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The Family Next Door

Page 10

by Heather D'Agostino


  As she sat in her car, Katie stared up at the house. She couldn’t help but notice the absence of Patrick’s car. Matt had told her that he’d driven him home, but she still wondered if he was inside. Swallowing and taking a deep breath, she forced herself to get out of the car. She crossed her arms over her chest to ward off the chilly spring breeze as she made her way around to the back of the house.

  When she pushed open the back door, she saw him. He was standing in front of the coffee maker, pouring himself a cup. The slight breeze that wafted into the kitchen when she opened the door, caused him to stiffen. He didn’t turn around at first, but just froze in place waiting to see what she would do.

  Katie closed the door softly behind herself, and stood there admiring her husband. His tall muscular build was accentuated by the gray t-shirt and navy sweat pants he was wearing. Her eyes trailed down his body, stopping at his bare feet. She bit her lip as she stared, unashamed at her ogling. Her emotions were all over the place. Anger for the way he treated her the day before. Hurt for the way he walked out on their argument. Love for the fact that he came back, and finally desire. Having denied herself for so long trying to hide the pregnancy, this was the first time she allowed herself to want to be with him. With everything finally out in the open, she could finally let herself feel again.

  Patrick slowly turned to face her, and watched her school her features to seem impassive. He knew he’d hurt her, and it hurt him to see the sadness in her eyes. He watched a single tear trickle down her cheek and he stepped forward, stopping right in front of her. As she tipped her chin down and let her gaze fall to the floor, he reached out and cupped her cheek. He slowly let the pad of his thumb caress her full lips as he leaned forward and placed a light kiss to her forehead. Keeping his mouth pressed to her, he murmured, “I’m so sorry.”

  Katie nodded slightly as she pulled back and lifted her eyes to meet his, “Me, too.”

  “Can you forgive me?” his eyes looked pleadingly into hers.

  She only nodded as she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his waist. As she tightened her embrace, Patrick sighed in relief and wrapped his arms around her rocking her slowly from side-to-side.

  “I’m so sorry baby,” he continued to whisper as she silently cried into his chest.

  After several minutes of standing together in the kitchen, Patrick reached down to lift her into his arms. When she made to pull away, he only shushed her, and moved to carry her upstairs to their bedroom.

  “I’m taking the day off, and so are you,” he murmured as he placed her on their bed.

  Katie didn’t protest. She was exhausted, and she knew they needed this time together. As Patrick made his way around to his side of the bed, Katie slid herself closer to middle and rolled on to her side. After lying down beside her, he reached around her middle, placing his hand directly over their child.

  Katie sighed contently as she burrowed back against his chest, settling herself in for some much needed sleep. Unlike the night before, both husband and wife would sleep peacefully.

  Chapter 13

  Sometime late morning, Patrick began to stir. He’d been lying half-awake for a while, and his stomach was well aware that he had yet to eat. When he lifted his head to peer over at his wife’s face, he noticed a small smile tugging at her lips. She was still deep in sleep but seemed content. He slowly slid his arm out from under her shoulders as he moved back to slide off the bed.

  Carefully rising from the bed, he stood, just admiring her. She looked like an angel sleeping there curled up around the pillow she was clutching. He smiled as an idea popped into his head. He wanted to make today about her. He tiptoed out of the room as quietly as possible and made his way down to the kitchen.


  The coffee and toast he’d been making that morning, still sat untouched on the counter. Patrick dumped the coffee in the sink, and began to make a fresh pot. He chuckled to himself as he thought about a conversation he and Katie had shared several months ago about coffee.

  “You know you can just reheat that,” Patrick pointed to the coffee pot in his wife’s hands.

  “Ewwww gross,” Katie shook her head. “I drink enough nasty coffee at work. If I’m here, and I have the time to brew a fresh pot, then I’m going to.”

  “But that’s such a waste,” Patrick chuckled.

  “Fine,” Katie rolled her eyes at her husband. “I’ll save the old coffee for you, but I’m making fresh for me.”

  As he poured water into the coffee maker, he laughed softly. She was right; it was gross. It only took him a few days of drinking reheated coffee to confess to her that she was right.

  After the coffee had started brewing, he moved over to the stove and turned on a burner. Over the next twenty minutes, he managed to put together a fairly nice brunch. Omelets, with fresh fruit, and of course the coffee. Patrick smiled down at the spread as he began placing it on a tray. Breakfast in bed, he nodded to himself. This was a good start.


  As he made his way up to their bedroom, he smiled to himself. He’d never been able to do this for his wife in all their time together. Katie was the early riser, and Patrick was usually the one benefiting from that. He only hoped that she was as hungry as him.

  When he approached the bed, he noticed she was still sleeping, so he set the tray on the dresser and went to work waking her.

  “Rise and shine,” he murmured as he leaned over and placed a kiss to her forehead.

  Katie’s eyes slowly fluttered open as she glanced around. Realizing he was hovering over her, they widened, and then settled on his attire. When she noticed that he was still in the t-shirt and sweats, she relaxed. Not as much time had passed as she thought.

  “What time is it?” she darted her eyes around the room searching for a clue.

  “Little after one,” he offered a tentative smile. “Should I have let you sleep? Are you feeling ok? How’s the baby?”

  His wife grinned up at him as she watched the troubled, concerned expression wash over his features.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered. “The baby’s fine, I’m fine, we’re fine,” she reached up and cupped his cheek.

  He only nodded as he turned slightly to look at the tray sitting a few feet away. When he started to rise from the bed, she began to protest, but soon saw his intention.

  “I brought you something to eat,” he murmured as he brought the tray over and sat it between them on the bed. “Hope this is ok. I wasn’t sure what you’d feel like eating.”

  “This is great,” she smiled at him as she watched worry mar his face. She reached out and placed her hand on his arm, “Really…this great. Thank you.”

  Patrick nodded and began to rise, “I’ll be right back.”

  When he stepped out of the door, Katie glanced down at the plate of food and licked her lips. She was starving. She hadn’t eaten anything since lunchtime the day before. She’d been so upset the previous night that she’d skipped dinner, and then this morning she’d opted for a nap with her husband over food.

  After a few minutes, Patrick reappeared in the doorway with a mug in his hand. He watched from a distance as she devoured her meal. It made him feel better to know that she was enjoying something he’d done for her. His guilt from the night before still fresh on his mind was causing a sick feeling in his stomach. As he stepped into the room, he pushed the thoughts of Tinsley and their kiss out of his mind as he sat on the edge of the bed.

  “So…” he fumbled for words. He felt like an awkward teenager around her again. “We have the day to ourselves. What would you like to do?”

  “Um,” Katie glanced up shyly. “I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon. You can come if you want,” she bit her lower lip and waited for a reaction from him. “But, I’d like to get cleaned up. I feel gross,” she grimaced.

  “Ok,” he nodded. “Is this an OB appointment?”

  “Yeah,” she cringed and then began to bac
k pedal, “I understand if you’re not ready. You don’t have to come.”

  Patrick reached out and grabbed her hand as a scowl crept over his features, “Do you really think I feel that way?”

  Katie shrugged, unsure of his thoughts due to the look on his face. “I don’t want to push you.”

  “You’re not,” he sighed and reached to move the tray and the remnants of her food out of the way. “I wanna be there for you and the baby. I love you. You’re not pushing me. I wanna know everything,” he shifted on the bed and pulled her into his chest. “When are you due?”

  A tear made its way down her cheek and dropped onto his chest, “October tenth.” She reached up and wiped at her eyes, “We made this baby at the cabin.”

  A deep sigh whooshed out of Patrick as he felt her relax in his arms. He smiled as he thought about their weekend together. “Wonder which room it was,” he chuckled lightly.

  Katie giggled and sobbed at the same time as she tightened her arms around him, “I don’t know.”

  “Hey, why are you crying?” he reached down and tipped her chin up so he could look in her eyes.

  “They’re happy tears,” she offered a watery smile. “I’m just so happy, and relieved, to be sharing this with you.”

  “Me, too,” he caressed her back slowly as they sat together on the bed before he pulled away slightly and looked down at her belly. “Do you know what it is yet?”

  Katie shook her head, “No, but I can find out today if you want to. That’s what my appointment is for…an ultrasound.”

  Patrick thought for a minute, “Do YOU want to know?”

  Katie bit her lip, “Not really. I kinda like the idea of it being a surprise. There are so few in life, you know?”

  Patrick only nodded as he tentatively reached out and placed his palm right on the small bump. As the silence wore on, Katie felt the flutter again, and a smile slid into place.

  “He likes you,” she glanced up at her husband.

  “What?” Patrick gasped.

  “When you talk…he moves,” she grinned.

  “Can I feel it?” a look of wonderment passed over his features.

  “I don’t think it’s strong enough yet. It’s not a kick or anything. Just a bubble like feeling. Kinda like, when you have a gas bubble in your stomach.”

  Patrick’s face fell slightly as he moved his hand around, “Is he moving now?”

  “When he hears your voice…yeah,” she giggled.

  “Wait a minute…you said HE. I thought you didn’t know?” Patrick wrinkled his forehead.

  “I don’t technically, but a mother knows. It’s going to be a boy,” she smiled. “You’re ok with that, right?”

  “I’m ok with a boy or a girl. As long as it’s healthy…doesn’t matter to me either way,” he shifted on the bed and leaned down by his wife’s stomach. “You hear that little guy?”

  Katie gazed down at her husband and whispered, “I love you so much. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you about this. I really am.”

  “It’s done,” Patrick nodded. “Stop worrying. We’re fine…all of us,” he caressed her belly as he shifted to stand. “Come on. I’m going to run a bath for you. Then we’ll go to your appointment.”

  Katie smiled as she rose to follow her husband into the bathroom.


  After testing the water to make sure it wasn’t too warm, he poured a small amount of lavender bubble bath into the tub, and then moved to rush out of the room. Katie was undressing in the bedroom, and he wanted to bring some of her candles in and light them. Relaxing bubble bath by candlelight was a great way to continue trying to make up for the night before.

  She appeared in the doorway, just as he was lighting the last candle. When he heard her, he glanced over his shoulder and gasped, “You’re so beautiful.”

  His wife looked down, self-consciously covering herself, “No, I’m getting fat, and I’m going to get even fatter.”

  “You’re not fat,” he stood and kissed her forehead. “You’re pregnant.”

  Katie sighed as she glanced around the room, “You did all this for me?”

  “Un huh,” he nodded as he scanned the room double-checking his work. “Get in before it gets cold.”

  She giggled as she stepped over to the edge of the tub, and sank into the warm water. It felt heavenly after her long night of stress, and she couldn’t wait to wash away all signs of it. She leaned back, and slowly slid under the water, completely submerging herself. Her hair floated around her like a sea nymph as she relaxed before reemerging.

  When she pushed herself up to a sitting position, and glanced at the door, she noticed Patrick was heading back out to the bedroom. His shoulders were slumped forward in an almost disappointed fashion.

  “Why don’t you join me?” she called out.

  He paused midstride and turned slightly, “What?”

  “Join me,” she slid forward creating space behind herself.

  Patrick smiled, and stripped out of his clothes faster than she’d ever seen. Once he had positioned himself behind her, she leaned back into his chest and relaxed. Katie sighed when he wrapped his arms around her middle, and leaned forward to kiss her neck.

  “I didn’t want to assume,” he began, but she shook her head silencing him.

  “I don’t want hide from you anymore. I wanna be us again,” she murmured as she began trailing her hands up his thighs. His body immediately reacted.

  He tightened his arms around her middle as she leaned her head back against his shoulder. The more she caressed his legs, the more his erection pressed against her backside. She wanted to be with him so bad, but wasn’t sure how to express herself. Patrick seemed more concerned with her than himself and his own needs.

  Finally, not being able to take it anymore, she shifted in the tub, turning herself to face him. She lifted herself up on her knees, and straddled him as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Patrick,” she whispered “make love to me.”

  He pulled back and scanned her face, warring with himself. Should he do this? His body sure thought so. He was harder than he’d been in a long time. His heart was telling him that he needed to give in, and show her how much he loved her, but his brain…his brain was telling him no. He needed to wait, and continue to grovel. He needed to make up for the night before.

  She continue to ply light kisses to his face, making her way down his neck, and across his chest. She slid herself down so her center was settled right over him, twitching in protest to his holding out. The further he let her take things, the more his brain was telling him to put a stop to it. What if he hurt the baby? He was a doctor, but he didn’t know the specifics on this type of thing. He would never forgive himself if he let anything happen to his wife or his child.

  “Baby,” he pushed lightly on her shoulders causing her to look up at him. The look on her face nearly broke his heart. She wanted him so bad, and it was so obvious. “I don’t want to hurt it. Maybe we shouldn’t.”

  Katie’s brow furrowed before understanding dawned on her, “Hurt it? You won’t.”

  When she started to press down on him, he stilled her, “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah,” she nodded as she leaned forward and placed a deep kiss to his lips. She slid herself against him once more, and this time he didn’t protest. When she sank down on him, both groaned in unison before a gentle rocking ensued, causing the water in the tub to slosh over the sides. Both lovers were so entwined in each other that they didn’t care or notice the mess they were making. They were just happy to have found one another again.

  Chapter 14

  As they drove through the streets of Boston heading for Katie’s doctor’s office, Patrick was a nervous wreck. His wife was happily gazing out the window at the beautiful trees and flowers that were now in bloom, but Patrick was wound too tight to notice. He had an iron grip on the steering wheel, and his jaw ticked as he ground his teeth together.

  “Relax,” Katie soothed a
s she reached across the car and placed her hand on his knee. “It’s just a check-up.”

  “I know,” he puffed out, “but I haven’t been to any of the others. What are they going to think of me?”

  Understanding began to dawn on his wife. “I told them you were a doctor the first time I came. I said you had to work a lot, and that’s why you didn’t come. They don’t know that you didn’t know about this. Besides…who cares what anyone else thinks?”

  Patrick glanced to the side quickly before returning his eyes to the road, “How did I find someone like you?”

  Katie giggled, “Just lucky I guess.”


  After climbing the steps, and making their way into the doctor’s office, Katie ushered her husband over to a small group of chairs. She placed her jacket on one of them, and then stepped up to the window to check in. As Patrick tried to make himself comfortable, his wife filled out the paperwork for her visit. When she finished, she relaxed into the chair beside him.

  Patrick sat up a little straighter as he began scanning the room. It was a very homey office, much more so than he expected. A gas fireplace was on one wall with a TV mounted over it. The news channel was playing on repeat, giving the day’s weather report at the moment. A small toy area was in the far corner, he assumed for mothers who had to bring their children with them. Plush chairs were placed in different arrangements all around the room, and piles and piles of magazines graced every table.

  Three other woman in different stages of pregnancy sat together on the wall opposite Katie and Patrick. The one in the middle of the group, a dark haired woman, leaned over and whispered something into the blonde’s ear. The blonde glanced over at Patrick, trying to be discrete, and nodded. Katie smiled as she watched them, taking pride that other women envied what she had. Patrick was nose deep in a magazine and failed to notice the exchange.

  Katie leaned close to his ear and muttered, “You have an audience,” as she nodded her head in the direction of the women.


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