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Bank On Love

Page 14

by Iris Bolling

  Myles nodded. “I certainly will. As you can see there are a number of issues happening at Dunning. I want to give you the opportunity to reevaluate your options.”

  Spencer smiled at him. “You have your father’s integrity. I admire that, Myles. Time isn’t needed. We are ready to move forward with the presentation. Get your proposal ready. We will be delighted to hear it.” Spencer began eating again then glanced up. “There is something else.”

  “Yes. One that is a bit more delicate than the first.”

  Spencer nodded as he swallowed. “Hmm….that must mean Savannah.”

  Myles smiled. “I’m afraid so, sir.”

  “She has been raging about some woman at your office and the way you disrespect Elaine after she saved all those employees’ lives at great risk to herself. She went on and on.” Spencer laughed. “When she gets that way I tune her out.”

  “I did not realize Savannah knew Elaine other than in passing. Elaine is a bit older.”

  “Oh no. They are sorority sisters. I believe Elaine is one of her big sisters. She was the head of her chapter when Savannah pledged.”

  Myles listened without reacting to the news. In all the time he and Savannah had dated, she’d never mentioned Elaine or that they knew each other. He was aware that Savannah had another friend who worked at headquarters, but she never once mentioned Elaine. Come to think of it, neither had Elaine. He pushed the thought aside.

  “She suggested I pull BIT off the table because of your mistreating her.”

  The statement brought Myles’ mind back to what the man was saying. “I have never mistreated Savannah.”

  Spencer smiled. “This is one of those times when you need your father to explain a woman’s mind. You see, son, when you move on from a woman, anything and everything you do from that moment on is mistreatment to them. There is no ire like a woman scorned.” He laughed.

  “I didn’t scorn her, Mr. Whitfield. We just did not fit together.”

  “That was my fault, Myles.” Spencer stopped eating then wiped his mouth. “I wanted Savannah to settle down and marry a good man. Someone who I knew would treat her well and not allow her to walk all over them. When I mentioned it to Hep, he was not against it, however, he said he wanted his children to find their own happiness. He refused to be a part of my scheme to get you and my daughter together. He was sympathetic enough not to speak against it. His words were simple. ‘Myles will make any woman a good husband. If Savannah is the fortunate one, so be it.’ Then he sat back and watched.” He shook his head. “Your father always told me you had a thing for your assistant. But I foolishly thought Savannah could break through that. I guess Hep was right.”

  Surprised by the statement, Myles stared at Mr. Whitfield. “My father said I had feelings for Chrystina?”

  “He did.” Spencer nodded. “Long before you and Savannah began dating.”

  Myles smiled. “He could always see through us.” He shook his head. “It wasn’t until after my father’s death that I realized just how much I love Chrystina.”

  “The man is usually the last to know these things, Myles,” Spencer laughed. “Now, how can I help you with Savannah?”

  Myles laughed then became serious when he leaned forward. “She believes she can have the BIT account pulled from us. While I do not believe that is the case, my team is not as certain.”

  Spencer held up his hand. “Say no more. I will handle Savannah. I do not make business decisions based on my daughter’s whims. I love her, I do; however, I would never make a living if I pulled deals every time she was upset.”

  “Which seems to be most of the time,” Myles sighed. “Just so I can understand. Why is she so angry with me? I know I was not the only man in her life who moved on. But it does seem I am the one she is stuck on hounding.”

  Spencer shrugged. “I can’t say, son. But I believe you are the one that got to her. You got under her skin and she is having a difficult time accepting that you have moved on to ‘that Chrystina person’ as she calls her.”

  “Chrystina is a beautiful intellectual who…” He hesitated then continued. “Simply rocks my damn world.”

  Spencer laughed out loud. “Spoken like a man in love.”


  “You have a visitor,” Sydney said before Jonathan had taken two steps into the reception area. “And Mr. Dewberry has been on the line every half hour requesting to speak with you.”

  “Has he now?” Jonathan smiled brightly at her. “Do you know your hair is unseasonably red today? It must be the sunshine.” He walked by ignoring her confused look, into his office.

  “Well, bloody hell, bloke, it took you long enough to figure it out.”

  Jack O’Donnell charged towards Jonathan. “What did you do to my account?”

  “Account?” Jonathan feigned innocence. “What account would that be?”

  “Mr. Michael, Richard Dewberry is on line one,” Sydney said from the doorway.

  “You better take that call,” Jack angrily declared.

  “Advise Mr. Dewberry I will have to return his call at a later time. I seem to have one of his unsatisfied customers in my office.”

  “Take that call, Michael, or I will beat your arse to bloody hell.”

  “Now, is that any way to speak to a person you need assistance from?” Jonathan sat behind his desk. “So, Dewberry hasn’t been successful in getting your funds released? Hell, his pockets are deep. Have him front you a bill or two.”

  “You blocked my accounts. All of them. My wife could not make the market. My daughter is away in school. All of her purchases were rejected. You fix this!” Jack hovered over Jonathan.

  “Security is on their way, Mr. Michael,” Sydney called out.

  “It is not necessary, Sydney. Mr. O’Donnell will be leaving soon. In fact, I think he should open an account here at Dunning once his financial situation is a bit more stable. These types of things do not happen here.”

  Jack balled up his fist. “Michael, I am warning you. Clear my wife’s account or you won’t like what I do next.”

  “While I am gutted…simply gutted about your situation.” Jonathan smirked. “I am at a loss as to how I can help you.” Jonathan stood to confront the man who was leaning over him. His sunny disposition changed in a millisecond. “I distinctly recall advising you what would happen if you fucked with me or mine.” He sneered at Jack, taking the man by surprise. “What happened yesterday is merely an example of what I can do.” He advanced on Jack. “I am not a physical fighter, Jack. I’m a nerd with a dangerous mind.” Jack took a step back. “If you do not want your wife and daughter to be in the poor house, I suggest you think twice when Dewberry dictates his orders where I am concerned.”

  “Is there a problem here, sir?”

  Jonathan glanced away from Jack to the two officers standing in the doorway.

  “No. We are hunky-dory, are we not, Jack?” He smiled at the man as if they were old friends.

  The officers nodded, then slowly stepped away. Sydney remained standing in the doorway.

  “Close the door, Sydney. Jack and I are going to have a little chat.”


  “Well, well, don’t you look like a ray of sunshine this morning.”

  Grace smiled as she entered her office. “Good morning, Warren. Isn’t it a lovely day?” She took the messages he held out to her as she continued into her office.

  “I would ask if you got laid last night, but I can see there’s more.” Warren smiled. “Could it be that your feelings for one Jonathan Michael are deeper than you anticipated?”

  Grace stopped as she rounded her desk to take a seat, to stare at the man. She thought about his summation and nodded. “Yes. You can safely conclude that.”

  “You are serious.” Warren smiled before sitting in his chair in front of her desk. “You are glowing.”

  “I don’t know about that but damn if I don’t feel good.” Grace smiled as she put her purse away. “What do we have toda

  “We aren’t going to talk about this?”

  Grace thought for a moment, then shook her head as she smiled. “No. I’m keeping this one all to myself.”

  “Shit must be serious.”

  “It is.”

  Warren smiled. “Damn, Grace, I am happy for you. If this man is the real deal, you grab his ass and don’t let him go.”

  “Thank you, Warren.” She took a deep breath. “So…what do we have today?”

  “Two things. You asked me to scope out Elaine’s contact at BIT.” He turned her tablet so she could see. “One Savannah Whitfield.”

  “Myles’ whacky ex-girlfriend?”

  “The one and only,” Warren replied. “That report she presented at the meeting is a trap. The dates and numbers are fake. If it shows up in any of the presentations, the people at BIT will end the deal.”

  Grace sat forward. “I would ask how you got that bit of information, but I’m afraid you will tell me you are sleeping with some woman from the BIT team.”

  “Ask me no questions,” Warren replied with a grin.

  Grace shook her head. “Is there no shame?”

  “None whatsoever.”

  “So.” Grace frowned. “Why would Elaine give us a document that would derail the deal? I mean this deal with BIT will make us, but if it doesn’t happen it will not impact our bottom line. So what is she up to?”

  “I don’t think it has to do with the bottom line. I think it’s more about the competency of the leadership.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “From the information I am currently monitoring, Elaine has been meeting with non-family members of the board. The details of the discussions have been hush-hush, however, two board members, Lynn Sterling and Preston Long have confided in their aides about the conversations.”

  “Really?” Grace raised an eyebrow. “To what end? To replace Myles? I hardly think that is feasible.”

  “What if it is not to replace him, but to stack the cards against his proposals?”

  “There are five family members. I doubt if any of us would vote on much against Myles.” She shrugged. “And what proposal? We do not have anything major coming up to vote on except the BIT account.”

  “You do have Jonathan, Cainan, Lynn and Preston, if they join with Elaine you have a tie vote.”

  “Yes, but Jonathan would never vote against the family and I don’t think Cainan will either. So what is the end game?”

  “That is the unknown.” Warren exhaled.

  “All right. Keep your eyes and ears open on that situation. I don’t want anything sneaking up on us.”

  “Will do,” Warren said as he stood. “Agent Roark called. He stated he would be at your mother’s house around noon. He wanted to know if you were free for lunch.”

  “No.” Her voice came out more sharply than she intended.

  “Are we miffed with the good agent?”

  Grace sighed. If what Jonathan said was true, Roark had been lying to her for all these years. She didn’t want to believe Roark would stoop that low, but Jonathan would have no reason to lie at this point. Maybe he wanted to make himself look better in her eyes? She frowned at the thought. No. The man made sweet, tender love to her that made tears come to her eyes. He didn’t have anything to prove.

  “Your mind is working, but no words are coming out of your mouth.”

  Grace stared up at Warren. “Tell him I will meet him at my mom’s house.”

  “O—kay,” Warren replied then walked out.

  The least she could do was give Roark a chance to explain. Grace picked up the phone and called her mother’s house.

  “Daisy, hi, it’s Grace. How is Mother doing this morning?”

  “Other than pissed, she seems fine.”

  “Pissed about last night?”

  “No,” Daisy replied. “Someone from that facility your Uncle Walker is in called. Said he wanted to see her. It was important to his rehabilitation.”

  “And she went?”

  “Yes, she did,” Daisy sighed. “Said she owed it to Hep to look out for his brother.”

  “Did Aunt Viv go with her?”

  “I don’t think so. They asked just for her I guess.”

  “Oh. I guess she will be okay. Daisy, if Mother isn’t at the house, why is Roark coming there?”

  “Agent Roark?” Daisy asked trying to come up with an answer.

  “Yes, Daisy, Roark? Is he coming to meet with Jerome about the investigation?”

  “Probably.” She nodded knowing it was a lie.

  “What time will he arrive?”

  “Around noon, I believe.”

  “All right, I’ll be there around one. Ask him to wait for me.”

  “I certainly will.” Daisy smiled then hung up the phone. “Whew.” She hated lying to the children, but she was leaving it up to Agent Roark to determine who if anyone needed to know what was in that report.


  There was a tap at the door. “Mr. Dunning, you have a visitor waiting for you downstairs.” The young woman walked further into the room. “I will be happy to remove the breakfast tray before bringing the visitor in.”

  “Thank you very much.” Walker stood to his full 6’1” height as he adjusted his shirt. “Please show my visitor in.”

  “I will be happy to.” The young woman took the tray from the room leaving Walker alone to take one more moment to prepare for this meeting. His plan to take over the family business was about to take shape. Family Integrity First and Foremost, was the motto the Dunnings lived by. Well, who was he to buck tradition. First up, the sweetheart of the family.

  “Good morning, Walker.” The pristinely dressed Winnieford Dunning stepped into the room. “You look well.”

  To Walker this woman was the beginning of all the turmoil that had taken place in his life. It was when his little brother brought his new wife into their lives that his father’s impression of him began to change. He would never forget the first time his father spoke to him about Hepburn’s position with the bank changing.

  ‘Your brother has settled down. He’s becoming a good strong family man with this first son. I see young Myles in a leadership position one day.’ ‘The boy is barely two years old what could you possibly be seeing in him to believe that?’ Walker remembered asking. ‘It is in his genes’ his father had said. ‘Hepburn married a woman who is just as intelligent and ambitious as he is. They will do well as a family unit. You should take stock of your life. If you are not careful, Hepburn will be ready to fill my shoes before you are.’

  “You are as beautiful as always, Winnieford.” Walker took her hand and gently kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you for coming,” he sincerely said. “Please have a seat.” Walker waited until Winnieford sat then gracefully crossed her legs. Those legs were where the trouble all began for him. He had been determined to prove to everyone that he was a better man than Hepburn. He foolishly began his mission by trying to get between those legs. The fact that she was his brother’s wife meant nothing to him. In fact, that was the point. If he was to humiliate Hepburn why not start with the one thing that he held most dear in life - his beloved Winnieford.

  “I know you did not have to come,” Walker began as he sat in the recliner chair across from Winnieford, who sat on the sofa. “One of the things that I have to do to get better before I leave this place is to make amends for past actions. I have done some things in my life.” He paused, thought for a moment, then continued. “Many things in my life that I am not proud of. The way I treated you from the moment Hepburn brought you into our family was disrespectful and undeserved. I do not expect it, but in this stage of my recovery I need to at least ask that you find it in your heart to forgive me.”

  He could feel her eyes running over him to measure his level of sincerity. So he continued. “I wish I could stop there, however, as difficult as the memories are to handle, I must go deeper.” He closed his eyes and lowered his head. “At a low point in
my life, during the time that I was filled with hate and revenge I tried to force myself on you.” He raised his head and looked straight into her eyes. “To this day I thank God that Grace Heather appeared when she did. I would like to think that I would have come to my senses before I went too far. But I have to be honest, Winnieford, I don’t know that I would have. My hatred of Hepburn was deep and all consuming. I now realize it was the one thing controlling my life during that time. Everything I did was to make Hepburn pay for something he had no real control over. I still have a long way to go, Winnieford, but I need you to know, that energy I used to drive that hatred that was eating me alive, is now taking a different path.” He sat back. “We as Dunnings have a rich history of helping others. I want to be a contributing member of that legacy. I can’t say at this moment how, but as I get better and my mind continues to clear, it will come to me. Until then, I need to reach out to everyone my actions have harmed, to make my amends to them.”

  He watched as Winnieford continued to stare at him. He could tell she was wavering a little. And that was all he needed. A small opening to carry out the next step.

  After a long silent moment Winnieford stood. “Walker, you have done things to harm not only me, but my children as well. You will have to face each of them with your request for forgiveness before I could ever consider forgiving you myself.”

  Walker stood. “I know, Winnieford, and I understand. It will take a while for me to get to a point where I can be productive in my life. I have a lot of crap to dig through.” He smirked. “But I’m willing to do it, one child at a time.”

  “Very well.” Winnieford picked up her purse. “I suggest you start with AnnieMarie. She loves you and will be the easiest for you to begin with. Gary should be next, then Michael and Myles. I strongly suggest you really have yourself together before talking to Grace.”

  “Hmm….” Walker nodded his head. “You are right on that one. She is as strong willed as her mother.” He exhaled. “But I know how that day affected her. I will have to gather a lot of nerves before talking to her.”


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