” she smirked. “You seem a little tense.”

  “I’m fine,” Patrick rocked back in the leather chair. “Trying to surprise my wife with a weekend away.”

  “Sounds nice,” Tinsley stepped into his office and rounded his desk.

  Patrick glanced up at her, but soon went back to thumbing through the papers on his desk, “She’s nosy…like you said. I’m having a hard time keeping it a secret.”


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